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Plum Tree Characteristics

Prunus domestica Appearance: Green or purple leaves; small white

flowers; brown bark; with dark red or purple fruit
Size: 15’-20’ in height; fruit is 3" in diameter
The European plum is not native to
Location: Permaculture Garden; behind
California but is very well-adapted to the
Middlefield buildings
Californian climate. The flat, smooth
bark and purple plums indicate that this Season: Flowers in spring; produces fruit in
tree is a European plum and not a summer
Japanese plum, which would have pink
toned fruit. Most plum trees are now
found in urban areas such as cities,
schools, and homes. Plum trees are full,
dense trees during the fall, but digress into a barren tree with lighter green or yellow leaves in the

Fun Facts Sources

Plums were one of the first fruits domesticated by Hunker
humans. National Geographic
Picture: Megan Leich

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