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APRIL 15, 2014



JUNE 2-8

Imitate the Faith

of Moses
PAGE 3 SONGS: 33, 133

JUNE 9-15

Do You See “the One

Who Is Invisible”?
PAGE 9 SONGS: 81, 132

JUNE 16-22

No One Can Serve

Two Masters
PAGE 15 SONGS: 62, 106

JUNE 23-29

Be of Good Courage
—Jehovah Is Your
PAGE 21 SONGS: 22, 95


Do You Appreciate
Jehovah’s Watchful
PAGE 27 SONGS: 69, 120

Imitate the Faith of Moses

Do You See “the One Who Is Invisible”?
Moses’ faith was so strong that it was as if he could see
Jehovah. These articles will discuss how we can have faith
TURKEY like that of Moses and continue “steadfast as seeing the
COVER: In Istanbul a brother One who is invisible.”—Hebrews 11:27.
witnesses informally to his barber, __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

offering him the Good News No One Can Serve Two Masters
Be of Good Courage—Jehovah Is Your Helper!
Many people around the world choose to move away from
their home in order to find work. They leave behind their
75,627,384 husband or wife and their children. These articles will
explain how Jehovah wants family heads to care for their
families and how he helps them to do so.
2,312 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

BIBLE STUDIES Do You Appreciate Jehovah’s Watchful Care?

1,632 The Bible says that “the eyes of Jehovah are everywhere.”
Do we need to be afraid that Jehovah is watching us only
to see if we break his laws? (Proverbs 15:3) In this article,
1 WITNESS TO 32,711 we will discuss five ways we can benefit from Jehovah’s
loving care.




April 15, 2014

Vol. 135, No. 8 Semimonthly ENGLISH

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Imitate the Faith of Moses
“By faith Moses, when grown up, refused to be
called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.”
—HEBREWS 11:24.

MOSES knew the kind of future that Egypt could offer WHAT DOES MOSES’
him. He saw the large, beautiful houses of the wealthy. EXAMPLE TEACH US
He had been adopted by the king’s family. He “was in- ABOUT . . .
structed in all the wisdom of the Egyptians,” which prob- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ably included the arts, astronomy, mathematics, and oth- the difference between
er sciences. (Acts 7:22) It would have been very easy for planning for a temporary
future and planning for an
him to have the money, power, and privileges that a com-
everlasting one?
mon Egyptian could never have.
2Despite all the opportunities Moses had, he made a
decision when he was 40 years old that must have been ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

impossible for Pharaoh and his family to understand. how Jehovah helps us to
He chose to give up his future in Egypt. Did he want the succeed in the assignments
life of a common Egyptian? No, not even that! He chose he gives us?
to suffer with slaves. Why? Moses had faith. (Read He-
brews 11:24-26.) Because of his faith, it was as if Moses
could see Jehovah. He had faith in “the One who is invisi- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ble” and in the fulfillment of God’s promises.—Hebrews why we need to look

“intently” toward our future
11:27. reward?
1, 2. (a) What decision did Moses make when he was 40 years old?
(See opening picture.) (b) Why did Moses choose to suffer with the Is-

APRIL 15, 2014 3

SOME To have eyes of faith: Privileges of service:
To know that Jehovah is a All the assignments that we
EXPRESSIONS real Person, and to have receive from Jehovah, even
EXPLAINED faith that is so strong that it though we do not deserve
is as if we could see him. We them. A privilege that we all
are also convinced that all of have is to preach the good
his promises will come true news

Like Moses, we need to have eyes

3 own desires seemed to be success-
of faith to see more than what the ful, Moses had faith that the wicked
world has to offer and to see Jeho- would be destroyed. As a result, he
vah. We must be “the sort who have was not tempted by “the temporary
faith.” (Hebrews 10:38, 39) To help us enjoyment of sin.”
strengthen our faith, let us examine 5How can you resist “the tempo-
what is written about Moses at He- rary enjoyment of sin”? Never forget
brews 11:24-26. As we do so, try to an- that the pleasure that comes from sin-
swer these questions: How did faith ning lasts for only a short time. Faith
help Moses to reject fleshly desires? will help you to see that “the world
When he faced opposition, how did is passing away and so is its desire.”
faith help him to value his privilege of (1 John 2:15-17) Meditate on the fu-
serving Jehovah? And why did Moses ture of unrepentant sinners. They are
look “intently toward the payment of “on slippery ground . . . as they come
the reward”? to a terrible end!” (Psalm 73:18, 19)
When you are tempted to sin, ask,
‘What future do I want for myself?’
With eyes of faith, Moses was able
6Moses’ faith also guided his
to understand that the “enjoyment choice of career. “By faith Moses,
of sin” was only temporary. Oth- when grown up, refused to be called
ers might have seen things differ- the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.” (He-
ently. Why? They had seen Egypt, a brews 11:24) Moses did not reason
place where idolatry and spiritism that he could have an important posi-
were common, become a world pow- tion in the royal court and then serve
er, while Jehovah’s people suffered God by using his money and power
as slaves. But Moses knew that God to help his Israelite brothers. Moses
could change the situation. Although was determined to love Jehovah with
those who focused on satisfying their
5. What will help us to resist “the temporary
3. What three questions will be answered in enjoyment of sin”?
this article? 6. (a) Why did Moses refuse “to be called the
4. What did Moses understand about the “en- son of Pharaoh’s daughter”? (b) Why do you
joyment of sin”? think that Moses made the right decision?

all his heart, soul, and strength. (Deu- hovah, Bible students, and spiritual
teronomy 6:5) Moses’ decision saved goals. I don’t have any regrets.”
him much suffering. In the end, the 8Jehovah knows what is best for
Israelites took many of the treasures you. Moses said: “What is Jehovah
of Egypt. (Exodus 12:35, 36) Pharaoh your God asking of you? Only this: to
was humiliated and he was drowned. fear Jehovah your God, to walk in all
(Psalm 136:15) But what about Mo- his ways, to love him, to serve Jehovah
ses? He was used by God to lead the your God with all your heart and all
entire nation of Israel to safety. His your soul, and to keep the command-
life was truly successful. ments and statutes of Jehovah that I
7 If you are a young servant of Jeho-
am commanding you today for your
vah, how can faith help you to choose own good.” (Deuteronomy 10:12, 13)
a career? Plan for the future. Have While you are young, choose a career
faith in God’s promises and “store that will make it possible for you to
up,” or plan, for an everlasting fu- serve and love Jehovah “with all your
ture, not a temporary one. (Read Mat- heart and all your soul.” You can be
thew 6:19-21.) This is a decision that confident that such a choice will be
Sophie, a talented ballet dancer, had “for your own good.”
to make. Ballet companies across the
United States offered her scholar- HE VALUED HIS PRIVILEGES OF SERVICE
ships and desirable career opportuni- 9Moses “considered the reproach
ties. She says that “it was thrilling to of the Christ to be riches greater than
be adored.” She even admits that she the treasures of Egypt.” (Hebrews 11:
felt that she was better than the other 26) In this scripture, Moses is referred
dancers. But she was unhappy. Then to as “the Christ,” or “Anointed One.”
Sophie watched the video Young Peo- This means that he was selected by Je-
ple Ask—What Will I Do With My Life? hovah to lead Israel out of Egypt. Mo-
She says: “I realized that the world ses knew that doing this would be dif-
had given me success and the adora- ficult. He would even face “reproach,”
tion of fans in exchange for my whole- that is, opposition. Earlier, one of the
hearted worship of Jehovah.” So she Israelites had mocked Moses by say-
prayed intensely to Jehovah and then ing: “Who appointed you as a prince
gave up her dancing career. How does and a judge over us?” (Exodus 2:13,
she feel about her decision? “I don’t 14) Later, Moses himself asked Jeho-
miss my old life. Today, I am 100 per- vah: “How will Pharaoh ever listen to
cent happy. I pioneer with my hus- me?” (Exodus 6:12) To prepare for the
band. We’re not famous, and we have opposition, Moses prayed to Jehovah
very little materially. But we have Je-
about his fears and worries. How did
7. (a) According to Matthew 6:19-21, why
should we plan for an everlasting future? 8. What Bible counsel can help a young person
(b) What experience shows the difference be- to decide what to do with his life?
tween planning for a temporary future and 9. Explain why it may have been difficult for
planning for an everlasting one? Moses to fulfill his assignment.

APRIL 15, 2014 5

Jehovah help Moses to succeed in his him “awesome power” to lead the Is-
difficult assignment? raelites to the Promised Land.—Deu-
10First, Jehovah promised Moses: teronomy 34:10-12.
“I will prove to be with you.” (Exodus 12We too have an assignment. Je-
3:12) Second, Jehovah gave him hope hovah has assigned us “to a minis-
and courage by explaining one aspect try,” as he did the apostle Paul and
of the meaning of His own name: “I others. (Read 1 Timothy 1:12-14.) All
Will Become What I Choose to Be- of us have the privilege to preach the
come.” (See footnote.) (Exodus 3: good news. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,
14) Third, he gave Moses the power 20) Some serve as full-time ministers.
to perform miracles, and this proved Mature baptized brothers serve oth-
that Moses was truly sent by God. (Ex- ers in the congregation as ministeri-
odus 4:2-5) Fourth, Jehovah selected al servants and elders. However, your
Aaron to speak for Moses and to help unbelieving family and others may
him fulfill his assignment. (Exodus 4: question the value of the privileges
14-16) By the end of his life, Moses you have. They may even criticize you
was absolutely sure that God helps for the sacrifices you make for Jeho-
His servants fulfill any assignment He vah. (Matthew 10:34-37) If they dis-
gives them. Moses was so confident courage you, you could begin to think
in Jehovah that he could tell Joshua: that these sacrifices are not worth-
“Jehovah is the one marching before while or that you cannot fulfill your
you, and he will continue with you. assignment. If that happens to you,
He will neither desert you nor aban- how will faith help you to endure?
don you. Do not be afraid or be terri- 13 Beg Jehovah for his support, hav-
fied.”—Deuteronomy 31:8. ing faith that he will help you. Tell
11With Jehovah’s support, Moses him your fears and worries. After all,
valued his difficult assignment even it is Jehovah who gave you this as-
more than “the treasures of Egypt.” signment, and you can be sure that
There is nothing like serving the al- he will help you to succeed. How? In
mighty God. Of what value was be- the same ways that he helped Moses.
ing a prince in Egypt compared with First, Jehovah promises: “I will fortify
being selected by Jehovah to lead Is- you, yes, I will help you, I will really
rael? Moses was rewarded for having hold on to you with my right hand of
the right attitude. He enjoyed a close righteousness.” (Isaiah 41:10) Second,
relationship with Jehovah, who gave he reminds you that you can trust his
One Bible scholar explained the words found at
promises: “I have spoken, and I will
Exodus 3:14 and said that nothing can stop Jehovah bring it about. I have purposed it, and
from performing His will. He wrote: “This name [Je- I will also carry it out.” (Isaiah 46:11)
hovah] was to be Israel’s fortress.” It would provide
them with all the hope and comfort they needed. Third, Jehovah gives you “the power
10. How did Jehovah give Moses what he need- 12. What privileges has Jehovah given us?
ed to fulfill his assignment? 13. How does Jehovah help us to fulfill the as-
11. Why did Moses value his assignment? signments he gives us?

beyond what is normal” to succeed in God’s promises will come true. For
your assignment. (2 Corinthians 4:7) example, we “do not know when the
Fourth, to help you endure in your appointed time is” for the great tribu-
assignment, our caring Father gives lation. (Mark 13:32, 33) Even though
you a worldwide brotherhood of true we do not know everything, we know
worshippers who “keep encouraging much more about the future Paradise
one another and building one another than Moses knew. Jehovah has given
up.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) When Je-
hovah gives you what you need to suc-
It will be exciting to talk to faithful servants like Moses
ceed in your assignments, your faith (See paragraph 16)
in him will become stronger. As a re-
sult, you will value the assignments
you receive more than anything the
world could offer you.
14Moses “looked intently toward
the payment of the reward.” (He-
brews 11:26) Even though there were
many details about the future that
Moses did not know, he allowed the
little he did know to guide his deci-
sions. Like his forefather Abraham,
Moses was confident that Jehovah can
resurrect the dead. (Luke 20:37, 38;
Hebrews 11:17-19) His confidence in
God’s promises helped Moses not to
feel that his 40 years as a fugitive and
his 40 years in the wilderness were a
wasted life. Although he did not know
exactly how Jehovah would keep all of
His promises, he had so much faith in
Jehovah that it was as if Moses could
see his future reward.
15 Do you look “intently toward the

payment of” your reward? Like Mo-

ses, we still do not know exactly how
14. Why was Moses sure that he would be re-
15, 16. (a) Why do we need to focus on our re-
ward? (b) What blessings are you looking for-
ward to under God’s Kingdom rule?

APRIL 15, 2014

us enough promises about what life this does not only apply to the anoint-
will be like under his Kingdom rule ed. It applies to all Christians with the
that we can look “intently” toward it, hope of everlasting life. Although we
that is, we can form a clear picture have not yet received our reward, our
of the new world in our minds. If we faith is so strong that we keep on wait-
have this clear picture, we will really ing patiently for “the payment of the
want to seek the Kingdom first. Why reward.” Like Moses, we do not feel
so? Think about this: Would you buy that the years we spend serving Jeho-
a house if you knew very little about vah are a waste of time. Rather, we are
it? Of course not! In the same way, sure that “the things seen are tempo-
we would not use our lives to pur- rary, but the things unseen are ever-
sue a hope that is not real to us. Our lasting.”—Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18.
faith should help us see a clear, fo- 18Faith allows us to see “the con-
cused picture of our life under King- vincing evidence of realities that are
dom rule. not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1; footnote) A
16To have a clear picture of God’s physical person does not have eyes of
Kingdom in your mind, look “intent- faith, so he does not understand the
ly,” that is, imagine your life in Par- value of serving Jehovah. To such a
adise. For example, when you study person, this privilege is “foolishness.”
the lives of Bible characters who lived (1 Corinthians 2:14) We hope to live
before Jesus, think about what you forever and to see the resurrection,
might ask them when they are resur- things that people in this world can-
rected. Imagine what they might ask not even imagine. Like some men of
you about your life during the last Paul’s day who called him an ignorant
days. Imagine how excited you will “chatterer,” most people today think
be to meet your relatives from hun- that the hope we preach is complete
dreds of years ago and to teach them nonsense.—Acts 17:18.
about all that God has done for them. 19Because we are surrounded by
Imagine your joy as you learn about a world that has no faith, we must
many wild animals by watching them fight to keep our faith strong. Beg Je-
on a peaceful earth. Meditate on how hovah that “your faith may not give
much closer you will feel to Jehovah out.” (Luke 22:32) Like Moses, have
as you gradually become perfect. clearly in mind the consequences of
17Having a clear picture in our sin, the honor of serving Jehovah, and
mind of our future reward helps us to the hope of eternal life. Is that all we
endure, to have joy, and to make deci- learn from Moses’ example? No. In
sions. Paul wrote to anointed Chris- the next article, we will discuss how
tians: “If we hope for what we do not faith helped Moses to see “the One
see, we keep eagerly waiting for it who is invisible.”—Hebrews 11:27.
with endurance.” (Romans 8:25) But
18, 19. (a) Why must we fight to keep our
17. How can a clear picture of our future re- faith strong? (b) What will we discuss in the
ward help us today? next article?

Do You See “the One
Who Is Invisible”?
“He continued steadfast as seeing the
One who is invisible.”—HEBREWS 11:27.

PHARAOH was a powerful ruler, and the Egyptians wor- HOW WILL “SEEING
shipped him as a god. The book When Egypt Ruled the East THE ONE WHO IS
says that to the Egyptians, he was greater than any other INVISIBLE” . . .
earthly creature “in wisdom and power.” Pharaoh wanted ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

the Egyptians to fear him, so he wore a crown with the im- protect you from fear of man?
age of a cobra ready to attack. This image was a remind-
er that the king’s enemies would quickly be destroyed. So
imagine how Moses felt when Jehovah told him: “I will ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

send you to Pharaoh, and you will bring my people the Is- encourage you to do your best
raelites out of Egypt.”—Exodus 3:10. in the field ministry?
2Moses went to Egypt and told Pharaoh about God’s
message. That made Pharaoh very angry. After Egypt was
punished with nine plagues, Pharaoh was so angry that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

he warned Moses: “Make sure that you do not try to help you to remain strong
see my face again, for on the day you see my face, you during the great tribulation?
will die.” (Exodus 10:28) Moses left, but before that, he
1, 2. (a) Explain why Moses seemed to be in danger. (See opening pic-
ture.) (b) Why did Moses not fear the anger of the king?

APRIL 15, 2014 9

SOME Having fear of man: “Seeing the One who
Being afraid of what others is invisible”:
EXPRESSIONS might think of you or do Understanding that Jehovah
EXPLAINED to you because you serve is a real Person who is eager
Jehovah to help us, and remember-
ing that all of his promises
will come true

prophesied that the king’s firstborn ly believed God’s promises? And how
son would die. (Exodus 11:4-8) Mo- did seeing “the One who is invisible”
ses then told every Israelite family to strengthen Moses when he and his
slaughter a goat or a male sheep and people were in danger?
to splash its blood on their doorways.
The male sheep was a sacred animal
to the Egyptian god Ra. (Exodus 12:
4Those without faith may have
5-7) How would Pharaoh react? Mo-
ses was not afraid of Pharaoh’s re- thought that Moses was powerless
action. Why not? Because he had faith against mighty Pharaoh. Moses’ life
and obeyed Jehovah, “not fearing the and future were in Pharaoh’s hands.
Even Moses himself asked Jehovah:
“Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh
Is your faith so and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”
(Exodus 3:11) About 40 years earlier,
strong that it is as if Moses had run from Egypt as a fu-
you could “see God”? gitive. He may have wondered, ‘Is it
really a good idea for me to go back to
Egypt and risk making the king an-
anger of the king, for he continued gry?’
steadfast as seeing the One who is in- 5God taught Moses an important
visible.”—Read Hebrews 11:27, 28. lesson before he returned to Egypt.
3Is your faith so strong that it is Moses later wrote about that lesson in
as if you could “see God”? (Matthew the book of Job: “The fear of Jehovah
5:8) To strengthen our faith so that —that is wisdom.” (Job 28:28) To help
we can see “the One who is invisi- Moses learn proper fear and act wise-
ble” as a real Person, let us discuss the ly, Jehovah compared humans with
example of Moses. How did his faith himself, the almighty God. He asked:
in Jehovah protect him from fear of
man? How did he show that he real- 4. When Moses appeared before Pharaoh,
what may those without faith have thought?
3. What questions about Moses’ faith in “the 5, 6. What helped Moses to fear Jehovah, not
One who is invisible” will we discuss? Pharaoh?

“Who made a mouth for man, or who membered in Estonia! You are going
makes them speechless, deaf, clear- to a camp, and the others are going
sighted, or blind? Is it not I, Jehovah?” to Siberia!’ Tauntingly, they added,
—Exodus 4:11. ‘Where is your Jehovah?’” Would Ella
6What was the lesson? Moses was fear men or trust in Jehovah? When
sent by Jehovah, so he did not need to interrogated, she was not afraid to tell
be afraid. God would give Moses the
power to tell God’s message to Pha-
raoh. And this was not the first time With faith in God,
God’s servants had been in danger
in Egypt. Perhaps Moses remembered you can overcome
how Jehovah had protected Abraham, fear of man
Joseph, and even Moses himself from
other Pharaohs who ruled in the past.
Pharaoh was powerless against Je- them: “I have given this matter much
hovah. (Genesis 12:17-19; 41:14, 39- thought, and I would rather live in
41; Exodus 1:22–2:10) Because Mo- prison with my relationship with God
ses saw “the One who is invisible,” intact than be free and lose his ap-
he courageously went to Pharaoh and proval.” Jehovah was just as real to
told him every word of Jehovah’s mes- Ella as the men standing in front of
sage. her. She remained loyal to Jehovah be-
7Faith in Jehovah also protected a cause she had faith in him.
sister named Ella from giving in to 8If you have faith in Jehovah, you
fear of man. In 1949 she was arrested can overcome your fears. If the au-
thorities try to stop you from wor-
shipping God, it may seem that your
Pharaoh was powerless life and future are in their hands. You
might even ask yourself: ‘Is it really
against Jehovah a good idea for me to continue serv-
ing Jehovah and to make the authori-
in Estonia by the KGB. They took all ties angry?’ Remember: With faith in
her clothes off, and then young police God, you can overcome fear of man.
officers stared at her. “I felt humiliat- (Read Proverbs 29:25.) Jehovah asks:
ed,” she said. “Yet, after I prayed to Je- “Why should you be afraid of a mortal
hovah, peace and calmness of heart man who will die and of a son of man
came over me.” Then Ella was left who will wither like green grass?”
alone in a small, dark cell for three —Isaiah 51:12, 13.
9 Keep your almighty Father clearly
days. She says: “The officials shout-
ed: ‘We are going to make it so that 8, 9. (a) What do you need in order to over-
even the name Jehovah will not be re- come fear of man? (b) If you are tempted to give
in to fear of man, what should you keep clearly
7. How did faith in Jehovah protect one sister? in mind?

APRIL 15, 2014 11

in mind. He sees all those who suffer (Exodus 18:1-6) (See footnote.) Be-
because of unfair treatment. He feels cause Moses loved his fellow man, he
compassion for them and helps them. quickly “called all the elders of Israel
(Exodus 3:7-10) Even if you have to de- and said to them: . . . ‘Slaughter the
fend your faith to powerful officials, Passover sacrifice.’”—Exodus 12:21.
“do not become anxious about how 12 With the help of the angels, Jeho-

or what you are to speak, for what vah’s people are announcing this im-
you are to speak will be given you in portant message: “Fear God and give
that hour,” the Bible says. (Matthew him glory, because the hour of judg-
10:18-20) Human rulers and officials ment by him has arrived, so worship
are powerless against Jehovah. If you the One who made the heaven and
strengthen your faith now, you can the earth and the sea and the springs
see Jehovah as a real Person who is ea- of water.” (Revelation 14:7) We must
ger to help you. preach that message now. We must
HE HAD FAITH IN warn our neighbors to get out of Bab-
GOD’S PROMISES ylon the Great, that is, false religion,
10In the month of Nisan 1513 be- so that they do not “receive part of her
plagues.” (Revelation 18:4) Anointed
fore Christ, Jehovah instructed Moses
Christians, with the help of the “other
and Aaron to tell the Israelites to take
sheep,” beg people to become friends
a healthy male sheep or goat, slaugh-
of God.—John 10:16; 2 Corinthians
ter it, and splash its blood on their
doorways. (Exodus 12:3-7) Although 13 We are convinced that “the hour
the Israelites had never done that be-
fore, the apostle Paul later wrote that of judgment” has arrived. We are also
Moses had faith and “observed the convinced that the preaching work is
Passover and the splashing of the just as urgent as Jehovah says it is. In a
blood, so that the destroyer might not vision, the apostle John “saw four an-
harm their firstborn.” (Hebrews 11: gels standing on the four corners of
28) Moses knew that Jehovah’s prom- the earth, holding tight the four winds
ises would come true, and he had of the earth.” (Revelation 7:1) Do you
faith that all firstborn sons in Egypt see those angels ready to release the
would die. destructive winds of the great tribula-
11Moses obediently warned other tion on this world? If you see those an-
gels with your eyes of faith, you will
Israelite families whose firstborn sons
feel confident about preaching the
were in danger, even though his own
good news to others.
sons were apparently in Midian, safe
and far away from “the destroyer.” Jehovah evidently sent angels to execute the first-
born sons of the Egyptians.—Psalm 78:49-51.
10. (a) What instructions did Jehovah give the
Israelites in the month of Nisan 1513 before 12. What message has Jehovah told us to
Christ? (b) Why did Moses obey God’s instruc- preach?
tions? 13. What will help increase your desire to
11. Why did Moses warn others? preach the good news?

14We already have a friend-
ship with Jehovah and the hope
of eternal life, but we also under-
stand that it is our responsibility
to “warn the wicked one to turn
from his wicked course so that
he may stay alive.” (Read Ezekiel
3:17-19.) Of course, this is not
the only reason why we preach.
We preach because we love Je-
hovah and because we love our
neighbor. In his illustration of
the Samaritan, Jesus taught us to
understand what it really means
to show love and mercy. We
might ask ourselves: ‘Am I like
the Samaritan, or am I like the
priest and the Levite? Am I al-
ways willing to give a witness, or
do I make excuses not to preach
to others?’ (Luke 10:25-37) If we
have faith in God’s promises
and love for our neighbor, we
will want to do our best in the
preaching work before it is too
15Moses’ faith in “the One
who is invisible” helped him
when the Israelites were in dan-
ger after they left Egypt. The Bi-
ble says: “The Israelites raised
their eyes and saw the Egyptians
pursuing them. The Israelites be-
came terrified and began to cry
out to Jehovah.” (Exodus 14:10-
12) The Israelites should have
14. Why do we want to “warn the wick- If you have faith in Jehovah, your desire
ed one to turn from his wicked course”? to preach the good news will increase
15. Why did the Israelites feel trapped? (See paragraph 13)

APRIL 15, 2014

expected this situation. Jehovah had kiel 38:10-12, 14-16) Those who do not
foretold: “I will allow Pharaoh’s heart have faith in Jehovah may think that
to become obstinate, and he will we have no chance of survival. How
chase after them, and I will glorify will you react?
myself by means of Pharaoh and all 18We do not need to be afraid.
his army; and the Egyptians will cer- Why? Because Jehovah has foretold
tainly know that I am Jehovah.” (Exo- not only that his people will be at-
dus 14:4) Despite Jehovah’s warning, tacked but also that he will save them.
the Israelites had no faith. They could “‘On that day, the day when Gog in-
see only the Red Sea blocking the way vades the land of Israel,’ declares the
in front of them, Pharaoh’s war chari- Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘my great
ots approaching quickly behind them, rage will flare up. In my zeal, in the
and an 80-year-old shepherd leading fire of my fury, I will speak.’” (Ezekiel
them. They felt trapped. 38:18-23) God will destroy all those
16 Moses was not afraid. His eyes of who want to harm Jehovah’s people.
faith saw something much more pow- If you have faith that Jehovah will pro-
erful than a sea or an army. He could tect you during his “great and awe-
“see the salvation of Jehovah,” and inspiring day,” you will be able to “see
he knew that Jehovah would fight the salvation of Jehovah” and remain
for the Israelites. (Read Exodus 14: strong.—Joel 2:31, 32.
13, 14.) Moses’ faith strengthened and 19Prepare now for those thrilling
encouraged God’s people. The Bible events by continuing “steadfast as
says: “By faith they passed through seeing the One who is invisible”! Be-
the Red Sea as on dry land, but when come a closer friend of Jehovah by
the Egyptians attempted it, they were studying and praying regularly. Moses
swallowed up.” (Hebrews 11:29) After had a close friendship with Jehovah
that, “the people began to fear Jeho- and was used so powerfully by him
vah and to put faith in Jehovah and in that the Bible says that Jehovah knew
his servant Moses.”—Exodus 14:31. Moses “face-to-face.” (Deuteronomy
17Soon, our lives will seem to be 34:10) Moses was an extraordinary
in danger. By the time Armageddon prophet. If you have faith, you too can
begins, the governments of this world have such a close friendship with Je-
will have destroyed religious organi- hovah that it will be as if you could ac-
zations that were much more power- tually see him. If you obey him “in all
ful than ours. (Revelation 17:16) In a your ways,” as God’s Word tells us to
prophecy, Jehovah says that we will do, “he will make your paths straight.”
be defenseless, like a “land of un- —Proverbs 3:6.
protected settlements . . . , unpro- 18. Explain why we can remain strong during
tected by walls, bars, or gates.” (Eze- the great tribulation.
19. (a) How close was the relationship be-
16. How did faith strengthen Moses at the tween Jehovah and Moses? (b) If you obey Jeho-
Red Sea? vah “in all your ways,” what blessings will you
17. What future event will test our faith? have?

No One Can Serve Two Masters
“No one can slave for two masters . . .
You cannot slave for God and for Riches.”—MATTHEW 6:24.

EVERY day Marilyn’s husband, James, returned home WHAT DO YOU THINK?
from work exhausted. (See footnote.) He barely earned ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

enough money to pay for their daily needs. Marilyn want- What Bible principles show
ed to make life easier for her husband and wanted their how Jehovah wants us to care
for family responsibilities?
son, Jimmy, to have some of the nice things his school-
mates had. She wanted to help their extended family and
also save some money for the future. Many of her friends
had moved to other countries so that they could earn
more money. But when Marilyn thought about moving

away from her family, she was not sure what she should How can our decisions show
do. Why? that we serve only Jehovah?
2 It upset Marilyn to think about what could happen if

she left her precious family. Worshipping Jehovah togeth-

er was a regular part of their family life. How would they
continue to do this if she was far away? At the same time,
she thought about others who had moved away from ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

their families, and they still seemed to be serving Jeho- In what ways does Jehovah
vah. Could she really raise her son over the Internet and bless our decisions when we
put him first?
Names have been changed.

1-3. (a) What problems do many families have with money, and how
do some try to solve them? (See opening picture.) (b) When parents
think about moving away from their family, what concerns do they have
about raising their children?

APRIL 15, 2014 15

SOME “No one can slave for two masters”:
This means that we cannot serve Jehovah and Riches at
EXPRESSIONS the same time. If we neglect our family or our worship
EXPLAINED so that we can earn more money or have nicer things, we
are slaves to Riches. In contrast, true Christians choose
to serve Jehovah as their one and only Master

teach him to serve Jehovah?—Ephe- Many are deeply in debt. Others may
sians 6:4. live in an area that has a poor econo-
3 Marilyn asked for advice. Her hus- my. Because they want to have nicer
band did not want her to leave, but he things and live a more comfortable
said that he would not try to stop her if life, they may move away from their
she wanted to go. The elders and some family to an area where it is easier to
others in her congregation warned her earn money. Parents who move away
not to leave, but some sisters told her: from home often leave their chil-
“If you love your family, you’ll go. You dren to be raised by others, such as
can still serve Jehovah.” Even though
she had doubts, Marilyn said good-bye
to James and Jimmy and left for a job Real happiness and
in another country. “I won’t be gone
for long,” she promised. security do not come
FAMILY RESPONSIBILITIES from the things we have
4Jehovah does not want his ser-
another parent, an older child, grand-
vants to starve. (Psalm 37:25; Prov- parents, other relatives, or friends.
erbs 30:8) Throughout history, Jeho- Even though it is painful to leave their
vah’s people have moved to get out family, many who move to work far
of poverty. To avoid starvation, Jacob away from home feel that they have
sent his sons to Egypt to buy food. no choice.
(See footnote.) (Genesis 42:1, 2) In 5In Jesus’ day, many people were
contrast, most who move today are
poor. They may have felt that if they
not starving, so why do they move?
had more money, they would be hap-
Each time Jacob’s sons went to Egypt, they were pier and more secure. (Mark 14:7) But
away from their families for three weeks or less. Lat- Jesus did not want them to trust in
er, when Jacob and his sons moved to Egypt, they
brought their wives and children with them.—Gene- temporary things. He wanted them to
sis 46:6, 7.
5, 6. (a) What did Jesus teach about happi-
4. Why do many people move far away from ness and security? (b) What material things did
their family? Who often raise the children of Jesus teach his followers to pray for? (c) How
parents who move away? does Jehovah bless us?

trust in Jehovah, whose blessings last
forever. In his Sermon on the Mount,
Jesus taught that real happiness and
security come from our friendship
with Jehovah, not from the things we
have or from our own efforts.
6 In his model prayer, Jesus did not

teach us to pray for a comfortable

life. Instead, he taught us to pray for
“our bread for this day.” Jesus clearly
taught his listeners: “Stop storing up
for yourselves treasures on the earth.”
He added: “Rather, store up for your-
selves treasures in heaven.” (Matthew
6:9, 11, 19, 20) We can trust that Je-
hovah will bless us as he promises.
God’s blessing includes more than
his approval. It is a guarantee that
he will give us everything we really
need. The only way to have real happi- You cannot hug your child over the Internet!
ness and security is to trust in our lov- (See paragraph 10)

ing Father, Jehovah, instead of money.

—Read Matthew 6:24, 25, 31-34.
7Doing God’s will includes taking their children. (Proverbs 31:10, 27, 28)
When children hear their parents talk
care of our family responsibilities
about Jehovah and see how they serve
the way Jehovah wants us to. For ex-
him every day, children can learn to
ample, the Law of Moses command-
do the same.
ed parents to train their own chil-
dren to serve Jehovah. Christians who UNEXPECTED CONSEQUENCES
want to please Jehovah must also do 8Many who are thinking of leaving
this. (Read Deuteronomy 6:6, 7.) God their family realize that their decision
has given this responsibility to par- may create some problems. But it is
ents, not to grandparents or anyone impossible to know exactly how such a
else. King Solomon said: “Listen, my decision will affect your family. (Prov-
son, to the discipline of your father, erbs 22:3) (See footnote.) As soon as
and do not forsake the instruction Marilyn left, she began to suffer the
of your mother.” (Proverbs 1:8) Jeho-
See “Immigration—Dreams and Realities” in the
vah wants families to live together so February 2013 issue of Awake!
that both parents can teach and guide
8, 9. (a) What changes often occur when a
7. (a) To whom has Jehovah given the respon- parent lives apart from the family? (b) When
sibility to raise children? (b) Why do both par- parents and children do not live together, how
ents need to help raise their children? can this damage a family?

APRIL 15, 2014 17

emotional pain of being away from
her family. Her husband and son suf-
fered too. Young Jimmy kept asking
her, “Why did you leave me?” Mari-
lyn planned to be away for only a few
months, but as years went by, it scared
her to see how her family was chang-
ing. Jimmy was not the same boy she
used to know. He talked to her less
and less and was not willing to share
his feelings anymore. Marilyn says,
“His love for me went away.”
9 When parents and children do not

live together as a family, their emo-

tions and even their standards of
right and wrong can be affected.
(See footnote.) The younger the chil-
dren and the longer they are away
from their parents, the more damage
can be done. Marilyn explained to Jim-
my that she was making a sacrifice to
help him, but to Jimmy it seemed as
While apart from your mate, what
if his mother had stopped loving him. danger could you face?
In the beginning, he resented her ab- (See paragraph 11)
sence. But later, when she visited him,
be loved and obeyed.—Read Proverbs
She was teaching 10Because she was far away from
her son to love money Jimmy, Marilyn tried to make things
better by sending him money and
more than his family gifts. But she realized that she was
or even Jehovah pushing her son away. She was teach-
ing him to love money more than
his family or even Jehovah. (Prov-
he resented her presence. Similar to erbs 22:6) Sadly, Jimmy told her not
many children who are separated from to come back but to keep sending
their parents, Jimmy believed that gifts. Marilyn finally decided that she
his mother no longer had the right to could not raise her son through letters,
Reports from many countries show that living
apart from a mate or children has led to serious prob- 10. (a) When parents give gifts instead of their
lems. These include adultery, homosexuality, or in- time and attention, what can happen to their
cest. Children may have problems at school. They children? (b) What does a family miss when a
may be angry, anxious, depressed, or even suicidal. parent is far away?

phone calls, or video chats. She ex- Others tried to convince her to stay
plains, “You cannot hug your child or and told her that she could not earn
kiss him good-night over the Internet.” enough money back home. “You’ll be
11Marilyn’s relationship with Jeho- back here in a short time,” they said.
vah also suffered. She spent time with Instead of making such discouraging
her congregation only one day a week comments, Christians should “advise
or less. Her relationship with her hus-
band suffered too. She had to fight
off her boss who wanted to have sex A Christian needs
with her. And because James and Mar-
ilyn could not talk about their prob- strong faith to go against
lems with each other, they talked to his family’s wishes
others about their feelings and almost
committed adultery. Marilyn realized
that even though they did not commit the younger women to love their
adultery, their marriage was in danger. husbands, to love their children,” and
The Bible instructs married couples to to be “working at home,” or taking
care for each other’s emotional and care of their own family. In this way,
sexual needs. Because Marilyn and Christians will not bring shame on
James were so far apart, they could not God’s name.—Read Titus 2:3-5.
give each other the private time and at- 13Many who leave their family to
tention that a married couple should work far away have grown up in cul-
enjoy. (Song of Solomon 1:2; 1 Co- tures that honor traditions and rel-
rinthians 7:3, 5) And they could not atives, especially parents, more than
worship Jehovah together with their all else. A Christian needs strong faith
son. Marilyn says, “When I learned at to go against his family’s wishes when
a convention that regular family wor- these wishes do not please Jehovah.
ship is vital for us to survive Jehovah’s 14Consider Carin’s story: “When
great day, I understood that I needed my son Don was born, my husband
to go home.” She had to rebuild her re- and I were working abroad, and I had
lationship with her family and with Je- recently begun to study the Bible.”
hovah. Everyone in the family expected Car-
GOOD ADVICE AND BAD ADVICE in to send Don to her parents until
she and her husband could earn more
12 When Marilyn decided to return
money. When Carin said that she was
home, some gave her good advice and
going to raise Don herself, her rela-
others gave her bad advice. The elders
tives, including her husband, called
in her congregation commended her.
her lazy and laughed at her. Carin said:
11. (a) How does living apart for work affect “At the time, I could not fully under-
a marriage? (b) When did Marilyn realize that stand what was wrong with leaving
she needed to be with her family?
12. What advice from the Bible can help those 13, 14. Why do we need faith to go against
who are living apart from their family? family wishes? Give an example.

APRIL 15, 2014 19

Don with my parents for a few years. She has learned that the only way to
But I knew that Jehovah gave the job be successful is to love Jehovah and
of raising our son to us—his parents.” his principles more than things and
When she became pregnant again, her even family. Jesus plainly said: “No
unbelieving husband demanded that one can slave for two masters,” for
she have an abortion. The good deci- God and for Riches.—Matthew 6:24;
sion Carin made earlier had prepared Exodus 23:2.
her well, so she was able to make an-
other decision that would please Je-
hovah. Today, she, her husband, and We always have a choice
their children are all happy that they
stayed together. If Carin had sent away
one or both of her children to be raised JEHOVAH CAN MAKE OUR
by others, the result could have been EFFORTS “SUCCESSFUL”
very different. 17Our Father, Jehovah, has prom-
15A Witness named Vicky says: ised to give us everything we really
“For a few years, I was raised by my need if we put the Kingdom and his
grandmother, while my parents kept righteousness first in our lives. (Mat-
my younger sister with them. By the thew 6:33) Because of this promise,
time I rejoined my parents, my feel- true Christians always have a choice.
ings for them had changed. My sister Even when we face the most difficult
felt free to express herself to them, to problems, there is always a way to
hug them, and to enjoy a close rela- please Jehovah and follow Bible prin-
tionship with them. I felt distant from ciples. Jehovah promises to give us
my parents, and even into adulthood, a “way out.” (Read 1 Corinthians 10:
I found it hard to show them my true 13.) Our prayers and obedience show
feelings. My sister and I have assured Jehovah that we are trusting in him.
our parents that we will take care of (Psalm 37:5, 7) Jehovah will see our ef-
them in their old age. But I will do so forts and give us everything we need.
more out of duty, while my sister will He will make our lives “successful.”
care for them more out of love. —Compare Genesis 39:3.
16“Now my mother wants me to 18 But what can we do to repair the

send my daughter to her for her to damage caused by separation? How

raise, just as she sent me back to her can we take care of our family’s ma-
mother.” Vicky kindly refused. She terial needs without living far away
and her husband want to raise their from them? And how can we loving-
own child to love Jehovah. “I do not ly help others to stay with their fami-
want to damage my future relation- lies? The following article will consid-
ship with my daughter,” says Vicky. er these questions.
15, 16. (a) How was Vicky raised as a child? 17, 18. (a) What choice do Christians always
(b) Why did she choose not to raise her daugh- have? (b) What questions will we consider in
ter in the same way? the next article?

Be of Good Courage
Jehovah Is Your Helper!
“Be of good courage and say:
‘Jehovah is my helper.’”—HEBREWS 13:6.

EDUARDO had a good job and made a lot of money when HOW WOULD
he was working in a country far from his family. (See YOU ANSWER?
footnote.) But when he learned the truth, he realized that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

his family needed more than money. They needed him at What must parents do to
home to care for them. So he went back home.—Ephesians help their families stay
6:4. close to Jehovah?
2 Eduardo knew that Jehovah wanted him to go back to

his family. But it was not going to be easy. He had to re- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

store his relationship with his wife and children, and he How can family heads
had to earn enough money to care for them. How would care for their family’s needs
he do that? Would the congregation help them? without moving away for
3Eduardo admits: “I had neglected my children when ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

they most needed my guidance and affection. I had not What can a Christian do
if his relatives want him
Names have been changed. to move far away to make
1, 2. Why can it be difficult for those who work far away from home to
return? (See opening picture.)
3. How are children affected when parents live far away?

APRIL 15, 2014 21

SOME Family head: A budget:
Jehovah wants parents to A plan for how you will
EXPRESSIONS take care of their children spend your money so that
EXPLAINED and to take the lead in wor- you will not go into debt
ship. Their first responsibility
is their own children

been there to read them Bible stories, permission to do things,” says Eduar-
to pray with them, to cuddle them, do. “I had to learn to take the lead in a
and to play with them.” (Deuteronomy Christian way.” Eduardo and Ruby re-
6:7) His oldest daughter, Anna, re- alized that their children needed to see
members: “I felt emotionally insecure that their parents make decisions to-
not having our father at home with us. gether.
When he returned, we knew him only 5Eduardo did all he could to repair
by his face and voice. It didn’t feel nat- his relationship with his family and
ural when he hugged me.” to help them build their relationship
4 The longer a father lives away from with Jehovah. He wanted to teach his
home, the more difficult it is for him children the truth by word and exam-
to be a family head. Eduardo’s wife, ple, not just to say that he loves Jeho-
Ruby, explains: “I had to play two roles vah but to show it. (1 John 3:18) Did Je-
hovah bless Eduardo’s efforts? “Seeing
all his efforts to be a good father and
The longer a father lives to draw close to us again made a big
difference,” answers Anna. “When we
away from home, the saw him reaching out in the congre-
more difficult it is for him gation, we felt proud. The world was
trying to pull us away from Jehovah.
to be a family head But we saw our parents focused on
the truth, so we tried to do the same.
Papa promised never to leave us again,
—Mom and Dad—and I got used to and he didn’t. If he had, I probably
making most of the family decisions. wouldn’t be in Jehovah’s organization
When Eduardo came home, I had to today.”
learn what Christian subjection real-
ly means. Even now, I sometimes have ACCEPTING RESPONSIBILITY
to remind myself that my husband is 6Children want their parents to be
here.” (Ephesians 5:22, 23) “The girls
were used to going to their mother for 5. What did Eduardo do to repair his relation-
ship with his family when he returned home?
4. Why is it difficult for a father to be a good What was the result?
family head when he lives away from his fam- 6. What lesson did many parents learn during
ily? a war in the Balkans?

with them. For example, when there older Christians cannot care for their
was a war in the Balkans, many Wit- own needs, their children and grand-
ness parents were not able to go to children should help them. According
work. As a result, they spent most of to Paul, all we really need to be content
their time with their children at home. with our standard of living are food,
They played with them, talked with clothing, and shelter. (Read 1 Timo-
them, and studied with them. The chil- thy 5:4, 8; 6:6-10.) To provide for his
dren loved it, and they were happy
even though life was very difficult dur-
ing the war. The lesson? More than Money cannot
money or gifts, children really want
their parents. As the Bible says, chil- help and protect
dren will benefit when their parents us as wisdom from
spend time with them and train them.
—Proverbs 22:6. Jehovah can
7Some parents may be shocked
when they return to their family. Their
children may act as if they do not even family, a Christian does not need to be-
care that they are back or as if they come rich in this world that is “pass-
do not trust them anymore. The parent ing away.” (1 John 2:15-17) We must
may say, “How can you be so ungrate- not think that money can solve all our
ful after all I have done for you?” But problems or let the “anxieties of life”
the truth is, the child is hurt because cause our family to lose their “firm
his parent left him. How can the par- hold on the real life” in God’s new
ent fix the problem? world!—Luke 21:34-36; 1 Timothy 6:19;
8 Ask Jehovah to help you to under- Mark 4:19.
stand how your family really feels, and 10Jehovah knows that we need
show them that you care. You also some money. But money cannot help
need to speak to your family and ad- and protect us as wisdom from Jeho-
mit that you are part of the problem. A vah can. (Ecclesiastes 7:12; Luke 12:
genuine apology may help. When your 15) Many times, people do not realize
family sees that you keep trying to how much it will cost to move to anoth-
make things better, they will know er country. And there is no guarantee
that you are sincere. If you are patient that they will make money once they
and do not give up, your family may get there. In fact, such a move can be
begin to love and respect you again. dangerous. Many who leave their fam-
ily return home with even more debt.
Instead of being able to serve God
9The apostle Paul wrote that when more freely, they have to serve the peo-
7, 8. (a) What may shock parents when they
ple to whom they owe money. (Read
return home? (b) How can parents repair their Proverbs 22:7.) It is always wise to
relationship with their children? avoid debt in the first place.
9. Why should we be content with our stan-
dard of living? 10. Why is it wise to avoid debt?

APRIL 15, 2014 23

11Eduardo knew that to care suc- 13Because it took a long time for
cessfully for his family after moving Eduardo to pay off his debts, he had
home, he would have to be careful how to pay a lot of interest on the money
they spent money. He and his wife he had borrowed. However, Eduardo
made a budget based on what they was willing to do this so that he could
really needed. (See footnote.) To fol- serve Jehovah with his family. “I now
low their budget, they could not buy make less than 10 percent of what I
as much as they did when they had made overseas,” Eduardo says, “but we
more money. But all in the family co- don’t go hungry. ‘The hand of Jeho-
operated, and they did not spend mon- vah is not short.’ In fact, we decided to
ey on unnecessary things. “For exam- pioneer.” Soon after that, the economy
ple,” Eduardo says, “I took my children improved, and it became much easier
out of private schools and found good for him to take care of his family.—Isa-
public schools for them.” He and his iah 59:1.
family prayed for him to find work that
14Some people feel that they must
give money and gifts to relatives and
“The hand of Jehovah friends. “It is part of our culture, and
is not short” we enjoy giving,” says Eduardo. But
he adds, “There is a limit.” He kind-
ly explains to his relatives that he will
would not get in the way of their rou- give them as much as he can, but he
tine of worship. How did Jehovah an- will not neglect his immediate family’s
swer their prayers? needs or their worship to Jehovah.
12For the first two years, Eduardo 15Some relatives may be dis-
barely made enough money for his appointed in a person who chooses
family to live, they had to use their to stay with his family or who choos-
savings, and he was very tired. But es to return home. They may even
Eduardo says, “We could attend all the call him unloving or selfish. Why? Be-
meetings and go in service together.” cause these relatives expect money
He decided that he would not even from him. (Proverbs 19:6, 7) Eduardo’s
think about taking a job that would daughter Anna says that if their family
keep him away from his family. “In- chooses worship of Jehovah over mon-
stead,” he says, “I learned to do vari- ey, their relatives may understand how
ous jobs so that when one type of work important Jehovah is. If they do not
was not available, I could do another.” make that choice, their relatives may
See the series “How to Manage Money” in the never be able to understand.—Com-
September 2011 issue of Awake! pare 1 Peter 3:1, 2.
11. How can using a budget help families? 14, 15. What can families do if their relatives
12, 13. What did Eduardo do to support his want them to choose money over worship of Je-
family, and how did Jehovah bless his decision hovah? What may happen when we set a good
to keep life simple? example?

Can you learn to do a variety of jobs to support your family?
(See paragraph 12)

EXERCISING FAITH IN GOD I willing to sacrifice in order to serve

16 One sister who left her family to Jehovah? Will I listen to his direction
work in another country told the el- to stay with my family, even if that
ders: “We had to make great sacri- means we will have a less comfortable
fices for me to come here. My hus- life?’ (Luke 14:33) Ask the elders for
band even had to stop serving as an help, and follow their Bible-based ad-
elder. So I really hope that Jehovah vice. If you do this, you show that you
will bless this move.” If we have faith trust in Jehovah’s promise to help you.
and make decisions according to Jeho- The elders will not tell you what to do,
vah’s will, we can be sure that he will but they will help you to make wise
bless us. He will not bless decisions choices that will lead to a happy life.
that go against his will. And he will —2 Corinthians 1:24.
not be pleased if we give up a privi- 18Jehovah expects that family
lege of service for the wrong reasons. heads support their families all the
—Read Hebrews 11:6; 1 John 5:13-15. time. We should pray for and com-
17Seek Jehovah’s direction before mend those who care for that respon-
you make a decision so that you will sibility without leaving their fami-
not have regrets later. Pray for holy lies, even when they are tempted to
spirit, wisdom, and guidance. (2 Tim- go away or others tell them to do so.
othy 1:7) Ask yourself: ‘How much am In addition to our prayers, we have an
opportunity to prove our love for these
16. (a) What wrong thinking could a person
have? (James 1:22) (b) What decisions does Je- faithful brothers when disasters strike
hovah bless? or some medical emergency happens.
17. Why should we look for Jehovah’s direction
before making decisions, and how can we do 18. Who is responsible for supporting a fami-
this? ly? What can we do to help?

APRIL 15, 2014 25

for us. He is very interested in all
When we obey of his servants and is always ready
to “show his strength” in order to
Jehovah’s help us. (2 Chronicles 16:9) That is
why he has given us commandments
commandments, about family life and how to care for
we show that we our needs. When we obey these com-
mandments, we show Jehovah that
love him and we love him and trust in him. “This is
trust in him what the love of God means, that we
observe his commandments; and yet
his commandments are not burden-
(Galatians 6:2, 5; 1 Peter 3:8) Could some.”—1 John 5:3.
you help them to find work nearby or 21 Eduardo says that he knows that
give them something else that they ur- the time he was apart from his wife
gently need, such as money or food? If and children can never be regained.
so, they may not need to leave their But he does not dwell on his regrets.
family to find work in another area.
Many of those he worked with be-
—Proverbs 3:27, 28; 1 John 3:17.
fore are rich but unhappy. Their fami-
REMEMBER THAT lies have serious problems. However,
19Jehovah assures us: “Let your
way of life be free of the love of mon- Be courageous!
ey, while you are content with the
present things. For [God] has said: ‘I
Choose to obey
will never leave you, and I will never Jehovah
abandon you.’ So that we may be of
good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my
helper; I will not be afraid. What can his family is very happy! Even though
man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5, 6) they are poor, Eduardo’s family and
How do we do this in real life? other families in his country trust that
20An elder in a poor country says Jehovah will help them. He says, “We
that people often comment about all are experiencing the truth of Jesus’
how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses promise.”—Read Matthew 6:33.
are. He says that they also notice 22Be courageous! Choose to obey
that even poor Witnesses are always Jehovah and trust in him. You can be a
nicely dressed and have the things good family head if you love Jehovah,
they need. This is exactly what Jesus your mate, and your children. You will
promised. (Matthew 6:28-30) Jeho- be able to experience Jehovah as your
vah loves us and does what is best Helper.
19, 20. Why can Christians be sure that Jeho- 21, 22. Why have you decided to trust in
vah will help them? Jehovah?

Do You Appreciate
Jehovah’s Watchful Care?
“The eyes of Jehovah are everywhere, watching
both the bad and the good.”—PROVERBS 15:3.

IN MANY countries, the authorities have put up cam- MAIN POINTS

eras to check the traffic and make recordings of accidents. TO REMEMBER
They also record drivers who hit people walking on the ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

road and who try to escape instead of helping the vic- Why does Jehovah watch us?
tims. The recordings help the authorities to find and ar-
rest these ones. Because of all these cameras, it is becom-
ing more difficult for criminals to get away with doing
wrong. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2The Bible says that Jehovah’s eyes “are everywhere.” In what ways can you
(Proverbs 15:3) Does this mean that he constantly watch- receive Jehovah’s warnings,
correction, and guidance?
es us only to see if we break his laws? Is he just waiting
to punish us as soon as we make mistakes? Not at all! (Jer-
emiah 16:17; Hebrews 4:13) Jehovah watches us because
he loves us and wants us to be safe and happy.—1 Peter
3How can we get a deeper understanding of God’s Why does Jehovah sometimes
allow us to suffer?
love for us? We will discuss five ways in which Jehovah
1, 2. How is the way Jehovah watches us different from the way traffic
cameras do?
3. In what five ways does Jehovah look after us?

APRIL 15, 2014 27

SOME Jehovah watches over us: Jehovah corrects us:
Jehovah can see more than Jehovah does not punish
EXPRESSIONS what we are on the outside; us for every little mistake,
EXPLAINED he can see who we are on but he helps us to make
the inside. He looks after us good decisions and go the
because he loves us and right way
wants what is best for us

looks after us. (1) He warns us before he would continue to have a good re-
we do what is bad. (2) He corrects us lationship with God.
when we go the wrong way. (3) He 5The same is true with us today.
guides us with Bible principles. (4) He Jehovah is able to see who we tru-
helps us when we face trials. (5) He ly are on the inside. He knows our
rewards us for doing what is right. thoughts and desires, and we cannot
hide anything from him. He loves us
and wants us to do what is right, but
All the warnings in he does not force us. So if he sees
something bad in us, he warns us.
the Bible really show How? When we read the Bible regu-
that Jehovah loves larly, when we read our publications,
and when we attend meetings, we are
each one of us able to hear God’s warnings. Have
you ever read or heard something
JEHOVAH WARNS US that helped you overcome a problem
that only Jehovah knew about? These
4 First, we will discuss the ways that warnings from Jehovah come exactly
Jehovah warns us before we do some- when we need them.
thing bad. (1 Chronicles 28:9) For ex- 6 All the warnings in the Bible real-
ample, Cain “grew hot with anger”
ly show that Jehovah loves each one of
when Jehovah did not approve of him.
us. It is true that the Bible, our publi-
(Read Genesis 4:3-7.) Jehovah warned
cations, and our meetings benefit mil-
Cain that if he did not “turn to doing lions of people. But Jehovah asks you
good,” he was going to sin. It was as if to pay attention to his warnings in the
sin were “crouching at the door,” wait- Bible so that you can do what is right.
ing to catch him. Jehovah asked him: This shows that he cares for you per-
“Will you get the mastery over it?” Je- sonally.
hovah wanted Cain to “be restored to
favor.” If Cain listened to the warning, 5. In what ways does Jehovah warn us?
6, 7. (a) What proof do we have that Jehovah
4. Why did God give Cain a warning before he cares for each one of his servants? (b) How can
sinned? you benefit from Jehovah’s personal attention?

7How do we benefit from God’s
warnings? We must first believe that
he really cares about us and then ap-
ply his Word to ourselves. So if we
have any thought that displeases God,
we must crush it immediately. (Read
Isaiah 55:6, 7.) If we are quick to lis-
ten, we will avoid a lot of heartache.
But what if we do not listen? Does Je-
hovah still care for us?
8When Jehovah corrects us, we
know that he cares for us. (Read He-
brews 12:5, 6.) It is true that we do not

We respect counsel from

the Bible because the
Source is Jehovah

enjoy receiving counsel, discipline, or

correction. (Hebrews 12:11) But when
someone gives us counsel from the Our Bible-trained conscience helps us
Bible, it is very important to under- to avoid the dangers around us
(See paragraphs 6, 7)
stand why he does this. He does not
do so because he wants to hurt our
feelings but because he sees that our the truth, he broke the habit. Later,
relationship with Jehovah is in dan- he bought a new cell phone, and he
ger. He is willing to take the time and went back to his old habit and start-
to make the effort to show us from ed to watch pornography on Internet
the Bible how we can return to Jeho- sites. (James 1:14, 15) It became evi-
vah. We respect this counsel because dent that the old desire for pornogra-
its Source is Jehovah. phy was still burning within him, like
9 For example, one brother was ad- the coals of a fire. One day, he lent
dicted to pornography before he his phone to an elder, and the porno-
came into the truth. When he learned graphic sites appeared on the phone.
The elder immediately counseled the
8, 9. When someone gives us counsel from
the Bible, how does this prove that Jehovah brother. The brother listened to the
cares for us? Give an example. counsel and eventually overcame this

APRIL 15, 2014 29

bad habit. Jehovah sees our hidden worried about where they would live.
sins and can correct us before we But he had confidence in Jehovah and
damage our relationship with him. said: “Jehovah will provide. He al-
We are grateful that Jehovah cares ways cares for our needs, no matter
for us. what happens.” The family followed
10The psalmist sang to Jehovah: Jehovah always cares
“You guide me with your advice.” for our needs
(Psalm 73:24) We can “take notice
of” Jehovah’s advice by searching his
Word. In this way, we can find out Bible principles, and they were re-
how he thinks, follow his guidance, spectful and peaceful despite the ac-
and continue to have a good relation- cusations. A few days later, the own-
ship with him. Jehovah’s advice also er of the farm told them that they
helps us to provide for ourselves and could stay. The owner was so im-
our family.—Proverbs 3:6. pressed with the way they reacted to
11For example, a farmer, his wife, the accusations that he changed his
mind and even gave them more land
and their large family lived on a rent-
to cultivate. (Read 1 Peter 2:12.) It is
ed farm in the Philippines. Both he
clear that if we follow Bible princi-
and his wife were regular pioneers.
ples, Jehovah will guide us through
difficult times.

We can find out how A FRIEND WHO HELPS

Jehovah thinks, 12As servants of Jehovah, we face
follow his guidance, many trials, and some of them may
seem to last for a long time, such
and have a good as illness, persecution, or opposition
relationship with him from family members. One of the
most difficult things to endure is a se-
rious disagreement with someone in
Then suddenly, the owner of the the congregation because of person-
farm sent them a note telling them ality differences.
13 For example, what a brother says
that they could no longer live there.
They were shocked and later found may really hurt you. You might think:
out that someone had falsely accused ‘This should not happen in God’s or-
them of dishonesty. The brother was ganization!’ Yet the brother who hurt
you is given more responsibilities in
10, 11. (a) How do we “take notice of” God’s
guidance? (b) Tell the experience of a family 12, 13. When might it be difficult to believe
who wisely followed Jehovah’s guidance. that God cares about us?

the congregation, and others think fic starts to move. Instead, you be-
that he is wonderful. You might ask: come impatient and decide to find
‘How can this be? Does Jehovah not another road. But then you get lost
see? Will he not act?’—Psalm 13:1, 2; and arrive late at your destination. If
Habakkuk 1:2, 3. you had been patient and had stuck
14Jehovah sees much more than
we see, and he may allow a situation
for important reasons. For example, It is important that we
someone may give us counsel that
we do not feel we deserve, and our
learn to be patient
feelings are hurt. But God may see
the situation differently. Is it possible to your original route, you probably
that we did deserve the counsel af- would have arrived on time. It is sim-
ter all? In his life story, Brother Karl ilar when we face trials. If we are pa-
Klein said that Brother Rutherford tient and follow Bible principles, Je-
once gave him strong counsel. Some hovah will help us endure.
time later, when Brother Rutherford 16Jehovah may allow trials be-
greeted him cheerfully, Brother Klein cause he wants us to be trained by
barely responded. Brother Ruther- them. (Read 1 Peter 5:6-10.) We must
ford saw that Brother Klein was still never think that God causes our
hurting from the counsel. Broth- trials. (James 1:13) It is “your adver-
er Rutherford warned Brother Klein: sary, the Devil,” who causes most of
“Just watch out. The Devil’s after
the suffering. However, it is impor-
you.” This advice really helped Broth-
tant to know that Jehovah sees our
er Klein. When he later became a
suffering and that he loves us. He will
member of the Governing Body, he
make sure that our trials do not last
said that he had learned that our
forever. They will continue for only
brothers have the right to counsel us
“a little while.” Be confident that Je-
and that if we hate them for this, the
hovah cares for you and will provide
Devil will catch us.—See footnote.
you with the strength to endure to the
15We want trials to end quickly.
end.—2 Corinthians 4:7-9.
But it is important that we learn to
be patient. Trials can be compared to THE REWARD FROM JEHOVAH
being stuck in traffic when you are 17Jehovah searches the hearts of
driving on a busy road. You could pa- all people to see who really loves him.
tiently stay on the road until the traf- The prophet Hanani told King Asa:
Brother Klein’s life story was published in the
“The eyes of Jehovah are roving
October 1, 1984, issue of The Watchtower. about through all the earth to show
14. Why might Jehovah allow our brothers to 16. Why might Jehovah allow us to suffer
give us strong counsel? trials?
15. What must we keep in mind when we face 17. Why does Jehovah search the hearts of all
trials? people?

APRIL 15, 2014 31

his strength in behalf of those whose He will reward us.—Matthew 6:4, 6;
heart is complete toward him.” 1 Timothy 5:25; Hebrews 6:10.
(2 Chronicles 16:9) Jehovah will 19We may at times feel that Jeho-
“show his strength” toward you, vah does not notice our efforts in the
which means that he will protect and preaching work, but he does. A Hun-
reward you. garian sister in Austria received the
address of a woman who spoke Hun-
garian. The sister immediately went
Jehovah sees to that address, but no one was at
home. She went back again and
every good deed again for a year and a half and left
we have done literature, letters, and her telephone
number. Sometimes she felt that
someone was at home, but no one
18Jehovah wants to “show favor” opened the door. One day when
to us, that is, he wants to reward she went to the house, a friendly
us. If we want his blessing, we need woman opened the door and said:
to “search for what is good,” “love “Please come in. I read everything
what is good,” and “do what is good.” you brought and have been waiting
(Amos 5:14, 15; 1 Peter 3:11, 12) Jeho- for you.” This woman had been re-
vah rewards the righteous ones, even ceiving chemotherapy treatments
if nobody else sees their good deeds. and had not felt like talking to peo-
(Psalm 34:15) We can see this from ple. She accepted a Bible study. The
the example of two Israelite mid- sister felt that Jehovah had noticed
wives, Shiphrah and Puah. Pharaoh and rewarded her efforts.
ordered them to kill all the Israel- 20As we learned in this article, Je-
ite baby boys at birth. These wom- hovah sees whatever we do and
en obeyed God rather than Pharaoh, searches the hearts of everyone. We
and they saved the babies. Jehovah do not feel that he is trying to find
saw Shiphrah and Puah’s good deeds fault with us or to record our every
and rewarded them with children of mistake. Rather, we are drawn to
their own. (Exodus 1:15-17, 20, 21) Jehovah because we know that he
Sometimes we may feel that no one cares for us and that he really wants
sees the good that we do, but Jehovah to help and reward us for the good
sees every good deed we have done. we do.

18. Why should we be confident that Jehovah 19. What experience did one sister have?
will reward us if we do what is good? (See open- 20. How do you feel about Jehovah’s personal
ing picture.) interest in you?
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