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The Imperative Mood

Form of the Imperative

affirmative sentences negative sentences

Come here. Don't come now.

Clean the toilet. Don't clean the bed room.
Help your mother. Don't play on the computer.

The imperative with let's:

affirmative sentences negative sentences

Let's ask the teacher. Let's not ask the teacher.

When we use the Imperative

We can use the imperative to give a direct order.

1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.

2. Stand up straight.

3. Give me the details.

We can use the imperative to give instructions.

1. Open your book.

2. Take two tablets every evening.

3. Take a left and then a right.

We can use the imperative to make an invitation.

1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.

2. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly.

3. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.

We can use the imperative on signs and notices.

1. Push.
2. Do not use.

3. Insert one dollar.

We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.

1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.

2. Have a quiet word with her about it.

3. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and

Exercise 1

Q. Complete the sentence

1)---------- upstairs. (to go)

2)---------- in this river. (not/to swim)
3) ----------- your homework. (to do)
4) ----------- football in the garden. (not/to play)

5)----------- during the lesson. (not/to talk)

6)----------- animals in the zoo. (not/to feed)
7)----------- the instructions. (to read)
8) ------------- late for school. (not/to be)
9) -------------your mobiles. (to switch off)

Exercise 2

Match the items in the right and left columns

Stand behind the turn left

Tell me all down

Shut me next week

Come the sofa

Take your feet off page 62

Turn to line please

Take one pill in

Go to the traffic lights and about it

Come and see three times a day

Put that up

Exercise 3

a.Give examples of when you use the imperative mood with others
b. Give examples of when others use the imperative mood with you

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