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What is muscular-skeletal system?

The musculoskeletal system is the combination of the muscular and skeletal systems working together
and includes the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments of the body.

The skeletal system performs vital functions — support, movement, protection, blood cell production,
calcium storage and endocrine regulation — that enable us to survive.Mar 16, 2018
What are the 4 main function in muscular system?
The muscular system consists of various types of muscle that each play a crucial role in the function of
the body. Muscles allow a person to move, speak, and chew. They control heartbeat, breathing, and
What are the 3 functions of musculoskeletal system?
he major functions of the bones are body support, facilitation of movement, protection of internal
organs, storage of minerals and fat, and hematopoiesis. Together, the muscular system and skeletal
system are known as the musculoskeletal system.

The human skeleton performs six major functions; support, movement, protection, production of blood
cells, storage of minerals, and endocrine regulation.

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