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Is Religion Dying Out? About Us
Find out whether Jehovah’s Witnesses
7 Living Without Sight feel that they are the only people who
will be saved.
Also find Bible-based answers to many
10 INTERVIEW other questions, including:
A Mathematician Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians?
Explains His Faith


How to Praise Children


The End of the World
w Children
Watch exciting videos that teach
16 WAS IT DESIGNED? valuable lessons, such as the need to
The Mathematical forgive freely.
Ability of Plants

Vol. 96, No. 11 / Monthly / ENGLISH

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Awake! (ISSN 0005-237X) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.;
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5 2015 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Printed in Canada.

Gaffar, who was born in Turkey, was disturbed by the
idea of a vengeful God, as taught by his religion. His
wife, Hediye, began to question her religion when she
was just nine years old. “I was taught to believe in fate,”
she said. “As an orphan, I wondered, ‘What have I done
to deserve this?’ I often cried all night. By age 15, in my
heart I had abandoned my religion.”

HAVE you given up on organized religion? If so, you are

far from alone. In many countries the number of people
who describe themselves as ‘not religious’ is growing—a
trend that suggests an uncertain future for institutional
religion. Some of those lands are shown here.

Statistics for all countries except

Tunisia are taken from the 2012 Global
Index of Religion and Atheism, pub-
lished by Gallup International. Polls
involved 57 countries, representing over
73 percent of the world’s population.


Polls indicate that nearly Only 37 percent of the people The Irish seem to be losing their
50 percent of the population polled claimed to be religious. faith en masse. Nearly 45 per-
say they are not religious. The rest were either atheists or cent of respondents said they are
Another 10 percent claim to be simply not religious. In some not religious, and another 10 per-
“convinced atheists.” In 2010, parts of this once Catholic cent claimed to be atheists. Per-
a clergyman lamented that “the stronghold, Catholicism is in centagewise, Ireland was among
last 40 years or so” has seen a a state of “near-collapse,” said the top ten atheist populations.
“wholesale abandonment of the the magazine The Economist. News reports are talking about
Christian faith.” “the end of Catholic Ireland.”

Awake! November 2015 3

Why the Exodus? satisfied and deny you,” he continued.
People are becoming disillusioned with —Proverbs 30:8, 9.
organized religion for a variety of reasons. ˙ Religious traditions and morality:
These include religiously motivated or Many people, especially the young, view
religiously sanctioned violence and terror, organized religion as irrelevant and out of
sex scandals involving religious leaders, touch. Others have lost confidence in re-
and more subtle factors, which may be ligion. “If you look at the way the churches
taking a bigger toll. The latter include the have behaved over the centuries,” said
following: Tim Maguire, media officer for Humanist
˙ Material prosperity: “The richer you Society Scotland, “people have turned
get, the less religious you define your- away from them because they no longer
self,” says the Global Index of Religion believe in them as a moral arbiter.”
and Atheism. That observation is signif- WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: Regarding false
icant because in many lands, material teachers, Jesus Christ warned: “By their
prosperity has risen dramatically. In some fruits you will recognize them. . . . Every
places, people enjoy a “standard of living good tree produces fine fruit, but every
that would have made the greatest king rotten tree produces worthless fruit.”
of two hundred years ago turn green with (Matthew 7:15-18) “Worthless fruit” in-
envy,” says John V. C. Nye, a professor cludes political meddling and approving
of economics. of practices that offend God, such as
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: The Bible foretold homosexuality. (John 15:19; Romans 1:25-
that in “the last days,” love of money and 27) It also includes substituting hollow
pleasures would supplant love of God and rituals and empty traditions for the whole-
neighbor. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Aware of the some teachings found in the Scriptures.
spiritual dangers associated with wealth, (Matthew 15:3, 9) “Feed my little sheep,”
a Bible writer said to Jehovah God: “Give Jesus said. (John 21:17) Today, however,
me neither poverty nor riches.” Why such many people feel spiritually starved.
a desire? “So that I do not become


Just 16 percent of Japanese In 2013, about 60 percent of Since 2005, the number of
polled claimed to be religious; Tunisians polled said that they people claiming to be religious
62 percent were either not no longer attend mosques but fell by 13 percent. About 1 in 5
religious or atheists. instead pray at home. The reason respondents had no religious
given was the violent ideology affiliation. For adults under the
Between 2005 and 2012, promoted there. age of 30, the ratio was 1 in 3.
the number of South African Thousands of churches close
respondents who said they their doors each year.
were religious fell by 19 percent.
˙ Religion and money: According to Nor do they tithe or take up collections
the Pew Research Center, a lot of people at their meetings. Instead, needed funds
feel that religion puts too much emphasis are supplied through private voluntary
on money. Adding to the problem, some donations.—Matthew 6:2, 3.
religious dignitaries—unlike their flocks—
enjoy lavish lifestyles. For example, in The Exodus From Organized
one German city where many churchgoers Religion Foretold!
struggle to make ends meet, the bishop Not many decades ago, the present
has been accused of living in great luxury. plight of organized religion would have
This lifestyle has offended many local been hard to imagine. God, however, fore-
Catholics. Also, a report in GEO magazine saw this development and announced it in
says that in Nigeria, “where 100 million advance in the Bible. Using symbolic lan-
people live on less than one euro per day, guage, God likened all religion that is
the flamboyant lifestyles of some pastors unfaithful to him to a flamboyant prosti-
is beginning to become a problem.” tute named “Babylon the Great.”—Revela-
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: The Bible writer Paul tion 17:1, 5.
wrote: “We are not making profit from the That symbol is fitting because false reli-
word of God.” (2 Corinthians 2:17, foot- gion, while claiming fidelity to God, has
note) Even though Paul was a prominent consorted with the rulers of the world to
minister in the early Christian congrega- gain power and wealth. “The kings of the
tion, he often did manual work so as not to earth . . . committed sexual immorality
impose a financial burden on others. (Acts with her,” says Revelation 18:9. The term
20:34) His attitude reflected his obedience “Babylon” is appropriate too, because
to Jesus’ command: “You received free, many false religious teachings and prac-
give free.”—Matthew 10:7, 8. tices, such as the immortality of the soul,
In harmony with those principles, triune gods, and occultism, have roots in
Jehovah’s Witnesses do not charge for ancient Babylon, a city steeped in false
their literature or for Bible instruction. religion and superstition.1—Isaiah 47:1,
Mighty Babylon fell when its protective
waters—a moat fed by the Euphrates Riv-
er—were “dried up,” opening the way for
an army of Medes and Persians to conquer
Between 2005 and 2012, the the city. (Jeremiah 50:1, 2, 38) In fact,
number of respondents profess- Babylon was taken in one night!—Daniel 5:
ing to be religious fell from 7, 28, 30.
53 percent to just 30 percent.
Babylon the Great too “sits on many
waters.” These, the Bible tells us, mean
“peoples and crowds”—the millions who
1 For more information on Babylon the Great and on what
the Bible says about the condition of the dead, the nature
of God, and the occult, see the book What Does the Bible
Really Teach? It is available online at

Awake! November 2015 5

support false religion. (Revelation 17:1, 15) Before studying the Bible, Gaffar saw
The Bible foretold that these symbolic wa- God as Someone to be obeyed mainly
ters would dry up—a development that out of fear. “It was a relief to learn that
portends the imminent and swift destruc- Jehovah is a God of love,” he said, “and
tion of modern-day Babylon. (Revelation that he wants us to obey him primarily out
16:12; 18:8) But at whose hands? Those of love.” (1 John 4:8; 5:3) Hediye found
of her political consorts, whose love for inner peace when she learned that God did
her will turn to hatred. They will also plun- not make her an orphan and that her situ-
der her, or devour her figurative flesh. ation was not the result of fate. She was
—Revelation 17:16, 17.1 comforted by such Bible texts as James 1:
13, which says that God does not test peo-
“Get Out of Her”! ple with evil. She and Gaffar embraced Bi-
Because of what lies in store for Bab- ble truth and fled “Babylon.”—John 17:17.
ylon the Great, God lovingly warns: “Get When Babylon the Great is destroyed,
out of her, my people, if you do not want no harm will come to those who have obe-
to share with her in her sins, and if you do diently fled from her in order to “worship
not want to receive part of her plagues.” the Father with spirit and truth.” (John 4:
(Revelation 18:4) Notice the word “if,” 23) Their hope is to see the earth “filled
mentioned twice. Yes, God’s warning is with the knowledge of Jehovah as the
aimed at people who are disturbed by waters cover the sea.”—Isaiah 11:9.
hurtful teachings and who want God’s Yes, false worship and its ugly fruitage
favor—people like Gaffar and Hediye, will come to an end, for God “cannot lie.”
mentioned earlier. (Titus 1:2) True worship, on the other
1 See “The Bible’s Viewpoint—The End of the World,” in this hand, will thrive forever! ˛
issue of Awake!

The receding waters around Babylon symbolize the human exodus from Babylon the Great
Living Without Sight
“I lost most of my sight at birth when I was given harsh eye drops.
During my teenage years, I became totally blind and sank into a deep
depression.”—Paqui, a middle-aged woman whose husband is also blind.

BLINDNESS or serious visual impairment Hearing: From voices to footsteps,

can have many causes, including injury sounds can paint a mental picture. “I have
and disease. These may affect the eyes, learned to remember and recognize peo-
the optic nerves, or the brain. People who ple by their voices or even by how they
lose much or all of their sight often experi- walk,” says a blind man named Fernando.
ence denial, grief, and fear. Many, though, Juan, who is also blind, says: “For a blind
learn to cope very well and go on to lead person, another’s voice is his identity.”
satisfying lives. And like all of us, the blind take careful
The eyes are normally our primary note of tone, which can convey a variety
source of information about the world of emotions.
around us. So when someone loses his To the trained ear of a blind person,
sight, he comes to rely more heavily on sound also says a lot about the environ-
other senses—hearing, smell, touch, and ment—from the direction of traffic to the
taste. size of a room to the location of certain
According to the magazine Scientific obstacles.
American, research on neuroplasticity Smell: The sense of smell can also
suggests that the brain has the ability be a rich source of information, but not
“to change with experience.” The article just about the source of an aroma. For
adds: “A large body of evidence shows example, when a blind person walks along
when the brain is deprived of input in one a certain route, his sense of smell can help
sensory modality, it is capable of reorga- him to form a mental map that may in-
nizing itself to support and augment other clude coffee shops, restaurants, markets,
senses.” Consider the following.

Awake! November 2015 7

and so on. Of course, familiar sounds add The sense of touch also enables many
to the map, as do details acquired through blind people to read by means of literature
the sense of touch. published in Braille. Nowadays, in fact, it
Touch: “My fingers are my eyes,” says is not unusual for a blind person to have
Francisco. The range of those “eyes” can access to a number of provisions to enrich
be extended by means of a cane. Ma- his mental and spiritual life. Besides publi-
nasés, who was born blind and learned to cations in Braille, these provisions include
use a cane in childhood, said, “I know audio recordings and computer-based
exactly where I am thanks to my other technology. With the help of these, the
senses, my memory, and the patterns on blind can read the Bible and a variety of
the sidewalk that I detect with the aid of Bible study aids.1
my cane.” 1 Jehovah’s Witnesses produce Bible study aids in Braille in
more than 25 languages.

Although Blind, I Have a Rewarding Life

Marco Antonio is a husband, father, and joint owner of a business.
He is also blind from birth. He spoke with Awake! about some of
his joys and challenges.

You run a business. How do Have you faced any special

you accomplish that? challenges?
In my work, I handle telephone When I was growing up, my par-
inquiries, meet clients and sup- ents and siblings took good care
pliers, and do banking. of me, and they treated me as if
I were not blind. Granted, I suf-
What do you do for recreation? fered the usual bumps and falls,
I love music. It relaxes me. And but I got used to doing most
I play the piano, although it’s a things a sighted person can do.
challenge because I cannot read When I reached adulthood, the
Braille music and at the same only thing that really bothered
time play it with both hands. me was that I couldn’t drive.
When I first play a piece of mu- Now I am a husband and father,
sic, I read it with my right hand and I have a loving family whom
and play the piano with the left. I support and who give me sup-
Then I repeat the process, but port. My dear son, David, has
with my hands swapping roles. inherited my condition—optic
When I learn the score by heart, nerve atrophy. But I am trying
I play with both hands. to set a good example for him.
I want him to learn that with
Those spiritual provisions have been a
source of immeasurable comfort and hope
to Paqui and her husband, mentioned at
the outset. They have also gained the sup-
port of a large spiritual family, the local
Christian congregation of Jehovah’s Wit-
nesses. “We are now able to live a full and
reasonably independent life,” Paqui says.
Indeed, blindness presents special chal-
lenges. But what a testimony to human
Reading a Braille Watchtower magazine
adaptability and resilience when people
confront those challenges and carry on
with the joys of life! ˛

patience and determination, he She was a great help. As a Do you enjoy interacting with
can do many things. result, I was even able to give others?
talks at congregation meetings.
You now have a guide dog. Yes, especially with my immedi-
Nowadays, though, I can read
Why did you choose to get ate family and fellow Witnesses,
for myself because I have the
one? with whom I also go out preach-
Bible and study aids in Braille.
ing from door to door. My spiri-
With Dante—that’s my dog’s I can also go to the website tual brothers and sisters treat
name—I can walk faster and saf- established by Jehovah’s Wit- me the way they treat anybody
er. When I go somewhere for the nesses——where I down- else. In fact, they sometimes for-
first time, my wife, Loli, who is load audio recordings. And I get that I’m blind!
not blind, accompanies us so have a Braille display, which en-
ables me to read what is on my I might add that the
that Dante and I can learn the
computer monitor. The display ministry enables me to share
route. I must confess that at first
with others the precious hope
I found it hard to entrust my has small pins that pop up in
found in the Bible. For example,
safety to a dog. But Dante groups to form Braille charac-
at Isaiah 35:5, we read that
earned my full trust. No matter ters. It’s quite amazing!
under God’s Kingdom govern-
what happens around us, he A privilege I have especially en- ment, “the eyes of the blind will
concentrates on the job. But joyed is assisting with Braille be opened.” When Jesus Christ
when I remove his harness, he transcription at the Spain branch was on the earth, he cured the
behaves like any other dog. office of Jehovah’s Witnesses in blind, giving us a preview of that
Madrid. In order to improve the future time. (Matthew 15:30, 31)
As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses,
quality of Braille publications, Blindness, therefore, is a tempo-
how do you personally study
those preparing them value sug- rary problem, which is true of all
the Bible?
gestions from the blind. So I can disabilities. In the earthly Para-
When technology for the blind honestly say that I feel both dise to come, no one will say,
was limited, Loli read the Bible loved and appreciated by my ‘I am sick or disabled.’—Isaiah
and Bible study aids to me. spiritual brothers and sisters. 33:24; Luke 23:43.

Awake! November 2015 9


A Mathematician
Explains His Faith

Dr. Gene Hwang, born in 1950 in Tainan, Taiwan, is a retired How did you become
professor of mathematics at the National Chung Cheng Universi- interested in the Bible?
ty in Taiwan. He is also professor emeritus at Cornell University, In 1978 my wife, Jinghuei,
U.S.A., where he taught and did research in statistics and began studying the Bible with
probability. For years he was one of the most published Jehovah’s Witnesses, and
authorities on statistics, a field in which he is still involved. occasionally I shared in the
As a young man, he believed that life began by evolutionary discussions. By then, we were
processes. But he later changed his view. Awake! asked him living in the United States.
about his work and religious beliefs. Jinghuei had just received her
doctorate in physics, and I was
What teachings were you Why did you become
studying statistics at Purdue
exposed to as a youth? a mathematician?
University in Indiana.
My school taught the theory When I was in elementary
of evolution, but no one ex- school, I became fascinated What did you think
plained how life itself began. with mathematics. This fasci- of the Bible?
When my parents became nation continued when I went I was impressed by its account
Taoists, I used to listen to their to university, where I especial- of how the earth was prepared
religious instructors and ask ly enjoyed courses in mathe- for human life. The six creative
them a lot of questions. But I matics and probability. To me, periods described in Genesis,
received few answers that sat- a concise mathematical proof albeit in simple language,
isfied me. can be both beautiful and seemed to fit the facts—unlike
Believing in a Creator meant rejecting
my childhood religion

ancient mythologies.1 Still, for What was it that moved —an insight that fills me with
many years I did not commit to you to examine more closely awe for the Creator’s wisdom.
belief in a Creator. the teachings of Jehovah’s
Witnesses? Give an example of that
Why was that an issue for you? wisdom.
I had studied with the Witness-
My feelings were involved. Be- es on and off. Then, in 1995, Consider reproduction. Some
lieving in a Creator meant re- while visiting Taiwan, organisms, such as amoebas,
jecting my childhood religion, I fell sick and needed help. don’t have male and female
because traditional Taoism From the United States, my counterparts. These single-cell
does not teach that there is a wife contacted Jehovah’s microbes simply make a copy
personal God, or Creator. Witnesses in Taiwan. They of their genetic information
found me exhausted outside and divide—a process called
Later, though, your viewpoint asexual reproduction. Most
a hospital where there were
changed. Why was that? animals and plants, however,
no available beds. One of the
The more I thought about Witnesses took me to a hotel reproduce sexually, combining
the origin of life, the more to rest. He kept checking on genetic information from male
I became convinced that the me and then took me to a and female parents. Why is
first living thing must have clinic for treatment. sexual reproduction remark-
been very complex. For exam- That genuine concern deeply able?
ple, it had to be able to repro- touched me, and I reflected on Why would a system of repro-
duce, which requires genetic how often Jehovah’s Witnesses duction in which one organism
information and a mechanism had shown kindness to my simply divides into two—and
for accurately replicating that family on other occasions. The has done this very well for who
information. Also, even the Witnesses’ faith made them knows how long—develop into
simplest living cell needs mo- different. So I resumed my a system in which two things
lecular machines for building study of the Bible with them. combine to form one? The
all the parts of a new cell, as The following year I was bap- mechanisms required to take
well as the means to harness tized. half the genetic information
and direct energy. How could from the male and half from
such complex mechanisms Does your faith conflict with the female and combine them
assemble randomly from non- your secular studies? are immensely complex, pre-
living matter? As a mathemati- Not at all! In recent years senting a huge problem to
cian, I could not accept that I have provided mathematical evolutionary biologists. In my
assumption. It asks far too support for scientists who view, gender-based reproduc-
much of random processes. study gene function. The study tion points unequivocally to
1 For more information on the creative of genetics provides insight the mind of God. ˛
periods, see the brochure Was Life Created?
published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. It is
into the mechanisms of life
available online at

Awake! November 2015 11


How to Praise


Some people say that it is Not all praise is equal. Consider the following.
impossible to give your child Too much praise can be harmful. Some parents dole out
too much praise. Others claim undeserved praise in an attempt to boost their children’s
that constant praise will spoil self-esteem. But young ones “are smart enough to see
your child and make him through the exaggeration and conclude that you do not
feel entitled, as if the world really mean what you say,” warns Dr. David Walsh. “They
owed him something. know that they did not deserve [the praise] and may
Besides how much you praise conclude that they cannot trust you.”1
your child, you also have to Praise based on ability is better. Suppose your daugh-
consider the kind of praise you ter has a knack for drawing. Naturally, you want to praise
offer. Which type will encour- her for this, which will motivate her to hone her skill even
age your child? Which type more. But there can be a drawback. Praise focused on
might hinder him? How can talent alone could cause your child to think that the only
you offer praise that will have skills worth pursuing are those that come easily. She
the best outcome? may even shy away from new challenges, fearing that she
will fail. ‘If something takes effort,’ she reasons, ‘I must
not be cut out for it—so why try?’
Effort-based praise is best. Children who are praised for
their hard work and perseverance rather than simply for
their talents come to realize a vital truth—that acquiring
1 From the book No: Why Kids—of All Ages—Need to Hear It and Ways Parents
Can Say It.

r Find more help for families at

skill requires patience and effort. Knowing that, “they put KEY S CRIPTURES
in the work needed to achieve the desired result,” says “There is benefit in every kind
the book Letting Go With Love and Confidence. “Even of hard work.”—Proverbs 14:23.
when they come up short, they don’t view themselves as
“We all make mistakes many
failures, but as learners.”
times.”—James 3:2, footnote.
WHAT YOU CAN DO “The diligent one will be fully
Praise effort, not just talent. Telling your child, “I can satisfied.”—Proverbs 13:4.
see that you put a lot of thought into your drawing,” may
do more good than saying, “You’re a natural artist.” Both
statements offer praise, but the second one could unwit-
tingly imply that inborn skills are the only ones your child
will be good at.
When you praise effort, you teach your child that ability
can improve with practice. Your child might then take on
new challenges more confidently.—Bible principle:
Proverbs 14:23. The Bible tells us of people who
were able to develop skills beyond
Help your child deal with failure. Even good people their natural talents. For example,
make mistakes, perhaps repeatedly. (Proverbs 24:16) Moses was hesitant when he was
But after each misstep, they get up, learn from the expe- asked to approach the powerful
rience, and move on. How can you help your child to and obstinate king of Egypt. “I
cultivate that positive approach? have never been a fluent speaker,”
Moses said. (Exodus 4:10) Jeremi-
Again, focus on effort. Consider an example: Suppose ah responded similarly when he
you often tell your daughter, “You’re a natural at math,” was commissioned as a prophet.
but then she fails a math test. She might conclude that “I do not know how to speak,” he
protested, “for I am just a boy.”
she has lost her knack, so why try to improve? (Jeremiah 1:6) Yet, both Moses
When you focus on effort, however, you foster resilience. and Jeremiah fulfilled their com-
You help your daughter to view a setback as just that, missions superbly.
and not as a disaster. So rather than give up, she may try The lesson? Your child’s true
another approach or simply work harder.—Bible principle: potential lies beyond his innate
James 3:2. gifts. Give effort-based praise, and
he may surprise you—and himself—
Give constructive criticism. When given in the right
with newfound skills.
manner, negative feedback will help a child, not crush his
spirit. Also, if you regularly give appropriate praise, likely
your child will welcome feedback on how he can further
improve. Then his achievements will become a source of
satisfaction both to him and to you.—Bible principle:
Proverbs 13:4. ˛

Awake! November 2015 13



“The world is passing away and so is its desire,” says 1 John 2:17.
What is that “world”? How and when will it pass away?

What is the “world” that will end?

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS Because the world Indeed, 1 John 2:17 concludes: “The one
in question has ‘desires’ that merit God’s who does the will of God remains forever.”
disapproval, it is obviously not the literal Yes, that one has the prospect of everlast-
earth. Rather, it is the world of mankind ing life right here on earth, as stated at
who disregard God, making themselves his Psalm 37:29: “The righteous will possess
enemy. (James 4:4) The people who make the earth, and they will live forever on it.”
up that world “will undergo the judicial
punishment of everlasting destruction.”
(2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) On the other hand, “Do not love either the world or the
people who remain “no part of the world,” things in the world. If anyone loves the
in obedience to Jesus Christ, have the world, the love of the Father is not in
prospect of everlasting life.—John 15:19. him.”—1 John 2:15.

How will the world end?

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS The end will come Next, God will turn his attention to the
in two main stages. First, God will destroy political rulers themselves—“the kings of
organized false religion, portrayed as a the entire inhabited earth.” Along with
prostitute named “Babylon the Great.” wicked people in general, these will be de-
(Revelation 17:1-5; 18:8) While professing stroyed in “the war of the great day of God
loyalty to God, she has consorted with the the Almighty,” also called “Armageddon.”
world’s political leaders. These very rulers, —Revelation 16:14, 16.
however, will turn on her. “[They] will hate
the prostitute and will make her devastat-
ed and naked, and they will eat up her “Seek Jehovah, all you meek ones of
flesh [or, riches] and completely burn the earth . . . Seek righteousness,
her with fire.”—Revelation 17:16. seek meekness. Probably you will be
concealed on the day of Jehovah’s
anger.”—Zephaniah 2:3.

r Find more answers to Bible questions at

When will the world end?
WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS The end will come self-control, fierce, without love of good-
when mankind has been sufficiently ness, . . . lovers of pleasures rather than
warned by a global proclamation of God’s lovers of God.”1—2 Timothy 3:1-5.
Kingdom—a world government that will All those conditions mark the era that
replace human rulership. (Daniel 7:13, 14) began about the time of World War I in
Jesus Christ said: “This good news of the 1914. Moreover, since that year, God’s
Kingdom will be preached in all the inhab- Kingdom has been announced in every
ited earth for a witness to all the nations, corner of the earth, and Jehovah’s Wit-
and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24: nesses count it an honor to be closely
14) That preaching work, which reflects identified with this work. In fact, their
God’s justice and mercy, is part of a com- main journal is entitled The Watchtower
posite “sign” marking the time of the end. Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. ˛
The sign also includes international war-
1 For more information, see chapter 9 of the book What
fare, earthquakes, famine, and disease. Does the Bible Really Teach? published by Jehovah’s Witness-
—Matthew 24:3; Luke 21:10, 11. es. Also available at

Besides foretelling world events, the

Bible also gives us a social profile of
“Keep on the watch, therefore,
“the last days.” We read: “Critical times
hard to deal with will be here. For men will
because you know neither the day
be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, nor the hour.”—Matthew 25:13.
. . . disobedient to parents, . . . without

The present wicked world will soon

‘pass away.’—1 John 2:17

Awake! November 2015 15

WA S I T D E S I G N E D ?

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The Mathematical Ability of Plants

P LANTS use a complex process called

photosynthesis to extract energy from
sunlight to create food. Studies on certain
The findings were based on experiments
on a plant of the mustard family called
Arabidopsis thaliana. Researchers found
species have revealed that they perform that this plant carefully rations its food
yet another feat—they calculate the opti- reserves according to the length of the
mum rate at which to absorb that food night, no matter whether 8, 12, or 16 hours
overnight. remained until dawn. Evidently, the plant
Consider: By day, plants convert divides the amount of starch available by
atmospheric carbon dioxide into starch the length of time remaining until dawn,
and sugars. During the night, many spe- thus determining the optimal rate of con-
cies consume the starch stored during sumption.
the day, thus avoiding starvation and How do plants ascertain their starch
maintaining plant productivity, including reserves? How do they measure time?
growth. Moreover, they process the stored And what mechanism enables them to do
starch at just the right rate—not too quick- math? Further research may shed light
ly and not too slowly—so that they use on these questions.
about 95 percent of it by dawn, when What do you think? Did the mathemat-
they start making more. ical ability of plants come about by evolu-
tion? Or was it designed? ˛

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