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We use Present Simple to talk about routines and things

we do daily.
We use Past Simple to talk about things that started and
finished in the past.

I eat a bone every day.

Yesterday, I ate a bone.

I love learning English.

B. Correct the mistakes you’ll find in

A. Turn the text in Present Simple into
the next sentences.
Past Simple sentences.
Yesterday, I go to the shopping
Mr. Crumble is a bus driver. Every day he
gets up at 8:00 a.m. and prepares for his
Where did you went yesterday?
day. He showers, eats his breakfast, and
puts on his uniform. His wife drives him to How often do you goes to the cinema?
the station where he checks in with his There were a cinema here.
supervisor. Then, he gets on Bus #208 and How did I got to go?
starts the engine. He pulls out of the Did I visited you yesterday?
parking lot and begins his route. At his She didn’t speaks English well.
first stop, he picks up Mrs. Lee, who lives Mr. Crumble weren’t our English
in a green house on the corner of Main teacher.
Street and Seventh Avenue. She works at
I didn’t sat down when teacher tells it
the post office and has to be to work by
to me.
10:00. At the next stop, the Bartlett twins
get on the bus. They attend class at
Bayside Elementary. More children get on
at the next three stops, and they ride until
the bus reaches their school. Mr. Crumble
enjoys seeing the kids every day and is C. Turn from Present to Past.
happy to see them again in the afternoon
when he drives them safely back home. I go to school every day.
.................................................. I drink milk for breakfast.
.................................................. _______________________
.................................................. Children love to play tennis.
They don’t go there because they
don’t like it.
.................................................. _______________________
.................................................. That twins visit their granny every
.................................................. Saturday.
.................................................. _______________________

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