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JANUARY 15, 2014




Worship Jehovah,
the King of Eternity
PAGE 3 SONGS: 106, 46

MARCH 10-16

100 Years of
Kingdom Rule
—How Does It
Affect You?
PAGE 8 SONGS: 97, 101

MARCH 17-23

Making Wise
Choices During
PAGE 14 SONGS: 41, 89

MARCH 24-30

Serving Jehovah
Before the Days
of Distress Come
PAGE 20 SONGS: 54, 17


“Let Your Kingdom

Come”—But When?
PAGE 26 SONGS: 108, 30

Worship Jehovah, the King of Eternity

This article will confirm that Jehovah has always been King
and will show us how he has ruled over his creation in
heaven and on earth. It will also encourage us to imitate the
UKRAINE examples of those who chose to worship Jehovah, the King
of eternity.
COVER: Witnessing to university
students from foreign lands in the
city of Lviv 100 Years of Kingdom Rule
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ —How Does It Affect You?
POPULATION This article will help us to have more appreciation for what
the Messianic Kingdom has done during its first 100 years.
45,561,000 It will also encourage each of us to be loyal servants of the
PUBLISHERS Kingdom, and it will motivate us to meditate on the full
meaning of our yeartext for 2014.
150,887 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Making Wise Choices During Youth
1,737 congregations and 373
groups in 15 languages, including
Serving Jehovah Before the Days
Hungarian, Romanian, Russian,
of Distress Come
Russian Sign Language, and What will I do with my life? This is a very important question
Ukrainian for anyone who has decided to serve Jehovah. First, we will
discuss what options young Christians have if they want to
serve Jehovah with all their heart. Then, we will discuss
what unique opportunities are available to older Christians
ALSO IN THIS ISSUE who want to serve Jehovah more fully.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

32 What I Chose as a Child “Let Your Kingdom Come”—But When?

Today, many people do not believe that the end is near be-
cause they do not see the meaning of world events and are
distracted by daily life. This article discusses three reasons
why we can be confident that God’s Kingdom will soon bring
an end to this wicked world.

January 15, 2014

Vol. 135, No. 2 Semimonthly ENGLISH

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Worship Jehovah,
the King of Eternity
“To the King of eternity . . . be honor and glory forever.”
—1 TIMOTHY 1:17.

KING SOBHUZA II of Swaziland ruled for almost 61 years. HOW WOULD YOU
Even though it is impressive that a man ruled for so long, ANSWER?
there is a king who does not live for only a short time, as hu- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

mans do. The Bible says that he is “the King of eternity.” Why are we drawn to
(1 Timothy 1:17) One of the psalms gives us the name of Jehovah’s way of ruling?
this Sovereign. It says: “Jehovah is King forever and ever.”
—Psalm 10:16.
2The length of time that God has been King makes his
rule different from that of any human. But it is the way Je- ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

hovah rules that draws us to him. A king who ruled over Is- How has Jehovah always
rael for 40 years praised God by saying: “Jehovah is merci- shown love for his human
ful and compassionate, slow to anger and abundant in loyal family?
love. Jehovah has firmly established his throne in the heav-
ens; and his kingship rules over everything.” (Psalm 103:8,
19) Jehovah is more than our King. He is also our loving
heavenly Father. But in what way has Jehovah been a Father? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How has Jehovah shown that he is still King and that he has Why do you want to worship
been in control since the rebellion in Eden? The answers to the King of eternity?
these questions will draw us closer to Jehovah and strength-
en our confidence in him.
1, 2. (a) Who is “the King of eternity,” and why can we say that? (See
opening picture.) (b) Why do we want Jehovah to rule over us?

JANUARY 15, 2014 3

SOME Jehovah’s universal family: Offspring:
All of Jehovah’s faithful A descendant or child in
EXPRESSIONS servants in heaven and a family line. Children are
EXPLAINED on earth offspring of their parents,
grandparents, and so on.
Jehovah’s sovereignty:
Jesus was the offspring of
The power and authority
King David because He was
that Jehovah has over all
a descendant of David
of his creation

THE KING OF ETERNITY 5 Unlike many human kings, Jehovah

CREATES A UNIVERSAL FAMILY treats his servants as family. He trusts
3What pleasure Jehovah must have them so much that he is pleased to give
had when he created his firstborn Son! them many responsibilities and the
God did not treat him like an un- authority to do their work. For exam-
important citizen. Rather, he loved him ple, he assigned Adam the enjoyable
as a Son and invited him to share in the and challenging job of giving the an-
joyful work of creating millions of per- imals names. (Genesis 1:26; 2:19, 20)
fect angels. (Colossians 1:15-17) The Bi- God did not personally create every hu-
ble says that these angels serve Jeho- man who would live on the earth. Rath-
vah with joy as “ministers who do his er, he chose to create one perfect wom-
will.” Jehovah honors them by calling an, Eve, as a wife for Adam. (Genesis 2:
them his “sons.” They are part of his 21, 22) Then he gave them the opportu-
universal family.—Psalm 103:20-22; Job nity to fill the earth with their children.
38:7. Under ideal conditions, Adam and Eve
4 After creating the physical heavens would, over time, make the whole earth
and the earth, Jehovah made his uni- a paradise. Then all humans and angels
versal family larger. How? After he pre- as members of Jehovah’s universal fam-
pared the earth as a beautiful home, he ily could worship him forever. Jehovah
created the first man, Adam, in His own truly showed his fatherly love by giving
image. (Genesis 1:26-28) Because Jeho- Adam and Eve such a wonderful hope
vah created Adam, He expected him to for the future!
be obedient. As a Father, Jehovah in-
structed Adam with love and kindness.
He did not give Adam rules that un-
necessarily limited his free will.—Read
6 Sadly, Adam and Eve were not will-
Genesis 2:15-17. ing to accept Jehovah as their Ruler.
Instead, they chose to follow Satan, an
3. Who was the first member of Jehovah’s uni-
versal family? Who were also created as God’s 5. How would the earth be filled with humans?
“sons”? 6. (a) How did rebellion in God’s family be-
4. How did humans become part of Jehovah’s gin? (b) How do we know that Jehovah is still in
universal family? control?

angel who had rebelled against God. hovah, as a loving Father, protected and
(Genesis 3:1-6) The result was pain, suf- guided those eight loyal people. When
fering, and death for themselves and Jehovah brought the Flood, he removed
their children. (Genesis 3:16-19; Ro- the rebellious humans and wicked an-
mans 5:12) So God had no obedient ser- gels and showed that he was definitely
vants left on earth. But did this mean in control.—Genesis 7:17-24.
that he had lost control and that he had
given up his sovereignty over the earth?
Absolutely not! Jehovah expelled Adam
9 After Noah and his family came out
and Eve from the garden of Eden, and of the ark, they must have been very
to prevent them from coming back, he grateful to Jehovah for his care and pro-
assigned cherubs to guard the entrance. tection. Immediately, Noah built an al-
(Genesis 3:23, 24) At the same time, he tar and offered sacrifices to worship Je-
showed his fatherly love. He promised hovah. God blessed Noah’s family and
that he would still have a family of faith- told them to “be fruitful and become
ful angels and humans and that one of many and fill the earth.” (Genesis 8:20–
Adam’s descendants would destroy Sa- 9:1) Again, mankind had an opportuni-
tan and remove the damage done by ty to unite in worship to Jehovah and to
Adam’s sin.—Read Genesis 3:15. fill the earth.
7In the hundreds of years that fol- 10However, people were still imper-
fect after the Flood. They still had to
lowed, some men such as Abel and
live with the invisible influence of Sa-
Enoch chose to be loyal to Jehovah.
tan and the demons. Soon, people were
However, most humans did not accept
again rebelling against Jehovah’s lov-
Jehovah as their Father and King. By
ing rule. One person who opposed Je-
the time of Noah, the earth had become
hovah was Noah’s great-grandson Nim-
“filled with violence.” (Genesis 6:11)
rod. Nimrod was “a mighty hunter in
Did this mean that Jehovah was no lon-
opposition to Jehovah.” He built large
ger in control of the earth? What does
cities, such as Babel, and made him-
the Bible say?
self king “in the land of Shinar.” (Gen-
8The Bible says that Jehovah gave
esis 10:8-12) What would Jehovah do
Noah detailed instructions to build a about this rebel king? How would Jeho-
huge ark that would save him and his vah react to Nimrod’s efforts to oppose
family. God also showed his love for hu- God’s will? God confused the people’s
mans when he appointed Noah to be language so that Nimrod’s followers
“a preacher of righteousness.” (2 Peter would scatter all over the world. Wher-
2:5) Noah likely invited people to re- ever they went they brought their false
pent and warned them of the coming religion and their way of human rule
destruction, but no one listened. For with them.—Genesis 11:1-9.
many years, Noah and his family lived
in a violent and very immoral world. Je- 9. What opportunity did Jehovah give man-
kind after the Flood?
7, 8. (a) How bad had the world become by 10. (a) After the Flood, where and how did
the time of Noah? (b) What did Jehovah do people start rebelling against Jehovah?
to cleanse the earth and to protect the human (b) What did Jehovah do to make sure that his
family? will was done?

JANUARY 15, 2014 5

Jehovah has always
been King of the universe
(See paragraphs 6, 8, 10, 12, 17)

Garden Flood of Noah’s day Tower of Babel Red Sea Jesus is

of Eden 2370 B.C.E. After 2269 B.C.E. 1513 B.C.E. resurrected
33 C.E.

11Many worshipped false gods after over the earth? No! At his chosen time,
the Flood, but there were still some Jehovah proved his power and showed
faithful men who worshipped Jehovah. that he had much more authority than
One of them was Abraham. He had a stubborn Pharaoh. The Israelites put
comfortable home in the city of Ur, yet their faith in Jehovah, and he freed
he obeyed Jehovah, left the city, and them in a wonderful way by leading
lived in tents for many years. (Genesis them through the Red Sea. Clearly, Je-
11:31; Hebrews 11:8, 9) Abraham did hovah was still the ruler of the universe,
not trust in the protection that a hu- and as a Father who cares for his chil-
man king or a city wall might give him. dren, he used his great power to protect
Instead, it was Jehovah who protected his people.—Read Exodus 14:13, 14.
Abraham and his family. The psalmist
wrote about Jehovah’s fatherly protec- JEHOVAH BECOMES KING TO ISRAEL
tion: “[God] did not allow any man to 13Immediately after Jehovah freed
oppress them, but on their account he them from Egypt, the Israelites sang the
reproved kings.” (Psalm 105:13, 14) Be- song of praise recorded in Exodus chap-
cause he was loyal to his friend, Jehovah ter 15. Verse 18 says: “Jehovah will rule
promised Abraham: “Kings will come as king forever and ever.” Jehovah had
from you.”—Genesis 17:6; James 2:23. really become King over the new nation
12God promised Abraham’s son of Israel. (Deuteronomy 33:5) However,
Isaac and grandson Jacob that he would for the Israelites, it was not enough
bless them and that their descendants to have Jehovah as their invisible Rul-
would become kings. (Genesis 26:3-5; er. About 400 years after leaving Egypt,
35:11) However, before they became they asked God to give them a human
kings, Jacob’s descendants first became king, just as the pagan nations around
slaves in Egypt. Did this mean that Je- them had. (1 Samuel 8:5) Even so, dur-
hovah would not fulfill his promise or ing the reign of David, it became very
that he had given up his sovereignty clear that Jehovah was still King.
14 David brought the ark of the cove-
11. How did Jehovah show that he was loyal to
his friend Abraham? 13, 14. (a) What did the Israelites say in song
12. How did Jehovah show his sovereignty over about Jehovah’s rule? (b) What did God prom-
Egypt, and how did this help his people? ise David?

nant to Jerusalem. On this joyful day, fore his death, Jesus made a covenant
the Levites sang a song of praise to Je- “for a kingdom” with his followers. This
hovah and made this important state- meant that some of his faithful disci-
ment, recorded at 1 Chronicles 16:31: ples would become kings with Jesus in
“Declare among the nations: ‘Jehovah God’s Kingdom.—Read Luke 22:28-30.
has become King!’” But since Jehovah 17 When would Jesus begin to rule as

is the King of eternity, how is it that he King of God’s Kingdom? He could not
became King at that time? Jehovah be- do so immediately. The very next after-
came King when he selected David to noon, Jesus was executed and his fol-
represent him. Understanding how Je- lowers fled. (John 16:32) However, just
hovah becomes King is very important. as in the past, Jehovah was still in con-
Before David died, Jehovah promised trol. On the third day, he resurrected
him that his rule would continue for- his Son, and on the day of Pentecost in
ever: “I will raise up your offspring af- the year 33, Jesus began to rule over the
ter you, your own son, and I will firmly Christian congregation. (Colossians 1:
establish his kingdom.” (2 Samuel 7:12, 13) But Jesus, the promised son of Da-
13) This promise came true when the vid, would have to wait to have full pow-
“offspring,” or son, of David appeared er over the earth. So Jehovah told his
more than 1,000 years later. Who was Son: “Sit at my right hand until I place
he, and when did he become King? your enemies as a stool for your feet.”
—Psalm 110:1.
15In the year 29, John the Baptizer WORSHIP THE KING OF ETERNITY
began preaching that “the Kingdom of 18 For thousands of years, angels and
the heavens [had] drawn near.” (Mat- humans have rebelled against Jehovah’s
thew 3:2) When Jesus was baptized by rule. But Jehovah has always been in
John, Jehovah anointed Jesus as the control and has never given up his sov-
Messiah and future King of God’s King- ereignty. As a loving Father, he has pro-
dom. Jehovah showed his fatherly love tected and cared for such loyal servants
for Jesus by saying: “This is my Son, the as Noah, Abraham, and David. We are
beloved, whom I have approved.”—Mat- glad to obey such a King, and we want
thew 3:17. to draw close to him.
16During his ministry, Jesus gave 19But we may ask: How has Jeho-
glory to his Father. (John 17:4) He did vah become King in our day? How can
this by preaching about the Kingdom we be loyal servants of Jehovah and be-
of God. (Luke 4:43) He even taught come perfect sons in his universal fam-
his followers to pray for that Kingdom ily? What does it mean when we pray
to come. (Matthew 6:10) As the future for God’s Kingdom to come? These
King, Jesus could say to his opposers: questions will be answered in the next
“The Kingdom of God is in your midst.” article.
(Luke 17:21) Later, on the evening be-
17. In what way did Jesus begin to rule in the
15, 16. When was Jesus anointed as future year 33, but for what would he have to wait?
King? While on earth, what did Jesus do to pre- 18, 19. What are we moved to do? What will
pare his Kingdom? we learn in the next article?

JANUARY 15, 2014 7

Our yeartext for 2014
is Matthew 6:10:
“Let your Kingdom come.”

100 Years of Kingdom Rule

How Does It Affect You?
“Great and wonderful are your works, Jehovah God, . . .
King of eternity.”—REVELATION 15:3.

CAN YOU ANSWER? IN THE spring of the year 31 on a mountain close to the
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ town of Capernaum, Jesus Christ taught his followers to
How did Jehovah become pray: “Let your Kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:10) Today,
King in 1914? What were many doubt if the Kingdom will ever come. However, we
some of the first things that are confident that Jehovah will answer our prayers for his
the Kingdom did?
Kingdom to come.
2Jehovah will use the Kingdom to unite his family in
heaven and on earth. Jehovah’s purpose will be fulfilled.
(Isaiah 55:10, 11) The exciting events of the last 100 years
How has Jesus used the prove that Jehovah is already King and that he is doing
Messianic Kingdom to refine, wonderful things for the millions of his servants. (Zecha-
educate, and organize God’s riah 14:9; Revelation 15:3) However, Jehovah’s becoming
loyal servants on earth? King is different from the coming of God’s Kingdom that
Jesus taught us to pray for. How are these two events dif-
ferent, and how do they affect us?
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ JEHOVAH’S APPOINTED KING TAKES ACTION
When will our prayer “let your About 20 years before 1900, God’s servants began to
Kingdom come” be answered understand a prophecy that was written by Daniel over
completely, and what will that
2,500 years ago: “In the days of those kings the God
1, 2. What will God’s Kingdom do, and how do we know that the King-
dom will come?
3. (a) When was Jesus enthroned as King, and where? (b) How would
you prove that Jesus began ruling in 1914? (See footnote.)

of heaven will set up a kingdom that demons, Jehovah had Jesus inspect
will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 2: and refine his followers here on earth.
44) For more than 20 years, the Bible The prophet Malachi described this
Students preached that 1914 would as a cleansing. (Malachi 3:1-3) Histo-
be a very important year. Many peo- ry shows that this cleansing happened
ple at that time were very optimis- between 1914 and the beginning of
tic about the future. One writer says: 1919. (See footnote.) If we want to
“The world of 1914 was full of hope be a part of Jehovah’s universal fami-
and promise.” However, later that ly, we must be clean, or holy. (1 Peter
year, World War I began, and Bible 1:15, 16) We must keep our worship
prophecy came true. The food short- clean from the contamination of false
ages, earthquakes, diseases, and oth- religion or politics.
er Bible prophecies that were fulfilled
proved that Jesus Christ began ruling
in heaven as King of God’s Kingdom Jehovah will use
in 1914. (See footnote.) By enthron-
ing his Son as the Messianic King, Je- the Kingdom to
hovah had become King in a new way.
4The first thing that God’s new
unite his family
King did was to fight a war against in heaven and on
his Father’s main enemy, Satan. Je- earth
sus and his angels threw the Dev-
il and all his demons out of heaven.
This brought great joy in heaven but 6Jesus then used his authority as
brought more suffering than ever be- King to appoint a “faithful and dis-
fore on earth. (Read Revelation 12: creet slave.” This slave would regular-
7-9, 12.) After that, the King began ly provide good spiritual food to all
to refine, teach, and organize his ser- those who are part of the “one flock”
vants on earth to do God’s will. Let us under Jesus’ care. (Matthew 24:45-47;
see how their obedience to Jesus’ di- John 10:16) Since 1919, a small group
rection sets a good example for us to- of anointed brothers have loyally han-
day. dled the important responsibility of
THE MESSIANIC KING feeding the “domestics.” The faithful
REFINES HIS LOYAL SUBJECTS and discreet slave provides us with an
5After Jesus cleansed the heavens abundance of spiritual food so that we
of the bad influence of Satan and his can grow in our faith. It makes us even
more determined to keep our wor-
See the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? ship, our actions, and our thinking,
pages 88-92.
See the July 15, 2013, issue of The Watchtower,
4. What was the first thing that Jesus did when pages 22-23, paragraph 12.
he became King? What did he do next?
5. What cleansing happened between 1914 6. How is spiritual food provided, and why is
and the beginning of 1919? this food so important?

JANUARY 15, 2014 9

SOME Messianic Kingdom: To refine God’s servants:
God’s government ruled by To remove from God’s ser-
EXPRESSIONS Christ, the Messiah vants the influence of false
EXPLAINED religion and politics so that
they are qualified to serve

as well as our bodies, clean accord- drawn near.’” (Matthew 10:7) After
ing to God’s standards. This spiritu- his resurrection, Jesus foretold that
al food also educates us and prepares his followers would take this mes-
us to work hard in the most impor- sage “to the most distant part of the
tant assignment on earth, the preach- earth.” (Acts 1:8) He promised them
ing work. Do you regularly partake of that he would personally support this
this spiritual food? vital work until the end of this system.
—Matthew 28:19, 20.
THE KING EDUCATES HIS FOLLOWERS 8By 1919, the “good news of the
Kingdom” included a new meaning.
7 When Jesus began his ministry on (Matthew 24:14) The King was rul-
earth, he said: “I must also declare ing in heaven, and he had gathered a
the good news of the Kingdom of God small group of cleansed followers on
to other cities, because for this I was earth. This group eagerly obeyed Je-
sent.” (Luke 4:43) For three and a half sus’ clear command to preach in
all the earth the good news that
God’s Kingdom was ruling in heaven!
Jesus promised that (Acts 10:42) For example, in Septem-
ber 1922, close to 20,000 supporters
he would personally of the Kingdom were at the inter-
support the preaching national convention in Cedar Point,
Ohio, U.S.A. Imagine how excited
work until the end they must have been when Broth-
of this system er Rutherford gave the talk “The King-
dom” and declared: “Behold, the King
reigns! You are his publicity agents.
years, this ministry was the most im- Therefore advertise, advertise, adver-
portant work in Jesus’ life. He taught tise, the King and his kingdom.” The
his disciples: “As you go, preach, say- next day, two thousand of them went
ing: ‘The Kingdom of the heavens has out in the field service, and some even
traveled as far away as 72 kilometers
7. What important work did Jesus start when
he was on the earth, and until when would it 8. How did the King motivate his followers on
continue? earth to preach?

(45 miles) from the convention site to Couples said with appreciation: “The
preach. One brother said: “Never will specialized training we received has
I forget the call to advertise the King- deepened our love for Jehovah and
dom and the zeal of the assembled has better equipped us to help oth-
throng!” Many others felt the same ers.”
way. 11The enemy Satan sees all these
9 By 1922, there were more than 17,- great efforts to preach and teach the
000 publishers preaching in 58 lands good news. He wants to stop the
around the world. However, they preaching work and will use any way
needed training. In the first centu-
ry, the chosen King gave his disciples
clear instructions about what, where, Jesus uses his
and how to preach. (Matthew 10:5-7;
Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-11) In a similar way
authority to protect
today, Jesus makes sure that all who and guide his
preach get instructions and have the
tools they need to be good teachers.
disciples to make
(2 Timothy 3:17) Jesus is using the sure that his Father’s
Christian congregation to train his fol-
lowers for the ministry. One way he will is done
trains them is by using the Theocratic
Ministry School in the more than 111,- he can to attack the Kingdom mes-
000 congregations worldwide. This sage and those who preach it. But Sa-
school is instructing more than sev- tan’s attacks will not succeed. Jeho-
en million publishers how to preach vah has put his Son “far above every
and teach in a way that will help “peo- government and authority and power
ple of all sorts.”—Read 1 Corinthians and lordship.” (Ephesians 1:20-22) As
9:20-23. King, Jesus uses his authority to pro-
10There are also additional Bible tect and guide his disciples to make
schools to train congregation elders, sure that his Father’s will is done.
pioneers, single brothers, Christian (See footnote.) The good news con-
couples, Branch Committee members tinues to be preached, and millions
and their wives, traveling overseers of honest people are being taught to
and their wives, and missionaries. worship Jehovah. It is truly an honor
(See footnote.) The students of one for us to be a part of this wonderful
class of the Bible School for Christian work!
See the September 15, 2012, issue of The Watch- See the December 1, 1998, issue of The Watch-
tower, pages 13-17, “Theocratic Schools—Evidence of tower, pages 19-22, for examples of legal victories in
Jehovah’s Love.” different countries.

9, 10. (a) What schools train us for the min- 11. How has it been possible for Jesus’ follow-
istry? (b) How have you personally benefited ers to continue preaching despite Satan’s at-
from this training? tacks?

JANUARY 15, 2014 11

1919 1927 1938 1972
Service director House-to-house Servants in Congregation
is appointed work on Sunday the congregation oversight is
REFINEMENT is organized were appointed, assigned to a
1914 to 1919 not voted in body of elders
Jesus inspects and refines
the spiritual condition of his
followers on earth. In 1919, 1943
Jesus appoints “the faithful Bible School
and discreet slave” of Gilead and
Ministry School

Publishers Worldwide: 851,378

6,000 17,000 328,572

1910 1914 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960

THE KING ORGANIZES ganize his followers progressively to

HIS FOLLOWERS TO DO MORE do things God’s way.
12Ever since Jesus began ruling in 13Think of how much the Messi-
1914, he has refined the way God’s anic King has accomplished dur-
servants are organized to do his Fa- ing the first 100 years of his rule.
ther’s will. (Read Isaiah 60:17.) In He has cleansed a group of people
1919, a service director was appoint- to represent Jehovah. He has direct-
ed in each congregation to take the ed the preaching of the good news in
lead in the preaching work. In 1927, 239 lands and has taught millions to
the congregations began preaching worship Jehovah. He has united more
regularly on Sundays. In 1931, Jeho- than seven million loyal followers who
vah’s servants began using the name are willing to give of themselves to
Jehovah’s Witnesses, which motivat- do his Father’s will. (Psalm 110:3) Je-
ed them to do even more in the King- hovah has used the Messianic King-
dom work. (Isaiah 43:10-12) Starting dom to do truly amazing things. But
in 1938, those taking the lead in the even more exciting events will happen
in the future!
congregation were no longer elected
by vote. Instead, they were appoint- FUTURE BLESSINGS
ed. In 1972, the responsibility of over- OF THE MESSIANIC KINGDOM
seeing the congregation was given to 14Although Jehovah crowned his
a group of elders instead of to only Son, Jesus Christ, as the Messianic
one brother. All who qualified to be el- King in 1914, this was not the com-
ders and ministerial servants were en- plete answer to our prayer “let your
couraged to be willing to help shep- Kingdom come.” (Matthew 6:10) The
herd the congregation. (1 Peter 5:2) Bible foretold that Jesus would “go
In 1976, the Governing Body was or- subduing in the midst of” his ene-
ganized into six committees to super-
13. How have you been affected by what the
vise the Kingdom work worldwide. Messianic King has accomplished during his
Since then, Jesus has continued to or- rule?
14. (a) What are we asking God to do when
12. Since 1914, how have God’s servants been we pray: “Let your Kingdom come”? (b) What is
better organized? our yeartext for 2014, and why is it appropriate?

1976 7,224,930
The Governing Body
is organized into Organization
six committees 6,035,564

1977 1987 1999 2011

Pioneer Service Ministerial School for Bible School
School Training School Traveling for Christian
Overseers Couples Education

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2014

mies. (Psalm 110:2) Human govern- it will completely erase the effects of
ments under Satan’s control still op- Adam’s sin. The King will resurrect
pose the Kingdom. When we pray for millions of people and will organize
God’s Kingdom to come, we are ask- a program of worldwide education to
ing God that the Messianic King and teach them about Jehovah. (Revela-
the other 144,000 kings in heaven re- tion 20:12, 13) The whole earth will be-
move human rule and those on earth come a paradise just like the garden of
who oppose the Kingdom. When this Eden, and all faithful humans will be-
happens, the prophecy at Daniel 2: come perfect.
44 will be fulfilled. There it says that 16After the thousand years of
God’s Kingdom “will crush and put Christ’s rule, Jehovah’s purpose for
an end to all these kingdoms.” It will the earth will be fulfilled. Then Jesus
destroy governments that are enemies will give the Kingdom back to his Fa-
of the Kingdom. (Revelation 6:1, 2; 13: ther. (Read 1 Corinthians 15:24-28.)
1-18; 19:11-21) Since this will happen We will no longer need anyone to rep-
very soon, it is appropriate that our resent us before Jehovah. All of God’s
yeartext for 2014 is Matthew 6:10: “Let sons in heaven and his children on
your Kingdom come.” It has now been earth will be united with their heav-
100 years since Jesus started to rule in enly Father as part of his universal
heaven! family.
15After Jesus destroys God’s ene- 17The exciting events during these
mies, he will throw Satan and his de- 100 years of Kingdom rule show us
mons into an abyss for a thousand that Jehovah is in control and that his
years. (Revelation 20:1-3) Without purpose for the earth will come true.
that evil influence, the Kingdom will Let us continue to serve him loyally
move quickly to help people bene- and advertise the King and his King-
fit from Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, and dom. We are confident that Jehovah
15, 16. (a) What exciting events will happen
will soon answer our prayer: “Let your
during the thousand years of Christ’s rule? Kingdom come”!
(b) What will be the last thing Jesus does as
Messianic King? What will that mean for Jeho- 17. What are you determined to do for the
vah’s purpose? Kingdom?

JANUARY 15, 2014 13

Making Wise Choices
During Youth
“You young men and young women, . . .
praise the name of Jehovah.”—PSALM 148:12, 13.

CAN YOU EXPLAIN? WE LIVE in exciting times. As never before in history,

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ millions from all nations are choosing to worship Jeho-
What can you do now that will vah. (Revelation 7:9, 10) Many young people are having
later open the door to further thrilling experiences inviting others to “take life’s water
opportunities for serving free.” (Revelation 22:17) These young ones help people
to study the Bible and to improve their lives. Some zeal-
ously accept the challenge of learning a new language
and share the good news in foreign-language territories.
(Psalm 110:3; Isaiah 52:7) What must you do to have a part
How have some young in this satisfying work?
brothers and sisters served 2 You can make decisions now that will later open the
door to further opportunities for serving Jehovah. For
example, Timothy made good decisions while he was
young, and by his late teens or early 20’s, he was al-
ready qualified to be a missionary. (Acts 16:1-3) It may
What Bible principles can
help you to make the best
have been only a few months later when Paul asked Tim-
decisions in life? othy to go to the new congregation in Thessalonica where
1. What wonderful experiences are many young people enjoying?
2. How does Timothy’s example show that Jehovah wants to give young
people responsibilities? (See opening picture.)

the brothers were violently persecut- what will be most important in your
ed. Paul was forced to leave there, life.—Philippians 1:10.
but he trusted that Timothy would
strengthen the brothers. (Acts 17:5-
15; 1 Thessalonians 3:1, 2, 6) Imagine The time to make
how excited Timothy must have been
to be given that assignment! important decisions is
YOUR MOST IMPORTANT DECISION now, while you are young
3The time to make important de-
cisions is now, while you are young. WHAT WILL YOU DO
What is the most important deci- WHILE YOU ARE YOUNG?
sion you will make? Your decision to 5Decide to serve Jehovah, find out
serve Jehovah. When is the best time what he wants you to do, and then
to make that decision? Jehovah tells decide how you will live your life. A
you to remember him while you are Japanese brother writes: “When I was
young. (Ecclesiastes 12:1) The only 14, I was out preaching with a congre-
way to remember Jehovah is to serve gation elder who noticed that I was
him with all your heart. (Deuterono- not enjoying the ministry. Gently, he
my 10:12) It is the most important de- said to me: ‘Go home, Yuichiro. Sit
cision you will ever make. It will affect down at your desk and think careful-
the rest of your life.—Psalm 71:5. ly about what Jehovah has done for
4 Of course, your choice to serve Je- you.’ I did as he said. In fact, I con-
hovah is not the only choice that af- tinued thinking and praying for some
fects your future. You will also need days. Gradually, my attitude changed.
to decide if you will get married, Soon, I found that I enjoyed serving
whom you will marry, and what job Jehovah. I enjoyed reading about mis-
you will have. These are very impor- sionaries, and I began to think about
tant decisions, but you must first de- serving God more fully.”
6 Yuichiro started making good de-
cide to serve Jehovah with all your
heart. (Deuteronomy 30:19, 20) Why? cisions. Because of this, he later was
Because all these decisions are close- able to serve Jehovah in another coun-
ly connected. What you decide about try. He says: “For example, I chose to
marriage and work will affect how take a course in English. When I left
you serve God. And your desire to school, I chose part-time work teach-
serve God will affect the choices ing English so that I could pioneer.
When I was 20, I started learning
you make about marriage and work.
Mongolian and I had a chance to visit
(Compare Luke 14:16-20.) So decide
5, 6. How does Yuichiro’s experience show us
3. What is the most important decision you that making right decisions can open the door
will make in life, and when should you make it? to further opportunities for serving Jehovah?
4. What important decisions will affect how (See also the article “What I Chose as a Child”
you serve God? in this issue.)

JANUARY 15, 2014 15

SOME Principle:
A basic truth given by Jehovah. Principles influence our
EXPRESSIONS decisions and help us to make good choices in life

a Mongolian group of publishers. Two backgrounds. For example, Moses,

years later, in 2007, I visited Mongo- who grew up in Egypt, was wealthy,
lia. When I went out preaching with but the other young Hebrews were
some of the pioneers and saw that slaves. (Exodus 1:13, 14; Acts 7:21, 22)
many people were seeking the truth, I Like you, they lived in very exciting
wanted to move there and help. I re- times. (Exodus 19:4-6) But each one
turned to Japan to make my plans. I had to decide what he would do with
have been pioneering in Mongolia his life. Moses made the right deci-
since April 2008. Life is not easy here. sion to do Jehovah’s will.—Read He-
But people are responding to the good brews 11:24-27.
news, and I am able to help them to 8Jehovah gives you advice to help
you make right decisions. How does
he do this? He teaches you Bible prin-
Decide now what will ciples that you can use no matter what
your circumstances are. (Psalm 32:8)
take priority in your life If you are not sure how to apply these
principles, you can ask your parents
draw close to Jehovah. I feel that what or the elders to help you. (Proverbs 1:
I chose is the very best way of life.” 8, 9) Let us look at three Bible princi-
7You must make your own deci- ples that can help you make good de-
sions about how you will use your life cisions now.
in serving Jehovah. (Joshua 24:15) We THREE BIBLE PRINCIPLES TO HELP YOU
cannot tell you if you should marry 9Seek first God’s Kingdom and
or whom you should marry. We can-
his righteousness. (Read Matthew 6:
not tell you what work you should do.
19-21, 24-26, 31-34.) Jehovah honors
Will you get a job requiring only a lit-
you by giving you the freedom to de-
tle training? Some of you live in poor
cide what you will do with your time.
villages, and others live in wealthy cit-
He does not tell you that you must
ies. You have different personalities,
spend all your time preaching. How-
skills, training, interests, and faith.
In ancient times, the young people 8. Where can you find help to make good deci-
who served Jehovah also had different sions?
9. (a) How does Jehovah honor us by giving us
7. What decisions must you make for yourself, the freedom to make decisions? (b) How will
and what can we learn from Moses? you benefit if you seek the Kingdom first?

ever, Jesus did teach us the impor- knew this, so he served his Father by
tance of seeking the Kingdom first. doing His will and served others by
When you seek the Kingdom first, teaching them the good news. This
many doors will be opened to you. made him happy. (Luke 10:21; John 4:
For example, you will have many op- 34) You probably have felt that same
portunities to show your love for Je- happiness when you serve others. So
hovah and your neighbors and to base your decisions on the princi-
show that you are thankful for the ples that Jesus taught. Doing this will
hope of everlasting life. Will your make you happy, and it will make Je-
decisions about marriage and work hovah happy too.—Proverbs 27:11.
show that you worry more about 11The greatest happiness comes
your possessions than about “seeking from serving Jehovah. (Proverbs 16:
first the Kingdom and his righteous- 20) It seems that Baruch, the secre-
ness”? tary of Jeremiah, lost his joy at one
10Find happiness in serving oth- point in his life. Baruch started to
ers. (Read Acts 20:20, 21, 24, 35.) think more about what he wanted
This is a basic principle of life. Jesus than about what Jehovah wanted.
10. What made Jesus happy, and what must 11. Why did Baruch lose his joy, and what
you do to be happy? counsel did Jehovah give him?

Ramiro has been finding joy in

serving Jehovah from his youth on
(See paragraph 12)
Jehovah saw this, so he told Baruch to more joy than helping people learn
stop “seeking great things” for him- the Bible in their own language.
self. If he obeyed, he would survive 13Enjoy serving Jehovah. (Read
the destruction of Jerusalem. (Jeremi- Ecclesiastes 12:1.) Do not feel that
ah 45:3, 5) What would have made you must first get a good job before
Baruch happier? Doing what he you can start pioneering. The best
wanted and being destroyed, or do- time to start serving Jehovah with all
ing what Jehovah wanted and surviv- your heart is now, before you have
ing Jerusalem’s destruction?—James family responsibilities. You have the
1:12. health and energy to tackle challeng-
ing assignments. What would you
like to do for Jehovah? Maybe your
The greatest goal is to pioneer, or maybe you want
happiness comes to preach to people in another lan-
guage. Maybe you can do more in
from serving your own congregation. Whatever
your goal is, you need to earn a living.
Jehovah Ask yourself: ‘What job will I choose,
and how much training do I need for
12One brother who found happi- it?’
ness in serving others is Ramiro. He USING BIBLE PRINCIPLES
says: “I come from a poor family liv- TO MAKE WISE DECISIONS
ing in a village in the Andes Moun- 14The three Bible principles we
tains. So when my older brother
have talked about will guide you
offered to pay for my university edu-
when you decide which jobs may be
cation, it was a big opportunity. But
acceptable for you. Your school coun-
I had recently been baptized as one selors or government agencies prob-
of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I had re- ably know what jobs are available in
ceived another offer—a pioneer invit- your area or in the area where you
ed me to preach with him in a small hope to serve. These people may be
town. I went there, learned how to helpful, but be careful. People who do
cut hair, and opened a barbershop to not love Jehovah may try to plant love
support myself.” Many people in that for the world in your heart. (1 John
town accepted Bible studies. Later, a 2:15-17) When you look at what the
new congregation was started in a lo- world offers, do not forget that your
cal language. So Ramiro decided to heart can easily mislead you.—Read
join the congregation and has been Proverbs 14:15; Jeremiah 17:9.
serving there for ten years. He says
that no other work could give him 13. Why is now a good time for you to serve Je-
hovah with all your heart?
12. What decisions did Ramiro make that 14. What must you be careful of when looking
helped him to be happy? for a job?

15Once you know what jobs are than others. You probably have no-
available to you, you need practical ticed that some have lost their faith af-
advice. (Proverbs 1:5) Who can help ter choosing a particular type of em-
you to evaluate your job options using ployment. (1 Timothy 1:19) It is wise
Bible principles? Listen to people who to avoid any kind of work that could
love Jehovah, love you, and know you damage your friendship with Jeho-
and your circumstances well. They vah.—Proverbs 22:3.
will help you to be honest with your-
self about what you can do and what
you want to do. Maybe what they say Make decisions that
will help you to rethink your goals. If
your parents love Jehovah, they can be will allow you to enjoy
a great help to you. Also, the elders in serving Jehovah in
your congregation will give you good
advice. Ask pioneers and traveling these exciting times
overseers why they decided to serve
Jehovah full-time. How did they get ENJOY BEING A YOUNG CHRISTIAN
started? What did they do for work?
18If you have a sincere desire to
What blessings have they received?
—Proverbs 15:22. serve Jehovah, use the opportunities
16Those who really know you well offered to you while you are young.
can give you wise advice. For exam- Make the kind of decisions that will
ple, what if you want to quit high allow you to enjoy serving God in
school and start pioneering because these exciting times.—Psalm 148:
you do not like the hard work that 12, 13.
school requires? A person who loves 19What if you do not yet feel like
you may clearly see why you want to serving Jehovah? Do not give up
quit school. So he can help you to un- trying to build strong faith in Jeho-
derstand that persevering in school vah. Paul explained what he did to
will help you to learn not to give up have Jehovah’s blessing. He said: “If
easily. This quality is necessary if you you are mentally inclined otherwise
want to serve Jehovah forever.—Psalm in any respect, God will reveal the
141:5; Proverbs 6:6-10. above attitude to you. At any rate, to
17Everyone who serves Jehovah the extent we have made progress,
will face situations that can weaken let us go on walking orderly in this
his faith and draw him away from Je- same course.” (Philippians 3:15, 16)
hovah. (1 Corinthians 15:33; Colos- Remember that Jehovah loves you.
sians 2:8) Some types of employment His advice is the best. Let him help
may be more dangerous to your faith you to make the best decisions now
while you are young.
15, 16. Who can give you wise advice about
employment? 18, 19. If you do not yet want to pioneer, what
17. What kind of work should you avoid? can you do?

JANUARY 15, 2014 19

Serving Jehovah Before
the Days of Distress Come
“Remember . . . your Grand Creator.”—ECCLESIASTES 12:1.

CAN YOU EXPLAIN? JEHOVAH inspired King Solomon to tell young people:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Remember . . . your Grand Creator in the days of your
How can experienced youth, before the days of distress come.” What are “the
Christians share what they days of distress”? This expression refers to old age. Sol-
have learned with younger
omon used poetic words to describe the difficulties older
ones have: trembling hands, unsteady legs, loss of teeth,
poor eyesight, poor hearing, white hair, and a bent and
What examples in the Bible
stiff body. No wonder Solomon told us to remember our
can encourage older ones to Grand Creator while we are young!—Read Ecclesiastes
move where the need is 12:1-5.
greater? 2Many Christians in their 50’s and older still have
a lot of energy. They may have some gray hair, but
they probably do not have all the health problems that
How have some older
Solomon described. Could these experienced Christians
brothers and sisters started
serving Jehovah in new ways? 1, 2. (a) What advice was Solomon inspired to write to young people?
(b) Why should Christians in their 50’s and older also be interested in
Solomon’s advice?

also apply Solomon’s advice to young
people: “Remember . . . your Grand As an experienced
Creator”? First of all, what does that
advice mean? Christian, you have
3 You may have been serving Jeho-

vah for many years, but it is good

opportunities that
from time to time to stop and think others do not have
about how grand our Creator is. Life
is a remarkable gift. The design of
portunities to do this. He wrote:
creation is so complex that we can-
“O God, you have taught me from my
not fully understand it. The vari-
youth . . . Even when I am old and
ety of wonderful things that Jeho-
gray, O God, do not abandon me. Let
vah made makes it possible for us
me tell the next generation about your
to enjoy life in an endless number
power and about your mightiness to
of ways. When we meditate on Jeho-
all those who are to come.”—Psalm 71:
vah’s creation, we remind ourselves 17, 18.
of how loving, wise, and powerful he 5How can you share the wisdom
is. (Psalm 143:5) When we remember that you have gained over the years?
our Grand Creator, it also means that Can you invite younger ones to your
we remember what he requires of us. home to enjoy encouraging associa-
Meditating on all these things moti- tion? Can you plan to preach with
vates us to show our thankfulness by them and allow them to see the joy
doing all we can in his service for as that you have in serving Jehovah? Eli-
long as we live.—Ecclesiastes 12:13. hu said: “Let age speak, and let a mul-
UNIQUE OPPORTUNITIES titude of years declare wisdom.” (Job
WHEN WE ARE OLDER 32:7) The apostle Paul told experi-
4If you have many years of expe- enced Christian women to encourage
others by their words and by their ex-
rience, ask yourself, ‘What will I do
ample. He wrote: “Let the older wom-
with my life now while I still have
en be . . . teachers of what is good.”
some energy and strength?’ As an ex-
—Titus 2:3.
perienced Christian, you have oppor-
tunities that others do not have. For WHAT YOU CAN DO TO HELP OTHERS
example, you can teach younger ones 6If you are an experienced Chris-
what you have learned from Jehovah. tian, there is much you can do to
You can share with others the won- help others. Think about what you un-
derful experiences you have had serv- derstand now that you did not know
ing God. King David prayed for op- 30 or 40 years ago. You know how
3. What does it mean to remember our Grand 5. How can older Christians share what they
Creator? have learned with others?
4. What can Christians with many years of ex- 6. Why are Christians with many years of expe-
perience ask themselves, and why? rience needed?

JANUARY 15, 2014 21

SOME Serving where the need is greater:
Moving to support a group or a congregation
EXPRESSIONS where there is a need for publishers

to apply Bible principles in a variety of show them how you encourage elder-
situations in life. You have the abili- ly brothers and sisters when you vis-
ty to touch the hearts of others with it them? Even if you do not have the
Bible truth. If you are an elder, you strength you used to have, you still
know how to help brothers who have wonderful opportunities to train
have made unwise decisions. (Gala- younger ones. The Bible says: “The
tians 6:1) Perhaps you have learned glory of young men is their strength,
how to oversee congregation activi- and the splendor of old men is their
ties, assembly departments, or King- gray hair.”—Proverbs 20:29.
dom Hall construction. You may SERVING WHERE THE NEED IS GREATER
know how to encourage doctors to 8 The apostle Paul stayed very busy
use methods that do not require blood
in Jehovah’s service even as he got
when they operate. Even if you are
older. By the time he was released
newly baptized, you have gained valu-
from prison in Rome about the
able experience in life. For example,
year 61, he had already worked very
if you have raised children, you have
hard and endured many trials as a
developed skills that are very useful.
missionary. He could have chosen to
Older Christians have the ability to be
have an easier life by preaching in
valuable to Jehovah’s people by teach-
Rome. (2 Corinthians 11:23-27) The
ing, guiding, and encouraging the
brothers in Rome would certainly
brothers and sisters.—Read Job 12:12.
have loved for Paul to stay and sup-
7In what other ways can you use
port them. But Paul saw that the
your abilities to help others? Perhaps need was even greater in other coun-
you can show younger ones how to tries. Along with Timothy and Titus,
start and conduct Bible studies. If you he traveled to Ephesus, then to Crete,
are a sister, can you help young moth- and probably to Macedonia. (1 Timo-
ers learn to balance their service to thy 1:3; Titus 1:5) We do not know if
Jehovah while caring for small chil- he visited Spain, but he did plan on
dren? If you are a brother, can you going there.—Romans 15:24, 28.
teach young brothers to give talks 9The apostle Peter may have been
with enthusiasm and to be better
preachers of the good news? Can you 8. What did the apostle Paul do as he got
7. What useful training can older ones give to 9. When did Peter move to serve where the
younger ones? need was greater? (See opening picture.)

over the age of 50 when he moved to their aging parents. They had received
where the need was greater. How do a small inheritance and realized that if
we know? If he was about the same they sold their house, they could pay
age as Jesus or a little older, it would off their debt and have enough mon-
mean that he was about 50 years old ey until Robert received his retire-
when he met with the other apos- ment pension. They heard that many
tles in Jerusalem in the year 49. (Acts people in Bolivia were accepting Bible
15:7) Some time after that meeting, studies and that it was cheaper to live
there. So they decided to move. Rob-
ert says: “Adapting to our new home
Peter did not allow was not easy. Everything was so differ-
ent from what we were accustomed to
his age to keep him in North America. But our efforts were
from experiencing well rewarded.”
11Robert adds: “Our whole life
the joy of serving now revolves around congregation
Jehovah fully activities. Some of the people with
whom we studied the Bible got bap-
tized. One family we studied with
Peter went to live in Babylon, likely to lives in humble circumstances in a
preach to the many Jews who lived in village several miles away. But each
that area. (Galatians 2:9) He was liv- week, the members of that family
ing there when he wrote his first in- make the difficult journey into town
spired letter, about the year 62. (1 Pe- for the meetings. Can you imagine our
ter 5:13) Moving to where the need is joy at seeing the family’s progress and
greater can be challenging, but Peter the eldest boy even taking up the pio-
did not allow his age to keep him from neer service?”
experiencing the joy of serving Jeho-
10Today, many Christians in their 12Foreign-language congregations
50’s and older find that their circum- and groups can benefit greatly from
stances have changed and that they the example of older brothers and sis-
are able to serve Jehovah in new ways. ters. Also, such territory can be very
Some have moved to where the need enjoyable to work. For example, Brian
is greater. This is what Robert and his from Britain wrote that after he re-
wife did. They were about 55 when tired at the age of 65, he and his wife
they realized that they had many new felt that life had become dull. He said:
opportunities to serve Jehovah. Their “Our children had left home, and we
only son had moved away from home, rarely found interested people with
and they no longer had to care for whom we could conduct Bible studies.
10, 11. What did Robert and his wife do later 12, 13. After Brian retired, what did he and his
in life? wife do?

JANUARY 15, 2014 23

Then I met a young Chinese man who ENJOY DOING WHAT YOU CAN
was doing research at the local univer- 14Not all Christians in their 50’s
sity. He accepted an invitation to our have the circumstances to do new
meeting, and I started studying the Bi- things in Jehovah’s service. Some
ble with him. After a few weeks, he have poor health, and others care
began bringing a Chinese colleague for children or aging parents. But do
with him. Two weeks later, he brought not forget that Jehovah values what-
a third, and then a fourth. ever you do in his service. So even if
13“About the time a fifth Chinese you are sometimes frustrated by what
researcher asked for a Bible study, I you cannot do, enjoy what you can
thought, ‘Just because I am 65 does do. Think of the apostle Paul. For
not mean that I should retire from Je- years, he was a prisoner and could
hovah’s service.’ So I asked my wife, not continue his missionary journeys.
who is two years younger than I am, if But whenever people visited him, he
she would like to learn Chinese. We spoke to them about the Scriptures
used a recorded language course. and helped them to keep serving God
That was ten years ago. Preaching in faithfully.—Acts 28:16, 30, 31.
a foreign-language field made us feel 15Jehovah also truly values what
young again. So far, we have studied elderly ones can do to serve him. Sol-
the Bible with 112 Chinese people! omon admits that “the days of dis-
Most of them have attended meet- 14. What should older Christians not forget?
ings. One of them now serves with us How can Paul’s example encourage them?
as a pioneer.” 15. Why are elderly Christians truly valuable?

You may not be too old to

do more in your ministry
(See paragraphs 12, 13)
tress” are not the easiest time in life. gregation help? In some places, it may
But the Bible reminds us that Jehovah be possible to arrange for them to lis-
notices what elderly Christians do to ten to the meetings by telephone. In
praise him. (Luke 21:2-4) Congrega- other places, this may not be possible.
tions cherish the beautiful example of Even if older ones cannot go to meet-
faith and endurance that these older ings, they can still share in supporting
brothers and sisters show. true worship. For example, they can
16 In the Bible, we read of a faithful pray for the success of the congrega-
older woman named Anna. She was tion.—Read Psalm 92:13, 14.
an 84-year-old widow when Jesus was
born. Because of her age, she did not
have the same opportunities to serve Your love for Jehovah
Jehovah that others had. She would will never be
not likely be able to become a disci-
ple of Jesus, to be anointed with holy forgotten by your
spirit, or to go preaching. But she did brothers and sisters
enjoy serving Jehovah in other ways.
For example, every morning and eve-
ning she would go to the courtyard 18Elderly Christians may not real-
of the temple and pray silently for ize how much they encourage others.
about half an hour while the priest Think of Anna, who faithfully went to
offered incense to Jehovah. The Bible the temple for many years. She prob-
says that “she was never missing from ably did not realize that her example
the temple, rendering sacred service and love for Jehovah would be includ-
night and day.” (Luke 2:36, 37) It was ed in the Bible and would still be en-
during one of those visits to the tem- couraging us today. In a similar way,
ple that she saw the young child Jesus. your love for Jehovah will never be for-
She told everyone that he would be- gotten by your brothers and sisters.
come the Messiah and bring freedom No wonder God’s Word says: “Gray
to Jerusalem.—Luke 2:38. hair is a crown of beauty when it is
17Today, we should look for ways found in the way of righteousness”!
to help brothers and sisters who are —Proverbs 16:31.
19 There are limits to what all of us
elderly or sick. There are many older
ones who would love to be with us at can do in Jehovah’s service. But while
meetings or assemblies but who are you still have some strength and ener-
gy, be determined to “remember . . .
not able to attend. How can the con-
your Grand Creator . . . before the
16. What opportunities were probably not days of distress come.”—Ecclesiastes
available to Anna, but what could she do to 12:1.
worship God?
17. How might the congregation help Chris- 18, 19. (a) How can elderly Christians encour-
tians who are elderly or sick to share in true age others? (b) Who can apply the counsel: “Re-
worship? member . . . your Grand Creator”?

JANUARY 15, 2014 25

“Let Your Kingdom Come”
But When?
“When you see all these things, know that he is near at
the doors.”—MATTHEW 24:33.

HOW WOULD YOU YOU may have noticed that people do not always re-
ANSWER? member the same details about an event. Similarly, it
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ may be difficult for someone to remember exactly what
How have world events the doctor said after he gave a diagnosis. Or a person
fulfilled Bible prophecies may not find his keys or eyeglasses, even when they are
since 1914?
right in front of him. Why do these things happen? Re-
searchers say that a type of blindness happens when we
try to do more than one thing at the same time. Appar-
ently, our brain can fully concentrate on only one thing
Why is there more wicked- at a time.
ness in the world now than 2 Many people today have a similar kind of blindness
ever before?
about what is happening in the world. They may ad-
mit that the world has changed very much since 1914,
but they do not understand what this means. As Bible
students, we know that God’s Kingdom came in 1914
How do you feel about the
end being so close? when Jesus was made King in heaven. However, the
prayer “Let your Kingdom come. Let your will take place,
1, 2. (a) What can cause a certain type of blindness? (b) What do we
know about God’s Kingdom?

as in heaven, also on earth” has not ruling, the world would quickly be-
yet been completely answered. (Mat- come much worse. War, food short-
thew 6:10) This prayer will be fully age, disease, and other causes of
answered when this wicked world is death would happen more than ever
removed. Only when that happens before. These disasters are represent-
can God’s will be done on earth as it ed in the prophecy by three horse-
is done in heaven. men riding closely behind Jesus
3 Because we regularly study God’s Christ.—Revelation 6:3-8.
Word, we can see that prophecies are
being fulfilled right now. What a dif-
ference from most people! They are so Many people do not see
busy with their lives that they do not
see the clear evidence that Christ has
the meaning of what is
been ruling since 1914 and will soon happening in the world
destroy this wicked world. Ask your-
self this question: ‘Do I still believe
that the end of this world is very near 5As the prophecy foretold, war
and that events on the earth prove took “peace away from the earth.”
this?’ Even if you have been a Wit- This happened even though many
ness for only a short time, on what nations had promised to work to-
is your attention focused? Whatever gether and keep peace. World War I
your answer is, let us discuss three was only the first of many destruc-
important reasons why we know that tive wars that would take peace away
soon God’s will for the earth will be from the earth. Although much eco-
done. nomic and scientific progress has
been made since 1914, food short-
ages are still a threat to world secu-
4In 1914, Jesus Christ received a rity. No one can deny that diseases,
heavenly crown, that is, he became natural disasters, and other trage-
King of God’s Kingdom. The proph- dies take the lives of millions each
ecy recorded in Revelation chap- year. These events are more dan-
ter 6 describes Jesus as riding a white gerous, happen more often, and kill
horse. After becoming King, he im- more people than ever before in hu-
mediately began his ride in order to man history. Do you realize what that
defeat Satan’s wicked world. (Read means?
Revelation 6:1, 2.) The prophecy fore- 6Many people were distracted be-
told that after God’s Kingdom began cause of the beginning of World
3. What does our study of the Bible help us to War I and the Spanish flu. However,
see? anointed Christians eagerly expected
4, 5. (a) What has Jesus been doing since
1914? (See opening picture.) (b) What do the 6. Who had been paying attention to the fulfill-
three horsemen following Jesus represent? ment of Bible prophecy, and what did they do
How has this prophecy been fulfilled? when prophecy was fulfilled?

JANUARY 15, 2014 27

the Gentile Times, or “appoint- ruling in heaven, then why do most
ed times of the nations,” to end in people not see it? Why do they not
1914. (Luke 21:24) The anointed did see that world events are fulfilling Bi-
not know exactly how Bible prophe- ble prophecy exactly as God’s peo-
cy would be fulfilled, but they knew ple have been saying for many years?
that in 1914 an important event Do they see only what they want to
would take place in God’s King- see? (2 Corinthians 5:7) Are they so
dom. As soon as they understood busy with their own lives that they do
how prophecy had been fulfilled, not see what God is doing? (Matthew
they courageously announced to oth- 24:37-39) Are some of them distract-
ers that God’s rule had begun. Many ed by the ideas and goals of Satan’s
who preached the Kingdom mes- world? (2 Corinthians 4:4) We need
sage were cruelly persecuted. This faith as well as the ability to see more
persecution was also a fulfillment of than just what is in front of our eyes
Bible prophecy. For many years after to understand what God’s Kingdom
that, enemies of the Kingdom used is doing. How happy we are that we
laws, violence, prison sentences, or can see what is really going on!
even death to try to stop the preach- WICKEDNESS IS INCREASING
ing work.—Psalm 94:20; Revelation 8 There is a second reason why we
12:15. know that God’s Kingdom will soon
7If there is so much evidence to
rule the earth: The world is now more
prove that God’s Kingdom is now
8-10. (a) How has 2 Timothy 3:1-5 been ful-
7. Why do most people not see the importance filled? (b) Why can we say that wickedness is
of what is happening in the world today? getting worse?

With the ride of the horsemen,

world conditions continue to worsen
(See paragraphs 4, 5)
wicked than ever before, and it is Asian country, young people were re-
getting worse. For almost one hun- sponsible for half of all crimes com-
dred years, we have seen the prophe- mitted during a ten-year period. Can
cy at 2 Timothy 3:1-5 come true. The anyone deny that things today are
behavior described in those scrip- getting much worse?
tures is spreading into all parts 11The apostle Peter accurately
of the world. Do you see that also? said: “In the last days ridiculers will
Let us discuss some examples.—Read come with their ridicule, proceeding
2 Timothy 3:1, 13. according to their own desires and
9 Compare what shocked people in saying: ‘Where is this promised pres-
the 1940’s or 1950’s with what hap- ence of his? Why, from the day our
pens today in the workplace, in en- forefathers fell asleep in death, all
tertainment, in sports, and in fash- things are continuing exactly as they
ion. Extreme violence and extreme were from creation’s beginning.’”
immorality are seen everywhere. (2 Peter 3:3, 4) Why do some people
People try to shock others with their react this way? It seems that the more
violent, immoral, and cruel behav- often we see something, the less we
ior. Television programs that many pay attention to it. If the behavior of
thought were bad in the 1950’s are a close friend changes suddenly, this
now viewed as good family enter- may shock us. But if the attitudes and
tainment. Many have noticed the morals of people in general change
strong influence that homosexuals slowly over a long period of time, we
have on entertainment and fashion may not notice it. A change like this
and how they promote their lifestyle is very dangerous.
12 The apostle Paul warned us that
in public. Thankfully, we know how
God feels about these things!—Read the last days would be “hard to deal
Jude 14, 15. with.” (2 Timothy 3:1) But we do
10 Also, compare the rebellious be- not need to hide from the world. We
havior of young people in the past can overcome any disappointments
with what young people do today. For or fears that we may have. With the
example, in the 1950’s, parents wor- help of Jehovah, his spirit, and the
ried about their children smoking to- Christian congregation, we can stay
bacco, drinking alcohol, or dancing faithful to him. God will give us
“the power beyond what is normal.”
in an improper way. But today we of-
—2 Corinthians 4:7-10.
ten hear shocking news reports like
13Paul began the prophecy about
these: A 15-year-old student shoots
his classmates, killing 2 and injur- 11. Why do many people not realize that
ing 13. A group of drunken teen- things are getting worse?
agers cruelly murder a nine-year-old 12, 13. (a) Why do we not need to be dis-
couraged by what is happening in the world?
girl and attack her father and cousin. (b) What will help us to endure these last days
Another news report said that in one that are “hard to deal with”?

JANUARY 15, 2014 29

SOME “Let your Kingdom come”:
God’s Kingdom came in 1914 when Jesus was made King
EXPRESSIONS in heaven. God’s Kingdom will also come in the future when
EXPLAINED Jesus destroys the wicked

the last days with the words “know ruling in heaven, a group of faith-
this.” Those words guarantee that ful anointed ones were serving God.
this prophecy will be fulfilled. We When prophecy was not fulfilled in
know that this world will contin- the way that they expected in 1914,
ue to get worse until Jehovah brings what did they do? Most of them con-
tinued serving Jehovah faithfully and
endured trials and persecution. Over
Events since 1914 the years, most, if not all, of those
anointed ones have remained faithful
should convince us until death.
that God’s Kingdom 15In his prophecy about the last
days of Satan’s world, Jesus said:
will soon end all “This generation will by no means
wickedness pass away until all these things hap-
pen.” (Read Matthew 24:33-35.)
When Jesus mentioned “this gen-
the end. We have learned from histo- eration,” we understand that he was
ry that when standards of right and speaking about two groups of anoint-
wrong become very low, societies or ed Christians. The first group was
entire nations have collapsed. Nev- present in 1914 and understood that
er before have the standards of right Christ began ruling as King in that
and wrong been so low in the entire
year. Those who made up this group
world. Many people may ignore what
were not only alive in 1914, but they
this means, but the events since 1914
had also been anointed by holy spir-
should convince us that God’s King-
it in or before that year.—Romans 8:
dom will soon end all wickedness.
THIS GENERATION 16 All those in the second group in-
WILL NOT PASS AWAY cluded in “this generation” were not
14The history of God’s people simply alive but were anointed with
gives us a third reason to have con- holy spirit during the time that some
fidence that the end is near. For ex- members of the first group were still
ample, before God’s Kingdom began alive on earth. So not every anointed
14-16. What is a third reason why we believe
person today is included in “this gen-
that God’s Kingdom will “come” soon? eration” whom Jesus spoke about. To-

day, those in the second group are 18 Soon, those who refuse to accept

getting older. Yet, Jesus’ words at the authority of Jesus Christ, the Rid-
Matthew 24:34 make us confident er of the white horse, will have to ad-
that at least some of “this genera- mit that they are wrong. They will not
tion will by no means pass away” be-
fore seeing the start of the great trib-
ulation. This convinces us even more Soon, those who
that soon the King of God’s King-
dom will destroy the wicked and
refuse to accept
bring in a righteous new world.—2 Pe- the authority of Jesus
ter 3:13.
Christ will have to admit
HAVE THE VICTORY that they are wrong
17 Can you see how the Bible proph-
ecies we have studied are being ful- be able to escape the judgment that
filled right now? As Jesus warned us, is coming to them. When that hap-
we do not know the exact day or hour pens, many will cry out in fear, saying:
of the end. (Matthew 24:36; 25:13) “Who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:
15-17) Chapter 7 of Revelation gives
us the answer to that question. The
If we pay attention anointed still on earth and the “great
to Bible prophecy, crowd” will “stand” because of be-
ing approved by God. Then the “great
we will see the clear crowd” of other sheep will survive the
evidence that the great tribulation and enter into God’s
new world.—Revelation 7:9, 13-15.
end of this wicked 19 If we keep paying attention to Bi-

world is near ble prophecies that are being fulfilled

in our day, we will not be distracted
by Satan’s world. We will not be blind
But Paul mentioned that we do know to the real meaning of world events.
when “the season,” that is, the last Christ will soon complete his victo-
days, would be. (Read Romans 13:11.) ry and destroy this wicked world dur-
We are living in that season right now. ing the righteous war of Armageddon.
If we pay attention to Bible prophecy (Revelation 19:11, 19-21) Imagine how
and to what Jehovah God and Jesus happy we will be after that!—Revela-
Christ are doing, we will see the clear tion 20:1-3, 6; 21:3, 4.
evidence that the end of this wicked
world is near. 18. What will happen to those who refuse to
accept Jesus Christ as their King?
17. What does the evidence we have discussed 19. As one who is confident that the end is
help us to understand? near, what are you looking forward to?

JANUARY 15, 2014 31

As a young boy

What I Chose as a Child

In 1985, I was ten years old. Children from When I was 16, I heard about a Cambodian
Cambodia had arrived at my school in Columbus, group in Long Beach, California, U.S.A. My par-
Ohio, U.S.A. One of the boys knew a few words of ents allowed me to visit the group. These brothers
English. By using pictures, he began to tell me and sisters taught me how to read Cambodian. As
horrible stories of torture and killings and of peo- soon as I graduated from school, I became a pio-
ple who had to run away to save their lives. I cried neer. I preached to the Cambodian people near
at night when I thought of these children. I want- my home. By the time I was 18, I was thinking
ed to tell them about the Paradise and the res- about moving to Cambodia. It was still a danger-
urrection, but they did not understand my lan- ous place, but there were ten million people living
guage. Even though I was only a boy, I decided to in Cambodia, most of whom had never heard the
good news. At that time, there was only one con-
learn Cambodian so that I could tell my school-
gregation of 13 publishers in the whole country.
mates about Jehovah. I did not realize then how
When I was 19, I visited Cambodia for the first
much this decision would affect my future.
time. Two years later, I decided to move there. I
Learning Cambodian was difficult. Twice I de- found part-time work translating and teaching En-
cided to give up, but Jehovah used my parents glish. Later, I found a wife who had the same goals
to encourage me. Later, my teachers and school- as I did. Together, we have enjoyed helping many
mates started pressuring me to accept a well- Cambodian people become Jehovah’s Witnesses.
paying job. But I wanted to pioneer, so I chose Jehovah has given me the desires of my heart.
high school courses that would help me to find (Psalm 37:4) Preaching is the most satisfying
part-time work. After school, I would go preaching thing a person can do. During the 16 years I have
with some pioneers. I also volunteered to help been in Cambodia, that little congregation of 13
students learn English. This decision helped me publishers has grown to become 12 congrega-
later on. tions and 4 groups!—As told by Jason Blackwell.

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