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ES103: Introduction to Electrical Systems

Tutorial 1: DC Circuit Steady State Analysis: Node and Mesh analysis

1. Calculate the equivalent resistance Req between terminal a and b of the given circuit in Figure 1.
{Ans: 59.8 Ω}
2. Find the power dissipated by 4Ω resistor in Figure 2. Apply network reduction technique.
{Ans: 80.1μW}

Figure 2
Figure 1
3. Using nodal analysis, find v0 for the circuit shown in Figure 3. {Ans: v0 = 50 V }
4. Obtain vo in the given circuit of Figure 4 using nodal analysis. {Ans: v0 = 12 V }

Figure 3 Figure 4

5. Determine the node voltage v1 in

the circuit shown in Figure 5 using
node analysis.

{Ans: v1= 1.071V}

Figure 5
6. Find the node voltages for the circuit shown in Figure 6.

{Ans: v1 = 4.97 V,
v2 = 4.85 V,
v3 = –0.12 V}

Figure 6
7. Using the mesh analysis, find the
current I0 in the circuit shown in
Figure 7.

{Ans: = – 6.375 A}

Figure 7
8. Find the mesh currents i1, i2, i3 in the network shown in Figure 8.
{Ans: i1 = 2 mA,
i2 = 6 mA, i3 = 2mA}

Figure 8
9. Determine v0 and i0 using the mesh
analysis in the circuit shown in
Figure 9.
{Ans: i0 = - 4.48 A,
v0 = - 1075 V}

Figure 9

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