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5 4 3 2
Content of All information were Most information were Some information was Information was
Reflection written correctly and written correctly and accurate but most is not accurate.
appropriately. appropriately. not.

Timeliness The journal was submitted The journal was The journal was The journal was
on time. submitted a day after the submitted 2 days after submitted one
deadline the deadline week or more
after the deadline
Neatness Handwriting is neat and no Handwriting is usually Handwriting is not Handwriting is
erasure. neat and have few very neat and have poor and
erasures. some erasures. have a lot of
Completeness All dates of write-ups are All dates of write-ups There are few missing There are many
complete. are complete. dates of write-ups missing dates of
All needed information are Most of the needed Only some needed write-ups.
complete. information are information are Information are
complete. complete. not complete.
Organization Journal is organized and Journal is slightly Journal is not easy to Journal is not
Easy to understand organized and easy to understand organized and
understand hard to follow
and understand

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