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NAME:Aldi Herdiana

Children Of Heaven
Introduction: In a village in Iran there is a child named Ali and he has a younger sister named
Zahra. He comes from a poor family.

Part 1: One day he goes to the shoe soles shop to repair damaged zahra shoes, then he goes to
the bakery to buy some bread. After from the bakery, Ali goes to the vegetable shop to buy potatoes
and puts zahra shoes in the trash basket front of the shop, when he finished buying aliens confused
because the shoes he was carrying disappeared because he was carried away by the garbage man.

Part 2: When at home, Zahra asks his shoes for Ali, Zahra wants to tell his father, but Ali is
banned because his father does not have money to buy new shoes.

Part 3: When sports at school, Zahra is not confident because he wears Ali shoes, after his friend
falls because he doesn't wear sports shoes, while he wears Ali's sports shoes, Zahra returns to being
confident again

Part 4: When zahra comes home from school, zahra shoes fall into the gutter and zahra tries to
chase his shoes and the shoes are caught in the sewers. Zahra is very sad and soon a grandfather
arrived who helped zahra to take the zahra shoes that were caught.

Part 5: Ali is late for school and scolded by his teacher, then Ali is told to go home and call his
father to come to school. But Mr. Jafari comes and helps Ali to get into his class again.

Part 6: Ali and zahra wash dirty shoes and they play foam from soap and they look very happy.

Part 7: Ali and his father go on a bicycle ride while ali and his father are called by a grandfather
to clean and take care of his garden. When his job is finished Ali's father is given a lot of money.

Part 8: Ali and his father intend to buy zahra new shoes, but on the way they crash due to
crashing into a tree caused by a bicycle brake and the money to be bought for the zahra shoes is
used for medical expenses.

Part 9: Ali has good news he was chosen to take part in the race and wants to be 3rd place
because the prizes from third place will get shoes.

Part 10: The long distance race starts with enthusiasm so that he becomes champion 3 and gets
shoes, Ali continues to run as fast as possible but there are other participants who push him down
then he gets up again and ali continues to run past the other participants until he forgets that he has
occupies the 1st positionIntroduction: In a village in Iran there is a child named Ali and he has a
younger sister named Zahra. He comes from a poor family.

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