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Writing a Critique

According to BBC,

1. A Critique is…

 A complete type of text (or genre) discussing one particular article or book in detail.

 Scrutinizing an article or book.

 Focusing on the strength and weaknesses of a book or a particular article.

2. A Critique must have…

 An evidence to support ideas.

 A conclusion, saying whether something will be useful for, or interesting to, its audience and


 Give a personal opinion with confidence and authority.

3. To write a good Critique you can…

 Analyze an already existing review and use it as a ‘style model’ or example for your own writing.

 Create a draft and analyze, revise and remove the things that are unneeded.

 Only write a review about a topic you have come to know well and have developed a firm opinion

about it.

4. Why do we write critiques?

As said in Writing a critique on a work helps us to develop:

 Knowledge of the work’s subject area or related works.

 An understanding of the work’s purpose, intended audience, development of argument, structure of

evidence or creative style.

 A recognition of the strengths and weaknesses of the work

5. Structure of a Critique

 Introduction

 Summary

 Critical Evaluation

 Conclusion

 Reference list
Writing a review and comment

Review and commentary writing tends to be piece of writing in which you offer your personal


1. A review is…

 Focus on strengths and weaknesses Scrutinizing an article or book.

 Focusing on uses evidence to support ides

2. You can ask question in regards to the language in order to learn the writer’s style such as:

 Does the writer use formal language?

 Does the writer express the message directly?

4. Structure of a Critique

 Introduction

 Body Paragraph

 Conclusion

BBC, 2019

Retrieved From:



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