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FEBRUARY 15, 2012




Imitate Jesus’ Example

of Watchfulness
PAGE 3 ˙ SONGS: 108, 74

APRIL 9-15

“Be Courageous
and Very Strong”
PAGE 9 ˙ SONGS: 101, 92

APRIL 16-22

Preserve the Positive Spirit

of the Congregation
PAGE 15 ˙ SONGS: 20, 75

APRIL 23-29

Happiness Is Possible
in a Divided Household
PAGE 21 ˙ SONGS: 76, 56
34567 6


Vol. 133, No. 4 Semimonthly

Why did Jesus urge his followers to keep
ENGLISH watchful? In this article, we will learn

about three ways that Jesus was watchful
MAGAZINE, The Watchtower, during his life on earth and how we can
is to honor Jehovah God, the imitate his example.
Supreme Ruler of the universe.
Just as watchtowers in ancient
times enabled a person to STUDY ARTICLE 2 PAGES 9-14
observe developments from How can we benefit from the examples
afar, so this magazine shows us
the significance of world events of Jehovah’s servants of the past who
in the light of Bible prophecies. showed courage? We will learn the an- COVER: At a railway
It comforts people with the swers to these questions in this article station in New Delhi,
good news that God’s Kingdom, India, which handles
that will help us act courageously.
which is a real government in
heaven, will soon bring an end
over 300 trains daily,
brothers witness to
to all wickedness and transform STUDY ARTICLE 3 PAGES 15-20
the earth into a paradise. It commuters and travel-
promotes faith in Jesus Christ, Each of us shows a certain spirit, or ers from all parts of
who died so that we might gain attitude. From this article, we will learn the country
everlasting life and who is now how we can help to preserve a good spirit
ruling as King of God’s Kingdom.
This magazine has been pub- in the congregation.
lished by Jehovah’s Witnesses

continuously since 1879 and is

nonpolitical. It adheres to the STUDY ARTICLE 4 PAGES 21-26
Bible as its authority. Christians in religiously divided homes

may have challenges every day. This
This publication is not for sale. It is
provided as part of a worldwide Bible article discusses how they can promote
educational work supported by voluntary
donations. Unless otherwise indicated,
peace in the home and do their best to
Scripture quotations are from the modern- help their family to accept the truth.
language New World Translation of the
Holy Scriptures—With References.

“Some Expressions Explained” are
contextual explanations of words used POPULATION
within an article.

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE 1,224,614,000
The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) is

published semimonthly by Watchtower
Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.;
M. H. Larson, President; G. F. Simonis,
Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, MINDS—ENVY PUBLISHER INCREASE
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Imitate Jesus’
Example of
AVE you ever asked yourself: ‘Is it really

“Keep on the watch and
pray.”—MATTHEW 26:41. possible to be watchful, as Jesus was?’ You
might think it is not possible for you be-
cause Jesus was perfect. Also, Jesus at times knew
exactly what would happen thousands of years in
HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? the future. Did Jesus really need to be watchful?

(Matthew 24:37-39; Hebrews 4:15) Let us answer
How can our prayers show both of these questions first so that we can under-
that we are on the watch? stand how important and urgent it is for us to be
2 Can a sinful human learn from a perfect exam-

ple? Yes, just as a student learns from the example

of a good teacher. Imagine a man having his first

lesson on how to shoot arrows. At first, he cannot
In what ways can we show
hit the target at all, but he takes more lessons and
that we are watchful in our
keeps on trying. To become better at it, he careful-
ly studies the example of his teacher, who is an ex-
pert archer. The student pays attention to how the
teacher stands, positions his arms, and uses his
fingers on the bowstring. Little by little, he learns

how much pressure to put on the string and how
When we suffer trials, why
the wind will affect the arrow. If he keeps working
is it important that we keep hard and imitates his teacher, he will learn to hit
on the watch? And how can closer and closer to the center of the target. In a
we do this? similar way, we continue to do our best to become
better Christians by following Jesus’ instructions
and imitating his perfect example.
1, 2. (a) What questions might you ask yourself about Jesus’
example of being watchful? (b) Can sinful humans imitate Je-
sus’ perfect example? Give an illustration.

SOME Watchful: To be alert to Self-righteous: An attitude
dangers that can affect our of being proud, being criti-
EXPRESSIONS relationship with Jehovah, cal of other people, and
EXPLAINED to look for opportunities to thinking that we are better
preach, and to rely on Jeho- than them
vah’s wisdom

3Did Jesus really need to be watch- ther the angels of the heavens nor the
ful? Yes, he did. For example, on the Son, but only the Father.” (Matthew
night before he died, Jesus urged his 24:36) At that time, Jesus, “the Son,”
faithful apostles: “Keep on the watch
with me.” Then he said: “Keep on the
watch and pray continually, that you We must be alert for
may not enter into temptation.” (Mat-
thew 26:38, 41) Jesus had always been
opportunities to tell
watchful while on earth. But dur- others what we know
ing those very difficult hours before
his death, he wanted to be especial- about God’s Kingdom
ly watchful and as close to his heav-
enly Father as possible. He knew that did not know exactly when the end of
his followers needed to be watchful this wicked world would come. What
too, not just at that time, but also in about us today? Do we know every-
the future. So we will discuss why Je- thing about the future? Of course not!
sus wants us to keep on the watch. We do not know exactly when Jeho-
Then we will learn about three ways in vah will send his Son to destroy this
which we can be watchful like Jesus. wicked world. If we did know every-
WHY JESUS WANTS US thing about the future, we would not
TO BE WATCHFUL need to keep on the watch. Jesus ex-
4 Jesus wants us to stay watchful be-
plained that the end of this wicked
world would come suddenly, when
cause of what we do not know and we would not expect it. So we need
what we do know. When Jesus was a to keep watchful.—Read Matthew
man on earth, he did not know every- 24:43.
thing about the future. He humbly ad- 5 Jesus knew many wonderful
mitted this when he said: “Concerning things about the future that most peo-
that day and hour nobody knows, nei- ple around him did not know at all. We
3. (a) What did Jesus say to show that he need-
5, 6. (a) How does our knowledge of God’s
ed to be watchful? (b) What will we discuss in Kingdom help us to be watchful? (b) Why
this article? should what we know about Satan make us
4. Why do we need to keep watchful? want to be even more watchful?


do not know as much as Jesus did. But him, Jesus said: “Keep on the watch
he taught us a lot about God’s King- and pray continually, that you may not
dom and what it will do in the near enter into temptation.” (Matthew 26:
future. Most of the people around 41) Did he mean that they needed to
us at school, at work, or in the ter- pray only during the very difficult sit-
ritory do not know these wonderful uation that they were in at that mo-
things. So this is another reason for be- ment? No, his counsel is a principle
ing watchful. Like Jesus, we need to that we should live by every day.
be alert for opportunities to tell others 8 Jesus’ example shows us the val-
what we know about God’s Kingdom. ue of prayer. You may remember that
These opportunities are precious, and Jesus once prayed to his Father for
we want to make sure that we do not an entire night. (Read Luke 6:12, 13.)
waste any of them. People’s lives are in
danger!—1 Timothy 4:16.
6 Jesus knew something else that
If we give ourselves
helped him to stay watchful. He knew
that Satan was determined to tempt time for prayer to
him, to persecute him, and to break
his integrity to God. That wicked ene-
Jehovah, we will
my was constantly looking for “anoth- stay close to him
er convenient time” to test Jesus. (Luke
4:13) Jesus was always alert. He want-
ed to be ready for any test, whether Imagine this: It is spring, and Jesus is
it was temptation, opposition, or per- probably near the town of Capernaum.
secution. We are in the same situation As it becomes nighttime, Jesus goes
as Jesus was. We know that Satan is up one of the mountains near the Sea
still “like a roaring lion, seeking to de- of Galilee. He looks out over the land
vour someone.” That is why the Bible and perhaps sees the little lights of oil
tells all Christians: “Keep your senses, lamps down in Capernaum and oth-
be watchful.” (1 Peter 5:8) But how can er nearby villages. Jesus then begins
we do that? to pray, and nothing distracts him as
he speaks to Jehovah. The hours go
HOW PRAYER HELPS US by. He barely notices the lights far be-
TO BE WATCHFUL low going out one by one or the moon
7 The Bible tells us that prayer is moving across the sky or the sounds
very important for us to stay alert, or of animals nearby. He probably prays
watchful, so that we can protect our about a big decision that he has to
relationship with Jehovah. (Colossians make. He has to decide who will be his
4:2; 1 Peter 4:7) Soon after he asked 12 apostles. We can imagine Jesus in-
his followers to keep on the watch with tensely praying to his Father for guid-
ance and wisdom as he tells Him all
7, 8. What counsel did Jesus give about
prayer? And what can we learn from the way he his thoughts and concerns about each
prayed? disciple.

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 5

Does Jesus’ example teach us that alert in his work. He was watchful for
we must spend many hours in prayer? opportunities to tell others about the
No. Jesus kindly said about his fol- good news. For example, when Jesus
lowers: “The spirit, of course, is eager, and his disciples arrived at the town
but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26: of Sychar after walking all morning,
41) Even though this is true, we can the disciples went to buy food. Jesus
imitate Jesus. For example, do we talk stayed near the town’s well to rest, but
to our heavenly Father before making he was watchful and saw an oppor-
any decision that may affect our faith tunity to witness. A Samaritan wom-
and loyalty, that of our family, or that an came to the well to get water. Je-
of those in the congregation? Do we sus could have slept, or he could have
pray for our brothers and sisters in the thought of reasons not to speak to
truth? Do we pray from the heart, or
do we repeat a set pattern of words?
Also notice that Jesus valued person- A family head who is
al and private talk with his Father. In
today’s busy world, it is very easy to watchful, as Jesus
forget what is most important. We will was, uses God’s
be more watchful if we give ourselves
plenty of time to pray privately to Jeho- Word to guide him
vah from the heart. (Matthew 6:6, 7)
We will draw closer to Jehovah, doing
her. But he started a conversation with
everything we can to strengthen our
her and gave a powerful witness that
relationship with him and avoid doing
helped many people in that city. (John
anything that would weaken it.—Psalm
4:4-26, 39-42) Can we do more to imi-
tate Jesus’ example, being more watch-
HOW TO BE WATCHFUL ful for opportunities to preach to peo-
IN THE PREACHING WORK ple we meet every day?
10 11 Sometimes, sincere people tried
Jesus was watchful in the work
that Jehovah gave him to do. There to distract Jesus from his work. In Ca-
may be some types of work which pernaum, they wanted to keep Jesus
allow a person to think about oth- with them because of his miracles of
er things while working without caus- healing the sick. It is understandable
ing any serious problems. But there why they would want to do that. But Je-
are many jobs that require a worker to sus’ special work was to preach to all
stay alert and not think about anything “the lost sheep of the house of Israel,”
else while he is working. The Christian not just to those in one city. (Matthew
ministry is like that. Jesus was always 15:24) Jesus told those people: “Also
to other cities I must declare the good
9. What can we learn from Jesus’ example of
praying all night? 11, 12. (a) What did Jesus say to those who
10. What example shows us how Jesus was tried to distract him from his work? (b) How
watchful for opportunities to preach to others? did Jesus show balance in his ministry?


balanced, as he was? We do not let this
world distract us from our work. Even
sincere friends and relatives may tell
us to do less in the ministry or to live
what they think is a normal life. But if
we imitate Jesus, our ministry will be
as important to us as food. (John 4:34)
Our ministry helps to strengthen our
relationship with Jehovah and makes
us happy. But we never want to be un-
balanced, showing a self-righteous at-
titude or not allowing ourselves to en-
joy other things. Like Jesus, we want
to be joyful, balanced servants of “the
happy God.”—1 Timothy 1:11.
Jesus preached to the woman
at the well. Do you make opportunities HOW TO BE WATCHFUL
to preach every day? WHEN WE HAVE TRIALS
14 Jesus gave his followers some of
his most urgent counsel when he had
trials. (Read Mark 14:37.) When we
news of the kingdom of God, because
are in difficult situations, we need to
for this I was sent forth.” (Luke 4:40-
remember Jesus’ example more than
44) So the most important thing in Je-
ever. At these times, people often for-
sus’ life was his ministry. He did not al-
get a very important truth. It is a truth
low anything to distract him.
12 Was Jesus so busy with his work
so important that the book of Proverbs
says it twice: “There exists a way that
that he was unbalanced, perhaps not is upright before a man, but the ways
allowing himself time to enjoy other of death are the end of it afterward.”
things in life? Or was he so busy in (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25) If we rely on
his ministry that he did not know what our own thinking, especially when we
people needed? No, Jesus showed per- have serious problems, we will like-
fect balance in his ministry. He en- ly put ourselves and those we love in
joyed life and happy times with his danger.
friends. He had compassion for fami- 15 For example, a family head may
lies and great understanding of their be struggling to provide for the materi-
needs and problems. He freely showed al needs of “those who are his own.”
affection for children.—Read Mark (1 Timothy 5:8) He might feel tempt-
10:13-16. ed to accept a job that causes him
13 As we imitate Jesus’ example of

being watchful, how can we try to be 14. When we are in difficult situations, what
should we not forget? Why?
13. How can we imitate Jesus’ example of be- 15. What may a family head who is struggling
ing watchful and balanced in the ministry? to provide for his family be tempted to do?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 7

repeatedly answered with the words:
“It is written.” (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Je-
sus relied on his Father’s wisdom to
fight temptation. By doing this, Jesus
showed humility, a quality that Sa-
tan does not have and that he hates.
Do we rely on Jehovah’s wisdom? A
family head who is watchful, as Jesus
was, uses God’s Word to guide him,
especially in difficult times. All over
the world, thousands of family heads
are doing this. They are putting God’s
Kingdom and true worship first, even
ahead of their material needs. In this
If you help your family to strengthen way, they take the best care of their
their relationship with Jehovah,
you show that you are watchful families. Jehovah blesses their efforts
to provide for the material needs of
their families, just as he promised.
—Matthew 6:33.
to miss meetings or that keeps him 17 There is no doubt that Jesus is

from taking the lead in family worship the best example of being watchful.
or participating in the ministry. If he His example is helpful and even saves
does only what he thinks is right, ac- lives. Remember, Satan really wants
cepting the job might seem like the you to fall asleep spiritually. He wants
right thing to do. He could lose his to weaken your faith, make you lose
friendship with Jehovah and even turn your zeal in worshipping Jehovah,
against him. It is much better to fol- and cause you to break your integrity.
low the counsel of Proverbs 3:5, 6. Sol- (1 Thessalonians 5:6) Do not let him
omon said: “Trust in Jehovah with all win! Be watchful, as Jesus was. Give
your heart and do not lean upon your yourself time to pray from the heart, be
own understanding. In all your ways alert in the ministry, and trust in Je-
take notice of him, and he himself will hovah when you have trials. By do-
make your paths straight.” ing this, you will have a meaningful,
16 When Jesus suffered trials, he re- happy, and satisfying life even now as
fused to rely on his own opinion. Just you see the end of this wicked world
think about that. The wisest man who getting closer. If you stay watchful, Je-
ever lived on this earth chose not to sus will find you alert and busy serv-
rely on his own wisdom. For exam- ing God when he comes to destroy this
wicked world. Jehovah will be very
ple, when Satan tempted him, Jesus
happy to reward you for your faithful-
16. (a) What do we learn from Jesus’ exam- ness!—Revelation 16:15.
ple of relying on Jehovah’s wisdom? (b) How
are many family heads imitating Jesus’ example 17. What makes you want to imitate Jesus’ ex-
during difficult times? ample of being watchful?


“Be Courageous
and Very Strong”
“Be courageous and very OURAGE is the opposite of fear, weakness,
strong . . . Jehovah your
God is with you.”
—JOSHUA 1:7-9.
C and cowardice. We may think of a coura-
geous person as someone who is strong and
bold. But sometimes, courage is needed simply to
keep doing what is right in our daily life.
2 Some people mentioned in the Bible were

fearless in very difficult situations. Others showed

HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER? courage in situations that happen to Jehovah’s
servants every day. What can we learn from Bi-
In what ways did Enoch and ble examples of courage? How can we be coura-
Noah show courage? geous?
3 It took courage to be a witness of Jehovah

among wicked people on earth before the Flood of
How were some women in the Noah’s day. But Enoch, “the seventh one in line
past good examples of faith from Adam,” boldly preached this prophetic mes-
and courage? sage: “Look! Jehovah came with his holy myriads,
to execute judgment against all, and to convict all
the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds
that they did in an ungodly way, and concerning
all the shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke

against him.” (Jude 14, 15) Enoch spoke as if these
What are some examples of things had already happened because that proph-
young people who impress you? ecy was sure to come true. And wicked humans
did die in a global flood.
1, 2. (a) What is sometimes needed to keep doing what is
right in our daily life? (b) What are we going to learn about in
this article?
3. What did Enoch prophesy about the wicked?

SOME Courageous: Bold, fear- Authorities: Those who
less, strong. God’s servants have power or control, such
EXPRESSIONS need to be courageous as government officials,
EXPLAINED both in difficult situations police, judges, and so on
and in situations of every-
day life

4 The Flood happened in the year that Jehovah used to rescue the Israel-
2370 before Christ, more than 650 ites and to prove that Egypt’s gods had
years after Enoch died. Meanwhile, no power. (Exodus, chapters 7-12) Mo-
Noah was born, raised a family, and ses showed faith and courage because
with his sons built the ark. Wicked he had constant help from God, just as
angels made human bodies for them- we do today.—Deuteronomy 33:27.
selves, took good-looking women, and 6 We know we will need the same
had sons with them. These sons were kind of courage that Moses had. Jesus
called Nephilim. Most people were said: “You will be haled before gover-
wicked, and violence was everywhere nors and kings for my sake, for a wit-
on the earth. (Genesis 6:1-5, 9, 11) ness to them and the nations. How-
In spite of all these things happen- ever, when they deliver you up, do not
ing around him, “Noah walked with become anxious about how or what
the true God” and witnessed boldly as
you are to speak; for what you are to
“a preacher of righteousness.” (Read
speak will be given you in that hour;
2 Peter 2:4, 5.) We need similar cour-
for the ones speaking are not just you,
age in these last days.
but it is the spirit of your Father that
THEY SHOWED FAITH speaks by you.” (Matthew 10:18-20) If
AND COURAGE the authorities question us about our
5 Moses was an example of faith and service to God, Jehovah’s spirit will
courage. (Hebrews 11:24-27) God used help us to show respect as we defend
him from the year 1513 to the year 1473 our beliefs with faith and courage.
before Christ to take the Israelites out —Read Luke 12:11, 12.
of Egypt and lead them in the wilder- 7 Joshua, who became the leader of

ness. Moses did not think that he had Israel after Moses, strengthened his
the ability to carry out this assignment, faith and courage by regularly study-
but he did accept it. (Exodus 6:12) He ing God’s Law. In the year 1473 before
and his brother, Aaron, spoke to cru- Christ, Israel was ready to enter the
el Pharaoh again and again. They cou- Promised Land. God told Joshua: “Be
rageously announced the Ten Plagues
6. If the authorities question us, what will help
4. Noah walked with God in spite of what us to defend our beliefs with courage?
things happening around him? 7. Why was Joshua courageous and successful
5. How did Moses show faith and courage? at his assignment?


courageous and very strong.” He also sinful way of life, started to worship Je-
told Joshua that if he obeyed the Law, hovah faithfully, and even became part
he would act wisely and do well at his of the Messiah’s family line! (Joshua 2:
assignment. God said: “Do not suffer 1-6; 6:22, 23; Matthew 1:1, 5) She was
shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your greatly blessed for her faith and cour-
God is with you wherever you go.” age.
(Joshua 1:7-9) Those words must real- 9 After Joshua’s death about the

ly have strengthened Joshua! And God year 1450 before Christ, God ap-
certainly was with him. We know that pointed men as judges in Israel. Ca-
because most of the Promised Land naanite King Jabin was very cruel to
was conquered in only six years, by the the Israelites for 20 years. God used
year 1467 before Christ. the prophetess Deborah to tell Judge
Barak to fight against this king. Ba-
WOMEN WHO SERVED GOD rak gathered 10,000 men on Mount Ta-
WITH COURAGE bor and was ready for battle with Ja-
8 In the past, many women showed bin’s military chief Sisera. Sisera had
courage in their service to Jehovah. For entered the dry riverbed of the Kishon
example, the prostitute Rahab of Jer- with his army and its 900 war chari-
icho believed in Jehovah’s protection. ots. When the Israelites marched into
She courageously hid two spies sent by the valley, God caused a sudden flood.
Joshua. When some men came look- The ground was so muddy that the
ing for the spies, she sent these men Canaanite chariots could not move.
somewhere else. She and her family Barak’s men won the battle, and the
were kept alive when the Israelites whole army of Sisera was killed. Sise-
conquered Jericho. Rahab stopped her ra himself tried to hide in the tent of
8. Why is Rahab an example of faith and cour- 9. How did Deborah, Barak, and Jael show
age? courage?

Enoch preached
courageously in an
ungodly world
King David told his son Solomon: “Be
courageous and strong and act. Do not
be afraid nor be terrified, for Jehovah
God, my God, is with you. He will not
desert you or leave you until all the
work of the service of Jehovah’s house
is finished.” (1 Chronicles 28:20) Solo-
mon courageously built the beautiful
temple of Jehovah in Jerusalem.
1 1 In the tenth centur y before

Christ, the words of a courageous Isra-

elite girl helped a leper to be healed
and to learn about Jehovah. This girl
had been captured by the Syrians and
became a servant of the army chief.
His name was Naaman, and he was
a leper. The girl knew about the mir-
acles that Jehovah performed through
his prophet Elisha. So she told Naa-
man’s wife that if her husband went to
Jael was courageous and strong Israel, Elisha would heal him. Naaman
did what the girl said, was miraculous-
ly healed, and became a worshipper of
Jehovah. (2 Kings 5:1-3, 10-17) If you
a woman whose name was Jael, but are a young person who loves God as
she killed him while he slept. Just as that girl did, he can give you courage to
Deborah had prophesied, the praise witness to teachers, schoolmates, and
for the victory over the Canaanites others.
went to a woman, that is, to Jael. Be- 12 The right words can help some-
cause Deborah, Barak, and Jael act- one to have courage in a dangerous sit-
ed courageously, Israel had no further uation. When the Assyrians marched
trouble from the Canaanites for 40 against Jerusalem in the eighth centu-
years. (Judges 4:1-9, 14-22; 5:20, 21, 31) ry before Christ, King Hezekiah told
Many men and women have shown his people: “Be courageous and strong.
similar faith and courage. Do not be afraid nor be terrified be-
cause of the king of Assyria and on ac-
count of all the crowd that is with him;
for with us there are more than there
10 What we say can help other wor- are with him. With him there is an arm
shippers of Jehovah to have courage.
In the 11th century before Christ, 11. How did the words of a courageous Israel-
ite girl help someone?
10. How do we know that our words can help 12. How did the words of King Hezekiah influ-
others to have courage? ence his people?


of flesh, but with us there is Jehovah king without an invitation would be
our God to help us and to fight our bat- killed.—Esther 4:4-11.
tles.” How did those words influence 15 Mordecai told Esther that if she

the people of Judah? The words helped did not go to the king, Jehovah would
them to have greater courage. The Bi- save the Jews in some other way. Mor-
ble says: “The people began to brace decai said that the reason she became
themselves upon the words of Hezeki- queen might have been to help Jeho-
ah.” (2 Chronicles 32:7, 8) Encouraging vah’s people. Esther then asked Mor-
words like Hezekiah’s may help us and decai to gather the Jews in Shushan
other Christians to have greater cour- together to fast. She said: “I shall fast
age when we are being persecuted. likewise, and upon that I shall come
13 We sometimes show courage by

what we do not say. In the tenth cen-

tury before Christ, King Ahab’s stew- Like Esther,
ard Obadiah courageously hid a hun-
dred prophets of Jehovah “by fifties in
we should be strong
a cave” so that they would not be killed when we suffer trials
by wicked Queen Jezebel. (1 Kings
18:4) Like Obadiah, who feared God,
many of Jehovah’s servants today have in to the king, which is not accord-
courageously protected their brothers ing to the law; and in case I must per-
and sisters by not giving persecutors ish, I must perish.” (Esther 4:12-17) Es-
information about them. ther acted courageously, and the book
of Esther tells us that God delivered
QUEEN ESTHER WAS COURAGEOUS his people. Today, anointed Christians
14 Queen Esther showed great faith and the other sheep show similar cour-
and courage. In the fifth century be- age when they suffer. And Jehovah,
fore Christ, wicked Haman planned to the “Hearer of prayer,” always helps
kill all the Jews in the empire. When them.—Read Psalm 65:2; 118:6.
the Jews heard that they were going
to be killed, they mourned and fast-
16 One time, when Jesus was 12
ed. They also must have prayed with
all their heart. (Esther 4:1-3) Queen Es- years old, his parents found him at
ther was extremely worried for the the temple, “sitting in the midst of
Jews. Her cousin Mordecai sent her a the teachers and listening to them and
copy of the law that said that the Jews questioning them.” And “all those lis-
should be killed and told her to go be- tening to him were in constant amaze-
fore the king and beg him to help her ment at his understanding and his an-
people. But anyone who went to the swers.” (Luke 2:41-50) Even though he
was young, Jesus had the faith and
13. Why was King Ahab’s steward Obadiah an courage needed to ask questions of
example of courage?
14, 15. How did Queen Esther show faith and 16. What example did Jesus set for young
courage? What was the result? ones?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 13

older teachers at the temple. Young 19 Paul showed no fear when he told

people in the Christian congregation the “superfine apostles,” who tried to

should remember Jesus’ example. This corrupt the congregation in Corinth,
will help them use all the opportuni- that they were wrong. (2 Corinthians
ties they have to explain to others the 11:5; 12:11) These men were false apos-
reason for their faith.—1 Peter 3:15. tles. Paul could prove that Jesus had
17 Jesus told others to “take cour- sent him because of all the things he
age.” (Matthew 9:2, 22) He told his dis- had endured, such as imprisonment,
ciples: “Look! The hour is coming, in- beatings, dangerous journeys, difficul-
deed, it has come, when you will be ties, hunger, thirst, sleepless nights,
scattered each one to his own house and his anxiety for all the congrega-
and you will leave me alone; and yet tions. (Read 2 Corinthians 11:23-28.)
I am not alone, because the Father Paul’s excellent example of faith and
courage proved that his strength came
is with me. I have said these things
from God!
to you that by means of me you may 20 Not all Christians will suffer in-
have peace. In the world you are hav-
tense persecution. But we all need
ing tribulation, but take courage! I
boldness to endure difficult situations
have conquered the world.” (John 16:
in life. For example, a young person in
32, 33) The world hates us just as it
Brazil was part of a gang. After study-
hated the first disciples of Jesus, but
ing the Bible, he knew that he need-
we do not want to become part of the
ed to make changes, but usually any-
world. We can have the courage to one who left that gang was killed. He
keep separate from this world if we prayed, and he used scriptures to show
meditate on Jesus’ example of courage. the leader why he could not stay in
He conquered the world, and so can the gang. The young man was allowed
we.—John 17:16; James 1:27. to leave without suffering any punish-
“BE OF GOOD COURAGE!” ment, and he became a publisher.
21 We need courage in many situa-
18 The apostle Paul endured many
tions. We need it to preach the good
trials. Once, Jews in Jerusalem were
news. Young people need courage to
going to kill Paul, but Roman soldiers
keep integrity at school. It takes cour-
rescued him. During the night, “the
age to ask for time off from work to
Lord stood by him and said: ‘Be of
go to all sessions of a convention. And
good courage! For as you have been we could give many other examples.
giving a thorough witness on the Whatever the situation may be, Je-
things about me in Jerusalem, so you hovah will hear our “prayer of faith.”
must also bear witness in Rome.’ ” (James 5:15) And certainly he can give
(Acts 23:11) Paul did exactly what Je- us his holy spirit so that we can “be
sus told him to do. courageous and very strong”!
17. Why did Jesus tell his disciples to “take 20, 21. (a) Give an example to show that we
courage”? Why do we need to be courageous? need courage to endure difficult situations in
18, 19. How did the apostle Paul show faith life. (b) In what situations may we need to show
and courage? courage? And of what can we be certain?


the Positive
Spirit of the
HE Philippian Christians in the first centu-

“The undeserved kindness
of the Lord Jesus Christ ry were poor. But they were generous and
be with the spirit you showed great love for their brothers and sis-
show.”—PHILIPPIANS 4:23. ters. (Philippians 1:3-5, 9; 4:15, 16) That is why
Paul wrote to them: “The undeserved kindness of
the Lord Jesus Christ be with the spirit you show.”
(Philippians 4:23) Because the Christians in Thya-
HOW CAN WE tira had a similar spirit, or attitude, Jesus Christ
INFLUENCE OTHERS IN told them: “I know your deeds, and your love and
THE CONGREGATION TO faith and ministry and endurance, and that your
HAVE A GOOD SPIRIT . . . deeds of late are more than those formerly.”—Rev-
elation 2:19.
when associating with our 2 Each congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses to-
brothers? day shows a certain spirit, or general attitude.
Some congregations are known for being kind and
loving. Others show great zeal in supporting the
preaching work and the full-time ministry. When

all of us work hard to have a good attitude, we help
by our zeal in the field ministry? the congregation to remain united and to keep its
good spirit. (1 Corinthians 1:10) But when individ-
uals have a bad attitude, this may influence those
in the congregation to do less in God’s service,
lose zeal for the ministry, and even tolerate serious

sin. (1 Corinthians 5:1; Revelation 3:15, 16) What
by telling the elders about spirit does your congregation show? How can you
a serious sin that we may help to encourage a good spirit in the congrega-
know of? tion?
1. Why did Paul and Jesus Christ speak well of the congrega-
tions in Philippi and Thyatira?
2. How does our attitude influence the spirit that our congre-
gation shows?

SOME Spirit of the congregation: Zeal for the ministry:
attitude of the congregation enthusiasm for field service
Oneness of the spirit: Murmuring: to make a
EXPLAINED unity habit of complaining

ENCOURAGE A GOOD SPIRIT same as the psalmist, who said: “I will

IN THE CONGREGATION sing to Jehovah throughout my life; I
3 David sang to Jehovah: “I will will make melody to my God as long as
laud you in the big congregation; I am.”—Psalm 104:33.
5 When we are hospitable to our
among a numerous people I shall
praise you.” (Psalm 35:18) The psalm- brothers and sisters, we also encour-
ist praised Jehovah when he was with age love in the congregation. In the
other servants of God. Our congrega- final chapter of his letter to the He-
tion meetings each week, such as the brews, Paul wrote: “Let your brother-
Watchtower Study, give us opportu- ly love continue. Do not forget hospi-
nities to show our zeal and faith by tality.” (Hebrews 13:1, 2) An excellent
our comments. We should all ask our- way to show hospitality is to invite the
selves: ‘Do I comment at the meetings traveling overseer and his wife, or the
as much as I can? Do I prepare well full-time servants in the congregation,
so that I can give good comments? As for a meal. Sometimes we may want to
family head, do I help my children be-
fore the meeting to prepare comments
and teach them to answer in their own Each person has a
4 We can show that we have a stead-
part in keeping a
fast heart, that is, a heart determined good spirit in the
to do what is right, by the way we sing
at the meetings. David said: “My heart
is steadfast, O God, my heart is stead-
fast. I will sing and make melody.” invite widows, families with only one
(Psalm 57:7) The songs we use at our parent, or others to join us for a meal
meetings give us a very good opportu- or for our family worship.
nity to “sing and make melody” to Je- 6 Paul told Timothy to encourage
hovah with a steadfast heart. If we do others “to work at good, to be rich
not know some of the songs well, per- in fine works, to be liberal, ready to
haps we could practice them during share, safely treasuring up for them-
our family worship. We want to do the
5, 6. How can we be hospitable and generous
3, 4. How can we praise Jehovah in the congre- to others? What does this encourage in the con-
gation? gregation?


Do you encourage a good spirit in the congregation by preparing good comments?

selves a fine foundation for the future, to help them, our love for them grows,
in order that they may get a firm hold and we influence others in the congre-
on the real life.” (1 Timothy 6:17-19) gation to have a good spirit.—Galatians
Paul was encouraging his brothers and 6:10.
sisters to learn to be generous. Even 7 Friendship and confidentiality

when the economy is not good, we also strengthen the love among our
can be generous. For example, if you brothers and sisters. (Read Proverbs
have a car, perhaps you can drive oth- 18:24.) If a friend tells us about his per-
ers to the territory or to the meetings. sonal matters, we show that we are a
And how can brothers who are helped true friend if we do not tell others. We
this way show their gratitude and en- keep personal matters confidential.
courage a good spirit in the congre- When our brother talks to us about his
gation? They may give what they can personal thoughts and feelings and he
to help pay for the increasing cost of can trust that we will not tell others,
fuel. Another way to make our broth- the love that we already have between
ers and sisters feel needed and loved is us grows stronger. Let us be a friend
to spend more time with them. When who can keep things confidential and
we do good things “toward those relat-
7. How does keeping the personal matters of
ed to us in the faith” and are ready to others confidential help the congregation to
use our time and the things we have have a good spirit?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 17

help the congregation to be like a lov- 10 Our efforts to become better at
ing family.—Proverbs 20:19. our ministry also have a good effect
on others. If we show more interest in
the people we meet in field service and
work hard to reach their hearts, our
8 Jesus said to the congregation in enthusiasm for the ministry will grow.
Laodicea: “I know your deeds, that (Matthew 9:36, 37) If we are enthusias-
you are neither cold nor hot. I wish tic, those who are with us will become
you were cold or else hot. So, because enthusiastic. Jesus sent his disciples
you are lukewarm and neither hot nor out to preach, not by themselves, but
cold, I am going to vomit you out of in twos. (Luke 10:1) This not only en-
my mouth.” (Revelation 3:15, 16) The couraged them and trained them but
Laodiceans did not have zeal for the also made them more enthusiastic for
Christian ministry. This attitude prob- the ministry. We certainly enjoy work-
ably influenced how they felt about ing with enthusiastic publishers! Their
one another in the congregation. So Je- enthusiasm encourages us and helps
sus lovingly told them: “All those for us to continue in the preaching work.
whom I have affection I reprove and —Romans 1:12.
discipline. Therefore be zealous and
repent.”—Revelation 3:19. DO NOT COMPLAIN
9 If we want the congregation to OR HIDE SERIOUS SIN
have a good spirit, we should have 11 A few weeks after Jehovah made
zeal, or enthusiasm, for the field ser- the Israelites a nation, they started
vice. One purpose of the congregation to murmur, or complain. This caused
is to find sincere people in the terri- them to rebel against Jehovah and his
tory and teach them the truth. So we representatives, Moses and Aaron.
need to imitate Jesus and have zeal for (Exodus 16:1, 2) Only a small number
the work of making disciples. (Mat- of the Israelites who left Egypt were al-
thew 28:19, 20; Luke 4:43) The greater lowed to enter the Promised Land. Not
our enthusiasm is for the ministry, the even Moses was allowed to enter that
more united we will be as “God’s fel- land because of the way he reacted to
low workers.” (1 Corinthians 3:9) the bad attitude of the Israelites. (Deu-
When we work with others in the min- teronomy 32:48-52) What can we do
istry and see them defend their faith today to avoid having a bad attitude?
and show their love for Jehovah and 12 We must be careful not to have a

the truth, we feel more love and re- complaining attitude. Humility and re-
spect for them. Also, serving “shoul-
10. What effect do our efforts to become better
der to shoulder” in the ministry results at our ministry have on others in the congrega-
in a united spirit in the congregation. tion?
—Read Zephaniah 3:9. 11. What kind of attitude did some Israelites
have in Moses’ time? What did this cause them
8. What did Jesus tell the Laodiceans? Why? to do?
9. How does our enthusiasm for the field min- 12. What can help us not to have a complain-
istry influence the congregation? ing attitude?


Encourage a good spirit by knowing our songs well

spect for authority will help us avoid compared these influences to leaven.
this attitude. Something else that can He told the Corinthians: “Do you not
help us is carefully choosing whom we know that a little leaven ferments the
associate with. There will be sad re- whole lump?” He continued: “Clear
sults if we choose bad entertainment away the old leaven, that you may be a
or spend too much time at work or new lump, according as you are free
at school with people who do not from ferment.”—1 Corinthians 5:1, 2,
obey Jehovah. It is wise to limit our as- 6, 7.
sociation with those who have a com- 14 What if you find out that someone
plaining attitude or who try to be in- is hiding a serious sin, such as drink-
dependent.—Proverbs 13:20. ing too much alcohol, viewing pornog-
13 When people in the congregation
raphy, or living an immoral life? What
keep on complaining, this can slowly will you do? (Ephesians 5:11, 12) If we
lead to conduct that will damage their ignore serious sin, Jehovah can remove
relationship with Jehovah. A bad atti- his holy spirit from the congregation.
tude can influence others. For exam- This could ruin the peace of the whole
ple, Christ spoke of the bad influence congregation. (Galatians 5:19-23) Paul
of “that woman Jezebel” on the congre- told the Christians in Corinth that
gation at Thyatira. (Read Revelation 2: they had to “clear away the old leav-
20-23.) The apostle Paul warned of the en.” In the same way today, we must
influences that come from within the
congregation and can corrupt it. He 14, 15. (a) What can happen to the congre-
gation if serious sin is allowed to continue?
13. What scriptures show that murmuring can (b) What should we do if we know that some-
also happen within the congregation? one is involved in a serious sin?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 19

keep badness out of the congregation is no longer in danger. But what if the
so that we can protect its good spir- one who sinned does not repent and
it. What can you do to help keep the does not accept the loving help of the
peace of the congregation? elders? Then he is disfellowshipped. In
15 As mentioned earlier, it is impor- this way, the bad influence is removed,
tant to keep certain matters confiden- and the elders protect the spirit of
tial, especially when others trust us the congregation. (Read 1 Corinthians
with their feelings and thoughts. It is 5:5.) So all of us have the responsibili-
wrong and unkind to tell others con- ty to tell the elders if we know of seri-
fidential things about someone else! ous sin and to follow their direction.
Even so, if someone has committed a Let us do what is best for our brothers
serious sin, the elders in the congrega- and sisters and protect the congrega-
tion need to know about it. They are tion.
the ones who have the Scriptural re- ENCOURAGE
sponsibility to take care of the matter. “THE ONENESS OF THE SPIRIT”
(Read Leviticus 5:1.) So if we know
17 By “devoting themselves to the
that a brother or a sister has commit-
ted a serious sin, we should tell that teaching of the apostles,” Jesus’ ear-
person to talk to the elders and ask for ly followers helped the congregation to
become united. (Acts 2:42) They val-
their help. (James 5:13-15) But if he or
ued the direction that the older men
she does not talk to the elders within a
gave them based on the Scriptures. In
reasonable amount of time, we should
the same way today, the congregation
do it.
has the help and encouragement it
needs to stay united because the elders
follow the direction of the faithful and
Humility and respect discreet slave class. (1 Corinthians 1:
for authority help 10) When we obey the instruction that
Jehovah’s organization gives us from
us to avoid a the Bible and follow the direction of
complaining attitude the elders, we show that we are “ear-
nestly endeavoring to observe the one-
ness of the spirit in the uniting bond of
16 People should feel safe in the peace.”—Ephesians 4:3.
Christian congregation, and we must 18 Let us do everything we can to

help to protect it by telling the elders help the congregation to have a good
when someone has committed a seri- spirit and to keep that spirit. If we
ous sin. If the elders help the person do this, we can be sure that “the un-
who sinned to understand how serious deserved kindness of the Lord Jesus
his sin is, to repent, and to accept cor- Christ” will be with the spirit we show.
rection, the spirit of the congregation —Philippians 4:23.
16. How do we protect the congregation by 17, 18. What will help us to keep the unity of
telling the elders if we know of serious sin? the congregation?


Is Possible
in a Divided
“How do you know but that NE time when Jesus sent out his apostles,
you will save your [mate]?”
—1 CORINTHIANS 7:16. O he said: “As you go, preach, saying, ‘The
kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.’ ”
(Matthew 10:1, 7) This good news would bring
peace and happiness to those who accepted it
with gratitude. But Jesus warned his apostles that
many would oppose their preaching work. (Mat-
CAN YOU FIND thew 10:16-23) Family opposition can be especial-
THE ANSWERS? ly difficult.—Read Matthew 10:34-36.
2 Does this mean that we cannot be happy if our

What can Christians do to have family is not in the truth? No. Even though some
peace in a divided household? Christians have strong family opposition, not all
do. Also, family opposition may not be perma-
nent. Whatever our situation, it is possible to be
happy if we react in the right way when fami-
ly members oppose us or when they show no in-

terest in the truth. Also, Jehovah helps those who
How might a Christian help his
are loyal to him to be joyful even under difficult
family to accept the truth? circumstances. Christians can be happier if they
(1) work hard to have peace in the home and
(2) sincerely try to help their family accept the
3 The family is more likely to accept the truth
What can we do to help those if there is peace in the home. (Read James 3:18.)
who live in divided households?
1. When someone accepts the truth, what can be the effect
on his family?
2. Why is it possible for us to be happy even if our family is
not in the truth?
3. Why should a Christian work hard to have peace in the

SOME Religiously divided Unbelieving mate:
household: A family A husband or wife who
EXPRESSIONS where not everyone is is not one of Jehovah’s
EXPLAINED a Witness of Jehovah Witnesses

Even if the family does not yet worship good results each time I make the ef-
Jehovah, a Christian must work hard to fort to share the good news with oth-
have peace in the family. How can he ers.” These blessings give her peace,
do that? satisfaction, and happiness.
4 We must keep our inner peace, or 5 We need to work hard to have

calmness. To do this, we need to pray peace with family members who are
for “the peace of God that excels all not in the truth. This may be difficult
thought.” (Philippians 4:6, 7) Happi- because sometimes they may want
ness and peace result from learning us to do things that are against Bible
about Jehovah and living according to principles. Some in our family who
Bible principles. (Isaiah 54:13) We also are not in the truth may become an-
need to have a share in congregation gry when we loyally follow the Bible.
That should not stop us from doing
what is right. If we work hard, some-
Our worship of day we may have peace in the family.
Of course, we do our best to cooperate
Jehovah gives us with the family when something is not
peace, satisfaction, against Bible principles. In this way,
we avoid unnecessary disagreements.
and happiness (Read Proverbs 16:7.) When there is a
problem, it is important to seek Bible
meetings and to be zealous in the field counsel from publications of the faith-
ful and discreet slave class and from
ministry if we want to have peace and
the elders.—Proverbs 11:14.
happiness. Those who live in a divid-
6 We can have peace in the family
ed household can usually find a way to
if we trust in Jehovah and try to un-
do these important things. For exam-
derstand how our family feels. (Prov-
ple, one sister named Enza has a hus-
erbs 16:20) Even new Bible students
band who is violently opposed.1 (See
can try to do this. Some unbelieving
footnote.) She goes out preaching after
she has finished her housework. Enza 5. What can be hard for those whose family is
says, “Jehovah richly blesses me with not in the truth? Where can they get help?
6, 7. (a) Why do some oppose family mem-
1 Names have been changed. bers who begin to study with Jehovah’s Wit-
nesses? (b) How should a Bible student or a
4. How may we keep our inner peace? Witness react to family opposition?


husbands or wives may not oppose the book I was studying. He did so and
their mate if he or she studies the Bi- could not disagree with what it said.
ble. They may even say that this could This deeply affected him.” It is impor-
be good for the family. But others may tant to remember that people may feel
show strong opposition. Esther, who lonely or think that their marriage is in
is now a Witness, admits that she got danger when their mate leaves them
very angry when her husband began behind to go to the meetings or in field
studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses. service. But the Bible student or Wit-
She says, “I either threw out his liter- ness can speak kindly and lovingly to
ature or burned it.” Howard opposed his or her mate. This will help the mate
his wife when she began to study the not to worry.
Bible. He says that many husbands are
afraid that their wives are joining a
religious sect that has deceived them.
8 The apostle Paul advised Chris-
He also says that since a husband may
think that his wife is in danger, he may tians that they cannot leave a mar-
speak and act harshly. riage mate just because he or she is
7 We should help a Bible student not a Christian.1 (See footnote.) (Read
whose mate is opposed to understand 1 Corinthians 7:12-16.) It will help a
Christian to be happy if he remembers
that someday, his mate may accept the
Jehovah helps us truth. But it is good for him to be care-
ful about the way he tries to help his
to be joyful even mate understand the truth, as the fol-
lowing experiences show.
under difficult 9 Jason was very excited when he

circumstances first learned the truth. He says, “I

wanted to tell everyone!” When a Bi-
ble student realizes that what he has
that he does not have to stop his Bi- learned from the Bible is the truth, he
ble study. He or she will often be able may be so happy that he talks about
to improve the situation by being gen- it almost all the time. He may expect
tle and by showing respect for his or his family to accept the truth imme-
her mate. (1 Peter 3:15) Howard says, diately, but they may not agree with
“I am so grateful that my wife stayed him. How did Jason’s wife react to his
calm and did not overreact!” His wife
explains that Howard demanded that 1 Paul’s counsel did not forbid Christians to sepa-
rate from their mates in extreme situations. That is
she stop studying the Bible because he a serious personal decision. See “Keep Yourselves in
thought that the Witnesses were de- God’s Love,” pages 220-221.
ceiving her. She explains: “Instead of
8. What counsel did the apostle Paul give to
arguing, I said that he could be right, those whose mates were not Christians?
but I also told him that I could not hon- 9. What must a Christian be careful not to do
estly see how. So I asked him to read when he introduces Bible truth to his family?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 23

excitement? She says that she felt that 3:1, 2) By being humble and showing
he never stopped talking about the deep respect for her husband even if
truth. One woman who accepted the he treats her harshly, a wife may be
truth 18 years after her husband did able to help him accept the truth. And
a believing husband should behave as
God wants us to behave and be a lov-
It is important to have ing family head even if his wife oppos-
es his beliefs.—1 Peter 3:7-9.
patience when you try 11 Many Christians today have ben-

to help your family efited from following Peter’s advice.

Selma is one example. When she be-
learn the truth gan to study the Bible with Jeho-
vah’s Witnesses, her husband, Steve,
was not pleased. He says that he be-
says that she needed to learn it grad-
came angry, jealous, and afraid. Sel-
ually. You might be conducting a Bi-
ble study with someone whose mate
has no desire to accept the truth. It
would be good to show the student Choose the right time to explain your beliefs
how he can explain the truth in a kind
way that does not upset his mate. The
prophet Moses said: “My instruction
will drip as the rain, my saying will
trickle as the dew, as gentle rains upon
grass.” (Deuteronomy 32:2) A few
words about the truth said in the right
way and at the right time will often do
more good than a flood of words.
10 God inspired the apostle Peter to

give wise advice to Christian wives

whose husbands were not Christians.
He said: “Be in subjection to your own
husbands, in order that, if any are not
obedient to the word, they may be won
without a word through the conduct
of their wives, because of having been
eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct
together with deep respect.” (1 Peter
10-12. (a) What advice did the apostle Peter
give to those whose mates are not Christians?
(b) How did one Bible student learn to follow
the advice written at 1 Peter 3:1, 2?


ma says that even before she learned love of my brothers and sisters was
the truth, he was not easy to live with. what helped me to stand firm in the
She had to be very careful about every- truth.”
thing she said and did. She also says 14 Kindness and interest from the
that he had always had a bad temper, brothers and sisters in the congrega-
but this problem became even worse tion can change the heart of an un-
when she started studying the Bi- believer. A brother in Nigeria who ac-
ble. What helped to improve the situa- cepted the truth 13 years after his wife
tion? did says: “While I was traveling with a
12 Selma remembers a lesson she
Witness, his vehicle broke down.
learned from the Witness who studied He sought out fellow Witnesses in a
with her. She says: “On one particu- neighboring village, and they gave us
lar day, I didn’t want to have a Bible accommodations for the night. They
study. The night before, Steve had hit cared for us as if we had known them
me as I had tried to prove a point, and from childhood. Right away, I felt the
I was feeling sad and sorry for my- Christian love that my wife had al-
self. After I told the sister what had ways spoken about.” In England, a sis-
happened and how I felt, she asked ter who came into the truth 18 years af-
me to read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. As ter her husband did remembers: “The
I did, I began to reason, ‘Steve never Witnesses invited both of us for meals.
does any of these loving things for me.’ I always felt welcome.”1 (See footnote.)
But the sister made me think different- A man from England who eventually
ly by asking, ‘How many of those acts became a Witness says: “Brothers and
of love do you show toward your hus- sisters would visit us, or we were in-
band?’ My answer was, ‘None, for he vited to their homes, and I found that
is so difficult to live with.’ The sister they had a caring attitude. This was es-
softly said, ‘Selma, who is trying to be pecially noticeable when I was in the
a Christian here? You or Steve?’ ” Sel- hospital and many came to visit me.”
ma realized that she needed to change Can you show similar interest in the
her thinking. She said: “I prayed to Je- families of those who are alone in the
hovah to help me be more loving to- truth?
ward Steve. Slowly, things started to 15 Of course, even if we do what is
change.”After 17 years, Steve accepted
right and witness in a kind way for
the truth.
many years, not everyone in our fami-
HOW OTHERS CAN HELP ly will accept the truth. Some will still
13 Just as gentle drops of rain soak show no interest or will remain strong-
the ground and help plants to grow, ly opposed. (Matthew 10:35-37) But
each of us in the congregation can help when we show Christian qualities, this
those who live in a divided household 1 The Bible does not forbid us to eat with people
to be happy. Elvina in Brazil says, “The who are not in the truth.—1 Corinthians 10:27.

13, 14. What can we do to help those who live 15, 16. What can help those who are alone in
in a divided household? the truth to continue to be happy?

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 25

not accept the truth can still be hap-
py. One sister has made an effort to
witness to her husband for 21 years,
but he has not accepted the truth.
She says that she has been able to
keep her joy by trying to please Je-
hovah, by being loyal to him, and by
working to have a stronger relation-
ship with him. She also says that she
keeps herself busy by doing person-
al study, going to meetings, preaching,
and helping others in the congrega-
tion. This has helped her to feel closer
to Jehovah and to stay faithful to him.
—Proverbs 4:23.
17 If you are a faithful Christian in
a divided household, do not give up.
Remember that Jehovah will not leave
his people. (1 Samuel 12:22) He is with
you as long as you stay close to him.
(Read 2 Chronicles 15:2.) So find joy
in learning about Jehovah, and “rely
upon him.” (Psalm 37:4, 5) “Persevere
in prayer,” and have faith that our lov-
ing heavenly Father can help you to en-
dure all kinds of difficulties.—Romans
18 Pray to Jehovah, and ask him for

Show interest in unbelieving mates his holy spirit to help you have peace
in the family. (Hebrews 12:14) If you do
this, it is possible that you will have a
good influence on those in your fami-
can have very good results. One man ly who are not in the truth. You will
who became a Witness after his wife be happy and will have inner peace
did says that one may not even know when you “do all things for God’s
how those beautiful Christian qual- glory.” (1 Corinthians 10:31) Also, you
ities will affect the mind and heart can be sure that your brothers and sis-
of the unbelieving mate. He also says, ters will give you their love and sup-
“Don’t ever give up on your unbeliev- port.
ing mate.” 17, 18. What can help a Christian in a divided
16 Those whose family members do household not to give up?


A Trait
That Can Poison
Our Minds

NAPOLEON BONAPARTE had it. Julius Caesar had it. Alexander the
Great had it. Even though they were powerful and famous, these men
had in their heart a feeling that was like a poison. If a person has this
feeling, it can ruin his thinking. All three men envied someone else.

English philosopher Bertrand Russell wrote The attitude of wanting to show that we are bet-
that Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Al- ter than others can make our imperfect tendency
exander the Great, and Alexander envied Her- to envy even worse. Two Christians named Cris-
cules, who never even existed. Anyone can be- tina and Jose have learned that this is true.1—See
come envious, even someone who has a lot of footnote.
money, talent, and success in life. Cristina, a regular pioneer, says: “I often find
Envy is a bad feeling toward others because myself looking enviously at others. I compare
of the money, advantages, and other things that what they have with what I don’t have.” One
they have. A Biblical reference book explains that time, Cristina was having a meal with a couple
jealousy is the desire to have what another person who serve in the traveling work. Cristina and her
has, but envy is more than that. The envious per- husband, Eric, were about the same age as the
son is jealous of what others have and wants to traveling overseer and his wife and had had sim-
take it from them. ilar assignments in the past. So Cristina said: “My
husband is also an elder! So how is it that you are
It is wise to think about how we could become
in the traveling work and we are nothing?” An at-
envious and what the results of that would be. We
titude of wanting to be better than others made
especially need to know what to do to keep envy
her envious. It caused her to forget the good work
from controlling our lives.
that she and her husband were doing and made
AN ATTITUDE THAT her feel unhappy with their life.
CAN MAKE ENVY STRONGER Jose wanted to serve as a ministerial servant in
the congregation. When others in the congrega-
Imperfect humans have “a tendency to envy.”
tion were appointed and he was not, he became
But there are things that can make this tenden-
envious of them. He also became angry at the
cy stronger. (James 4:5) The apostle Paul tells us ´
coordinator of the body of elders. Jose confesses
about one of them when he says: “Let us not be-
that he started to hate this elder and to think that
come egotistical, stirring up competition with one
another, envying one another.” (Galatians 5:26) 1 Names have been changed.

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 27

ed Joseph even more when he told them
about his prophetic dreams. They want-
ed to kill him. Finally, they sold him as a
slave and cruelly made their father be-
lieve that Joseph was dead. (Genesis 37:
4-11, 23-28, 31-33) Years later, they ad-
mitted their sin and said to one anoth-
er: “Unquestionably we are guilty with
regard to our brother, because we saw
the distress of his soul when he implored
compassion on our part, but we did not
listen.”—Genesis 42:21; 50:15-19.
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram became
envious when they compared their as-
signments with those of Moses and Aar-
on. They accused Moses of trying “to
play the prince” and of acting as if he
was better than others. (Numbers 16:
13) This was not true. (Numbers 11:14,
15) Jehovah himself had appointed Mo-
ses. But these men envied Moses’ assign-
ment. Jehovah finally destroyed them be-
cause of their envy.—Psalm 106:16, 17.
King Solomon saw the terrible things
this brother did not want him to have responsi- that envy can make people do. A woman whose
bilities in the congregation. Jose says that when own newborn baby had died tried to make anoth-
envy controls your life, you cannot think clearly. er woman believe that it was her baby who had
You think only about yourself. died. When they came to Solomon for a solution
to this argument, the woman who was lying even
agreed with the idea of killing the surviving baby.
There are many warning examples in the Bible. But Solomon made sure that the child was given
(1 Corinthians 10:11) Some of these show how to the real mother.—1 Kings 3:16-27.
envy starts and grows. They also show that it can The results of envy can be terrible. The exam-
be like a poison in the minds of those who allow ples we just talked about show that it can result
it to take complete control of them. in hatred, injustice, and murder. And in each of
For example, Adam and Eve’s firstborn son, these examples, the person who was envied had
Cain, was angry when Jehovah accepted Abel’s done nothing wrong. What are some of the things
sacrifice but not his. Cain could have chosen to we can do to make sure that envy does not con-
do what was right, but the envy he felt for his trol our lives?
brother was so strong that Cain killed him. (Gen-
esis 4:4-8) That is why the Bible speaks of Cain as POWERFUL WAYS TO CONTROL ENVY
one “who originated with the wicked one,” Satan! Have love and affection for the brothers and
—1 John 3:12. sisters. The apostle Peter told Christians: “Now
Joseph’s ten brothers envied the special rela- that you have purified your souls by your obe-
tionship Joseph had with their father. They hat- dience to the truth with unhypocritical brother-


ly affection as the result, love one anoth-
er intensely from the heart.” (1 Peter 1:
22) And what is love? The apostle Paul
wrote: “Love is long-suffering and kind.
Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does
not get puffed up, does not behave in-
decently, does not look for its own inter-
ests.” (1 Corinthians 13:4, 5) If we have
this kind of love for others in our heart, it
will control any tendency to envy. (1 Pe-
ter 2:1) Instead of envying David, Jona-
than loved him as much as he loved his
own life.—1 Samuel 18:1.
Associate with people who serve
God. The writer of Psalm 73 was envious
of the wicked who had a good life and
seemed to have no problems. But he was
able to get rid of his envy by going to “the
grand sanctuary of God.” (Psalm 73:3-5,
17) His association with other worship-
pers of God helped him to recognize the
“Rejoice with people
blessings he had because of his friend- who rejoice”
ship with God. (Psalm 73:28) Regular as-
sociation with our brothers and sisters at
the meetings can help us in the same way. preaching work. (Luke 10:17, 21; John 14:12) Jeho-
Look for ways to do good. When Jehovah no- vah’s servants are united. When something good
ticed that Cain felt envy and hatred, God told happens to one of us, we all feel happy. (1 Corin-
him: “Turn to doing good.” (Genesis 4:7) What thians 12:25, 26) So when others receive greater
does “doing good” mean for Christians? Jesus responsibility, we should rejoice, not feel envious.
said that we must love Jehovah with our whole
heart and with our whole soul and with our
whole mind and that we must love our neighbor We may have to make constant effort to control
as ourselves. (Matthew 22:37-39) When serving envy. Cristina says: “I still have a strong tendency
Jehovah and helping others are the most impor- toward envy. Even though I hate it, the feeling is
tant things in our lives, we get satisfaction. This there.” She has to control it constantly. Jose feels
satisfaction can help us not to have feelings of the same way. He says that Jehovah has helped
envy. When we do our best in the work of preach- him to value the good qualities of the coordinator
ing the Kingdom and making disciples, we are of the body of elders. Jose says that his efforts
serving God and our neighbor in a fine way, and were successful only because he had a good rela-
we will have “the blessing of Jehovah.”—Prov- tionship with God.
erbs 10:22. Envy is one of “the works of the flesh,” which
“Rejoice with people who rejoice.” (Romans every Christian should avoid. (Galatians 5:19-21)
12:15) Jesus rejoiced when his disciples had good If we do not allow envy to control us, our lives
results in their ministry, and he said that they will be happier and we will please our heavenly
would do even more than he had done in the Father, Jehovah.

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 29

IT IS not easy to make a man who has
great authority realize that he has done
something wrong and that he needs to
change his ways. Would you have the
courage to go and talk to a powerful
man if you knew that he had killed a
man just to protect his own reputation?

Loyal Advocate of Pure Worship

King David of ancient Israel had committed adultery

with Bath-sheba, and she became pregnant. To hide their
sin, David had her husband killed and then took Bath-
sheba as his wife. For many months, David continued to
do his work as king and did not tell anybody about his sin.
But Jehovah did not ignore the king’s sins. He sent his
prophet Nathan to make David understand how serious
his sin was.
This was a difficult assignment. Imagine that you were
Nathan. Nathan’s loyalty to Jehovah and his firm decision
to defend God’s commands motivated him to remind Da-
vid of his sins. How could the prophet do this and help
King David to understand that he needed to repent?
Why not take a few minutes to read 2 Samuel 12:1-25?
Imagine that you were standing in Nathan’s place as he
told David this story: “There were two men that happened
to be in one city, the one rich and the other of little means.
The rich man happened to have very many sheep and cat-
tle; but the man of little means had nothing but one fe-
male lamb, a small one, that he had bought. And he was
preserving it alive, and it was growing up with him and
with his sons, all together. From his morsel it would eat,


and from his cup it would drink, and in his bos- loved righteousness and justice. So he used a sto-
om it would lie, and it came to be as a daughter ry that he knew would have an influence on a
to him. After a while a visitor came to the rich man who had these qualities. We too can help
man, but he spared taking some from his own people to understand what Jehovah thinks. How
sheep and his own cattle to get such ready for the can we do this? People have a general idea of
traveler that had come in to him. So he took the what is right. We can help them to use their own
female lamb of the man of little means and got knowledge of what is right without making them
it ready for the man that had come in to him.” feel that we are better than they are or that we
—2 Samuel 12:1-4. have the right to tell them what to do. The Bible,
Nathan’s story made David very angry, and not our own opinion, tells us what is right and
David exclaimed: “As Jehovah is living, the man what is wrong.
doing this deserves to die!” Then Nathan pow- It was mainly because of his loyalty to God
erfully declared: “You yourself are the man!” that Nathan was able to reprove a powerful king.
(2 Samuel 12:5-7) David had been a shepherd (2 Samuel 12:1) Our loyalty to God will give us
himself, and it seems that he believed this sto- the courage to defend Jehovah’s righteous prin-
ry to be a real situation. He may have thought ciples.
so because, as one Bible commentator says, Na- DEFENDER OF TRUE WORSHIP
than might have often gone to David to speak
It seems that David and Nathan were good
for those who had suffered injustice and had no
friends. David later even named one of his sons
one to help them. Even if that was true, Nathan
Nathan. (1 Chronicles 3:1, 5) The first time Na-
had to have loyalty to God and courage to speak
than is mentioned in the Bible, he is with Da-
to the king in the way he did. vid. Both of them loved Jehovah. We know that
Think about why Nathan chose to speak about the king trusted Nathan’s opinion because he
the problem in the way he did. It is not easy for told the prophet how much he wanted to build a
a person who has become emotionally involved temple for Jehovah. David said: “ ‘See, now, I am
with someone to think about his situation clear- dwelling in a house of cedars while the ark of the
ly. All of us tend to make excuses to explain true God is dwelling in the middle of tent cloths.’
our wrong actions. But Nathan’s story made Da- Upon that Nathan said to the king: ‘Everything
vid condemn his own actions without realizing that is in your heart—go, do, because Jehovah is
it. The king saw clearly that the conduct Nathan with you.’ ”—2 Samuel 7:2, 3.
described was terribly wrong. It was only after Nathan was a faithful worshipper of Jehovah,
David himself had condemned it that Nathan and for this reason, he was ready to support Da-
said that the story was about the king. Then Da- vid’s plan to build the first temple of true wor-
vid could understand how serious his sin was. ship on earth. But on that occasion, what Nathan
This helped him to have the right attitude to ac- said was his own opinion and not what Jeho-
cept discipline. David confessed that he had “de- vah told him to say. That night, God instruct-
spised” Jehovah by his conduct with Bath-sheba, ed his prophet to give the king a different mes-
and he accepted the needed discipline.—2 Sam- sage: David would not build Jehovah’s temple. It
uel 12:9-14; Psalm 51, superscription. would be built by one of David’s sons. But Na-
What can we learn from this? A Bible teacher’s than said that God was making a covenant with
goal is to help his students to be able to think David so that his throne would become “firmly
about matters and understand for themselves established to time indefinite.”—2 Samuel 7:4-16.
what is right. Nathan respected David, and he Nathan’s opinion about who should build the
spoke to him tactfully. Nathan knew that David temple did not agree with God’s will. But this

FEBRUARY 15, 2012 31

their son Solomon king. Then Nathan himself
went to the king to ask if David had chosen Ad-
onijah as the next king. David realized how seri-
ous the situation was, so he instructed Nathan
and other loyal servants to have Solomon anoint-
ed and declared king. Adonijah’s plan to make
himself king failed.—1 Kings 1:5-53.
People usually agree that Nathan and Gad
were the writers of 1 Samuel chapters 25 to 31 as
well as all of 2 Samuel. First Chronicles 29:29
says about those inspired books: “As for the af-
fairs of David the king, the first ones and the last,
there they are written among the words of Sam-
uel the seer and among the words of Nathan the
prophet and among the words of Gad the vision-
ary.” The Bible also mentions that Nathan wrote
about “the affairs of Solomon.” (2 Chronicles 9:
29) This means that Nathan probably continued
to serve at the royal court after David’s death.
Much of what we know about Nathan may
As a defender of the kingship, have been written by Nathan himself. But we can
Nathan tactfully spoke to Bath-sheba also learn much about him from what he did not
write. It seems that Nathan was a humble histori-
an, and he was not interested in being famous.
One Bible dictionary says that he is mentioned
humble prophet did not complain. He accepted in the Bible with no introduction and no infor-
Jehovah’s direction and cooperated with it. Na- mation about his family. We know nothing about
than is a good example for us to follow if we are Nathan’s personal life.
ever corrected by God in some way. We know
that Nathan continued to have God’s favor be-
cause of how Jehovah used him later as a proph- From the few things we read about Nathan
et. It seems that Jehovah inspired Nathan and in the Bible, we know that he was humble and
Gad the visionary to direct David in organizing zealous in supporting God’s way of doing things.
4,000 musicians in temple service.—1 Chronicles Jehovah God gave him heavy responsibilities.
23:1-5; 2 Chronicles 29:25. Think deeply about Nathan’s qualities, such as
loyalty to God and love for God’s standards.
DEFENDER OF THE KINGSHIP Work hard to imitate these qualities.
Nathan knew that Solomon should become You will probably not have to reprove kings
king after David. So Nathan acted immedi- who committed adultery or stop someone’s plan
ately when Adonijah tried to take the throne to become ruler. But with God’s help, you can be
away during David’s older years. Again Nathan loyal to God and defend what he says is right.
showed tact and loyalty. First he urged Bath- You can also be a courageous but tactful teacher
sheba to remind David of his promise to make of truth and a defender of true worship. ws12 02/15-E

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