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Guía Turístico invitando a lugares.

Ej: Torre eifeel

Entrevista a actriz famosa acerca de su pasado: Ydania Briceño

Video Sorpresa tipo reality show

-TV HOST (HÉCTOR): Hi everybody

Do you wanna have fun today?

Welcome to our Banesco entertainment Show. The tv program designed for humor’s lovers.

Today we have prepared a very interesting program with great celebrities and also we are
gonna talk about the best tourist places you should visit.

OK, we'll start talking with a woman who has traveled all over the world. Any place
where you have dreamed to traveling, she has been there.
Karina Rodriguez, welcome to your program.
-KARINA RODRÍGUEZ (es una especie de Valentina quintero pero internacional): Hi Hector, it's an
honor to be in your program

-TV HOST: Honor is mine. Karina, how many countries have you visited?


-TV HOST: Interesting Karina, You are a Cosmopolitan woman. And, if you can choose only three places
that people should not miss in their lives. Which are and say to our audience how do they get to there.

KARINA RODRÍGUEZ: ANSWER…hablar de los 3 lugares y explicardonde están ubicados (calle,

avenida, etc) en la ciudad del lugar; como pueden llegar allí las personas de diferentes lugares del
mundo..(si están en otro país, tomar un avión, etc) y una vez que lleguen al aeropuerto principal del país
donde está el lugar escogido, explicar cómo pueden trasladarse desde allí al lugar (ejemplo: tomar un taxi,
o mas fácil ir en el tren, bus, etc…)

-TV HOST: Thanks Karina..Now I want you to join us a very pretty woman..But not only beautifull.. She
is a legend of the TV: She has won five oscar awards as best actress, Two Golden Globe’s Award..Ydania
Briceño. Welcome Ydania.

-YDANIA BRICEÑO: Thanks hector. I am very excited (emocionada) to be hear.

TV HOST: no more than me ydania. You know, many people know your movies and your achievements
as an actress but Today We’d like to know more about your personal history. Where were you born?
Where did you grow up? This program is all your.

-YDANIA BRICEÑO: ANSWER…contar su historia, donde nació, donde creció, su familia, sus
hermanos……..todo lo referente a ese grammar focus…

TV HOST: Ydania, we are breaking all records in rating tonight. And we have received so many
questions by Twitter for you..Would you like to answer some ones?

-YDANIA BRICEÑO: Yes, of course. I`d like to answer every questions if I could.
Antes de empezar con las preguntas en Twitter, de forma sorpresiva el presentador recine una llamada
telefónica en el programa (algo no planificado)— TV HOST: HEY, I got a call. Excuse me, Maybe is my
mon. I should attend this call. Hi, Banesco enterteiment Show…Sorry. is my personal phone…HI.
-The caller (el que llama, seria el mismo Kevin Pulido pero ): Hello. Can I speak with the
Cameraman (el camarógrafo). I am his brother.

TV HOST: With the CameraMan? NO, its impossible. He’s bussy now recording this program.
we are live on air. Can I take a message to tell him after the program.

-The caller (el que llama): Yes, Thanks. Please, tell him his mother is in the hospital. he had a heart

-TV HOST: a heart attack? Ok I’ll give him your message after the program.

-The caller: Hey not, is urgent.


TV HOST: First question for Ydania is from Rosa Pinto from Venezuela. Rosa ask: Ydania, What age did
you have your first boyfried?


TV HOST: Second question from Kaito Morahashi from Japan..Ydania, What was your first normal job
before you became in actress?

-YDANIA BRICEÑO: ANSWER..Before I became an actrizz I worked in_____ as a ___. When I was
working there I did a theater with my jobmates ….(es solo una referencia, puedes poner las ideas que

TV HOST: Thank you very much Ydania. Now I want to invite to a one of the best musicians in the
world. When he played his guitar the angels sing. Kevin Pulido.

-kevin Pulido: Thank you hector. You are exaggerating but I thank you

TV HOST: kevin, I 'd like in the same way we did with Ydania. I know that people what to know
more about your personal history. ¿Where were your born Kevin?
-kevin Pulido: I was born in…

TV HOST: kevin, I know, Besides being a Guitar Player, you studied at the university. So, What
was your major in university?
-kevin Pulido: Yes, I studied in winsconsy University. I began my studies when I was
eighteen years old. My major was engineering

TV HOST: So kevin, And Why did you become a Guitar Player?

-kevin Pulido: ANSWER…

Antes de finalizar el programa tenemos una sorpresa para Kevin Pulido…Es u video sorpresa
donde algún familiar, puede ser su hijo, esposa o hermano(a) le deja un emocionante mensaje..
Kevin llora de la emoción y terminamos el programa…
Today, we have as an honor guess to a very Holiwood famous’s actriz

Three Oscar ‘s Award

Two Golden Globe’s Award

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