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1. What is the value of 12⅙ - 3 ⅜ - 5 ⅔ + 20 ¾?!

a. 21 1/8!
b. 22
c. 23 7/8
d. 21
Solution :
12⅙ - 3 ⅜ - 5 ⅔ + 20 ¾.
12 4/24 +20 18/24 = 32 22/24
-3 9/24 - 5 16/24= -8 25/24
32 22/24 borrow = 31 22/24 + 24/24 = 31 46/24
31 46/24 - 8 25/24
= 23 21/24 reduce into lowest term
= 23 7/8 therefore the answer is C
2. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 20°. What is the measure of one of the base angles?
a. 150°
b. 60°
c. 75°
d. 80°
Remember that the total interior angle of a triangle is equal to 180°. 180 ° - 20° = 160° ÷ 2(angle) =
80° Therefore the answer is D
3. Ana and Beth do a job together in three hours. Working alone, Ana does the job in 5 hours. How
long will it take Beth to do the job alone?
a. 3 and 1/3 hours
b. 2 and 1/3 hours
c. 3 hours
d. 7 and 1/2 hours
TW = Product / Sum
IW = Product / Difference
IW = 5(3)/5-3
= 15/2
= 7 1/2
therefore the answer is D.
4. How much greater is the sum of the first 50 counting numbers greater than the sum of the first 100
counting numbers?
a. 110
b. 3,775
c. 3,155
d. 1200
The sum of the first 50 counting numbers is 1275.
The sum of the first 100 counting numbers is 5050
then subtract 5050-1275 = 3775.
therefore the answer is B
5. Which of the following has the largest value?
a. 85
b. 39
c. 65
d. 94
the answer is D
6. A water tank contains 18 liters when it is 20% full. How many liters does it contain when 50% full?
a. 60
b. 30
c. 58
d. 45
18/20=x/50 (cross multiply)
x=45 Therefore the answer is D
7. The edges of a rectangular solid have these measures: 1.5 feet by 1½ feet by 3 inches. What is
its volume in cubic inches?
a. 324
b. 225
c. 972
d. 27
Solution :
Convert feet into inches, since the problem is to find the cubic inches.
1.5 feet x 12 inches = 18 inches
1 ½ or 1.5 x 12 inches = 18 inches then Multiply 18×18× 3 = 972 therefore the answer is C
8. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 5 is to 7. If there are 180 boys and girls in the
school, how many boys are there?
a. 105
b. 90
c. 45
d. 75
since the ratio of boys is 5
and the ratio of girls is 7 ,
add 5+7=12 then 180÷ 12 = 15
multiply 15 to 5 = 75 therefore the answer is D.
9. Ruben’s grades in 6 subjects are 88, 90, 97, 90, 91 and 86? What is the least grade that he
should aim for in the 7th subject if he has to have an average of 88?
a. 92
b. 74
c. 88
d. 85
Solution :
Let x be the 7th Grade
(88+90+97+90+91+86+x)/7 = 88
(542+x)/7 = 88 use cross multiplication process
7(88) = 542 + x
616 - 542 = x
x = 74 therefore the answer is B.
10. On a certain day, three computer technicians took turns in manning a 24-hour internet shop. The
number of hours Cesar, Bert, and Danny were on duty was in the ratio 3:4:5, respectively. The shop
owner pays them P50 per hour. How much would Danny receive for that day?
a. P 230
b. P500
c. P160
d. P480
Solution :
Add the ratio 3+4+5 =12
divide 24hrs by 12 = 2
multiply 2 and 5 = 10, since 5 is for Danny . then multiply 10 and 50 = 500 . therefore the answer is

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