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MCQs (posterior compartment of forearm, dorsum of hand & wrist

1) While playing cricket, a 30 year old injured his finger trying to catch a ball. The end on impact
resulted in forceful flexion of distal phalanx of the index finger resulting in a characteristic deformity
a) Boutonniere Deformity
b) Mallet Finger
c) Swan neck Deformity
d) Trigger Finger*
2) The cephalic vein drains which one of following structure?
a) Deep palmar venous arch
b) Dorsal venous arch*
c) Palmar carpal arch
d) Superficial palmar venous arch
3) The carpal bone against which radial artery can be palpated in anatomical snuff box is?
a) Lunate
b) Scapoid*
c) Trapezium
d) Triquetral
4) The extensor tendon passing beneath the extensor retinaculum and not directly related to a bone
a) Extensor carpi ulnaris
b) Extensor digiti minini*
c) Extensor indicis
d) Extensor pollicis longus
5) In an avlusion fracture of styloid process of radius the displacement of factured part is caused by?
a) Brachialis
b) Brachioradialis*
c) Extensor carpi radialis longus
d) Pronator quadrates
6) A 60 year old female slipped and had a fall; she tried to break her fall by out stretching the hand.
Which one of the following is mostly likely to be fractured in her case?
a) Clavicle
b) Distal end of radius*
c) Distal end of ulna
d) Scaphoid
7) While demonstrating the movement of radiocarpal joint, a student noticed limited extent of
abduction as compared to adduction. Which one of the following feature attribute to the limited
a) Head of ulna
b) Rigde of trapezium
c) Styloid process of radius*
d) Tubercle of scaphoid

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