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Name: Aygerim Dilshat Adler (prev.

Date of Birth: October 26th, 1995
Age: 23 years old (per June, 2019)
FC: Ayaulym Shalkar
Power: Energy Field Propulsion
Backstory: (presented below)

In a silent place of Astana, Khazakstan called Arshaly, a proud and loving family were
expecting the arrival of their most-wanted baby. A set of one of the wealthiest people in
Eurasian area called The Ibrahimov couple had married since quite a long time ago and after
a thousand ways thrived in order to attain a baby in the womb, they finally heard the happy
news in early 1995. The people, who had been loved by the couple, were also having the
rejoice. Tons of feasts were prepared in order to welcome the birth and the streets have
been redecorated. On the 26th of October 1995, the first cry that the baby presented
invited a tears of joy from everyone.

It was her.

They named her Aygerim Dilshat Ibrahimova. In hope of endless love, delight, and luxury,
they bestowed the gracious name. Adding her family name, she is content and ready to live.
Supposedly. She was born with the most beautiful hazel eyes that anyone has ever seen.
Along with the smoothest and the most shining black hair that imply perfection, she became
unique and iconic at once.

Everyone loved her. She was the personification of perfection and anything that anyone
ever wanted. Everything was perfect. Even though Aya—her nickname—cried almost all
night, the parents and the people never complained. Until right a day after her birth, a spark
of water was shot from the tip of her thumb. It was taken as a playful act by her parents and
some people presented. However, things have gotten a lot more bizarre when her eyes
turned to light blue and she started blowing fire and more water out of nowhere. Her
oddness doesn’t stop the parents from loving her but it does stop the people from caring
her. They even thought of her unexpected behavior as a dark magic and demanded the
family to be banished out of the city. A lot of preparations have been made and the
Ibrahimov family had planned to take shelter in their relatives’ place in England. But, just
two days after Aygerim was born, someone—Sir Horatio Adler to be exact—took her away
and put her in his academy.

She grew up as a brilliantly smart and intelligent young lady. Curious of all things, she is
willing to learn a lot. The only problem she had was her manners and her attitude.
Politeness is never her forte as she thinks she has the world underneath her skin. She
became snobbish, she treats people badly and allure a lot of people through her innocent
looks, she has no idea on how to control her anger, she is selfish. Aygerim is no longer the
one she was expected to be. Sir Adler, who saw and heard all her negative traits, tried to
take her on a meditation. Along with the voice from the people of the academy who told
Aygerim to control herself, the meditation was fully prepared and ready to be given to her.
However, the lady never liked on being told what to do and as rebellious as she could be,
Aygerim became furious and set the academy on fire. She took off right after and decided to
live as a nomad.

Mention a thing or two and Aygerim will present it to you. She earned the people’s respects
by giving them what they want. However, selfish Aygerim started to resurface. She used her
power and again, people resented her. There was no other place for her to go until Sir
Horatio Adler picked her back up and took her back to the academy. She became better,
then. She befriended Sloane, who she trusts the most. Though she has a trusted
acquaintance already, as alluring as she is, she became the worst influence that Sloane—or
anyone for that matter—has ever faced.

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