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Spoof Edition
General Overview:

This is a music video contest that will showcase the talents and skills of
students not only in the IT fields but in other areas as well.
Make us laugh, cry or even angry. The whole purpose of this contest is
about having fun and entertainment while showcasing the skills, talents of what
creativity and inspiration can offer us.

All entries must be registered on or before August 15, 5:00pm and
should be submitted not later than 10 am on August 19. Each school can have a
maximum of 2 music videos as long as the cast and crews are different from the
other video submitted.

Rules & Mechanics:

Only students are allowed to participate and appear on the video. You
may dub, compose or even make your very own lyrics and soundtrack. Music videos
can be in any language as long as it has hard coded subtitles. Creating your own
lyrics/soundtrack will give you the "X-Factor" in this contest. Each music video should
not be less than 3 minutes (including credits) and should not exceed more than 5
minutes. The name of the school should not appear in any part of the video except
only in the last 8 seconds of playtime followed by a 2-second black screen.

Criteria: Registration Format

Audience Impact ------------------------------------------------------------- 40% Name of School:
Uniqueness and Creativity -------------------------------------------------- 25% Contact Person:
Acting and Performance ----------------------------------------------------- 25%
X-Factor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10%
Send your registration to:
Note: The videos will played in random manner during the entire convention. Near at
the end of the program the top 3 videos will be played again.

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