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FEBRUARY 15, 2014


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

APRIL 7-13 APRIL 14-20 APRIL 21-27 APRIL 28–MAY 4

Hail Christ, Rejoice Over Jehovah Jehovah

the Glorious King! the Marriage of —Our Provider —Our Best Friend
PAGE 3 SONGS: 99, 107 the Lamb! and Protector PAGE 21 SONGS: 91, 63
PAGE 9 SONGS: 109, 100 PAGE 15 SONGS: 60, 51

Hail Christ, the Glorious King!

Rejoice Over the Marriage of the Lamb!
The Messianic King, Jesus Christ, straps on his sword and
rides to defeat his enemies. After completing his victory,
AUSTRIA he marries a beautiful bride, who is joined by her virgin
COVER: This busy public square companions. These exciting events are described in the
(Michaelerplatz) in Vienna is a good 45th Psalm. Learn how these events affect you.
place to share the Bible’s message __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

with others. Here our sister is

witnessing in Chinese and offering
Jehovah—Our Provider and Protector
the book What Does the Bible Really Jehovah—Our Best Friend
What can deepen our love for Jehovah as our heavenly
Father? These articles will help us to strengthen our rela-
PUBLISHERS tionship with Jehovah as we learn how he is our Provider,
Protector, and best Friend. They will also motivate us to
20,923 help others become his friends.

10,987 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 27 The Widow of Zarephath Was Rewarded for Her Faith


In Vienna, 31 Questions From Readers

the good news
of the Kingdom
is being preached
in 25 languages

February 15, 2014

Vol. 135, No. 4 Semimonthly ENGLISH

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Hail Christ,
the Glorious King!
“In your splendor go on to victory.”—PSALM 45:4.

A GLORIOUS king rides into battle to defend truth and IMPORTANT POINTS
righteousness. He defeats his enemies, and after his final TO REMEMBER
victory, he marries a lovely bride. The king is remem- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

bered and honored forever. These are some of the excit- In what ways did Jehovah
ing events described in Psalm 45. anoint Jesus more than his
2However, Psalm 45 is much more than just an ex- “companions”?

citing story with a happy ending. The events mentioned

there are important to us because they affect our lives
now, as well as our future. Let us carefully pay attention
When did Christ strap on his
as we study this psalm. sword, how did he first use it,
“MY HEART IS STIRRED BY SOMETHING GOOD” and when will he use it
3Read Psalm 45:1. “Something good” that causes the
psalmist’s heart to be “stirred” is news about a king. In
Hebrew, the word translated “is stirred” originally meant

“to bubble up,” or “boil.” The psalmist was so excited to

What is the most important
hear this news that it was as if his heart was bubbling up, truth that the King Jesus
Christ defends?
1, 2. Why should we be interested in Psalm 45?
3, 4. (a) What is “something good” that the psalmist wrote about, and
how can it affect our heart? (b) What message “about a king” do we
preach? How does our tongue become like a stylus?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 3

SOME Jesus’ speech was gracious “Awe-inspiring things”:
because he spoke in a kind Things that are huge,
EXPRESSIONS way to others, cared about powerful, or amazing.
EXPLAINED them, and used words that They may even be
touched their heart frightening

or overflowing, with enthusiasm. It like “the stylus of a skilled copyist”

also made his tongue become like when we use the Bible in our preach-
“the stylus of a skilled copyist.” ing work.
4 What does that mean for us? The
good news of the Messianic King- FLOWS FROM YOUR LIPS”
dom is something good that stirs our 5Read Psalm 45:2. The Scriptures
heart. The Kingdom message became
especially “good” in 1914. Why? Be- do not say much about what Jesus
cause from that year on, it was no looked like. As a perfect man, he must
longer about a future Kingdom. Since have been “handsome.” But it was his
1914, the message has been about integrity and faithfulness to Jehovah
a real government that now rules in that made him truly handsome. Also,
heaven. This is the “good news of the Jesus used “gracious speech” when
Kingdom” that we preach “in all the he preached the message of the King-
dom. He used words that touched
people’s heart. (Luke 4:22; John 7:46)
Do we preach the good Do we try our best to imitate Jesus in
our preaching work?—Colossians 4:6.
news of the Kingdom 6 Because of Jesus’ faithfulness and

with real enthusiasm? deep love for his Father, Jehovah

blessed his ministry on earth and re-
warded him after he gave his life as
inhabited earth for a witness to all the a sacrifice. The apostle Paul wrote
nations.” (Matthew 24:14) Is our heart about Jesus: “When he came as a
“stirred,” or excited, by this King- man, he humbled himself and be-
dom message? Do we preach the good came obedient to the point of death,
news of the Kingdom with real enthu- yes, death on a torture stake. For this
siasm? Like the psalmist, our “song very reason, God exalted him to a su-
is about a king.” We preach the mes- perior position and kindly gave him
sage that Jesus is now Ruler of the the name that is above every other
Messianic Kingdom in heaven. We in-
5. (a) In what ways was Jesus “handsome”?
vite all, even the leaders of this world, (b) How did Jesus preach graciously, and how
to accept Jesus’ Kingdom. (Psalm 2: can we follow his example?
1, 2, 4-12) And our tongue becomes 6. How did God bless Jesus “forever”?

name, so that in the name of Jesus
every knee should bend—of those in How proud we are
heaven and those on earth and those
under the ground—and every tongue to serve Jehovah
should openly acknowledge that Je-
sus Christ is Lord to the glory of God
under the King
the Father.” (Philippians 2:8-11) Jeho- he has appointed!
vah blessed Jesus “forever” by resur-
recting him to immortal life.—Romans
6:9. King. Jesus’ throne will last “forever
and ever.” How proud we are to serve
THE KING IS MADE GREATER Jehovah under the King he has ap-
7 Read Psalm 45:6, 7. Because Jesus
deeply loves what is right and hates THE KING STRAPS ON HIS SWORD
anything that could dishonor his Fa- 9Read Psalm 45:3. Jehovah tells
ther, Jehovah anointed him as King the King to strap his sword on his
of the Messianic Kingdom. Jesus was side. By doing this, he gives Jesus per-
anointed with “the oil of exultation” mission to wage war against those
more than his “companions,” the who oppose God’s rule and to destroy
kings of Judah who were also descen- them. (Psalm 110:2) Because Christ is
dants of David. In what ways? First a Warrior and King who cannot be de-
of all, Jesus was anointed by Jehovah feated, he is called “mighty one.” He
himself. Second, Jehovah anointed Je- strapped on his sword in 1914, when
sus to rule as King and also serve as he defeated Satan and the demons
High Priest. (Psalm 2:2; Hebrews 5: and threw them out of heaven down
5, 6) Third, Jesus was not anointed to the earth.—Revelation 12:7-9.
with oil but was anointed with holy 10That was only the beginning of
spirit. Finally, he rules from the heav- the King’s ride to victory. He still
ens, not from the earth. must “complete his conquest.” (Reve-
8In 1914, Jehovah appointed his lation 6:2) Jehovah has decided that
Son as the Messianic King in heav- every part of Satan’s world must be
en. “The scepter” of Jesus’ Kingdom destroyed, and the influence of Sa-
“is a scepter of uprightness,” so we tan and his demons must be removed.
can be sure that his rule will always First, Babylon the Great, the world
be fair and righteous. He has the right empire of false religion, will be elim-
to be King because God is his throne, inated. Jehovah will use the world’s
that is, Jehovah has appointed him as political rulers to destroy this wick-
ed “prostitute.” (Revelation 17:16, 17)
7. In what ways did God anoint Jesus more Next, Christ will completely remove
than his “companions”?
8. Why can we be sure that Jesus’ rule is righ- 9, 10. (a) When did Christ strap on his sword,
teous? What does it mean that God is Jesus’ and how did he use it? (b) How will Christ use
throne? his sword in the future?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 5

and obedient to his Father. (Isaiah 50:
We must follow 4, 5; John 5:19) All loyal servants of
the King must follow his example and
Jesus’ example and be humble as they obey Jehovah as
their Ruler in all things. Only those
be humble as who do this will be allowed to live
we obey Jehovah in God’s new world.—Zechariah 14:
16, 17.
as our Ruler 13 Christ also rides to defend “righ-

teousness.” This righteousness is

all governments of Satan’s world. “God’s righteousness,” or Jehovah’s
Then, Jesus, who is called “the angel standards of what is right and what
of the abyss,” will complete his vic- is wrong. (Romans 3:21; Deuterono-
tory by throwing Satan and the de- my 32:4) Isaiah foretold the following
mons into the abyss. (Revelation 9:1, about Jesus Christ: “A king will reign
11; 20:1-3) Let us see how these excit- for righteousness.” (Isaiah 32:1) Dur-
ing events were foretold in Psalm 45. ing his rule, Jesus will bring a “new
heavens” and a “new earth” where
THE KING RIDES everyone will do what is righteous.
“IN THE CAUSE OF TRUTH” (2 Peter 3:13) That means that every-
Read Psalm 45:4. The King does
11 one in that new world will have to live
not fight a war to conquer lands or en- by Jehovah’s standards of right and
slave people. He has honorable rea- wrong.—Isaiah 11:1-5.
sons to go to war. He rides to defend
“truth and humility and righteous- “AWE-INSPIRING THINGS”
ness.” Jehovah is the only one who has
14The psalmist says that the King
the right to rule the universe. This is
the most important “truth” that must rides with a sword strapped on his
be defended. When Satan rebelled, side. (Psalm 45:3) He then takes the
he was saying that Jehovah did not sword in his right hand and begins to
have the right to rule. Since then, use it. The psalmist prophesied about
both demons and humans have ques- Jesus: “Your right hand will accom-
tioned this fundamental truth. Now is plish awe-inspiring things.” (Psalm
the time for Jehovah’s anointed King 45:4) When Jesus Christ rides to de-
to ride into battle and prove that Jeho- stroy Satan’s world at Armageddon,
vah alone has the right to rule. he will accomplish “awe-inspiring
12The King also rides to defend things” against his enemies. We do
not know exactly how the King will
“humility.” Jesus has always set the
very best example of being humble 13. How does Christ ride to defend “righteous-
11. How does Christ ride to defend “truth”? 14. How will the right hand of Christ accom-
12. How does the King ride to defend “humili- plish “awe-inspiring things”? (See opening pic-
ty”? ture.)

destroy Satan’s world. But we do
know that whatever Jesus does will Everyone in
terrify those who have not obeyed
God’s warnings and who have not ac- the new world
cepted the King’s rule. (Read Psalm
2:11, 12.) In his prophecy about the
will have to live by
end, Jesus said that people would be- Jehovah’s standards
come “faint out of fear and expecta-
tion of the things coming upon the in-
of right and wrong
habited earth, for the powers of the
heavens will be shaken.” He also said: geddon, Christ’s armies will include
“And then they will see the Son of the holy angels. Will anyone else
man coming in a cloud with power be in Christ’s armies? Jesus made this
and great glory.”—Luke 21:26, 27. promise to his anointed brothers: “To
15The King’s coming “with power the one who conquers and observes
and great glory” to defeat God’s ene- my deeds down to the end, I will give
mies is announced in the book of Rev- authority over the nations, and he will
elation. It says: “I saw heaven opened, shepherd the people with an iron rod
and look! a white horse. And the one so that they will be broken to pieces
seated on it is called Faithful and like clay vessels, just as I have re-
True, and he judges and carries on ceived from my Father.” (Revelation
war in righteousness. Also, the ar- 2:26, 27) At that time, all of Christ’s
mies in heaven were following him on anointed brothers will already have
white horses, and they were clothed been raised to heaven. These ones
in white, clean, fine linen. And out will also be part of Christ’s heaven-
of his mouth protrudes a sharp, long ly armies. The anointed will be at Je-
sword with which to strike the na- sus’ side when he does “awe-inspiring
tions, and he will shepherd them with things” to destroy the nations.
a rod of iron. Moreover, he treads the THE KING COMPLETES HIS VICTORY
winepress of the fury of the wrath 17 Read Psalm 45:5. The King rides
of God the Almighty.”—Revelation 19:
a white horse. Revelation 6:2 says: “I
11, 14, 15.
saw, and look! a white horse, and the
16 Who will be in the heavenly “ar-
one seated on it had a bow; and a
mies” that follow Jesus into battle? crown was given him, and he went out
The angels fought along with Jesus conquering and to complete his con-
when he first strapped on his sword quest.” The white horse represents
and threw Satan and his demons out war that is righteous and approved
of heaven. (Revelation 12:7-9) So it by God. (Revelation 19:11) Besides a
makes sense that at the war of Arma-
17. (a) What does the white horse that Christ
15, 16. Who will be in the armies that follow rides represent? (b) What do the sword and the
Christ into battle? bow represent?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 7

a loud voice and said to all the birds
that fly in midheaven: ‘Come here, be
gathered together to the great evening
meal of God, so that you may eat the
flesh of kings and the flesh of military
commanders and the flesh of strong
men and the flesh of horses and of
those seated on them, and the flesh of
all, of freemen as well as of slaves and
of small ones and great.’”—Revelation
19:17, 18.
19After destroying Satan’s wicked
world, the glorious King Jesus Christ
will “go on to victory.” (Psalm 45:4) He
will complete his victory by throwing
Satan and his demons into the abyss.
They will stay in this abyss while Je-
sus and the 144,000 rule from heav-
en for a thousand years. (Revelation
Birds will be used to cleanse the earth
20:2, 3) When the Devil and his de-
(See paragraph 18) mons are trapped in the abyss, it will
be as if they were dead because they
will not be able to cause any harm.
sword, the King also carries a bow. All on earth will be able to enjoy the
Both the sword and the bow represent
the methods that Christ will use to de-
stroy his enemies. After destroying
18Using poetic language, the
psalmist prophesies about the King: Satan’s wicked world,
“Your arrows are sharp, making peo-
ples fall before you; they pierce the
the King will “go on
hearts of the king’s enemies.” There to victory”
will be destruction all over the world.
Jeremiah’s prophecy foretells: “Those
slain by Jehovah in that day will be King’s rule without the wicked influ-
from one end of the earth clear to the ence of Satan and his demons. Before
other end of the earth.” (Jeremiah 25: the whole earth becomes a paradise,
33) Another prophecy about the same there will be another reason to be joy-
event says: “I saw also an angel stand- ful along with the King and the 144,-
ing in the sun, and he cried out with 000. That exciting event will be dis-
cussed in the next article.
18. What will happen when Christ uses his “ar-
rows”? 19. How will Christ complete his victory?

Rejoice Over
the Marriage of the Lamb!
“Let us rejoice and be overjoyed . . . because the marriage
of the Lamb has arrived.”—REVELATION 19:7.

IT ALWAYS takes time to prepare for a wedding. But we KEY POINTS

will now discuss a royal wedding that has taken about TO REMEMBER
2,000 years to prepare for! Very soon it will be time for the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

bridegroom to be united with his bride. Joyful music will At the Lamb’s marriage,
fill the King’s palace, and heavenly voices will sing out: who is the bride, and how
has Christ been preparing
“Praise Jah, because Jehovah our God, the Almighty, has
her for the wedding?
begun to rule as king! Let us rejoice and be overjoyed and
give him glory, because the marriage of the Lamb has ar-
rived and his wife has prepared herself.”—Revelation 19: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6, 7. When will the marriage of

2 “The Lamb” spoken of in this scripture is Jesus Christ. the Lamb take place?
(John 1:29) His marriage will cause great joy in heaven.
How is he dressed for the wedding? Who is his bride? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How has she been prepared for marriage? When does How do we know that the
the wedding take place? This marriage will cause joy in “other sheep” will also
heaven, but will those who hope to live forever on earth rejoice over the marriage
also be joyful? We are eager to know the answers to these of the Lamb?

1, 2. (a) Whose wedding will cause great joy in heaven? (b) What ques-
tions will we discuss?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 9

SOME The anointed: The bride:
The 144,000 chosen by The entire group of 144,000
EXPRESSIONS God to rule as kings in anointed Christians in
EXPLAINED heaven with Jesus Christ heaven
The anointed remnant: The virgin companions:
Anointed Christians The great crowd of other
who are still living sheep, who will live forever
on earth on earth
The Bridegroom or
the Lamb:
Jesus Christ

questions, so let us continue our study THE BRIDE IS PREPARED

of Psalm 45. FOR THE WEDDING
5Read Psalm 45:10, 11. We know
who the Bridegroom is, but who is
3Read Psalm 45:8, 9. The Bride-
the bride? She is not a literal person.
groom, Jesus Christ, puts on his royal Instead, she represents the entire
wedding garments. His clothing has a group of 144,000 anointed Christians.
delightful fragrance like that of “the
choicest perfumes,” such as myrrh
and cassia, which were in the holy The anointed will rule
anointing oil used in Israel.—Exodus
30:23-25. with Christ in his
4The beautiful heavenly music in
Messianic Kingdom
the Bridegroom’s palace makes him
even more joyful as the time for his in heaven
marriage gets close. His joy is shared
by “the royal consort,” that is, the in-
Jesus is the Head of this anointed con-
visible part of God’s organization, gregation. (Read Ephesians 5:23, 24.)
which includes “the daughters of These anointed ones will rule with
kings,” that is, the holy angels. Voices Christ in his Messianic Kingdom in
from heaven say: “Let us rejoice and heaven. (Luke 12:32) They also “keep
be overjoyed . . . because the marriage following the Lamb no matter where
of the Lamb has arrived.” he goes.” (Revelation 14:1-4) They be-
come “the Lamb’s wife” and live with
3, 4. (a) What does the psalmist say about the
Bridegroom’s wedding garments? What makes him in his heavenly home.—Revelation
the Bridegroom even more joyful? (b) Who are 21:9; John 14:2, 3.
“the daughters of kings” and “the royal con-
sort” who share the Bridegroom’s joy? 5. Who is the bride?

6The bride is called “daughter,” THE BRIDE IS “BROUGHT TO THE KING”
and she is also called “the king’s 8 Read Psalm 45:13, 14a. The bride
daughter.” (Psalm 45:13) Who is this is “adorned for her husband” and
“king”? He is Jehovah. He adopts looks “absolutely magnificent” for
anointed Christians as his “children.” the royal wedding. At Revelation
(Romans 8:15-17) The anointed are 21:2, the bride is compared to a
told: “Forget your people and your fa- city, New Jerusalem. This heavenly
ther’s house.” Since they will become city shines with “the glory of God”
a heavenly bride, the anointed need and is “like a most precious stone, like
to focus “on the things above, not on a jasper stone shining crystal clear.”
the things on the earth.”—Colossians (Revelation 21:10, 11) The stunning
3:1-4. appearance of New Jerusalem is beau-
7For many centuries, Christ has tifully described in the book of Reve-
been preparing his future bride for the lation. (Revelation 21:18-21) What an
heavenly wedding. The apostle Paul
wrote that Christ “loved the congrega-
tion and gave himself up for it, in or- Because her worship
der that he might sanctify it, cleans-
ing it with the bath of water by means is acceptable to God,
of the word, so that he might pre- the King views his
sent the congregation to himself in its
splendor, without a spot or a wrin- bride as beautiful
kle or any of such things, but holy and
without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:25-27)
“absolutely magnificent” bride! This
Paul told the anointed Christians in
is what we would expect from a royal
ancient Corinth: “I am jealous over
wedding in heaven.
you with a godly jealousy, for I person- 9 The bride is brought to her Bride-
ally promised you in marriage to one
groom, the Messianic King. He has
husband that I might present you as
prepared and cleansed her “by means
a chaste virgin to the Christ.” (2 Co-
of the word.” She is “holy and with-
rinthians 11:2) Because her worship is
out blemish.” (Ephesians 5:26, 27)
clean and acceptable to God, the King
His bride must also be dressed ap-
Jesus Christ views his bride as beauti-
propriately for the occasion. And
ful. The bride bows down to her future
she is! “Her clothing is adorned with
husband and willingly accepts him as
gold,” and “she will be brought to
her “lord.”
the king in richly woven garments.”
6. Why are the anointed called “the king’s For the marriage of the Lamb, “it has
daughter,” and why are they told to forget their
people? 8. Why is the bride described as “absolutely
7. (a) How has Christ been preparing his fu- magnificent”?
ture bride? (b) How does the bride feel about 9. To whom is the bride brought? How is she
her future husband? dressed?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 11

been granted to her to be clothed with 12In the last days, anointed Chris-
bright, clean, fine linen—for the fine tians who remain faithful until death
linen stands for the righteous acts of are resurrected to life in heaven.
the holy ones.”—Revelation 19:8. Sometime after Babylon the Great is
destroyed, but before Armageddon,
Christ will finish gathering all 144,000
10 Read Revelation 19:7. When will anointed Christians to be with him
the Lamb’s marriage take place? Al- in heaven. (1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17)
though Revelation 19:7 says that “his Then, after Armageddon, the mar-
wife has prepared herself” for the riage of the Lamb can take place.
marriage, the verses after that do not What a joyful occasion that marriage
describe the wedding. Instead, they will be! Revelation 19:9 says: “Hap-
clearly describe the last part of the py are those invited to the evening
great tribulation. (Revelation 19:11- meal of the Lamb’s marriage.” Yes,
21) Does this mean that the marriage the bride is truly happy. And the King
will happen before the King com- will rejoice to have all of his anointed
pletes his victory? No. The events associates with him in heaven. (Luke
foretold in Revelation are not written 22:18, 28-30) However, the bride and
in the order that they will occur. In the Bridegroom will not be the only
Psalm 45, the King Jesus Christ straps ones who are rejoicing.
on his sword and defeats his enemies 13 As we read earlier, voices in heav-
first, and then the royal wedding takes en will sing: “Let us rejoice and be
place.—Psalm 45:3, 4. overjoyed and give him glory, because
11So we learn from the Bible that the marriage of the Lamb has arrived
these events will happen in the fol- and his wife has prepared herself.”
lowing order: First, “the great prosti- (Revelation 19:6, 7) What about Jeho-
tute,” Babylon the Great, that is, all vah’s servants on earth? Will they also
false religion, will be eliminated. (Rev- join in this celebration?
elation 17:1, 5, 16, 17; 19:1, 2) Next,
Christ will destroy the rest of Satan’s WITH REJOICING”
wicked world at Armageddon, “the
14Read Psalm 45:12, 14b, 15. The
war of the great day of God the Al-
mighty.” (Revelation 16:14-16; 19:19- prophet Zechariah foretold that in the
21) Finally, the King will complete his last days, people all over the world
victory by throwing Satan and his de- would be grateful to serve Jehovah
with the anointed remnant. He wrote:
mons into the abyss, where they will
“In those days ten men out of all the
not be able to harm anyone. It will be
languages of the nations will take
as if they were dead.—Revelation 20:
1-3. 12, 13. (a) When will the marriage of the
Lamb take place? (b) In heaven, who will re-
10. What must happen before the Lamb’s mar- joice because of the marriage of the Lamb? (See
riage can take place? opening picture.)
11. What will Christ do before the marriage 14. As mentioned in Psalm 45, who are “the
can take place? virgin companions” of the bride?

“The virgin companions” of the bride will share in rejoicing
over the marriage of the Lamb
(See paragraph 16)

hold, yes, they will take firm hold of “virgin companions.” They have dedi-
the robe of a Jew, saying: ‘We want to cated their lives to Jehovah and have
go with you, for we have heard that proved that they are faithful servants
God is with you people.’” (Zechari- of the King Jesus Christ.
ah 8:23) At Psalm 45:12, these “ten 15 The anointed remnant have been

men” are referred to as “the daughter very grateful to these “virgin com-
of Tyre” and “the wealthiest of men.” panions” because they eagerly help
They give the anointed remnant gifts, to preach “this good news of the
and they work to receive their ap- Kingdom” in all the earth. (Matthew
proval and their help to serve Jeho- 24:14) Not only do “the spirit and the
vah. Since 1935, the anointed rem- bride keep on saying, ‘Come!’” but
nant have brought millions of people those hearing say, “Come!” (Revela-
“to righteousness,” that is, millions tion 22:17) This means that the “oth-
of people have been taught the truth er sheep” have heard the anointed
about Jehovah. (Daniel 12:3) These say “Come!” and have joined them in
millions of people, or “ten men,” are saying “Come!” to people all over the
loyal companions of the anointed and world.—John 10:16.
have cleansed their lives of all false 15. How have “the virgin companions” worked
worship. That is why they are called with the anointed remnant?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 13

16The anointed remnant love the will bring them back to life, these
other sheep. The anointed are happy “forefathers” will become his “sons.”
that Jehovah has also given the oth- (John 5:25-29; Hebrews 11:35) Christ
er sheep the privilege to share in will choose some of these “sons” to be
“princes in all the earth.” We can also
expect that he will choose some of to-
Those who exercise day’s faithful elders to take the lead
in the new world as “princes.”—Isaiah
faith in Jesus’ ransom 32:1.
sacrifice will live 18During his Thousand Year Rule,
Christ will become a father to oth-
forever on earth ers also. In what way? Those who ex-
ercise faith in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice
the joy of the marriage. These “vir- will live forever on earth. (John 3:16)
gin companions” “will be brought Christ will then become their “Eternal
with rejoicing and joy.” Yes, the oth- Father.”—Isaiah 9:6, 7.
er sheep, who hope to live forever on MOTIVATED TO MAKE
earth, will rejoice with the whole uni- THE KING’S NAME KNOWN
verse when the marriage of the Lamb 19Read Psalm 45:1, 17. All Chris-
takes place in heaven. The book of
tians should be interested in the
Revelation describes the “great
events recorded in Psalm 45. The
crowd,” who worship Jehovah on the
anointed still on earth are thrilled to
earth, as “standing before the throne
know that they will soon be united in
and before the Lamb.” They serve Je-
heaven with their brothers and with
hovah in the earthly courtyard of his
the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. The oth-
great spiritual temple.—Revelation 7:
er sheep are motivated to continue be-
9, 15.
coming more submissive to their glo-
“YOUR SONS WILL TAKE THE rious King. They are also grateful to be
PLACE OF YOUR FOREFATHERS” companions of the remaining mem-
17Read Psalm 45:16. “The virgin bers of the bride on earth. The bless-
companions” of Christ’s heavenly ings that Christ and his bride will give
bride will have even more reason to to all mankind after the marriage will
rejoice when they see the marriage be more wonderful than we can even
bring benefits in the new world. The imagine.—Revelation 7:17; 21:1-4.
King Jesus Christ will resurrect his 20As we look forward to the ful-
earthly “forefathers.” Because Christ fillment of the prophecies about the
Messianic King, surely we are moti-
16. What privilege has Jehovah given to the
other sheep? vated to make his name known. Let us
17, 18. How does the Lamb’s marriage benefit praise the King “forever and ever.”
those who will be in the new world? During his
Thousand Year Rule, Christ will become a fa- 19, 20. How do the exciting events recorded in
ther to whom? Psalm 45 affect all true Christians today?

Our Provider and Protector
“Because he has affection for me, I will rescue him.
I will protect him because he knows my name.”
—PSALM 91:14.

JEHOVAH created the family arrangement. (Ephesians 3: HOW WOULD YOU

14, 15) Even if we belong to the same family, we all have ANSWER?
different personalities and circumstances. Some may ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

have grown up living with their parents. Others may have How is Jehovah the Grand
lost their parents in death because of sickness, an ac- Provider?
cident, or some other tragedy. Still others may not even
know who their parents are.
2We are all members of Jehovah’s family of worship- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

pers and have learned the truth in different ways. You What role has Jesus played
may have been raised by parents who trained you to live so that we can be at peace
with God?
by Bible principles. (Deuteronomy 6:6, 7) Or maybe you
are one of the thousands of people who have learned the
truth through the preaching work of other servants of Je-
hovah.—Romans 10:13-15; 1 Timothy 2:3, 4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3Although we come from different backgrounds, all How does Jehovah protect
those who love and obey
of us have some things in common. Because Adam him?
1, 2. What differences do we have in family circumstances and in the
way we have learned the truth?
3. What do all of us have in common?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 15

SOME “The ministry of the reconciliation”:
The preaching work. Because people are imperfect and
EXPRESSIONS sin, they cannot become friends of God on their own. Our
EXPLAINED ministry helps people to understand what they must do to
have their sins forgiven, to please God, and to become his

disobeyed God, we all have inherit- enly Father, Jehovah, we will discuss
ed imperfection, sin, and death. (Ro- how he is (1) our Provider, (2) our
mans 5:12) Even so, as true worship- Protector, and (3) our best Friend. As
pers, we can call Jehovah “our Father.” we consider these three points, let
us think carefully about our person-
al friendship with God and learn how
Our heavenly Father we can honor him as our Father. Also,
we should think about the blessings
gives us the care and Jehovah promises to give to those who
protection we need draw close to him.—James 4:8.
In ancient times, God’s chosen peo- 6The disciple James wrote: “Every
ple could say the words recorded at good gift and every perfect present is
Isaiah 64:8: “O Jehovah, you are our from above, coming down from the
Father.” Also, Jesus began his model Father of the celestial lights.” (James
prayer with the words: “Our Father in 1:17) Life is a wonderful gift from
the heavens, let your name be sancti- Jehovah. (Psalm 36:9) If we use our
fied.”—Matthew 6:9.
4Our heavenly Father gives his
family of true worshippers the care Jehovah is our
and protection they need. Accord-
ing to Psalm 91:14, Jehovah said: “Be-
Provider, our Protector,
cause he [a true worshipper] has af- and our best Friend
fection for me, I will rescue him. I
will protect him because he knows my
name.” Jehovah lovingly rescues his lives to do Jehovah’s will, we will
people from their enemies and pro- have many blessings now and ever-
tects them, so that they are not de- lasting life in the new world. (Prov-
stroyed. erbs 10:22; 2 Peter 3:13) But how is
5To deepen our love for our heav- this possible, since all of us have in-
4, 5. To deepen our love for our heavenly Fa- 6. Why can we say that Jehovah is the Giver of
ther, Jehovah, what will we discuss? “every good gift”?

herited imperfection, sin, and death willingly offered his Son, Jesus Christ,
from Adam? to save mankind.—Read John 3:16, 36.
7Jehovah is the Grand Provider in 9Can you imagine how relieved
more ways than we can imagine. His Isaac felt when he realized that he
quality of undeserved kindness moti- did not have to die? No doubt he was
vates him to rescue us. As we learned, grateful that Jehovah provided a re-
we all sin and have inherited imper- placement sacrifice, a ram that was
fection from Adam. (Romans 3:23) nearby. (Genesis 22:10-13) Abraham
However, because of Jehovah’s love, named that place “Jehovah-jireh,”
he provided a way for us to have a which means “Jehovah Will Provide.”
close relationship with him. The apos- —Genesis 22:14; footnote.
tle John wrote: “By this the love of A WAY TO RESTORE
God was revealed in our case, that PEACE WITH GOD
God sent his only-begotten Son into 10 When we meditate on all that Je-
the world so that we might gain life hovah has provided for us, we realize
through him. The love is in this re- that without Jesus’ sacrifice we would
spect, not that we have loved God, but not be able to become a friend of God.
that he loved us and sent his Son as Paul wrote: “This is what we have con-
a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins.” cluded, that one man died for all; so,
—1 John 4:9, 10. then, all had died. And he died for
8About 1,900 years before Jesus all so that those who live should live
was born, an event in Abraham’s life no longer for themselves, but for him
showed how Jehovah would lovingly who died for them and was raised up.”
give everlasting life to all obedient hu- —2 Corinthians 5:14, 15.
mans. Hebrews 11:17-19 explains: “By 11Because Christians in the first
faith Abraham, when he was tested, century loved God and were thank-
as good as offered up Isaac—the man ful for the honor of serving him, they
who had gladly received the promis- gladly accepted “the ministry of the
es attempted to offer up his only- reconciliation.” This ministry was the
begotten son—although it had been preaching work that made it possi-
said to him: ‘What will be called your ble for people to come to be at peace
offspring will be through Isaac.’ But he with God, enjoy his friendship, and
reasoned that God was able to raise become his sons. Today, anointed ser-
him up even from the dead, and he vants of Jehovah perform the same
did receive him from there in an illus- ministry. They serve as ambassadors
trative way.” Just as Abraham was will- for God and Christ. Their preach-
ing to sacrifice his son, Isaac, Jehovah ing work makes it possible for hon-
est and humble people to be drawn by
7. How has God made it possible for us to have Jehovah and to become his servants.
a close relationship with him?
8, 9. How was Jehovah the Grand Provider in 10, 11. Who have taken the lead in “the min-
the days of Abraham and Isaac? (See opening istry of the reconciliation,” and how have they
picture.) done this?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 17

—Read 2 Corinthians 5:18-20; John 6: thing God gives us, we will put his
44; Acts 13:48. Kingdom first in our lives. When we
12Because the other sheep are do this, Jehovah will make sure that
thankful to Jehovah for being the we always have everything we need.
Grand Provider, they join the anoint- (Matthew 6:25-33) Because Jehovah
ed in preaching the good news. In loves us, we want to do everything we
this preaching work, we use the Bible, can to please him and make his heart
which is another wonderful gift from rejoice.—Proverbs 27:11.
God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) When we 14The psalmist David sang: “I am
make good use of the Bible in our min- helpless and poor; may Jehovah pay
istry, we give others the opportunity attention to me. You are my helper
to have everlasting life. Jehovah also and my rescuer.” (Psalm 40:17) Many
gives us his holy spirit. Each of us re- times Jehovah has been the Rescuer of
lies on the holy spirit for help in the his people as a group, especially when
ministry. (Zechariah 4:6; Luke 11:13) they have been severely persecuted
As each edition of the Yearbook of Je- and pursued by their enemies. We
hovah’s Witnesses shows, the results are very thankful that Jehovah always
of the preaching work are remark- gives us what we need to remain faith-
able. It is a great honor to be a part of ful to him during such difficult times.
this work that praises our Father and
15 A loving father not only gives his
children what they need but also pro-
‘Am I doing all I can tects them. He would immediately try
to rescue them if they were in dan-
in my ministry to ger. One brother remembers how his
show Jehovah how father protected him when he was a
young boy. He and his father were re-
thankful I am for turning home from field service when
they had to cross a stream. Heavy rain
everything he has that morning had caused the stream to
given me?’ flood. The only way to cross the wa-
ter was to jump from one large stone
to another. Going ahead of his fa-
13 Since God has provided so much ther, the boy lost his balance, fell
for us, we should ask ourselves: ‘Am I into the stream, and went under the
doing all I can in my ministry to show water twice. That boy was so grateful
Jehovah how thankful I am for every- when his father quickly grabbed him
thing he has given me? How can I be- by the shoulder and saved him from
come a better preacher of the good
news?’ If we are grateful for every- 14. How has Jehovah been the Rescuer of his
12, 13. How can we show that we are thankful 15. Give an example of how a loving father
for everything that Jehovah has given us? protected his child.

Jehovah can use our fellow believers to help us stay faithful in difficult times
(See paragraphs 18-20)

drowning. In a similar way, our heav- was by using the Amalekites, who
enly Father protects us from dangers were enemies of God’s people. (Num-
in this wicked world and from its rul- bers 24:20) How did Jehovah pro-
er, Satan. Jehovah is the best Protector tect his people from these enemies by
anyone could ever have.—Matthew 6:
13; 1 John 5:19.
16Jehovah lovingly protected his Jehovah is the best
people in the year 1513 before Christ.
He had already rescued the Israel- Protector anyone
ites from slavery and had protected could ever have
them as they crossed the Red Sea. Af-
ter walking through the wilderness to-
ward Mount Sinai, the Israelites ar- means of Joshua, Moses, Aaron, and
rived at Rephidim. Hur? As Joshua and his men fought
17Since the prophecy at Gene- the Amalekites, on a nearby hill were
sis 3:15 had not yet been fulfilled, Moses, Aaron, and Hur. As long as
Satan must have been desperate to Moses kept his hands lifted up, Jeho-
attack the Israelites, who seemed to vah helped the Israelites to be stron-
be unprotected. One way he did this ger than their enemies. When Moses
16, 17. How did Jehovah help and protect the
could not hold his hands up any lon-
Israelites when they fought the Amalekites? ger, Aaron and Hur helped him by

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 19

supporting his hands. Eventually, with ciations on social networks. (See foot-
Jehovah’s help and protection, “Josh- note.)—1 Corinthians 15:33.
ua defeated Amalek and his people.” 20 How can we show that we are lis-

(Exodus 17:8-13) After that, Moses tening to such loving counsel and are
built an altar there, calling it “Jehovah- being “taught by Jehovah”? By careful-
nissi,” which means “Jehovah Is My ly obeying his commands. (Isaiah 54:
Signal Pole.”—Read Exodus 17:14, 15; 13) Our congregations are a safe place
footnote. where we receive protection and guid-
ance. There, the elders give us help
and counsel from the Bible. (Galatians
18Jehovah protects those who love
6:1) Jehovah is using these “gifts in
and obey him. Like the Israelites at men” to care for us in a loving way.
Rephidim, we rely on God for protec- (Ephesians 4:7, 8) So, what should we
tion from our enemies. Jehovah has of- do if the elders give us counsel? We
ten protected us as a group, and he should willingly obey. If we do, Jeho-
keeps us safe from the Devil’s at- vah will bless us.—Hebrews 13:17.
tacks. For example, many times God 21So let us rely on the holy spir-
has protected our brothers who were it for help and accept the guidance of
persecuted because of their Christian our heavenly Father. We also need to
neutrality. This happened in Germany meditate on the life of Jesus and do
and in other countries when the Nazis our best to follow his outstanding ex-
were in power in the 1930’s and early ample. He received a great reward be-
1940’s. When we read life stories and cause he was “obedient to the point
Yearbook experiences about God’s pro- of death.” (Philippians 2:5-11) We too
tection during such times of persecu- will be blessed if we trust in Jehovah
tion, our trust in Jehovah will be made with all our heart. (Proverbs 3:5, 6)
strong.—Psalm 91:2. Let us always rely on Jehovah, the one
19 Jehovah also protects us by giving
who will provide for us and protect us
us loving reminders through his or- better than anyone else. Serving him
ganization and its publications. Think is an honor that truly makes us hap-
about how these reminders have pro- py. How, though, is Jehovah our best
tected us in recent years. The world Friend? Our love for him will grow
continues to become more and more even stronger as we answer this ques-
obsessed with sex, alcohol, and por- tion in the next article.
nography. But Jehovah has given us
urgent reminders and specific help Examples of such reminders can be found in the
articles “The Internet—Making Wise Use of a Glob-
to protect us from doing things that al Tool” in The Watchtower, August 15, 2011, pages
could hurt our relationship with him. 3-5 and “Beware of the Devil’s Snares!” and “Stand
Firm and Avoid Satan’s Traps!” in The Watchtower,
Recently, for example, we have re- August 15, 2012, pages 20-29.
ceived counsel from our heavenly
Father to avoid the trap of bad asso- 20. What protection and guidance do we re-
ceive in our congregations?
18, 19. What protection has God given his ser- 21. (a) What should we be determined to do?
vants in recent years? (b) What will we discuss in the next article?

Our Best Friend
“[Abraham] came to be called Jehovah’s friend.”
—JAMES 2:23.

“LIKE father, like son” is something many people say HOW WOULD YOU
about children who are similar to their parents. After ANSWER?
all, every child inherits qualities from his father and his ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

mother. Jehovah, our heavenly Father, is the Giver of life. How is it possible to have
(Psalm 36:9) As his human children, we are similar to Jehovah as our best Friend?
him in many ways. Since we are created in his “image,”
we have the ability to reason, to make decisions, and to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

form close friendships.—Genesis 1:26. According to Psalm 15:3, 5,

2Jehovah can be our best Friend. Such friendship is what does God require of
possible because of God’s love for us and our faith in us in order for us to be his
him and his Son. Jesus said: “God loved the world so friends?
much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that every-
one exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) There are many people What will help us to express
who have had a close friendship with Jehovah. Let us our deep emotions to our
learn from two of them. best Friend?

1. Since we are created in God’s image, what ability do we have?

2. How is it possible to have Jehovah as our best Friend?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 21

SOME To slander:
To say something bad about someone
EXPRESSIONS to destroy his reputation

“ABRAHAM MY FRIEND” away and who is not interested in us.

3Jehovah described the father of When we learned that Jehovah sacri-
the Israelites as “Abraham my friend.” ficed his Son and we began to have
(Isaiah 41:8) Second Chronicles 20:7 faith in the ransom, we started to
also calls Abraham a friend of God. build a friendship with God.
What made it possible for Abraham
to have such a close friendship with
his Creator? It was Abraham’s strong The more you learn
faith.—Genesis 15:6; read James 2:
about Jehovah,
4Abraham’s descendants who be- the stronger your
came the nation of ancient Israel
also had Jehovah as their Father and faith in him becomes,
Friend. Sadly, over time they lost their and your love for
friendship with God. Why? Because
they lost faith in Jehovah’s promises. him deepens
5The more you learn about Jeho-
vah, the stronger your faith in him be- 6When we think about how we
comes, and your love for him deep- came to know Jehovah, we should ask
ens. Think back to the time when you ourselves: ‘Am I making progress in
first learned that God is a real Person
my friendship with God? Is my trust
and that you could become his close
in Jehovah strong, and is my love for
friend. You learned that all of us have
him growing each day?’ Another one
inherited sin because of Adam’s dis-
of God’s close friends was Gideon.
obedience. You also understood that
Let us now learn about him so that we
mankind in general is not at peace
can follow his example.
with God. (Colossians 1:21) Then you
realized that our loving heavenly Fa- “JEHOVAH IS PEACE”
ther is not some person who is far 7Judge Gideon served Jehovah
3, 4. What made Abraham’s friendship with during a difficult time after the Israel-
Jehovah different from the relationship Israel ites entered the Promised Land. The
had with Him?
5, 6. (a) How has Jehovah become your 7-9. (a) What remarkable experience did Gide-
Friend? (b) What questions should we ask our- on have, and what was the result? (See opening
selves? picture.) (b) How can we be God’s friend?

Midianites were a threat to Israel and the food with the touch of his staff.
had invaded their land several times. When Gideon realized that this an-
For that reason, Gideon was thresh- gel was truly sent by God, he became
ing wheat in a winepress instead of in afraid. Gideon exclaimed: “Alas, Sov-
an open field so that he could quickly ereign Lord Jehovah, for I have seen
hide the valuable grain. Judges chap- Jehovah’s angel face-to-face!” (Judges
ter 6 says that Jehovah’s angel vis- 6:17-22) Did that experience hurt
ited Gideon at Ophrah. Gideon was Gideon’s friendship with Jehovah?
surprised that the angel appeared Not at all! Gideon felt at peace with
and called Gideon a “mighty war- God. We know this because the
rior.” Even though Jehovah had res- altar Gideon built there was called
cued the Israelites from Egypt, Gide- “Jehovah-shalom,” which means “Je-
on doubted that He would help them hovah Is Peace.” (Read Judges 6:23,
this time. Speaking for Jehovah, the 24; footnote.) If we meditate on what
angel promised that God would help Jehovah does for us each day, we
Gideon. will realize that he is a true Friend.
8Gideon wondered how it would When we regularly pray to Jehovah,
be possible for him to “save Isra- we feel more at peace with him and
el out of Midian’s hand.” Jehovah gave our friendship with him becomes
him a very clear answer: “Because I stronger.
will be with you, you will strike
down Midian as if they were one WHO WILL BE A GUEST IN
man.” (Judges 6:11-16) Probably won- JEHOVAH’S TENT?
dering how this would happen, Gid- 10Jehovah has specific require-
eon asked for a sign from God. No- ments for anyone who wants to be his
tice that in this conversation Gideon friend. In Psalm 15, David sang about
what we must do to be a guest in Je-
hovah’s tent, that is, to be a friend of
When we regularly God. (Psalm 15:1) Let us now focus on
two of these requirements: avoiding
pray to Jehovah, our slander and being honest. David said
friendship with him will the following about anyone whom Je-
hovah accepts as a friend: “He does
become stronger not slander with his tongue.” David
added: “He does not accept a bribe
never doubted whether God was a against the innocent.”—Psalm 15:3, 5.
real Person or not. 11 In another psalm, David warned:

9What happened next strength- “Guard your tongue from what is

ened Gideon’s faith and brought him
10. According to Psalm 15:3, 5, what require-
closer to God. Gideon prepared a ments does Jehovah have for those who want to
meal and served it to the angel. The be his friends?
angel then miraculously burned up 11. Why must we avoid slander?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 23

to “conduct ourselves honestly in all
things,” we avoid cheating our Chris-
tian brothers. For example, if they
work for us, we make sure that they

Being honest helps

us to keep Jehovah
as our Friend

are treated fairly and are paid the

amount that has been agreed on. As
Christians, we are honest with our
We help others to become Jehovah’s friends employees and everyone else. And if
(See paragraphs 14, 15)
we work for a fellow Christian, we
should not be unfair and expect spe-
bad.” (Psalm 34:13) If we ignored this cial treatment.
13People in the world often com-
counsel, it would hurt our friendship
with our heavenly Father. Really, slan- mend Jehovah’s Witnesses for their
der is a mark of Jehovah’s great ene- honesty. For example, the director of
my, Satan the Devil. The term “Dev- a large company noticed that Jeho-
il” comes from the Greek word that vah’s Witnesses keep their promises.
means “slanderer.” When we are care- He said, “You always stick to what you
ful with what we say to others and have agreed to do.” (Psalm 15:4) This
what we say about them, this will help honesty helps us to keep Jehovah as
us to stay close to Jehovah. We should our Friend and brings praise to our
be especially careful about our atti- loving heavenly Father.
tude toward the brothers appointed
by God to take the lead in the congre- JEHOVAH’S FRIENDS
gation.—Read Hebrews 13:17; Jude 8.
12Jehovah’s servants are known to
14 Although people we meet in our
ministry may believe that God exists,
be honest people. The apostle Paul
wrote: “Keep praying for us, for we many do not view God as their best
trust we have an honest conscience, Friend. How can we help them? No-
as we wish to conduct ourselves tice the instructions Jesus gave 70 of
honestly in all things.” (Hebrews his disciples when he sent them out
13:18) Because we are determined to preach: “Wherever you enter into a
house, say first: ‘May this house have
12, 13. (a) Why should we be honest in all
things? (b) When we are honest, what is the re- 14, 15. In our ministry, how can we help oth-
sult? ers to become Jehovah’s friends?

peace.’ And if a friend of peace is
there, your peace will rest upon him.
But if there is not, it will return to
you.” (Luke 10:5, 6) People may want
to learn more about the truth if we
are friendly to them. If we are kind to
those who angrily oppose us, this may
help them to calm down and they may
be willing to listen to the truth at an-
other time.
15When we meet people who are
very religious or who follow false re-
ligious traditions, we continue to be
friendly and peaceful. We warmly
welcome all to our meetings, especial-
ly people who are frustrated with the

People may want to

learn more about the How does prayer strengthen our friendship with God?
(See paragraph 21)
truth if we are
friendly to them holy spirit helps us to preach the good
world today and who want to learn 17The more time we spend in the
more about the God we worship. preaching work, the closer we feel
Articles in the series “The Bible to Jehovah. We see how Jehovah pre-
Changes Lives” give us many exam- vents opposers from stopping the
ples of people like this. preaching work. He has clearly been
guiding us, and we are amazed at the
WORKING WITH OUR BEST FRIEND way he continues to teach us through
16People who work together often our meetings and publications. At our
become close friends. All who are conventions and assemblies, we see
dedicated to Jehovah are not only that Jehovah lovingly understands our
his friends but also his “fellow work- problems and our needs. After one of
ers.” (Read 1 Corinthians 3:9.) As we our conventions, a family wrote: “The
preach and make disciples, we learn program really reached our hearts.
more about the marvelous qualities of We felt how much Jehovah loves each
our heavenly Father. We see how his and every one of us and wants us to
16. How can we be not only Jehovah’s friends 17. How do our assemblies and conventions
but also his “fellow workers”? show us that Jehovah is our Friend?

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 25

succeed.” After attending a special for us to describe our feelings, we
convention in Ireland, a couple from have help. Paul wrote to Christians in
Germany were thankful for the way Rome: “The problem is that we do not
they had been warmly welcomed and know what we should pray for as we
need to, but the spirit itself pleads for
us with unuttered groanings. But the
How often do I take one who searches the hearts knows
what the meaning of the spirit is, be-
the time to speak cause it is pleading in harmony with
to Jehovah? God for the holy ones.” (Romans 8:26,
27) When we read Bible books such as
Job, Psalms, and Proverbs, we can get
cared for. They also said: “But our ideas about how to express our feel-
greatest thanks go to Jehovah and his
ings to Jehovah.
King Jesus Christ. They have invited 20 When we face difficult problems,
us to be part of this truly united na-
tion. We are not just talking about uni- let us remember Paul’s words to the
ty but are enjoying it every day. Our Philippians: “Do not be anxious over
experiences in connection with the anything, but in everything by prayer
special convention in Dublin will al- and supplication along with thanks-
ways remind us of the precious privi- giving, let your petitions be made
lege we have to serve our great God to- known to God.” When we pray to Je-
gether with all of you.” hovah in this way, we can feel true
comfort. Paul wrote: “The peace of
God that surpasses all understand-
18Friends become closer when ing will guard your hearts and your
they have good communication. To- mental powers by means of Christ Je-
day, people constantly use the Inter- sus.” (Philippians 4:6, 7) We should
net and text messaging. But how does always be thankful for the extraordi-
that compare to our communication nary “peace of God” that really does
with our best Friend, Jehovah? He is guard our heart and mind.
the “Hearer of prayer.” (Psalm 65:2) 21Prayer helps us to build our
How often do we take time to speak to
friendship with Jehovah. Therefore,
19For some servants of God, it is let us “pray constantly.” (1 Thessalo-
nians 5:17) We should keep strength-
not easy to express deep emotions.
ening our friendship with God and do
Yet, that is what Jehovah wants us
what he requires of us. And let us take
to do when we pray. (Psalm 119:145;
time to think about the blessings we
Lamentations 3:41) If it is difficult
enjoy because Jehovah truly is our Fa-
18. What should we ask ourselves about our ther, our God, and our Friend.
communication with Jehovah?
19. If it is hard for us to express our feelings in 20, 21. What comfort do Paul’s words at Phi-
prayer to Jehovah, what can help? lippians 4:6, 7 give us?

The Widow
of Zarephath
Was Rewarded
for Her Faith

A POOR widow hugs her boy, her only

child. She cannot believe what she is
seeing. Just a short time earlier, she had
gently held his lifeless body in her arms.
Now the woman looks at her resurrect-
ed son and is thrilled to see his smile.
Her houseguest says: “See, your son is
That emotional resurrection hap-
pened almost 3,000 years ago. You can
read about it in 1 Kings chapter 17.
The houseguest is God’s prophet Elijah.
And the mother? We do not know her
name, but she is a widow living in the
town of Zarephath. The resurrection of
her son was an event in her life that tru-
ly strengthened her faith. As we read
more about her, we will learn some very
important lessons.
Jehovah had decided that there
would be a long drought in Israel in
the days of wicked King Ahab. When
the drought began, God hid Elijah from
Ahab and miraculously fed the proph-
et by using ravens to bring meat and
bread for him to eat. Then Jehovah told

The widow’s faith in Elijah’s God, Jehovah, kept her and her son alive

Elijah: “Rise up, go to Zarephath, which worried about giving this stranger a
belongs to Sidon, and stay there. Look! drink, but giving him bread was a prob-
I will command a widow there to supply lem.
you with food.”—1 Kings 17:1-9. She replied: “As surely as Jehovah
When Elijah arrived at Zarephath, he your God is living, I have no bread, only
saw a poor widow collecting pieces of a handful of flour in the large jar and a
wood. Was she the woman who would little oil in the small jar. Now I am gath-
give food to the prophet? How could ering a few pieces of wood, and I will go
she do so, since she was so poor? Even in and make something for me and my
if he had any doubts, Elijah began a son. After we have eaten, we will die.”
conversation with the woman. He said: (1 Kings 17:12) What can we learn from
“Please, bring me a little water in a cup this conversation?
so that I may drink.” When she went The widow could see that Elijah was
to get him some water, Elijah added: an Israelite who served God. We know
“Please, bring me a piece of bread.” this because she said: “As surely as
(1 Kings 17:10, 11) The widow was not Jehovah your God is living.” It seems

that even though she knew some things me. Then you can make something af-
about Israel’s God, she was not serving terward for you and your son. For this
him. She did not refer to Jehovah as “my is what Jehovah the God of Israel says:
God.” She lived in Zarephath, a town ‘The large jar of flour will not run out,
that belonged to the Phoenician city of and the small jar of oil will not run dry
Sidon. It is very likely that many Baal until the day Jehovah makes it rain on
worshippers lived in Zarephath. How- the surface of the ground.’”—1 Kings 17:
ever, Jehovah noticed something special 11-14.
in the heart of this widow. You can imagine what some people
Although the poor widow of Zare- might have said: ‘Give away our last
phath lived in an area where many peo- meal? You must be joking.’ But that was
ple worshipped idols, she showed faith not this widow’s reaction. Even though
in Jehovah. He sent Elijah to the widow she did not know much about Jehovah,
to help both her and the prophet. We she believed Elijah and did what he
can learn a very important lesson from asked of her. This request was a huge
this. test of faith. But what a wise decision
Not all those who lived in Zarephath she made!
were completely corrupt. By sending God did not abandon that poor wid-
Elijah to this widow, Jehovah showed ow. Just as Elijah promised, Jehovah
that He notices sincere people who are added to her supply of food so that there
not yet serving Him. Yes, “in every na- was enough to feed Elijah, her, and her
tion the man who fears him and does son until the drought ended. Yes, “the
what is right is acceptable to him.” large jar of flour did not run out, and
—Acts 10:35. the small jar of oil did not run dry, ac-
How many people who live in your cording to Jehovah’s word that he had
territory are like the widow of Zare- spoken through Elijah.” (1 Kings 17:16;
phath? Although they may be surround- 18:1) If that woman had acted differ-
ed by members of false religion, they ently, the loaf of bread that she made
may want something better. They may from her small supply of flour and oil
have little or no knowledge of Jehovah might have become her last meal. But
and need help to accept true worship. she showed faith, trusted in Jehovah,
Are you searching for and helping such and fed Elijah first.
people? A lesson that we can learn from this is
that God blesses those who show faith
“FIRST MAKE ME A SMALL ROUND in him. Jehovah will help you if you trust
LOAF OF BREAD” in him when your integrity is tested. He
Think about what Elijah asked the will be a Provider, a Protector, and a
widow to do. She had just told him that Friend in order to help you endure.—Ex-
after she made one more meal for her odus 3:13-15.
and her son, they would eat it and die. In 1898, an article in Zion’s Watch
Yet, what did Elijah say? “Do not be Tower taught this lesson: If the widow
afraid. Go in and do as you said. But first had faith and obeyed Elijah, she would
make me a small round loaf of bread receive Jehovah’s help. If she did not
with what is there, and bring it out to show faith in Jehovah, then another

FEBRUARY 15, 2014 29

widow might have been chosen who and the idea that the prophet some-
would. The article went on to say that it how caused it. Elijah carried the boy’s
is the same for us. Sometimes Jehovah limp body to the roof chamber and
allows our faith in him to be tested. If we cried out: “O Jehovah my God, are you
have faith, it said, “we will get the bless- also bringing harm to the widow with
ing; if we do not [have faith], we will lose whom I am staying by putting her son to
it.” death?” It deeply upset Elijah to think
When we suffer trials, we need to that Jehovah’s name would be dishon-
look for Jehovah’s guidance in the Scrip- ored if this kind and hospitable woman
tures and in our publications. Then we was allowed to suffer even more. So Eli-
should follow Jehovah’s direction, no jah begged: “O Jehovah my God, please,
matter how difficult it may be to accept. let this child’s life come back into him.”
We will be greatly blessed if we do what —1 Kings 17:20, 21.
this wise proverb says: “Trust in Jeho-
vah with all your heart, and do not rely “SEE, YOUR SON IS ALIVE”
on your own understanding. In all your Jehovah was listening. The widow
ways take notice of him, and he will had shown faith and had cared for Eli-
make your paths straight.”—Proverbs 3: jah’s needs. It seems that God allowed
5, 6. the boy to die because He knew that
THE WIDOW GOES THROUGH this resurrection, the first one record-
ANOTHER TRIAL ed in the Scriptures, would give hope to
millions in the future. Jehovah listened
Another trial was going to test the
to Elijah’s prayer and brought the child
widow’s faith. The Bible account says:
back to life. Imagine the widow’s great
“After these things, the son of the wom-
an who owned the house fell sick, and joy when Elijah said: “See, your son is
his sickness became so severe that he alive”! The widow then told Elijah:
stopped breathing.” Trying to find a “Now I know that you truly are a man
reason why this tragedy happened, the of God and that Jehovah’s word in your
grieving mother said to Elijah: “What do mouth is truth.”—1 Kings 17:22-24.
you have against me, O man of the true The account in 1 Kings chapter 17
God? Have you come to remind me of says no more about this woman. How-
my guilt and to put my son to death?” ever, Jesus spoke well of her, so she may
(1 Kings 17:17, 18) What do those bitter have become a faithful servant of Jeho-
words mean? vah. (Luke 4:25, 26) Her story teaches
Did the woman remember a past sin us that God blesses those doing good to
that bothered her conscience? Did she his servants. (Matthew 25:34-40) It
think that her son’s death was pun- proves that God takes care of those who
ishment from God and that Elijah was are faithful to him, even when they are
God’s messenger of death? The Bible enduring very difficult trials. (Matthew
does not tell us, but we know this: The 6:25-34) This account also shows us that
widow did not accuse God of doing any- Jehovah has the desire and the ability to
thing wrong. resurrect the dead. (Acts 24:15) Surely
Elijah must have been shocked by these are excellent reasons for remem-
both the death of the widow’s son bering the widow of Zarephath.


What reasons did Jews in the first century have

for being “in expectation” of the Messiah?
In the days of John the Baptizer, “the people earth peace among men of goodwill.’” (See foot-
were in expectation and all of them were reason- note.)—Luke 2:13, 14.
ing in their hearts about John, ‘May he perhaps That amazing announcement had a powerful
be the Christ?’” (Luke 3:15) Why might the Jews effect on those humble shepherds. They immedi-
have expected the Messiah to appear at that time? ately went to Bethlehem, and when they found
There are a number of reasons. Joseph and Mary and the infant Jesus, “they
After Jesus was born, Jehovah’s angel appeared made known the message that they had been
to shepherds who were taking care of their flocks told concerning this young child.” Because of
in the fields near Bethlehem. (1) The angel an- this, “all who heard were astonished at what the
nounced: “Today there was born to you in David’s shepherds told them.” (Luke 2:17, 18) The words
city a savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:8- “all who heard” show that the shepherds spoke
11) After that, the angel was joined by “a multi-
to others besides Joseph and Mary. As the shep-
tude of the heavenly army, praising God and say-
herds returned home, they kept “glorifying and
ing: ‘Glory in the heights above to God, and on
praising God for all they had heard and seen, just
The Bible does not say that the angels “sang” at Jesus’ birth. as it had been told to them.” (Luke 2:20) Those

1 2

shepherds did not keep this good news to them- we understand the prophecy today.—See foot-
selves! note.
When Mary brought her firstborn son to the The Essenes, who many believe were a Jewish
temple in Jerusalem as the Mosaic Law required, sect that lived in the desert, taught that two Mes-
the prophetess Anna “began giving thanks to siahs would appear near the end of a 490-year
God and speaking about the child to all who period. But we cannot be sure that they used
were waiting for Jerusalem’s deliverance.” (2) Daniel’s prophecy to make their calculations.
(Luke 2:36-38; Exodus 13:12) So news of the Even if they did, it is hard to imagine that the
Messiah’s appearance continued to spread. ideas of such an isolated group would influence
Later, “astrologers from the East came to Jeru- many other Jews.
salem, saying: ‘Where is the one born king of the Even after the first century, some Jews be-
Jews? For we saw his star when we were in the lieved that the 70 weeks started in the year 607
East, and we have come to do obeisance to him.’” before Christ, when the first temple was de-
(Matthew 2:1, 2) When he heard this, King Her- stroyed, and ended in the year 70, when the sec-
od became very upset, “and all Jerusalem with ond temple was destroyed. Others thought that
him. On gathering together all the chief priests the prophecy was fulfilled during the time of the
and scribes of the people, he inquired of them Maccabees in the second century before Christ.
where the Christ was to be born.” (3) (Matthew 2: So the Jews did not agree on how the 70 weeks
3, 4) So, many people were hearing the news: should be counted.
The future Messiah had arrived!—See footnote. If the apostles and other early Christians had
Luke 3:15, quoted earlier, shows that some correctly understood the prophecy about the
Jews thought that John the Baptizer might be the 70 weeks, we would expect them to have men-
Christ. However, John put an end to such think- tioned the prophecy as proof that Jesus Christ
ing. He said: “The one coming after me is stron- was the Messiah and that he had arrived on time.
ger than I am, whose sandals I am not worthy to But there is no evidence that the early Christians
take off. That one will baptize you with holy spir- did so.
it and with fire.” (Matthew 3:11) John’s humble Another point is worth noting. Gospel writers
comment would have made the Jews even more often mentioned prophecies from the Hebrew
excited about the arrival of the Messiah. Scriptures that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ.
Could the Jews in the first century have used (Matthew 1:22, 23; 2:13-15; 4:13-16) But none of
the prophecy of the 70 weeks from Daniel 9: them wrote that the prophecy of the 70 weeks
24-27 to calculate when the Messiah would ar- had anything to do with Jesus Christ.
rive? Even though that is possible, we cannot be To review: We cannot be sure that people in
sure. In Jesus’ day, people had many different Jesus’ day correctly understood the prophecy of
ideas about how the 70 weeks should be count-
the 70 weeks. However, in the Gospels, there
ed, but none of those ideas are similar to how
are other good reasons why the Jews would have
We might ask, How did the astrologers know that the “star” been expecting the Messiah to arrive.
in the East had something to do with the birth of the “king of the
Jews”? Could it be that they heard news of Jesus’ birth when For our present understanding of the prophecy of the 70
traveling through Israel? weeks, see Pay Attention to Daniel’s Prophecy! chapter 11.
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