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Seat No.

B.Sc., Sem.-V
301 : Physics

Time : 3 Hoursl [Max. Marks : 70

l. (a) Jenrlea^u il+[lEtstlV2+ t?]u(il:0i f'[tt gotar; \dld (r,0)r1[ gg qts]. 5


eukutr u+[lgt$ v2 u(i):0 i srlcr'l{.t qtt qdfdti Eg utsl.

(b) ilrq w utrt{r?'[ct aiRqt ur[lgtet 9

,rry -*v' v(?,= 4 + v?ry(?, r)

-I oilefl,t qrq q,sfdti gg ursi.
rricr ttr{lstgt
l- O2u(i.t\ :yzu(?,t)
-I {qtEtt'[.t (cylindrical) {t}t q,glarrl Ug qtsl'

2. (a) ur,iet +trilgtqL

(t -r2)
# uff + I (l +1)y:0, ?rrr[ / = t't't \qtls,

u) tr6-tr6. Q1-oga? ql6-a trlql u.I fu.1ert'Ifl'tl ustt 't$'[ *ti. 7

ut,tre ur[lE?Bt,
*rt[ *, * + (* -m2)y : o,
rr) uia l, uu{qr totg urd 1i1'1etrt1d['t] ugtt 'td[ gtl.
O) uAet Rse il*il1?,st, 7
-dx' -rY:Q
.tI qaqrctiJl.t (\ titt'tu) 6}et'lutq).

el+r'lu-t w-:;i:r) -tI 6qql.r gfl-I urqQ hge +r,[Istet

.r# *,* + @2 -r)y: o

-il 6)ei .Iqqi.

N13-117 t P.T.O.

3. (a) s't'deiu,t{-tr 6q.tlot s?'t-i Eiol.idL.r eletl-trtt* cia }u) erlc,u.%-r[
crla-tr ttrfts?eri *iqq). g

hq.t Xct*'tq elaql ct|rr stdl lrrloout'la *er qr) .Ior urtue'la Ru[hrn-r{
ttrflSt$ *Iq.rI.
(b) rys ,rtrsl tr) gett.u ilrft*tsr) .IqqI. 5
dhdl t{?tctdt drr (Top) -[l aiI Ud .Llct itqmq'[ u-I (D1, (D2, crr, rrt]-tt
, rt*{ktei .iqqi.

4. (a) ts lttu{ u?ut urq.[ orf.r gtdl tIeE *u) quS.r-r tt+[Istqr e"t. ur
il.fisaer-i 6]a{l'i .I-u ur6.r-r ht),i u-l uL6or-t \eri *Iq.ri. 8
hmr.tdl elaq.l .tlct stctl set u) [iwrqcfl ctiicr ttr{lsteriqqi, cte{r ur Eq[
I*{l r,tict dctl, (iii) s-+)at[, c]{ DLt.r.L.rd[ crt.r
.tt) : (i) )*-tt -r@&, 1ii;
t'.rtl.t {urd.
(b) qflA st?s tEr+r? urr?,t.ri. 6
eist lraaAer) sr?$) ru) uuFta st) I,
((a*)* ur, (a*)' ug): n! 6,nn, Qrttl m ) n.

5. {rrrl ruc,t urd ' 14

(1) tt1 'tt) ft+tu't (diffirsion) tt'flstet ct"ti.
(2) p1?1 ")ae[ hrlaotrt Er{dt t{?tc{at ttg ,lrtl RE.t hqatkrLtrtL-t{ urrttr-t std
,t)6$t (Poisson) +t.t'[gtet e"il.
(3) *rr-u i"ft.t l.rEe u{lstet u) ull{-tt't qlts-e .,u".u[.t.t *ti.
(4) qtrqiefls .uq q.e ldrrl v2 srts er"il.
(s) *t{ l"th h*e u*ftner .qr'{fqc st).
(6) dx-*r9I
.'r +@2-llr:0-rr G]d
l.rsar ilr[lsrsr "r2* oI ur.I

(7) R.JI uit Rsrt uiaei { r
(8) trtl+e0E ,trrri ot-{rl,rrr gti.
(9) .t)eft.t (spherical) deu t} { t
(10) ta? @uler).tt e{l.It*t{ l.tqr.t e"[.
(11) a q.I a* -i eist sr?E) su qr) gJ d z
(12) un(p) -{l E*t.t erlq).
(13) ur(p) "tl E't.t tritrl.
1t+; rlsft.r {.rtr-t-tr .to[-t'[ atg _ d.

Seat No. :


B.Sc., Sem.-V
301 : Physics

Time: 3 Hoursl
[Max. Marks : 70

1. (a) Separate the Helmholtz equation [V2 + t*1u1iy: 0 in two dimensions in polar
coordinates (r, 0).
Separate the Laplace equation Vz u(i):0
in to Cartesian coordinates.
(b) Separate the equation time dependent Schr<idinger equation.

.- aV(?, r) : fi2
ir,-;- --)
-;;V,-^ v(?, /) + V( i)v(?, ,)
completely into spherical coordinates.
Separate the wave equation

I &u(i, t\ : o) ,j ..
c2 Otz v- u\r, t)
completely into cyliirdrical coordinates.

2. (a) Find the finite singular point of the differential equation,

fi -rz\!zu dv * I (/ + l)y: 0, where /: positive integer,

and determine the nature of singularity. 7
Check the nature of singularity of equation

-'# *, ff + (* -m2)y: o,

for the point at infinity.

(b) Find the power series solution of the differential equation,
-dx' 7

Using the method of Wronskian, solve the equation
.d2v dv
*'# * *& * (x'- l)y: 0.
N13-117 3 P.T.O.
(a) Derive Lagrange's equations of motion for
a conservative holonomic system
using D'Alembert' s PrinciPle'
potential for a charged particle
Obtain an expression for the velocity dependent
moving in an electromagnetic field'
a rigid body'
(b) Derive Euler's equation's of motion for
. torque-free motion and obtain
Discuss the motion of a symmetric top performing
expressions for ol,, co, and rrlr'

harmonic oscillator' Hence

\-'l Write the eigen value equation for one dimensional
eigen values.
solve it to oblain its eigen functions and
moving in central potential' Hence
obtain the radial wave equation for a particle
explain the bJavio,r, of the radial wave
function of the particle : (i) near the
origin, (ii) in the asymptotic region'
(iii) in the s-state'
(b) Write note on ParitY oPerator'
For the ladder operators, prove that
((a*)* uo, (a*)n ug) : nt' 6*n, for m ) n'

5. Answer in short :
(1) Write diffusion-equation for gas' a point where
(2) write Poisson equation satisfied by the electrostatic potential at
the electric charge density is p(?)'
linear differential equation'
(3) Define ordinary-point of the second ordered
^d2v *'# dv + (x'z
.., I,
(6) The two roots of the differential equatio"*'fi - t)V: O ate

and .------'
What do You mean bY degees of freedom
(8) Define a cYclic coordinate'
(e) What is sPherical Pendulum ?
(10) Write the statement of Euler's theorem'
(1 1) Why a and a+ are called ladder operators

(12) Evaluate zo (O).

(1 3) Evaluate u, (O).
(14) The operator for square of angular momentum


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