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Washington DC Memorials,

Monuments, and Museums

By: David, Joseph, Andrew, and Gray
The Museum of the Bible
When and why was this museum constructed?
The MOTB was constructed within the last year and opened November 2017.

It was built to showcase and highlight the impact and history of the bible throughout

430,000 square feet

Why should we visit here?
We learn about the bible every day. It is constantly being mentioned and talked about.
Our entire curriculums ae shaped to include christianity.

This museum will help us understand why and offer a different insight into
What We Will See
The Dead Sea Scrolls- The oldest collection of Old Testament documents l850 to 875 scrolls have been found. They
were written by the Essenes in time between 200 B.C. and 68 a.d.

The Bible’s Impact- This shows how the bible has directed the development of America. From The Puritans to the Bible
being used in elections.

The Bible in Arts-No other book in the West has been such a catalyst for artists, styles, and movements. This tour will
highlight the many creative works inspired by the Bible.

The world of Jesus and Nazareth- Step into the world of Jesus of Nazareth! Listen to the stories of the villagers who
discuss the political and religious uncertainty during the days of Jesus’s ministry.

The museum has 1,150 items in its permanent inventory and another 2000 items from colleges and private collections.
What not to do
Engaging in sporting and recreational activities
Making noise that is unreasonable, or behaving in a way that is inappropriate (Use loud, abusive, or
otherwise improper language or perform or engage in obscene or indecent acts)
Chewing gum in or on MOTB Property….Katie and Abbey
Tampering with, damaging, and/or removing any MOTB property including, but not limited to, exhibit
and or artifact elements
Women in the Military Memorial
Women in the Military Memorial
- Located at the entrance of the Arlington
- Honors women who served
- Dedicated October 18, 1997
- Only memorial to honor servicewomen
- $22 Million
- Designed by Marion Gail Weiss & Michael
- Open every day expect for Christmas
Mount Vernon
Site Background
● Located Mount Vernon, Virginia
● Built 1758
● Constructed as George Washington's home
● Commemorates George Washington’s powerful place in American
● Plantation house of GW
● Slaves on plantation
● Furnished with GW own belongings
● Estimated 5,000,000$ not factoring historical value
Our Visit
● 9am - 4pm Monday through Sunday
● Respectful atmosphere
● Employee’s in late 1700’s clothing
● 8600 Acres, we only get to see about 200
● Mansion tour + tomb of GW and Wife
● Photography allowed
The White House

White House
Inside the White House you will need to be on your best behavior.

The White House is one of the most well known buildings in the United States.

John Adams was the first president in the White House.

There are 132 rooms, 35 restrooms, and 6 stories.

“Tours & Events.” The White House, The United States Government,

"Mount Vernon." George Washington's Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon's Ladie's

Association, Accessed 5 Apr. 2018

“Facts.” Women In Military Service For America Memorial Foundation, Inc.,

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