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lost eight chariots that day.

And the army effectively prevented the relief of

of the Bhojas, that tried to stop Bhima, Abhimanyu by the Pandavas, and thereby
was completely destroyed. caused Abhimanyu to be isolated,
He proceeded mowing down all overpowered and slain.
opposition and reached where Arjuna was We have seen how Yudhishthira in his
fighting Jayadratha's forces. anxiety sent first Satyaki and then Bhima
As soon as he saw Arjuna, Bhima roared to join Arjuna in his battle against
like a lion. Hearing that roar, Krishna and Jayadratha. Bhima reached where Arjuna
Arjuna were exceedingly pleased and was engaged and sounded his simhanada
raised yells of joy. Yudhishthira heard (lion-roar). Dharmaputra heard the lion-
these roars and, relieved of his doubts and roar of Bhima and knew that Arjuna was
anxieties, he pronounced blessings on found alive.
Arjuna. And he thought within himself: It was the fourteenth day and the battle
"Before the sun sets today, Arjuna's oath raged fiercely at many points, between
will be fulfilled. He will slay the man who Satyaki and Bhurisravas at one place,
caused Abhimanyu's death and will return between Bhima and Karna at another and
in triumph. Duryodhana may sue for between Arjuna and Jayadratha at a third.
peace after Jayadratha's death. Seeing so Drona remained at the main front resisting
many of his brothers slain, it is possible the attack of the Panchalas and the
that foolish Duryodhana may see light. Pandavas, and leading a counter-offensive
The lives of numerous kings and great against them.
warriors have been sacrificed on the field Duryodhana arrived with his forces at the
of battle and even the stubborn and sector where Arjuna attacked Jayadratha,
narrow-visioned Duryodhana may now but was soon defeated and turned back.
see his fault and ask for peace. Will this The battle thus raged long and furiously
indeed happen? The great grandsire on more than one front. The armies were
Bhishma has been offered as a sacrifice. so deployed that each side was exposed to
Will this wicked enmity end with it and danger in its rear.
shall we be saved from further cruel Duryodhana was speaking to Drona:
destruction?" "Arjuna, Bhima and Satyaki have treated
While thus Yudhishthira was fondly us with contempt and proceeded
hoping and dreaming of peace, the battle successfully to Jayadratha's sector and
was raging with great fury where Bhima, they are pressing hard on the Sindhu king.
Satyaki and Arjuna were engaging the It is indeed strange that, under your
enemy. command, our battle array should have
Only the Lord knows through what travail been broken and our plans completely
the world must evolve. His ways are foiled. Everyone asks how it is that the
inscrutable. great Drona with all his mastery of the
86. KARNA AND BHIMA science of war has been so badly
ARJUNA had left Yudhishthira behind to outmaneuvered. What answer shall I
repel Drona's attacks and had gone to make? I have been betrayed by you."
make good his word that before sunset Duryodhana thus, once again, bitterly
Jayadratha would lie dead on the field of reproached Drona, who replied
battle. unperturbed:
Jayadratha had been the main cause of "Duryodhana, your accusations are as
Abhimanyu's death. He it was who had unworthy as they are contrary to truth.

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