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2 Grammar Review

Work in two teams.

Students in Team A: Find the person in Team B with the matching ending of your sentence.
Students in Team B: Find the person in Team A with the matching beginning of your sentence.
Team A

My sister is furious because I forgot

I would rather stay at home

I think you should apologise for

Why do you never offer

The teacher threatened

The faster you drive,

She is much better at maths

My phone is nowhere near

The news today is even worse

Our house is not quite

Team B

to buy her a birthday present.

than go out tonight.

breaking my favourite cup.

to help me with my homework?

to call my parents about my rudeness in class.

the more scared I feel.

than she was last year.

as expensive as my friend’s.

than it was yesterday.

as close to the station as yours.

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press

2 Grammar Review
Aims: To review and practise grammar from the unit. This
can be completed when students have finished the unit.
Time: 15–20 minutes
Materials: 1 set of Team A cards cut up for one team of
ten students. 1 set of Team B cards cut up for one team
of ten students. For additional students, divide into A/B
teams and make sure they have corresponding cards.
• Divide students into A/B teams. Give each student
in Team A one card from the Team A set. Give each
student in Team B one card from the Team B set.
• Students read the sentence half on their card and
then try to find the person on the other team with the
matching sentence half.
• Tell students to read their sentence halves very
carefully as many of them are very similar, but there is
only one true match for each sentence.
• Set a time limit of ten minutes for students to go
around the classroom and find their partner with the
matching sentence half. Once students think they have
found their partner, tell them to sit down together.
When two thirds of the class is sitting down, get pairs
of students to read out their sentences and ask the rest
of the class to listen and check if they have correctly
identified the matching sentences.
My sister is furious because I forgot to buy her a
birthday present.
I would rather stay at home than go out tonight.
I think you should apologise for breaking my
favourite cup.
Why do you never offer to help me with my homework?
The teacher threatened to call my parents about my
rudeness in class.
The faster you drive the more scared I feel.
She is much better at maths than she was last year.
My phone is nowhere near as expensive as my friend’s.
The news today is even worse than it was yesterday.
Our house is not quite as close to the station as yours.

Solutions Third Edition Upper-Intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press

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