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JULY 15, 2014


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“Jehovah Knows Jehovah’s People “You Are My “You Will Be

Those Who “Renounce Witnesses” Witnesses of Me”
Belong to Him” Unrighteousness” PAGE 15 SONGS: 31, 92 PAGE 21 SONGS: 102, 103
PAGE 3 SONGS: 63, 66 PAGE 9 SONGS: 64, 61

“Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him”

Jehovah’s People “Renounce Unrighteousness”
These articles will explain why Paul used specific expres-
sions at 2 Timothy 2:19, and they will show how these ex-
SOUTH AFRICA pressions relate to events in Moses’ day. We will also learn
COVER: Two sisters are using the what it means to belong to Jehovah and how to “renounce
book What Does the Bible Really unrighteousness.”
Teach? to witness to two Ndebele __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

women who are dressed in their

traditional clothing. They are sitting “You Are My Witnesses”
in front of a typical rural home. Only “You Will Be Witnesses of Me”
2 percent of the country’s popula-
In these articles we will discuss what it means to be called
tion are Ndebele
Jehovah’s Witnesses. This will motivate us to witness zeal-
ously about both Jehovah and Jesus and to live in a way that
POPULATION brings honor to them.



PUBLISHERS 27 Losing a Father—Finding a Father


July 15, 2014

Vol. 135, No. 14 Semimonthly ENGLISH

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“Jehovah Knows Those
Who Belong to Him”
“If anyone loves God, this one is known by him.”

A GROUP of men were standing in front of the taberna- HOW WOULD YOU
cle, ready to offer incense to Jehovah. On the one side was ANSWER?
Aaron, the high priest of Israel, and on the other side were ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Korah and 250 men. (Numbers 16:16-18) It seemed that all How do we know that
of them were loyal to God. However, Korah and his sup- Jehovah’s purpose will
never change?
porters were proud, rebellious, and selfish, and they were
trying to grab the priesthood from Aaron. (Numbers 16:1-
11) They had deceived themselves, thinking that Jehovah
would accept their worship. But in reality, they had insult- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ed Jehovah, who could read their hearts. He could see that Jehovah’s values and
principles are based on
they were hypocrites and that they wanted glory for them- what two vital truths?
selves.—Jeremiah 17:10.
2Earlier, Moses had said: “Jehovah will make known
who belongs to him.” (Numbers 16:5) How did Jehovah ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

show that he knew who his true worshippers were and How is our faith in Jehovah
who the hypocrites were? Jehovah sent fire from heaven strengthened by the lessons
learned from 2 Timothy 2:19?
1. Give an example that shows how some of God’s people deceived
themselves. (See opening picture.)
2. What did Moses say would happen, and how did his words come

JULY 15, 2014 3

People who belong Hypocritical worshipper: Apostasy:
to Jehovah: A person who pretends to To rebel against true
Those who are loyal to God be obedient to Jehovah worship, abandon it,
and at the same time will- accept teachings that are
fully practices something against what the Bible
that is not pleasing to Him. says, and perhaps even
Jehovah only accepts encourage others to do the
worship that is genuine, same
and he will expose wicked
people who refuse to

and destroyed Korah and the 250 same confidence in Jehovah. Let us
men. (Numbers 16:35; 26:10) Only learn how we can from the interesting
Aaron was left standing. Jehovah words Paul wrote to Timothy.
made it clear that Aaron was the real
priest and a true worshipper of God.
4Paul was sure that Jehovah would
—Read 1 Corinthians 8:3.
3In Paul’s time, more than 1,500 recognize hypocritical worship. Also,
years later, something similar hap- he was sure that Jehovah knew who
pened in the Christian congregation. His true worshippers were. Paul’s con-
Paul explained that some who claimed fidence was shown by the words he
to be Christians began to promote was inspired to write to Timothy. After
false teachings. Yet, they remained he described the harm that apostates
part of the congregation. These apos- were causing to the faith of some, Paul
tates may have appeared to be true said: “Despite that, the solid founda-
worshippers of Jehovah. But in reality tion of God remains standing, having
they were like dangerous wolves, and this seal, ‘Jehovah knows those who
they even began to destroy “the faith belong to him,’ and, ‘Let everyone call-
of some.” (2 Timothy 2:16-18) Was Je- ing on the name of Jehovah renounce
hovah watching? Yes. Paul knew what unrighteousness.’”—2 Timothy 2:19.
God had done to the rebels, Korah and 5The Bible uses the word “foun-
his supporters, so he was confident dation” to describe different things.
that Jehovah was fully aware of this These include Jerusalem, which was
situation as well. We too can have the
4. What was Paul sure that Jehovah would do?
3. (a) What happened in the Christian congre- What did Paul tell Timothy?
gation in Paul’s day? (b) What can we learn 5, 6. What is interesting about Paul’s use of
from what Jehovah did to the rebels in Moses’ the expression “the solid foundation of God”?
day? How would that affect Timothy?

the capital of ancient Israel, as well as not change.” Similarly, James 1:17 says
Jesus’ role in God’s purpose. (Psalm that Jehovah “does not vary or change
87:1, 2; 1 Corinthians 3:11; 1 Peter 2:6) like the shifting shadows.”
But the expression “the solid founda-
tion of God” is used only once in the
Bible. What event did Paul refer to
8 In ancient times, it was common
when he used that expression?
6 When Paul used the expression to write or engrave a message on a
“the solid foundation of God,” he building’s foundation. This was often
done to show who built or owned the
did so in the same verse in which
he quoted Moses’ words about Ko- building. Paul is the first Bible writer
rah and his supporters. (See Numbers to refer to this custom.1 (See footnote.)
16:5.) In this way, Paul was reminding “The solid foundation of God” that
Timothy that Jehovah knew what was Paul described at 2 Timothy 2:19 has
two statements engraved on it: (1) “Je-
happening in the congregation. God
hovah knows those who belong to
would prevent apostates from causing
any harm. Jehovah’s purpose was not him” and, (2) “Let everyone calling on
changed by Korah, and God’s purpose the name of Jehovah renounce unrigh-
would not be changed by apostates in teousness.” This reminds us of what
we read at Numbers 16:5.—Read.
the congregation. Paul did not fully ex-
9 What lesson can those who belong
plain what was meant by “the solid
foundation of God.” Still, what Paul to Jehovah learn from what was in-
said helped Timothy to have confi- scribed on “the solid foundation of
dence and trust in Jehovah. God”? That Jehovah’s values and prin-
7 Jehovah’s principles never change. ciples are based on two vital truths.
These are (1) Jehovah loves those who
“The decisions of Jehovah will stand
are loyal to him, and (2) Jehovah hates
forever; the thoughts of his heart
wrong conduct. How is this lesson re-
are from generation to generation,”
lated to apostasy in the congregation?
10 Timothy and other faithful ones

Jehovah’s principles were very troubled by the conduct

of apostates. Some Christians may
never change have asked why those apostates were
allowed to remain in the congrega-
tion. Faithful ones may even have
says Psalm 33:11. Jehovah is King, wondered whether Jehovah was able
he shows loyal love, and he is righ-
teous and faithful. The Bible shows 1 The same custom was referred to later at Revela-
tion 21:14. There it says that the names of the 12
that these facts also never change. (Ex- apostles were engraved on “12 foundation stones.”
odus 15:18; Psalm 106:1; 111:3; 117:2)
Malachi 3:6 says: “I am Jehovah; I do 8, 9. What lesson can we learn from what was
inscribed on “the solid foundation of God”?
7. Why can we be sure that Jehovah will always 10. How did the conduct of apostates affect
be righteous and faithful? faithful ones in Paul’s day?

JULY 15, 2014 5

knows very well that we are loyal
to him. But he goes far beyond sim-
We can be confident ply knowing those who are loyal to
that Jehovah will never him. Jehovah shows intense interest in
them. The Bible says: “The eyes of Je-
forget our sincere hovah are roving about through all the
efforts to worship him earth to show his strength in behalf
of those whose heart is complete to-
ward him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9) We can
to see the difference between their be confident that Jehovah will never
own firm loyalty and the hypocritical forget our sincere efforts to worship
worship of apostates.—Acts 20:29, 30. him.—1 Corinthians 15:58; 1 Timothy
11Paul’s letter must have strength- 1:5.
ened Timothy’s faith. He remind- 14Jehovah hates and rejects hyp-
ed Timothy that Jehovah had earlier ocritical worship. He can read the
made it clear that Korah and his sup- hearts of all people and can see whose
porters were hypocrites. Jehovah had hearts are not “complete toward him.”
rejected and destroyed them but had It is disgusting to Jehovah when a per-
shown his approval of Aaron. In a sim- son pretends to be obedient but is se-
ilar way, even though there were peo- cretly practicing sin. (Proverbs 3:32)
ple who pretended to be Christians in Humans may be fooled by such a per-
Paul’s day, Jehovah would clearly re- son, but Jehovah is not. The Bible
veal who belonged to him. says: “The one covering over his trans-
12 Jehovah never changes, so we can
gressions will not succeed.” This is
always depend on him. He hates wick-
edness and will punish those who do
what is wrong and do not repent. Tim-
othy was reminded that he had to re-
Jehovah hates and
ject the wicked influence of those who rejects hypocritical
pretended to be Christians, because
“everyone calling on the name of Je- worship
hovah” must reject wickedness.—See
footnote. because Jehovah is almighty and be-
GENUINE WORSHIP cause he is a God of righteousness.
IS ALWAYS REWARDED —Proverbs 28:13; read 1 Timothy 5:24;
13Paul’s words to Timothy can en- Hebrews 4:13.
courage us too. How so? Jehovah 15Most of Jehovah’s people love
him with all their heart. It is rare for
The following article will discuss how we can im-
itate Jehovah and reject wickedness.
someone to try to deceive Jehovah
with hypocritical worship. But if this
11,12.How did Paul’s letter no doubt
strengthen Timothy’s faith? 14. What type of worship does Jehovah reject?
13. Of what can we be confident? 15. What should we avoid, and why?

If we are sincere in
our worship, we will be
happy now and will
enjoy perfect happiness
in the future

happened in the days of Moses and in

the time of the early Christians, it can
happen today. (2 Timothy 3:1, 5) Does
this mean that we should be suspi-
cious of our brothers and doubt their
loyalty to Jehovah? No, it would be
wrong to have suspicions about our
brothers and sisters without proof.
(Read Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthi-
ans 13:7.) And doubting our brothers
would hurt our own relationship with
16Each Christian should “examine
Timothy would not have been affected
his own actions.” (Galatians 6:4) Be- by the conduct of the apostates
cause we are imperfect, we might be- (See paragraphs 10-12)

gin to worship Jehovah for the wrong

reasons without even realizing it. (He-
brews 3:12, 13) In minor ways our ser- LOYALTY LEADS TO HAPPINESS
vice to him might become hypocriti- 17We will be rewarded if we make
cal. So we must ask ourselves: ‘Why every effort to remove all traces of hy-
do I worship Jehovah? Do I worship pocrisy from our heart. “Happy is the
him because I love him and because I man whom Jehovah does not charge
want him to be my Ruler? Or am I with guilt, in whose spirit there is no
thinking mostly about the good life deceit,” says the psalmist. (Psalm 32:2)
that I am hoping to enjoy in Paradise?’ If we are sincere in our worship, we
(Revelation 4:11) By asking such ques- will be happy now and will enjoy per-
tions, we can make sure that there is fect happiness in the future.
not even a trace of hypocrisy in our 18Very soon, Jehovah will expose
heart. wicked people who refuse to repent
16. (a) How can you make sure that there is no or who secretly practice sin. He will
hypocrisy in your heart? (b) What can we learn
from the box “Keep Testing . . . Keep Prov- 17, 18. Why should we be genuine in our wor-
ing . . .”? ship of Jehovah?

JULY 15, 2014 7

show the difference “between a righ- then, it is comforting to know that “the
teous person and a wicked person, eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous,
between one serving God and one and his ears listen to their supplica-
not serving him.” (Malachi 3:18) Until tion.”—1 Peter 3:12.

“Keep Testing . . . Keep Proving . . .”

HOW can we make sure that we really love Je-
hovah and are worshipping him for the right
reasons? The Bible encourages us: “Keep
testing whether you are in the faith; keep
proving what you yourselves are.” (2 Corinthi-
ans 13:5) We may need to examine our con-
duct regularly in order to be sure that there
is no trace of hypocrisy in our worship to Je-
hovah. Ask yourself the following questions:
Am I honest when I commend others?
Is my love for my brothers genuine?
—Psalm 12:2, 3; 1 Peter 1:22.
When I show hospitality or give some-
one a gift, do I expect something in re-
turn?—Matthew 6:2-4.
Do I always treat my family with love
and consideration, even when others
are not around?—Colossians 3:18-21.
Is my conduct always in harmony with
the Bible principles I zealously teach
others?—Romans 2:21-23.
What if we find small traces of hypocrisy in
ourselves? Before these tendencies become
a larger part of our personality, we should
quickly make any necessary changes. If we
do so, we will have Jehovah’s approval. We
will also be able to say that “we never used
flattering speech or put on any false front
with greedy motives.”—1 Thessalonians 2:5.
Jehovah’s People
“Renounce Unrighteousness”
“Let everyone calling on the name of Jehovah
renounce unrighteousness.”—2 TIMOTHY 2:19.

AROUND the world, the name Jehovah can be found en- HOW WOULD YOU
graved on many buildings and on various objects in mu- ANSWER?
seums. If you have ever seen that name in such places, ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

you no doubt felt excitement. For us as Jehovah’s Wit- What can cause “foolish and
nesses, God’s name has a special place in our worship. ignorant debates,” and how
can we avoid them?
No other people use God’s name as we do. But more is
involved than simply using his name. Because we have
the privilege to be his Witnesses, we have the responsi-
bility to act in a way that will honor him. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2 To have God’s approval, we must do more than sim- How do we “renounce

unrighteousness” when it
ply use his name. We must also follow his moral stan- comes to bad associations?
dards and “turn away from what is bad.” (Psalm 34:14)
Paul made this responsibility clear when he wrote: “Let
everyone calling on the name of Jehovah renounce un-
righteousness.” (Read 2 Timothy 2:19.) So as God’s peo-
How can we take firm
ple, how can we make sure that we “renounce unrigh- action to “renounce
teousness,” that is, reject wickedness? unrighteousness”?
1. What has a special place in our worship?
2. Because we have the privilege of being identified by God’s name,
what responsibility do we have?

JULY 15, 2014 9

SOME To “renounce “Foolish and ignorant
unrighteousness”: debates”:
EXPRESSIONS To reject wickedness. To do Arguments that threaten the
EXPLAINED this we must separate our- unity of the congregation.
selves from anyone who If we were to force our own
refuses to obey Jehovah’s opinions about personal
commands matters on others, we could
affect the peace of the

“MOVE AWAY” FROM BADNESS as leaders of the rebellion. (Numbers

3At 2 Timothy 2:19, Paul refers to 16:1-5) They were disrespectful to Mo-
“the solid foundation of God.” En- ses and rejected the authority he had
graved on this foundation are two received from God. They became a
statements. The first statement, “Jeho- danger to the Israelites because they
vah knows those who belong to him,” still lived among them. Before Jeho-
is taken from Numbers 16:5. (See pre- vah identified his loyal worshippers,
vious article.) But what about the sec- he gave one simple command.
ond statement, “Let everyone calling 6The Bible states: “Jehovah then
on the name of Jehovah renounce un- said to Moses: ‘Speak to the assembly
righteousness”? Some have difficulty and tell them, “Get away from around
understanding these words. Why? the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abi-
4Paul’s words suggest that he was ram!”’ Then Moses got up and went to
quoting from another part of the He- Dathan and Abiram, and the elders of
brew Scriptures. But there does not
seem to be any verse that matches this
statement. So, what was the apostle Those who were loyal
referring to when he said: “Let every- to God survived
one calling on the name of Jehovah re-
nounce unrighteousness”? Paul’s first
statement was taken from Numbers Israel went with him. He told the as-
chapter 16, and it refers to the rebel- sembly: ‘Move away, please, from the
lion of Korah. Could the second state- tents of these wicked men and do not
ment also refer to the same event? touch anything that belongs to them,
5 Dathan and Abiram joined Korah so that you may not be swept away in
all their sin.’ They immediately moved
3, 4. What words have been difficult for some away from the tents of Korah, Da-
to understand, and why?
than, and Abiram, from every side.”
5-7. What events in Moses’ day was Paul refer-
ring to at 2 Timothy 2:19? (See opening pic- (Numbers 16:23-27) Then Jehovah de-
ture.) stroyed all the rebels. But those who

thy? And what can we learn from
Loyal ones must Paul’s counsel?
9 In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he gave

clearly separate them- wise advice on how to reject wicked-

ness. For example, Paul tells Timothy
selves from those “not to fight about words” and to “re-
who are wicked ject empty speeches.” (Read 2 Timo-
thy 2:14, 16, 23.) What did these
words mean? Some in the congre-
were loyal to God survived. How? gation were teaching apostate doc-
They ‘renounced unrighteousness’ by trines. Others were spreading ideas
moving away from the rebels. that caused arguments. Some of these
7 When Paul wrote the words “Jeho-
ideas were not directly against Bible
vah knows those who belong to him,” teachings, but they threatened the
he was quoting from Numbers 16:5. unity of the congregation. That is why
And when he made the statement Paul encouraged Timothy to “reject
“Let everyone calling on the name of
foolish and ignorant debates.”
Jehovah renounce unrighteousness,” 10Today, it is not common to find
he might have been referring to the
events recorded at Numbers 16:5, 23- apostates in the congregation. Yet, we
27. So it seems reasonable to conclude may still be exposed to ideas that go
that both statements found at 2 Timo- against Bible teachings. No matter
thy 2:19 refer to the same events. where these ideas come from, we
What do we learn from these state- need to be determined to reject them.
ments? That Jehovah reads hearts. He
knows who his loyal servants are, and
he expects them to separate them- No matter where
selves from those who are wicked. apostate ideas
come from, we need
8Paul also used the events of Mo- to be determined
ses’ day to remind Timothy that he
needed to protect his relationship
to reject them
with Jehovah. Christians had to do
more than belong to the congrega- It is not wise to have communication
tion, just as God’s loyal servants in with apostates, either in person, over
Moses’ day had to do more than sim- the Internet, or in any other way.
ply use Jehovah’s name. All faithful Even though we may want to help the
servants of God must reject wicked-
ness. What did this mean for Timo- 9. How did “foolish and ignorant debates” af-
fect the early Christian congregation?
8. Besides using God’s name and belonging to 10. What should we do if we are exposed to
a congregation, what else must we do? apostasy?

JULY 15, 2014 11

person, we would be disobeying God on making sure of what is acceptable
if we had such a conversation. He to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:10) The Bi-
commands us to reject, yes, complete- ble also teaches that the head of the
ly avoid, apostasy. family has authority, so he may decide
11There are other things that can not to allow certain entertainment in
disturb the peace of a congregation his household. (See footnote.)—1 Co-
besides apostate ideas. For exam- rinthians 11:3; Ephesians 6:1-4.
ple, there may be different opinions 13The Bible principles mentioned
about what entertainment is appro- above can help us to make wise deci-
priate for a Christian. Trying to force sions in other areas of life. For exam-
these opinions on others could cause ple, there are different opinions about
“foolish and ignorant debates.” But dress and grooming, health and nu-
what if someone in the congrega- trition, and other personal matters.
tion is promoting entertainment that Some may want to force their opin-
goes against God’s moral standards? ions about such matters on others,
Elders would not tolerate this be- and this can cause disagreements. But
havior simply to avoid an argument. if no Bible principle is being violated,
(Psalm 11:5; Ephesians 5:3-5) Yet, el- there is no reason to argue about what
ders are careful not to promote their each Christian should do. The Bible
own ideas. Instead they follow the Bi- says that “a slave of the Lord does not
ble’s counsel: “Shepherd the flock of need to fight, but needs to be gentle
God under your care, . . . not lording toward all.”—2 Timothy 2:24; footnote.
it over those who are God’s inheri-
tance, but becoming examples to the AVOID BAD ASSOCIATIONS!
flock.”—1 Peter 5:2, 3; read 2 Corinthi- 14 As servants of God, in what oth-
ans 1:24. er way can we “renounce unrighteous-
12Our organization does not re- ness”? By avoiding bad associations.
view movies, video games, books, or How did Paul illustrate this? After
songs to decide which ones we should mentioning “the solid foundation of
avoid. Why not? Because the Bible God,” he wrote about “a large house.”
tells each person to train his con- Inside this house there were “uten-
science “to distinguish both right and sils,” that is, objects, made “not only
wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14) We can use of gold and silver but also of wood
Bible principles to help us make wise and earthenware, and some for an
decisions about entertainment. With honorable use but others for a use
all such decisions, we need to “keep lacking honor.” (2 Timothy 2:20, 21)
Paul then encouraged Christians to
11.What could divide a congregation, and
how can Christian elders set a good example? See the article “Do You Ban Certain
12, 13. (a) How do Jehovah’s Witnesses de- Movies, Books, or Songs?” under ABOUT US >
cide which entertainment to choose, and what FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS.
Bible principles apply? (b) How do the princi-
ples discussed in paragraph 12 apply to various 14. How did Paul illustrate the need to avoid
personal matters? bad associations?

Avoid communicating with apostates
(See paragraph 10)

keep clear of the “utensils” used for a inside the congregation who disobey
purpose “lacking honor.” God, we certainly must avoid close as-
15 What is the meaning of Paul’s il- sociation with those outside the con-
lustration? The “large house” can be gregation. We do that because many
compared to the Christian congre- people outside the congregation are
gation. The “utensils” in the house lovers of money, disobedient to par-
can be compared to each member of ents, disloyal, liars, violent, without
the congregation. In a house, some love for what is good, betrayers, and
objects may be harmful if they be- lovers of pleasures rather than lovers
come contaminated, that is, unclean. of God.—2 Timothy 3:1-5.
When this happens, the owner of the
house must separate the unclean ob- JEHOVAH BLESSES OUR LOYALTY
jects from the clean ones, such as the 17When Jehovah gave the com-
ones he uses for cooking. mand to “get away from around the
16 It is similar for God’s servants to- tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abi-
day. If we want to be clean in all areas ram,” the faithful Israelites “immedi-
of our lives, we must separate our- ately moved away.” (Numbers 16:24,
selves from people within the congre- 27) They did not delay in separating
gation who continually refuse to obey themselves from the rebels or seem
Jehovah’s principles. (Read 1 Corin- unsure about doing so. They “moved
thians 15:33.) If we must avoid those away . . . from every side.” Loyal ones
15, 16. What can we learn from the illustra- 17.How careful were loyal Israelites to “re-
tion of “a large house”? nounce unrighteousness”?

JULY 15, 2014 13

vah? Some who once had problems
If we must avoid those with alcohol have decided not to
drink at all. Others who have certain
inside the congregation weaknesses avoid any type of enter-
tainment that might excite wrong de-
who disobey God, we sires. (Psalm 101:3) For example, be-
certainly must avoid fore becoming a Witness, one brother
enjoyed going to dance parties where
close association with people behaved immorally. After
those outside the learning the truth, he decided not to
dance at all, not even at Witness
congregation gatherings. He does not want to bring
back improper thoughts or desires.
were eager to obey with their whole Of course, this does not mean that
heart. They made it very clear that all Christians need to avoid alcohol,
they supported Jehovah and opposed dancing, or other things that are not
unrighteousness. What can we learn wrong in themselves. However, all of
from this example? us should be careful and protect our
18Our friendship with Jehovah is relationship with Jehovah.
valuable to us. We must act prompt- 20It is a privilege to be called one
ly to protect it. This is what Paul of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yet, this priv-
meant when he told Timothy to “flee ilege comes with responsibility. We
from youthful desires.” (2 Timothy 2: must “renounce unrighteousness”
22) Timothy was probably more than
30 years old. But even adults can
have foolish “youthful desires.” When All of us should be
facing such desires, Timothy had to
“flee” from them. He needed to “re- careful to protect
nounce unrighteousness.” Jesus stat- our relationship
ed something similar: “If your eye
makes you stumble, tear it out and with Jehovah
throw it away from you.” (Matthew
18:9) Christians who want to obey this
advice and protect their friendship and “turn away from what is bad.”
with God must act quickly and with (Psalm 34:14) Doing so is not al-
determination. ways easy. But how comforting it is to
19How have some Christians pro- know that Jehovah will always love
tected their relationship with Jeho- “those who belong to him” and obey
him.—2 Timothy 2:19; read 2 Chroni-
18. What did Paul mean when he told Timothy cles 16:9a.
to “flee from youthful desires”?
19. How have some protected their friendship 20. Although it might not be easy to “renounce
with Jehovah? unrighteousness,” what comforts us?

“You Are My Witnesses”
“‘You are my witnesses,’ declares Jehovah.”—ISAIAH 43:10.

WHAT does it mean to be a witness? One dictionary ex- CAN YOU ANSWER?
plains that a witness is “someone who sees an event and ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

reports what happened.” In South Africa, a newspaper In what ways were the
that has been published for over 160 years is called The Israelites witnesses of
Witness. It is an appropriate name because the purpose of
a newspaper is to report accurately on events. The editor
who started this newspaper promised that it would tell
“the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
2 Sadly, the world’s news media has not reported accu- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

rately on many news events. It has surely not told the What does God’s name
truth about God and what he has done. But Jehovah, the mean?
almighty Ruler of the universe, does not depend on the
world’s news media. God said through his prophet Eze-
kiel: “The nations will have to know that I am Jehovah.”
(Ezekiel 39:7) Jehovah has about eight million Witnesses ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

who tell people around the world about him. This army of How can we show we are
Witnesses tell others what God has done for people in the thankful for the honor of
past and what he is doing now. They also tell about the being called by God’s holy
wonderful things he has promised to do in the future. At name?
Isaiah 43:10, we read: “‘You are my witnesses,’ declares
1, 2. (a) What does it mean to be a witness, and what has the world’s
news media not told people? (b) Why does Jehovah not depend on this
world’s news media?

JULY 15, 2014 15

Jehovah, ‘yes, my servant whom I did in the past. Jehovah instructed
have chosen.’” When we make the parents to teach their children about
preaching work the most important the Passover. He told them: “When
work in our lives, we prove that we your sons ask you, ‘What does this
really are Jehovah’s Witnesses. observance mean to you?’ you must
3Jehovah’s name will remain for- say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Pass-
ever because he is “the King of eterni- over to Jehovah, who passed over
ty.” And he himself said: “This is my the houses of the Israelites in Egypt
name forever, and this is how I am to when he plagued the Egyptians, but
be remembered from generation to
generation.” (1 Timothy 1:17; Exodus
3:15; compare Ecclesiastes 2:16.) To The Israelites saw that
be called by Jehovah’s name is the
greatest honor we can have. In 1931,
Jehovah is the true God
the Bible Students were thrilled when and that he always does
they began using the name Jehovah’s
Witnesses. Many of them wrote let- what he promises
ters to express their gratitude for this
change. One congregation in Canada he spared our houses.’” (Exodus 12:
wrote that the new name made them
26, 27) Parents explained that Pha-
more determined to live in a way that
raoh refused to let the Israelites go to
brings praise to Jehovah.
the wilderness to worship Jehovah.
4How can you show that you feel
Pharaoh said: “Who is Jehovah, that I
honored to be called a Witness of Je- should obey his voice to send Israel
hovah? Also, can you explain why Je- away?” (Exodus 5:2) Parents told their
hovah calls us his Witnesses, as we children how Jehovah answered Pha-
read in the book of Isaiah? raoh’s question and showed to all that
GOD’S WITNESSES IN THE PAST He is the Almighty. He brought ten
5Jehovah chose the nation of Is- plagues on Egypt and saved the Israel-
rael to be his witnesses. Each Isra- ites from Egypt’s army at the Red Sea.
elite had the responsibility to wit- The Israelites saw that Jehovah is the
ness about him. (Isaiah 43:10) For true God and that he always does
example, parents witnessed by teach- what he promises.
6The Israelites felt that it was an
ing their children about what God
honor for them to be witnesses of
3, 4. (a) When did the Bible Students start to Jehovah. They told their children
be called Jehovah’s Witnesses, and how did
they feel about this new name? (See opening
and any slaves who worked in their
picture.) (b) What questions will we now dis- homes about the wonderful things
cuss? that Jehovah had done. The Israelites
5,6.(a)How did Israelite parents witness also knew that they needed to keep
about Jehovah? (b) What else did Israelite par-
ents need to do, and why do parents today need their conduct holy. Jehovah said: “You
to do the same? should be holy, because I, Jehovah

When we teach our children about Jehovah, we bring honor to his name
(See paragraphs 5, 6)

your God, am holy.” Israelite parents dren and mistreated the poor. Their
had to train their children to be holy, bad example teaches us an important
that is, to live according to Jehovah’s lesson. We need to imitate Jehovah
standards. (Leviticus 19:2; Deuterono- and be holy because we represent
my 6:6, 7) Parents today must do the him, the Most Holy One.
same. They must train their children
to live in a way that brings honor to
8 Jehovah used Isaiah to warn the Is-
God’s glorious name.—Read Proverbs
1:8; Ephesians 6:4. raelites that He was going to destroy
7When the Israelites obeyed God, Jerusalem, their capital city, and allow
he blessed them. As a result, the His people to be taken captive. Jeho-
nations around them could see that vah also foretold that he was going to
do “something new” and free his peo-
Jehovah was protecting his people.
ple from captivity in an amazing way.
(Deuteronomy 28:10) But sadly, for
(Isaiah 43:19) Jehovah knew that the
most of their history, the Israelites
Israelites would not repent, but he still
were disobedient to Jehovah. They
told Isaiah to continue warning them.
worshipped idols, the gods of Canaan.
The first six chapters of the book of
Like those gods, the Israelites became
Isaiah are mostly warnings about the
cruel. They sacrificed their own chil-
destruction of Jerusalem. Isaiah want-
7.(a)When the Israelites obeyed Jehovah, ed to know how long the nation would
what could the nations around them see?
(b) What responsibility do all those who repre- 8. What did Jehovah tell Isaiah to do, and how
sent Jehovah have? did Isaiah react?

JULY 15, 2014 17

SOME To remain holy: He Causes to Become:
To live in a way that pleases Jehovah created all things
EXPRESSIONS Jehovah. We do this by and can become whatever is
EXPLAINED avoiding unclean thoughts needed to accomplish his
and actions and by asking purpose. For example, when
forgiveness for our sins his people needed protec-
tion, he became their
Protector. Jehovah can also
use his creation to do what-
ever is needed. For example,
he uses his people to preach
worldwide, and he can help
you to succeed at any as-
signment he gives you to do

continue to disobey Jehovah. God an- the earth and that Christ will begin to
swered: “Until the cities crash in ruins rule the earth instead.—Revelation 20:
without an inhabitant and the houses 1-3, 6.
are without people and the land is ru- 10 Some Jews survived the destruc-
ined and desolate.”—Read Isaiah 6: tion of Jerusalem. They obeyed Jeho-
8-11. vah’s instruction to surrender to the
9For over 45 years, Isaiah warned Babylonians and were taken captive to
the Israelites about the coming de- Babylon. (Jeremiah 27:11, 12) Seventy
struction. He started prophesying in years later, a few of them witnessed
the last year of King Uzziah’s reign, in the fulfillment of another one of Isa-
778 before Christ, and continued until iah’s prophecies: “This is what Jeho-
about the year 732 before Christ, dur- vah says, your Repurchaser, the Holy
ing King Hezekiah’s reign. After that, One of Israel: ‘For your sakes I will
Jehovah continued warning his peo- send to Babylon and bring down all
ple until the year 607 before Christ, the bars of the gates.’”—Isaiah 43:14.
when Jerusalem was destroyed. So 11 Jehovah fulfilled that prophecy in
the Israelites were warned many years
an amazing way. One night in October
in advance about what was going to
of the year 539 before Christ, Bab-
happen. Today, Jehovah has used his
people to warn others about what will ylon’s king and his nobles were hav-
happen in the future. For many years, ing a celebration in honor of their
The Watchtower has been telling peo- gods. They were even drinking from
ple that soon Satan will no longer rule cups they had stolen from Jehovah’s
temple. But that same night, King Cy-
9. (a) When did Isaiah’s prophecy about Jeru-
salem come true? (b) Today, what warning do 10, 11. What fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy
we need to pay attention to? did the Israelites in Babylon witness?

rus and his armies invaded Babylon.
They took control of the city and de-
feated the Babylonian Empire. In the
If we remain holy,
year 538 or 537 before Christ, Cyrus we show we are grateful
commanded the Jews to return to Je-
rusalem and rebuild God’s temple. that Jehovah has allowed
And on their journey back, Jehovah us to represent him
made sure that they were safe. All
of this happened just as Isaiah had
prophesied. When God’s people final- Jehovah’s standards, we make mis-
ly saw the temple in Jerusalem rebuilt, takes every day. So we daily need to
they were witnesses to the fact that Je- ask Jehovah for forgiveness. If we re-
hovah is the true God and that he al- main holy, we show we are grateful
ways does what he promises. God that Jehovah has allowed us to repre-
called the Jews who returned to Jeru- sent him.—Read 1 John 1:8, 9.
salem “the people whom I formed for
myself so that they might declare my
14To get a better understanding of
praise.”—Isaiah 43:21; 44:26-28.
12When the Israelites returned to how great an honor it is to be called by
rebuild the temple, thousands of for- Jehovah’s name, we need to know
eigners joined them in worshipping what his name means. The name Je-
Jehovah. Later, even more foreigners hovah comes from a Hebrew word
joined them. (Ezra 2:58, 64, 65; Es- that can be translated “to become”
ther 8:17) Today, anointed Christians and can describe action. Thus, God’s
are God’s nation, “the Israel of God,” name is believed to mean “He Causes
and “a great crowd” of “other sheep” to Become.” Jehovah’s name helps us
have joined them in worshipping Je- understand who he is. He is the One
hovah. (Galatians 6:16; Revelation 7:9, who created everything. Also, when
10; John 10:16) Both the anointed and Jehovah says that he will do some-
the other sheep have the honor of be- thing, no one can stop him from doing
ing called Jehovah’s Witnesses. it, not even Satan.
13In the new world, the great 15Jehovah explained more about
crowd will have an amazing opportu- the meaning of his name to Moses.
nity. They will tell resurrected ones When Jehovah sent him to free His
what it was like to be one of Jehovah’s people from Egypt, he told Moses: “I
Witnesses during the last days of Sa- Will Become What I Choose to Be-
tan’s world. To have this privilege in come.” Jehovah added: “This is what
the future, we must remain holy. Even you are to say to the Israelites, ‘I
though we try hard to live according to Will Become has sent me to you.’”

12,13.(a)When the Israelites returned to 14. What does the name Jehovah mean?
rebuild the temple, who else joined them? 15. What can we learn about Jehovah’s name
(b) What must the “other sheep” do now, and from what he told Moses? (See the box “Jeho-
what can they look forward to? vah—A Name With Deep Meaning.”)

JULY 15, 2014 19

each day and to keep our faith strong.
Jehovah—A Name Jehovah’s name teaches us something
With Deep Meaning else about him. What is that? Jehovah
can cause his creation to do what is
What it means needed to accomplish his purpose.
“He Causes to Become” For example, he uses his Witnesses to
do his work. Knowing this should
Why he alone can
have this name Jehovah can cause
Jehovah created all things
He makes sure that whatever he has
his creation to
decided to do will happen do what is
What it helps us to needed to accomplish
understand about him his purpose
He will become whatever he needs to
become to make his promises come true
motivate us to represent him well.
He causes his creation to do whatever is
needed to accomplish his will Kåre from Norway, who has been a
zealous Witness of Jehovah for the
There is nothing he cannot do or cause
to happen to fulfill his purpose past 70 years, says: “I feel that it is a
great honor to serve Jehovah, the King
of eternity, and to be a part of the peo-
ple who are called by his holy name. It
is always a great privilege to explain
(Exodus 3:14; footnote) So Jehovah Bible truth and to see people’s eyes
will become whatever is needed to ac- light up with joy and understand-
complish his purpose. For the Israel- ing. For instance, it brings me deep
ites, Jehovah did whatever was neces- satisfaction when I teach them how
sary to be a Deliverer, a Protector, a Christ’s ransom sacrifice works and
Guide, and a Provider of everything how, by means of it, they can get ever-
they needed. lasting life in a peaceful and righteous
new world.”
HOW WE SHOW WE ARE THANKFUL 17 In some places around the world,
16Today, Jehovah has not changed. it is difficult to find people who want
His name reminds us that he will be- to learn about Jehovah. But like Kåre,
come whatever is needed in order to we are very happy when we find at
care for his people. For example, he least one person who wants to learn
gives us everything we need to live about Jehovah’s name. But how can
we be Jehovah’s Witnesses and at the
16, 17. (a) How can we show we are thankful
for the honor of being called by God’s name? same time be witnesses of Jesus? This
(b) What will we discuss in the next article? will be discussed in the next article.

“You Will Be Witnesses of Me”
“[Jesus] said to them: ‘. . . You will be witnesses of me . . .
to the most distant part of the earth.’”—ACTS 1:7, 8.

WHEN Jesus was on trial, he courageously told the Ro- CAN YOU ANSWER?
man governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate: “For this I have ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I How did Jesus prove that
should bear witness to the truth.” (Read John 18:33-37.) “Jehovah Is Salvation”?
Years later, the apostle Paul called Jesus the witness who
made “the fine public declaration before Pontius Pilate.”
(1 Timothy 6:13) We live in a world that is controlled by
Satan and is filled with hatred. To keep witnessing, we ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

need to have great courage like that of Jesus, “the faithful What did Jesus mean
and true witness.”—Revelation 3:14. when he said: “You will
2All Jews were called witnesses of Jehovah, but Jesus be witnesses of me”?
was going to be the greatest witness of all. (Isaiah 43:10)
Before Jesus was born, an angel told his adoptive father,
Joseph: “You are to name him Jesus, for he will save his
people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20, 21; footnote) The ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

name Jesus in Hebrew means “Jehovah Is Salvation.” Jeho- Why can we be sure that we
vah was going to use Jesus to save mankind from sin and will succeed in our witnessing
death. Jesus told the Jews that they needed to repent of work?
their sins in order to regain Jehovah’s approval. (Matthew
1, 2. (a) Who is the greatest witness of Jehovah? (b) What does the
name Jesus mean, and what did he do to help the Jews regain Jehovah’s

JULY 15, 2014 21

10:6; 15:24; Luke 19:10) He preached to life when he appeared to them as a
about God’s Kingdom. Mark wrote: human. The same day he was resur-
“Jesus went into Galilee, preaching rected, he appeared to different dis-
the good news of God and saying: ciples at least five times.—Matthew
‘The appointed time has been fulfilled, 28:8-10; Luke 24:13-16, 30-36; John
and the Kingdom of God has drawn 20:11-18.
near. Repent, and have faith in the 4 When Jesus appeared for the fifth
good news.’” (Mark 1:14, 15) Jesus time, his apostles and others were
was zealous and courageous when he gathered together. Then he helped
preached. He even courageously con- them understand that his death and
demned the powerful Jewish religious resurrection were foretold in the
leaders, which was one reason why the Scriptures. At the end of that impor-
Jewish religious leaders killed him. tant meeting, Jesus told his disciples
—Mark 11:17, 18; 15:1-15. what they had to do. He said that “on
“THE MAGNIFICENT THINGS OF GOD” the basis of his name, repentance for
3Three days after Jesus’ cruel forgiveness of sins would be preached
in all the nations—starting out from
death, something amazing happened.
Jerusalem.” Then Jesus commanded
Jehovah resurrected him, not with a
them: “You are to be witnesses of
body like that of a human, but with a
these things.”—Luke 24:44-48.
spirit body. (1 Peter 3:18) Jesus proved
to his disciples that he had come back 4. What happened when Jesus appeared to his
disciples, and what did he command them
3. What happened three days after Jesus died? to do?

Just like Jesus’ first disciples,
we tell others what Jehovah’s
purpose for the future is
(See paragraphs 5, 6)

5So 40 days later, when Jesus ap- spirit at Pentecost in the year 33, they
peared for the last time, the apos- began to witness about “the magnif-
tles would clearly have understood his icent things of God.” Many who heard
next command. He said: “You will be this message repented, put faith in Je-
witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Ju- sus’ sacrifice, and were baptized. The
dea and Samaria, and to the most dis- resurrected Jesus had new authority
tant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) The in heaven, and Jehovah was using him
disciples were Israelites who were al- to save thousands of people on earth.
ready witnesses of Jehovah. Now they —Acts 2:5, 11, 37-41.
were going to be witnesses of Jesus
too. What did that mean?
6 They would begin to make known
7The events at Pentecost in the
that Jehovah was now using Jesus to
save mankind. This way of salvation year 33 proved that Jehovah had
was far greater than the way Jehovah accepted Jesus’ perfect sacrifice as
had saved the Israelites in the past. the ransom needed to free people
The death and resurrection of Jesus from sin. (Hebrews 9:11, 12, 24) Je-
Christ made it possible for people to sus explained that he came “to give
be freed from sin and death. When Je- his life as a ransom in exchange for
sus’ disciples were anointed with holy many.” (Matthew 20:28) Would only
Jews benefit from this ransom? No,
5, 6. (a) Whom would Jesus’ disciples be wit-
nesses of? (b) What were Jesus’ disciples going 7. What did the events on the day of Pentecost
to witness about? in the year 33 prove?

JULY 15, 2014 23

SOME “The magnificent things of God”:
Jehovah’s powerful acts that his people have seen and
EXPRESSIONS witnessed about. In the first century, his people made known
EXPLAINED that Jehovah was using Jesus to save mankind. Since 1914,
we have also been telling others that Jehovah has made Je-
sus King over mankind

the ransom “takes away the sin of the clusion, or “the last days,” of Satan’s
world.” It is God’s will that “all sorts world began.—2 Timothy 3:1.
of people should be saved.”—John 1: 10More than 30 years before Octo-
29; 1 Timothy 2:4-6. ber 1914, anointed Christians began
8Jesus’ early disciples courageous- preaching that God’s Kingdom would
ly kept on witnessing about him. How begin to rule on that important date.
was this possible? It was not because Their understanding was based on
of their own strength. They asked Daniel’s prophecy about a large tree
Jehovah for his holy spirit to give that was cut down and would grow
them the courage they needed to keep again after a period of time. (Daniel 4:
on witnessing. (Read Acts 5:30-32.) 16) Jesus described a sign that would
About 27 years after Jesus’ disciples help his disciples know that he had
started witnessing, they had preached
“the message of truth of the good
news” to Jews and Gentiles “in all cre- Since 1914,
ation under heaven.”—Colossians 1:
5, 23. we have been
9Sadly, as time went by, members telling others that
of the congregation began teaching
things that were not true. (Acts 20: Jehovah made
29, 30; 2 Peter 2:2, 3; Jude 3, 4) In Jesus King over
time, these false teachers corrupted
the entire congregation. Jesus fore- mankind
told that this apostasy would contin-
ue until “the conclusion of the system
of things.” (Matthew 13:37-43) In Oc- become King and that the last days
tober 1914, Jehovah made Jesus King had begun. World events since 1914
over mankind. At that time, the con- clearly prove that Jesus is King. (Mat-
thew 24:3, 7, 14; Luke 21:24) Today,
8. How was it possible for Jesus’ early disciples “the magnificent things of God” that
to keep witnessing about him, and what did
they accomplish? 10.(a)What date were anointed Christians
9. As foretold, what happened to the Christian preaching about? (b) What happened in Octo-
congregation? ber 1914, and how do we know?

we preach about include the fact that
Jehovah made Jesus King of the King- To continue doing
dom in 1914.
11In 1914, when Jesus Christ be- Jehovah’s work,
came King, he started to free his
anointed followers from “Babylon the
we must ask him
Great,” that is, false religion. (Revela- for his holy spirit
tion 18:2, 4) In 1919, soon after World
War I ended, the anointed had greater
freedom to preach around the world. always easy to continue doing this
They witnessed about the saving pow- work. People may reject our message
er of the ransom and the good news of or even persecute us. If so, we can im-
God’s Kingdom. As a result, thou- itate the apostle Paul and his com-
sands more learned the truth and panions. Paul said: “We mustered up
were anointed to be kings with Christ boldness by means of our God to tell
in heaven. you the good news of God in the face
12In 1935, it was clear that Christ of much opposition.” (1 Thessalonians
had already begun to gather his “oth- 2:2) We must keep the promise we
er sheep.” Today, there are millions made at our dedication. We want to
of these other sheep from all over remain loyal to Jehovah during the
the world. Along with the anointed, time when Satan’s world will “crash in
they follow Christ’s courageous exam- ruins.” (Isaiah 6:11) We cannot do this
ple and witness to others. The other in our own strength. Like Christians
sheep too have faith that Jesus’ sacri- in the first century, we must ask Jeho-
fice is the only way they can have sal- vah for his holy spirit so that we
vation. They know that if they endure can have “the power beyond what is
in the witnessing work and use their normal.”—Read 2 Corinthians 4:1, 7;
lives to please Jehovah, they can sur- Luke 11:13.
14 Today, millions of people say that
vive “the great tribulation” and live in
God’s new world.—John 10:16; Revela- they are Christians, but they do what
tion 7:9, 10, 14. God hates and do not have his approv-
al. (Titus 1:16) In the first century,
WE BOLDLY PREACH THE GOOD NEWS most people did not worship God in
13It is a great honor to witness to a way that he accepts. In fact, true
others about “the magnificent things” Christians at that time were hated
that Jehovah has done and about his by many of the people around them.
promises for the future. True, it is not To encourage those Christians, the
apostle Peter said: “If you are being
11, 12. (a) What happened in 1919? (b) What
became clear in the year 1935? (See opening 14,15.(a)In the first century, how were
picture.) Christians treated, and how did Peter encour-
13. As Jehovah’s Witnesses, what are we deter- age them? (b) What should we remember if we
mined to do, and how can we imitate the Chris- are persecuted because we are Jehovah’s Wit-
tians who lived in the first century? nesses?

JULY 15, 2014 25

we return and try to study the Bible
When people persecute with them. Then we can help them to
know Jehovah so that they can dedi-
you because you are cate their lives to him and get bap-
tized. How do you feel when you do
witnessing, remember this work? Sarie in South Africa, who
that God approves of has been a Witness of Jehovah for over
60 years, says: “I am deeply thankful
you and that you have that through Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, I
his holy spirit can enjoy a good relationship with Je-
hovah, the Sovereign of the universe,
and I am happy that I can make
reproached for the name of Christ, known his glorious name.” She and
you are happy.” Why could they be her husband, Martinus, have helped
happy? Because they were approved their three children and many other
by God and had his holy spirit.—1 Pe- people to become worshippers of Je-
ter 4:14. hovah. She adds: “No other activi-
15Are Jehovah’s Witnesses “re- ty brings greater satisfaction, and by
proached for the name of Christ” to-
day? Yes, because not only do we wit-
ness about Jehovah but we also talk Around the world,
about Jesus and preach that he is the
King of God’s Kingdom. Jesus too was many people
persecuted because he was a witness are listening to
of Jehovah. He told his opposers: “I
have come in the name of my Father, our message and
but you do not receive me.” (John 5: coming into the truth
43) So the next time people persecute
you because you are witnessing, re-
member that God approves of you means of his holy spirit, Jehovah gives
and that you have his holy spirit. all of us the needed power to continue
16Remember, too, that around the with this lifesaving work.”
world many people are coming into 17 Whether we are already baptized

the truth. No matter where we live, or not, we should be thankful for the
even in territories where we preach of- honor of gathering together with Jeho-
ten, there are people who are will- vah’s Witnesses. So continue to give a
ing to listen to our wonderful mes- thorough witness together with his
sage. So when we find people who people worldwide, and keep yourself
are interested, let us make sure that clean from Satan’s world. If you do so,
you will bring honor to the one whom
16, 17. (a) How do Jehovah’s people around
the world feel about the preaching work? we represent, our loving heavenly Fa-
(b) What are you determined to do? ther, Jehovah.


Losing a Father
Finding a Father

around a campfire in the evening and played

games in the forest. We also learned a lot about
nature, which taught me to love the things our
Creator has made.
Boy Scouts are taught to do a good deed every
In my 20’s and as a young boy day and to greet other Boy Scouts with the words
“Always Prepared.” I liked this very much. In our
group of over a hundred boys, about half were
Catholics, half were Protestants, and one was a
MY FATHER was born in Graz, Austria, in 1899, Buddhist.
so he was a youth during World War I. When Since 1920, the Boy Scouts have held inter-
World War II began in 1939, he was conscripted national meetings every few years. I went to
into the German army. While fighting in Russia some of these gatherings. One was in Bad Ischl,
in 1943, my father was killed. Sadly, that is how Austria, in August 1951, and another was near
I lost my father when I was only two years old, so Birmingham, England, in August 1957, where
I never got to know him. When I attended school, about 33,000 Scouts from 85 lands attended.
I was very sad to see that other boys had a father There were also about 750,000 people who came
but I did not. As a teenager, I found comfort to this meeting. One of these was Queen Eliza-
when I learned about our Father in heaven, who beth of England. To me, being a Boy Scout was
cannot die.—Habakkuk 1:12. like being part of a worldwide brotherhood. I did
not know that soon I would find a better brother-
hood, one made up of people who love God.
When I was seven years old, I joined the Boy
Scouts youth movement. This is a worldwide or- MEETING ONE OF JEHOVAH’S
ganization started in 1908 in Great Britain by a WITNESSES FOR THE FIRST TIME
lieutenant general of the British army, Robert In the spring of 1958, I was finishing my train-
Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell. In 1916 he ing as a waiter at the Grand Hotel Wiesler in my
started the Wolf Cubs (or Cub Scouts) for youn- hometown of Graz, Austria. My workmate, a pas-
ger boys. try chef named Rudolf Tschiggerl, witnessed in-
I liked our weekend camping trips in the formally to me. This was the first time I had heard
country. We slept in tents, wore uniforms, and anything about the truth. He told me that the
marched to the sound of drums. I enjoyed spend- Trinity doctrine was not a Bible teaching. I said
ing time with the other Scouts. We sang songs that it was from the Bible and that he was wrong.

JULY 15, 2014 27

I liked him and wanted to persuade him to return VISITED BY TWO MISSIONARY SISTERS
to the Catholic Church. Rudi had sent my new address to the branch
Rudolf, whom I called Rudi, wanted to give me office in Vienna, and the branch then asked two
a Bible. I told him that I only wanted a Catholic missionary sisters, Ilse Unterdörfer and Elfriede
Bible. So he gave me one, and when I started Löhr, to visit me. (See footnote.) One day the re-
reading it, I found inside a tract that was printed ceptionist at the hotel called me and said that
by the Watchtower Society. Rudi had put it there. two women were outside in a car and that they
I did not like this because I felt that such litera- wanted to speak to me. I did not know them, but
ture could sound correct but actually be untrue. I went out to see who they were. I learned later
But I was willing to discuss the Bible with him. that Ilse and Elfriede had been Witness couriers
Rudi wisely did not offer me any other books or
in Nazi Germany when the work was under ban.
magazines. For about three months, we had Bible
Before World War II started, they had been cap-
discussions now and then. Sometimes we talked
tured by the German secret police (Gestapo) and
until late at night.
sent to the Lichtenburg concentration camp.
After I finished my training at the hotel, my
Then, during the war, they were moved to the
mother sent me to a hotel management school. It
camp in Ravensbrück, near Berlin.
was in Bad Hofgastein, a town in a valley in the
Alps. The school was associated with the Grand These sisters were about the same age as my
Hotel in Bad Hofgastein, so sometimes I worked mother, so I had respect for them. I did not want
there to get more experience. to waste their time by having discussions with
them and then later saying that I was not inter-
ested. So I asked them to bring me a list of scrip-
tures about the Catholic teaching that the first
Rudi Tschiggerl, a pastry chef, was the first person pope was the apostle Peter and that all other
to witness to me popes receive authority from him, which is
called apostolic succession. I told them that I
would take it to the local priest and discuss it
with him. I thought that by doing this, I would
find the truth.
The Catholic Church interprets Jesus’ words
found at Matthew 16:18, 19 to support this teach-
ing of apostolic succession. The Church also says
that the pope, known as the Holy Father, is un-
able to make a mistake when he speaks on doc-
trinal matters. Many Catholics believe this and
base their faith on it. I also believed this and
thought that if the pope says that the Trinity is
true, then it must be true. But, I thought, if the
pope can make a mistake, then the Trinity may
be false.
See their life story in the November 1, 1979, issue of The

When I visited the priest, he could not answer
my questions. Instead, he gave me a book about
apostolic succession. I took it home and read it.
Then I came back to the priest with even more
questions. He could not answer them and said:
“I cannot convince you, and you cannot convince
me. . . . I wish you the best!” He did not want to
have any more discussions with me.
After this happened, I was ready to study the
Bible with Ilse and Elfriede. They taught me
much about the true Holy Father in heaven, Je-
hovah God. (John 17:11) The two sisters conduct-
ed meetings in the home of an interested family
Ilse Unterdörfer and Elfriede Löhr began studying
because there was no congregation in the area. the Bible with me in 1958
Only a few people attended. There was no bap-
tized brother to take the lead, so Ilse and Elfriede
would discuss the information between the two
of them at the meeting. Sometimes a brother to pioneer, and I asked the circuit overseer, Kurt
would come from another town and give a pub- Kuhn, what he would think if I worked for a few
lic talk in a rented place. more months in order to be able to buy a car. He
answered, “Did Jesus and the apostles need a car
to do full-time service?” His question helped me
Ilse and Elfriede began studying the Bible decide what I would do. I planned to start pio-
with me in October 1958. I was baptized three neering as soon as possible. But since I worked
months later in January 1959. Before my bap- 72 hours every week in a hotel restaurant, there
tism, I asked if I could go with them from house were some changes I needed to make.
to house to see how the preaching work was I asked my boss whether he would allow me
done. (Acts 20:20) After going with them for the to work 60 hours instead of 72. He agreed, and
first time, I asked for my own territory. They as- he even paid me the same wage. A little later, I
signed a village to me, and I would go there alone asked him if I could work just 48 hours a week.
to preach from house to house and make return Again he said yes, and again he paid me the
visits on interested ones. The first brother I ever same. Next I asked to work only 36 hours a week,
went out in the ministry with was the circuit and once again he agreed. I could not believe
overseer who later visited us. that I still got the same pay! It seemed that my
In 1960, after I finished my hotel training, I re- boss did not want me to leave. This schedule
turned to my hometown to try to teach Bible helped me to start regular pioneering. At that
truths to my relatives. Although no one has come time, pioneers were required to spend 100 hours
into the truth yet, some are showing interest. a month preaching.
Four months later, I was appointed as a special
A LIFE OF FULL-TIME SERVICE pioneer and as the congregation servant in a
In 1961 the branch office sent letters encour- small congregation in the town of Spittal an der
aging brothers and sisters to think about pio- Drau. Then, special pioneers were required to
neering. I was single and healthy, so I felt I spend 150 hours a month in service. I did not
should start pioneering. I thought I needed a car have a pioneer partner, but I had good support

JULY 15, 2014 29

in the ministry from Sister Gertrude Lobner, ter, we slept in unheated bedrooms with below-
who served as the assistant congregation ser- freezing temperatures. Once, we woke up and
vant.—See footnote. found that the part of the blanket near our faces
had frozen! We finally decided to carry a small
electric heater to help us endure the night. At
In 1963, I was invited to be a circuit overseer. some places, if we needed to use the bathroom
I often traveled by train from congregation to at night, we had to walk through snow to a draf-
congregation, carrying heavy suitcases. Most ty outhouse. We did not have our own apart-
brothers did not own a car, so no one could pick ment, so on Mondays we usually stayed in the
me up at the train station. I did not want to make home where we had been the week before. Then,
the brothers feel bad by taking a taxi, so I would Tuesday morning we traveled on to the next con-
walk to their homes. gregation.
In 1965, I was invited to attend the 41st class I am happy to say that over the years, my dear
of Gilead School. Many in the class were single, wife has always been a great support. She loves
including me. To my great surprise, I was as- the field service, and I never have to encourage
signed back to circuit work in my home country her to go out in the ministry. She also loves the
of Austria. But before I left the United States, I friends and cares very much for others. This has
was asked to work with a circuit overseer for four been a big help.
weeks. I really appreciated serving with An- In 1976 we were invited to serve at the Austria
thony Conte. He was a loving brother who loved branch office in Vienna, and I was appointed as
the field service and was very effective in it. We
served together in upstate New York in the Corn-
wall area.
When I arrived back in Austria, I was assigned Our wedding day
to a circuit where I met Tove Merete, an attrac-
tive single sister. She was raised in the truth
from the time she was five years old. When
brothers ask us how we met, we jokingly say,
“The branch office arranged for that.” We got
married the next year, in April 1967, and we con-
tinued in the traveling work.
Romans 8:15 explains how some humans can
have a special relationship with Jehovah and be-
come his spiritual sons. They tenderly call him
“Abba, Father!” I felt that way in 1968 when I re-
alized that by his undeserved kindness, Jehovah
had adopted me to be his spiritual son. I also be-
came part of a spiritual brotherhood of anointed
Merete and I served together in the circuit and
district work until 1976. Sometimes in the win-
Now, instead of a congregation servant and an assistant con-
gregation servant, every congregation has a coordinator of the
body of elders and a secretary.

In Austria, I enjoyed many forms of witnessing, including street work

a member of the Branch Committee. The Austria A SPECIAL VISIT TO ROMANIA

branch was then caring for the work in several In 1989, I had the privilege to go to Romania
Eastern European countries and was making with Brother Theodore Jaracz, a member of the
sure that the brothers in those countries secret- Governing Body. The goal was to help a large
ly received literature. Brother Jürgen Rundel group of brothers to come back to the organiza-
took the lead in this, and I had the privilege to tion. Starting in 1949, these brothers had sepa-
work with him. Later I was asked to oversee rated themselves from the organization and had
the work of translating literature into ten East- formed their own congregations. Still, they con-
ern European languages. Jürgen and his wife, tinued to preach and to baptize new ones. They
Gertrude, are still faithful special pioneers in even went to prison for refusing to join the army,
Germany. Starting in 1978, the Austria branch just as the brothers did who were still part of the
phototypeset and printed our magazines in six organization. The work in Romania was still un-
languages on a small press. We also sent the der ban, so we had to meet secretly. We met in
magazines to readers in other countries. Otto the home of Brother Pamfil Albu, along with four
Kuglitsch, who now serves with his wife, Ingrid, key elders and with representatives of the ap-
at the branch office in Germany, was the one car- pointed Romania Country Committee. We also
ing for these operations. had with us Rolf Kellner, an interpreter from
The brothers in Eastern Europe also printed Austria.
literature in their own countries, using copy ma- On the second night of discussion, Broth-
chines or printing from film. But they needed er Albu persuaded his four fellow elders to unite
support from brothers in other countries. Jeho- with us. He said, “If we do not do it now, we may
vah protected their activity. At the branch, we never get another chance.”After this, about 5,000
came to love these brothers who served faithful- brothers came back to the organization. What a
ly under ban for many years. victory for Jehovah and what a defeat for Satan!

JULY 15, 2014 31

Toward the end of 1989, before the fall of
Communism in Eastern Europe, the Governing
Body invited my wife and me to transfer to world
headquarters in New York. This was a great sur-
prise for us. We began serving at Brooklyn
I look forward to seeing Bethel in July 1990. In 1992, I was appointed
from heaven the earthly as a helper to the Service Committee of the
Governing Body, and since July 1994, I have
resurrection and finally
had the privilege of serving on the Governing
finding my physical father Body.
My days of serving food in a hotel are in the
past. Now I enjoy having a share with oth-
ers in preparing and serving spiritual food to
our worldwide brotherhood. (Matthew 24:45-47)
When I think about the more than 50 years I
have spent in special full-time service, I feel deep
appreciation. I am full of joy when I see Jeho-
vah’s blessing on our worldwide brotherhood.
I love to attend the international conventions
of Jehovah’s Witnesses, where we learn about
our heavenly Father, Jehovah, and about Bible
I pray that millions more will study the Bible,
accept the truth, and serve Jehovah united-
ly with our worldwide Christian brotherhood.
(1 Peter 2:17; footnote) I look forward to seeing
from heaven the earthly resurrection and finally
finding my physical father. I hope that he, my
mother, and other dear relatives will all want to
worship Jehovah in Paradise.

With my wife in Brooklyn, New York

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