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Contoh Gizi seimbang

Makalah ini disusun :

Oleh :

Siti Robiah


Kementrian Kesehatan RI


Good morning all friends

thanks to the opportunity given to me, to stand in front

I want to introduce myself, my name is siti Robiah,my nickname Siti. I was born in subang, but
now I live in cibogo village subdistrict lembang, I have married and have two children, one male
and one female.

I work in the health department Kab,Bandung Barat district parogpong more precisely in
Ciwaruga Health Center

Well maybe that's just an introduction of myself, I am very can be friend happy to meet with all
my friend , hopefully we can be our brother

Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings

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