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1.Intan Syakilah shows her work to 2.

Zandra Khatijah and Humaira

teacher while brainstorming the Qistina( 5 Lavender) are completing
answers. their task.

3.Muhammad Izzat Qayyum (3 4. Phoenix and Izzati (3 Violet) are

Violet) is doing his task drawing completing her task.
column to find Antonym and
Synonym for each of the word.
Senior Administrative , Encik Noorjimi bin Kharudin with the participants of the
uniform unit members

Participants in LDK places

LFKL has come to our school in line with its Pen Pal proramme that had last for 4 years. The French
school and SKSM has collaborated doing the project thanks to the coordinator of the program Cik Afifah
Binti Arifin.The objective of Pen Pal group is to mix around the pupils from the other school using the
English medium.The pupils will in hope to expand their skills about the world, their school’s activity and
their personal interest. IT is hoped that the joint between these two school will be continued and may
the all the pupils that take part in the programme gain something valuable and can instill in their daily

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