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Dialog Intention Bahasa Inggris

Rifqi & Devin: Hi guys! How are you?

Nawa: Hi. I am fine!

Ridwan: Hi. I am fine! How about you guys?
Rifqi: We are fine. Right Devin?
Devin: Yeah. We are fine. So, how was your summer holiday?
Nawa: My holiday was awesome. My family and I went to Hawai for the holiday.
Rifqi: Wow.. it sounds good. How about you Ridwan?

Ridwan: My holiday also great. I held a lot of party during the holiday.

Devin: Wow.. your holiday might be memorable one.

Ridwan: How about you guys?

Rifqi: Devin and I went to Bali for the holiday. It was amazing. You know, the
people there were so friendly. Besides, the beach were so great.

Nawa: That’s cool. Bali is one favorite spot for tourism.

Ridwan: Yes, it is. How could you two went together?

Devin: Oh.. we already made a plane before. Actually on our plane we also wanted
to ask for the other kids to join us. But, they were have their own plane. So, we
decided to go just both of us.

Nawa: If I didn’t have a plane to spend holiday in Hawai. I probably would like to
join you.

Rifqi: Its okay Nawa. So, tell us about your holiday in Hawai?

Nawa: Just like you two. I often went to the beach there. The beach was great. I
enjoyed my holiday very much.

Ridwan: It was very nice to hear about your guys holiday.

Nawa: But, you said that you also have a lot of party on your holiday?
Ridwan: Yeah. Summer party. You know, just like all of you. Spent time at the
beach. Gather around with family. It was feel good.

Rifqi: So, all of our holiday was nice right?

Devin, Nawa & Ridwan: Yes you are right.

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