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Fishing Methods

Encircling gear

Fishing Methods
Seine net
The seine net also called Danish
seine net, is a bottom fishing
method. It is a combination of
encircling and dragging gear.
The net is similar to the trawl net
but it is much larger and lighter.
The vessel reaches the fishing
ground (a) drops her anchor and
first warp (h) is set out in a
circular track. In (i) the net is put
overboard. Second warp is set
out in a similar track. In (a) the
anchor is reshackled to the
vessel’s windlass.

a: anchor; b: anchor chain; c: manilla rope; d: wire; e: buoy; f: dhan buoy or

marker buoy; g: Scottish floats; h: warp; i: seine net 2
Fishing Methods
Seine net fishing

Both warps are heaved in together while vessel remains at anchor. During
hauling operation both warps are closing, herding the fish to the centre.
Fishing Methods
Seine net fishing
Usually the vessel remains
at anchor while heaving on
the warps.
Scottish fishermen do not
use an anchor and heave on
the warps while the vessel is
kept on the tide. This is
called “Scottish seining” or
“Fly dragging”
Japanese fishermen stem
the tide and tow the net over
the bottom while heaving on
the warps. This is
“Japanese seining” or “Tow

Fishing Methods
The ring net or Purse Seine
Purse seining is also an encircling
fishing method.
A long net is set out to form a
hanging curtain around a school of
fish. The bottom of the net is than
pulled together to form a small
pond or purse holding the catch.
Purse seining may be undertaken
by a single vessel, a pair of
vessels or a combination of a large
vessel and auxiliary boats.
Sometimes, small planes or
helicopters are used to spot the
schools of fish.

a: corkline; b: float; c: leadline; d: weight; e: ring; f: purse line or spring line 5

Fishing Methods

Purse seining
The net is set out to form a hanging curtain around the
school of fish

Fishing Methods

Purse seining

Fishing Methods
Purse seining

When the bottom line is closed, the net holds the catch in a purse
Fishing Methods
Purse seining

The net and the fish are now along the ship’s side
Fishing Methods
Purse seining

Finally, the fish is removed from the net by bailing

or by means of a fish pump. 10

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