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Change the following sentences from Direct to Indirect speech and vice versa:

1. Nicholas said to Michelle, “Is your family from Alaska?”

2. The leader of the tribe said that it was a very auspicious day to perform the hunting rituals.
3. Akbar said to Birbal, “ I wish to know the names of all the flowers in my royal gardens tomorrow morning.”
4. Shirley requested her mother to buy her a new dress for her birthday.

Change the following sentences from Active to Passive and vice versa:
1. Bhaskar drove the bike from Mumbai to Ladakh.
2. Four rainbow salmons were caught by the Nebraska Fishing Club in the competition.
3. The eagle picked up the young chick from the farmyard.
4. The grass in the meadows was chewed by the herd of cows.

Add a question tag:

1. The world is a beautiful place.
2. Richard drives a red lamborghini.
3. Mr. Chang was not appointed as the chairman.
4. Veronica has not reported to work.

Change the sentences from interrogative to assertive and vice versa:

1. Happiness cannot be purchased.
2. Is it right to argue with your elders?
3. Appearances can be deceptive.
4. Can wealth replace wisdom?

Change the sentences from exclamatory to assertive and vice versa:

1. It is indeed a peaceful experience visiting the monastery at Dharamshala.
2. How magnificently the peacocks dance in the monsoons!
3. The roller coaster ride in the amusement park was very thrilling.
4. What a scary movie series the Annabelle movies are!

Change the sentences by removing 'too' and replacing it with 'so... that' and vice versa:
1. The trek up the mountain was too arduous to complete in four hours.
2. The supermarket was so crowded that I could not purchase all the groceries.
3. The fawn was too agile for the panther to capture it.
4. Jackson was so tired after mowing the lawn that he could not paint the fence.

Change the degree of comparison according to the instruction in the brackets:

1. The bamboo is the tallest shrub of the plant kingdom. (Use: tall)
2. Very few gems are as bright as the sapphire.(Begin with: The sapphire is…)
3. A cardiac arrest is not as contagious as the common cold. (A common cold…)
4. No other continent of the world is as desolate as Antarctica.( Use: most desolate)
Do as Directed
1. The host said to the people, “You have been a fabulous audience !” (Begin with: The host said to the
people that…..)
2. Snow white will eat the poisoned apple. (Begin with: The poisoned …..)
3. The climate is so pleasant that one cannot avoid relaxing. (Use:too)
4. The lotus is not more beautiful than the rose.(Use: ….as….as...)
5. The hunter told the lady that the jungle was not a safe place for her.(Begin with: The hunter said…)
6. The pool is deep and clean.(Add a question tag)
7. The ice cream is too cold for me to have another spoonful.(Use: so…..that)
8. A black Mamba is one of the most poisonous vipers of the African deserts. ( Begin with:Very few……)
9. What a fantastic world cup final was played between England and New Zealand! (Change into an
assertive sentence)
10. The bravery award was received by the widow of the martyred soldier. (Begin with: The widow…..)
11. Ashoka was as great as Akbar. (Use: 'greater')
12. The view from the Burj Khalifa is indeed spectacular to see. (Change into an exclamatory sentence)
13. French perfume is more expensive than any other perfume. (Use:most )
14. The world cannot go on without hope. (Change into an interrogative sentence)
15. Antarctica is the coldest place on the earth.(Begin with:No other….)
16. Bullying must be discouraged among teenagers. (Use: 'not')

1. The host told the people that they had indeed been a fabulous audience.
2. The poisoned apple will be eaten by Snow White.
3. The climate is too please to not relax.
4. The rose is as beautiful as the lotus.
5. The hunter said to the lady, "The jungle is not a safe place for you."
6. The pool is deep and clean, isn't it?
7. The ice cream is so cold that I cannot have another spoonful.
8. Very few vipers of the world are as poisonous as the black Mamba.
9. A fantastic world cup final was indeed played between England and New Zealand.
10. The widow of the martyred soldier received the bravery award.
11. Akbar was not greater than Ashoka.
12. What a spectacular view it is to see from the Burj Khalifa!
13. Chardonnay pinot noir is the most expensive wine.
14. Can the world go on without hope?
15. No other place on the earth is as cold as Antarctica.
16. Bullying must not be encouraged among teenagers.

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