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NIM : 161042037





Man 1 :

Why we start more news and that you might talk about

Woman 1 :

Oke well, you know we need good life because we begin with the last snapshot beacuse
president approval and potential 2020 matchups the ABC news post poll had his rating at 47%
among register voters five poitns for main 50% disapprove down four points judging boddy
issues the president is stronger on the economy with 51% aprroving of his performance,42%
approve of his job on texas and to get 40% approve on foreign police on immigration,on health
care 38% to approve among register voters the poll find president trumps is count down 10
points to form advice president Joe Biden and hypotical 2020 match up but effectively tied
with senders kamala haris barni senders and elizabet wanner . And that even with mayority job

Man 1 :

So might very interesting whats start we democratic match to second but mikely start with
course president at 47% among register bothers and lets talk about why that is.

Man 2 :

But i think we do had sorts with the answer around that because the president was on in the
meltdown mode last night.
Man 1 :

Something going on that has deeply hesitated and normaly who be breaking about this poll
numbers should Given everything the has been melting down last night, i don’t know jeffry
yepsing case and his own justice department its once again bigen to heandle or something else,
but any inside firs of all and any inside last night swonder and we get the best polling news of
his presidecy

Man 2 :

Well its part and parcel behavior personal and any other president feasting on this ecomonic
number on daily basis and weekly basis focus slowly on economics shoft office presidency on
the fact the economic is booming and talk anything else but seems left,right also so different
directions what’s thing bother human what to say i don’t know what’s bother higher by fox
news thing like that the focus on the economy in people and this is why he the second term. I
thing the biggest thing appologies of you looked in turn is the number of human who much
support Donal Trump and any and if you looked number while number its gonna very-very
difficult for realy relaction.

Man 1 :

Yeah, but lisa he sitting 47% register bothers but change be good number go even higher
when you go from register bothers to likely bothers which incresing who does likely he does
likely botrhers. So the question is for democtrat they try the figger exaclty why right now Donal
Trump continues the rise the poll question is Wheter his around performance as democrat
debate finaly short on the focus a lot of american this is way the second i realy like the generic
democrate its can donal trump but don’t really care to much the people last week

Woman 2 :

Thank you,be happy

I wonder had firsly bothers really pay how much attention to that firs debate but really baside
thing that Donalt trump in his benefit and he why from in economy it making body continues
to read who work as long is still there over all people its can be very hard to boot and in
combine office i was just more disturb this past we the short speach about you know raising
airport revolutionary in and this weekend fundemental inside ability of Donal Trump righ now
and just behaviour that if you show and any ceo family member you would be gratefully
concerened and you i wonder you know so many years is this getting more strange part of the

Man 3 :

No i think is the most strange he always been different let’s put the way and always been but i
recall remember ever seing airport eighteen century and the nine i think they were seeing him
of being president has made more of the other factor clearly go on beyond. We were used

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