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Seat No.

B.Sc., Sem.-VI
PHY-308 : Physics ,

Time : 3 Hoursl [Max. Marks : 70

Instructions: (1) ortrl uq.l-u t$ ?r?q[ d.

(2) 6,{q}crr[ eftt)e iiarui-u u{ uqueil urrqi d.
(3) %18[l qrg eLlq dg Ur-t-1 W[ cJer arLl.i t].

1. (a) kureflg q?tt\.!-tt cttSs{l otie u-i uitst-tt cttl.tqt-} tJat ?,is gtq-il etiotl
-tufirtipfl (tq uercu qr?%tor€[ uErtr qul? i?d[, ddsa)lts qelqa ?qrq t]. uL
.telqa *tt) aicr +i',trtr it*{Isegrl dE[ Qrsr dcisalhs {silcr mei urLmq). 7

tlel+aLhE ,i-s-tl <urter ?itqnl tlll,"ral strucrure) u) R ut.i p eu,,r.u rricr

{"qL +t*ilstgr) {urd. ur riaqil qr) dErt ,{t.req ur[lst$ ebil u-I .itr
+itle wqerq hr) uqr urqi.
(b) $g-si-s-t til.aicr{ sq-t e"r). Ei.-3-r ,{tqeqt) 6qq).1 s?'l 6cttd{ .tg[qa rL]
.ftq.u-[ .rJqefl iltqflq). 7

N2 i4qL-u 6qer Ur-i -[l.rer tl]lro,

l.t? ,tL) et {r qit5-a 6t%i ?,rtsri
1134cm-rr,t-i+qocm-l .t] get[qt.t d. %1 ut Gqer u-I -{lqeL delsqihs
tL) or" -tI Eq.ti uts{ 2274.2 cm-l ut"i 988.4 cm-l g'i..r cI .iq-u uitqLe,'lrrt
(anharmonicity) Utrtutis *iur.t). dr utr ngLt 6t%{ qatq-tt oi *t-t.t*ti .t*r 6td
' ct+tctct 'r"' '{l lgt.t +q:s6 cm-r e'i,t .ti r[*r uitj-a 6Lz{ +i*rlct ,tt) ,irr-[I
rtrl+rlFLs ai ore[qL6 rriq).

2. (a) uL{o .ia-tl hqct rLosru{ n*{lgtsL o", :* o,fa,n gt). %i "$r[-6[%{" eo
.rQ o) ,i-tl ltq.r .rrggar 6rrt {uue uLtz 7

+)ddeis{tr 6cud-r ,,iaei U z +'iai tlelsflE ?,ttr?-[ eratr{ uc{rs trtaLd

u.[EreL ,iq.r).
(b) l.tuteL (diftusion) qr)-ri "l$$ -tl hq.q." .iuL.ri u-i r,tr hutet-ctreris
(co-efficient of diftusion) { +rrtL?$ D 1/3 (u) l.iqq'i. 7
qerqt (mobility) .tr){ r,u6*tau5-t +tc,itr utrtd u'[sa$ .Iurqi.
AD-110 I P.T.O.
J. (a) ?,tcil.€.E utr{q.ris (permittivity) e* tt?LcLctt ',is u' tcia +ittLgg
(Iriu'[at)-i sl.iil. Rqfdq.l.t cr$tctctqi'[ct st.trrtl r,tL'I 0. ut tittter-[l
i*qn uir{q.tts e { +r*ftster u-i .}-tt hq.t (electric displacement) t
u*r'[gtgr d : .o B * F rirr.ri.

%a?'ltrr[Ister.[ r€,€,pfl utrQ.q.r 1P+rtctt (Dielectric Polarizability) uqmqi.

uai{qn xlasrti r{.1ct Ehtdt'tl. 1qt 6q't'ti eut'['
qL) u'[Istet
(b) ueL{q.t crl.{ (dielectric losses) -t'[ erattrtl caq-qaE (loss-factor)
'tt) 6td at{ u{lsteriqqi'

1s'tiu Gl"l'ti' "ul'rt'[ls xdtrll usttfl't (optical) ti't'[t'[I Rgftt"'

4. (a) Ulrt{t tfe (diamagnetism) ,u) ettr[t ut1[i r,r. { tt't'tStet *iqq'[ u"i eitl'{I'r
(Langevin's relation) ti
tit'itt 'iuLql'
t6t5'l?t q., (magnetic susceptibility) +tt) 5.ti'artcrtt'il tquta stl'
(b) cttrrltLte{I[a ut16t3(<t (paramagnatism)
rtr,){ u,[Irtet ,iur.ti.
ttrri*tl s'ti..IaLt5rit-t.fl tttfl
cia{ RLct't (Cooling) Uqqflqi.
-tll{-n u^tltt 1*rti 6rtt t ttlti. t4
(1) utur tSeisiihg d*rfd rt-rt'tt) qiit"ftti lt'tT
b[6t 't@s si'r t]'
irj ,, ur*,qii tieisaihr .rclqgqi eie't G[dtt ?st?i tsdlqne{l
Ettqt utt,r'i..
.[IEtoLt'[ 'tdaletl grL['ra'[
(3) co u-i t, utrtrqi'll
(4) $eisail-ts .telqerti lAuL[\.rs utttq1't'[ iu't RuLt-i iltu"'?t u'[lst$ utqi'
(s) "ili?lQt t3.t l'[et" ",tt"{tha sti.
(6) ulseh r,tt{t}e (Scattering Cross Section) { uRtrst eui'
(7) Z-letLtrti ci.a-[l Gortr qtggcll. tL) 6tZ[.re't (heat transport) Q, ci
uutrqr si.t ti.
(8) M (c{}u-t-u. ggt \t? t +trt.i F(t) olut Ct.} .il uL ret'fl
ttlat Ur[lEtet at'ti'
(e) relil'[.t+t- rt)U'i dt d,,itr eutl.
(10) Uc t5eisaitttSrtl utL{qa uetqk e(co) t \ctl.q}tt ur{h roo utt dc'iU Utt+d

ur{lEtst e"i.
(11) Es-tt ue{q. ht't{ *u't a"ri.
itri io.4?s btie? i.-iai.t ii"tt p u'i ei-i (Lande) t.r<flflct ]5a? 'g' urt +i"itl
utud u*flstst e"t'[.
113y "ur6e{I{ u$ese" tttttqtltt.t $?'[.
(r4) ESR u-i Nun il Wt 'tt't ut'ti.

Seat No. :

B.Sc., Sem.-VI
PHY-308 : Physics
Time: 3 Hoursl [Max. Marks : 70

lnstructions : (l) AII questions carry equal marks.

(2) The symbols have ideal meaning.
(3) Figures in RHS show marks.

1. (a) Continuous visible or ultraviolet light pass through a long tube containing gas of
diatomic molecule at room temperature to produce electronic spectra. Derive its
wave number equations and explain possible electronic transition levels.
Obtain wave number equations of P and R-branch for rotational structure of
electronic band. Write single parabolic equation and explain its fortrate parabola.

(b) Write statement of Franck-Condon Principle. Explain intensity distribution in

Emission Band using Condon parabola.
Zero point energy of N, molecule in upper and lower electronic states are
1134 cm-l and 490 cm-l respectively. If the value of rrr" for upper and lower
electronic states are 2274.2 cm-l and 988.4 cm-l respectively then find out
anharmonicity constants in both the states. If the energy difference 'V"' between
the minima of two potential energy curves is 49356 cm-l then find out
corresponding wave length of this zero point energy transition.

2. (a) o^, : g
Derive the equation of electrical conductivityJelmyFQ--J t a, a given system. [f
Fermi energy eo increases then what will be its effect on electrical conductivity ?

What is photoelectric emission ? Derive the equation of current density in the case
of photoelectric effect.,

(b) Obtain Fick's law of diffusion and derive the equation for co-efficient of
Diftusion D: 1/3 (u) /. 7
Derive Einstein's relation equation for mobility.

aD-110 3 P.T.O.
(a) A parallel plate capacitor with insulating medium of permittivity e- is charged
by d.c. potential difference. Derive the equations of relative permittivity
e and its

electric displacement il: tn B * i'

Explain Dielectric polarizability using suitable equations. Write three sources of
total polarizability in dielectric crystal'

In the case of dielectric losses derive equation of loss-factor. Also obtain

of energy dissipated in dielectric'
write short note on "optical phonon modes in ionic crystals".
4. (a) Obtain equation of Larmor frequency rrtl- for diamagnetism and derive
Derive quantum theory of magnetic susceptibility'

(b) Derive expression for temperature independent paramagnatism.

Explain cooling of a system by adiabatic Demagnetization.
5. Answer the following questions in short'
(1) Selection rule of simplest electronic transition lI-1, it
irj why in the electronic spectra of I, molecule, vibrational levels are much

(3) Draw intensity distribution bands for co and I, molecule. -.

(4) Write general expression of vibrational state for diatomic molecule in electronic
spectra. ,:,

(5) Define mean free Path.

(6) Write dimension of scattering cross section'
In thermal conductivity heat transport along z-coordinals Q, is proportional
(8) If Force F(t) acting on a particle of mass 'M' at time 't' then write equation of
motion of Particle.
(9) WriteClausius-Mossottirelation'
(10) write an equation of dielectric constant e(ol) of free electron gas in terms
plasma frequencY ror.
(11) Write a statement of Hund's First rule'
(12) Write a relation between effective Bohar magneton numbef 'p' and
splitting factor'g'.
(13) Define Pauli Paramagnetism.
(14) Give tulI form of ESR and NMR'

AD-l10 4

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