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Weight Training Weight Training Weight Training Cardio Weight Training Rest Day Rest Day
Warm Up 60 sec. each = 5 minutes 60 sec. each = 5 minutes 60 sec. each = 5 minutes 60 sec. each = 5 minutes 60 sec. each = 5 minutes 60 sec. each = 5 minutes
High Knees High Knees High Knees High Knees High Knees High Knees
Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks Jumping Jacks
Jog in Place Jog in Place Jog in Place Jog in Place Jog in Place Jog in Place
Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers Mountain Climbers
Jumping Rope Jumping Rope Jumping Rope Jumping Rope Jumping Rope Jumping Rope
Exercise Back 4 sets/8-12 reps Abs (4 Sets/10-15 Reps) Legs (4 Sets/8-12 Reps) Chest (4 Sets/8-12 Reps) Cardio Cardio
Seated Cable Rows Side Planks Leg Press DB Chest Press Cycling 25 minutes Cycling 25 minutes
Barbell Rows Reverse Crunch Goodmorning DB Inclined Press Stair Master 15 minutes Stair Master 15 minutes
Lat Pulldowns Crunch Kicks DB Deadlifts DB Decline Press Sprinting (Treadmill Sprinting (Treadmill
Pull ups Sitting Twists Walking Lunges Fly Machine 30 Sec. MHR 30 Sec. MHR
Dead lifts Stiff Arm Pull downs Raised Leg Hold 60 sec. Weighted Glute Bridge Cable Flys 30 Sec. Moderate 30 Sec. Moderate
DB Rows Scissors Barbell Squats Lying DB Flys Repeat 10-12 Times Repeat 10-12 Times
Biceps (4 sets/8-12 reps) Raised Leg Swings Leg Curls DB Pullover
Bicep Curls Shoulders (4 Sets/8-12 Reps) Weighted Calf Raises Triceps (4 Sets/8-12 Reps)
Hammer Curls Plate Front Raise Sumo Squat Calf Raise Triceps Cable Pull Down
Concentration Curls Lateral Raises Seated Calf Raise DB Overhead Extensions
Preacher Curls Overhead Press Machine Leg Extensions Overhead Rope Extensions
High Pulley Curls Face Pulls Fire Hydrants Tricep kick backs
Incline Bench DB Curls DB Front Raise Donkey Kicks Lying Bar Extension
Shrugs Supermans Dips
Upright Row Wall Sits (weighted) Reverse Cable Pushdowns
Cool Down 10 Min. Jog/Walk (Treadmill) 10 Min. Stairmaster 10 Min. Cycling 10 Min. Walk (Treadmill) 10 Min. Walk (Treadmill) 10 Min. Walk (Treadmill)
Hold for 20-30 Seconds Hold for 20-30 Seconds Hold for 20-30 Seconds Hold for 20-30 Seconds Hold for 20-30 Seconds Hold for 20-30 Seconds
Lunge Lunge Lunge Lunge Lunge Lunge
Butterfly Pose Butterfly Pose Butterfly Pose Butterfly Pose Butterfly Pose Butterfly Pose
Hip Abductor Hip Abductor Hip Abductor Hip Abductor Hip Abductor Hip Abductor
Oblique Stretch Oblique Stretch Oblique Stretch Oblique Stretch Oblique Stretch Oblique Stretch
Wrist Stretch Wrist Stretch Wrist Stretch Wrist Stretch Wrist Stretch Wrist Stretch
Over the head Shoulder Over the head Shoulder Over the head Shoulder Over the head Shoulder Over the head Shoulder Over the head Shoulder
Knee in Knee in Knee in Knee in Knee in Knee in

Frequency This Fitness guide recommends weight training 4 days a week to improve muscular strength. Cardio will be focused on 2 days of the week.

Intensity This guide is recoommended for people who are physically active. This routine is set at an intermediate level. For very exercise please lift weight at an 80% capacity.
It's recommended to up weight by 5-10 lbs for eat set.
Time I recommend doing 8-12 reps for weight training; however, the heavier you lift the less reps you will do. I incorporated about 100 minutes of moderate - vigorous cardio per week.

Type This guide is recommended for people who want to build muscle. These exercises targets all major muscles in one week.
I usually workout two different muscles each day and allow them to recover by working out different muscles each day.

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