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Employee’s Name: Deborah Dirks

Job Title: Account Director

Department: Account Department

Employed From: January 20th 2017 To August 31st 2018

Reason for Leaving: Resignation

Have you accepted another position? Yes If yes, where? Popcult Digital Agency

Present Title: Account Director New Title: Account Director

Present Salary: IDR 14.000.000 New Salary: IDR 14.000.000

Additional Fringe Benefits offered by new employer: Financially : Medical coverage for family, transportation fee,

communication fee, bonus, outing. Professional support as in 4 Account subordinates, Traffic team and Finance team who

I’ve known professionally well, and clear scope of work & KPI.

1. How long ago did you begin searching for another position? Unfortunately I didn’t begin anything to search for another
position What incident or circumstance(s) made you begin looking for another job? The offer just came and I was
2. What were the reasons you decided your career goals could not be met here or could be better met somewhere else?
Professionally speaking, it may take long way to go process and time for Kantjil to support my career goals.
Entrepreneurially, I may just not fit in expectations here. Naturally, I decide to proceed as my default professional

3. Did you speak with your supervisor or anyone else in management or the Administration Office concerning your career goals?

4. If the answer to 3 above was Yes, what was the outcome of this conversation?

5. If the answer to 3 above was No, why not? It was just totally different set up of commitment as in the early discussion.
The coaching and involvement to deal with management issues was not intensively as expected. Again, I may not fit in to
such management coaching, so I prefer to focus more on professional goals.

6. Did you get along well with your supervisor? Yes

7. How well did your supervisor handle any complaints or grievances you may have had? I think she’s also dealing the same
barriers. Maybe she also has biggest concern on holding side. But I can see how she’s trying and sacrificing her much

8. What could have been done to make your job here more rewarding? Put more solid commitment and investment, time and
money for the rest of valuable assets here. Accommodate proper team and office source as part of investment. Find, set
and focus on Kantjil’s core. Have one trusted Finance person to experience deeper business interaction and
understanding in Kantjil’s office.

9. What did you like best about your job? The team and the brand. The enlighten me every single day.

10. What did you dislike about your job? Nothing.

11. What makes the Kantjil a good place to work? The best valuable team ever.

12. What makes the Kantjil a poor place to work? Nothing

13. How does your new position compare with the one you are leaving? It will be another challenge. But promising as in
knowledge and experience.

14. How would you rate the following:

 Job responsibilities?
 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

 Opportunity for achieving goals?

 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

 Work environment? As in the team work environment (exclude office environment):

 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

 Supervisor?
 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

 Pay?
 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

 Benefits?
 Outstanding  Very Good  Satisfactory  Fair  Unsatisfactory

15. What recommendations would you have for making your department and/or Kantjil a better place to work? The same as I
have explained in Point 8.

16. Would you have stayed if a more-satisfactory arrangement could have been worked out? No, I have signed the contract in
the new Agency.

17. It has been explained to me that completion of this Exit Interview form is voluntary and I was given the option not to complete
this form if I so desired. Yes

18. I authorize the placement of this Exit Interview form in my personnel file: Yes
Employee Signature: Date: August 30th 2018

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