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Nowadays, People had an experience with curfews. It is an order specifying a

time during which certain regulations apply. But in legal terms, curfews are more than
just house rules that can result in a firm if violated. Curfews are also laws that effectively
prohibit or limit the right to be out in public at certain times, or in some cases, require
businesses to close their doors during certain hours.

There are three main types of curfew laws; namely, juvenile curfew laws, emergency
curfew laws, and business curfew laws. These are laws that commonly used by different
country across the globe to protect their people and have a safe community on their
respective places.

It is common among citizens to ask on the services delivered by the government

and assess the effectiveness as well as the benefits of the programs, projects and even
proposed bill that will directly affect the community.

The country has the responsibility of preserving the welfare of its people. It is by
practicing and performing what the law stated to protect the community and the country
for the common good of everyone. People should also understand that the government
has the right to impose what do they think is good for many vice versa, the government
should hear his people of the effects of their actions toward the mainstream of their

According to the study of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as cited by Villarica

(2011), the most immediate concern of people is physical safety from violence. Even
after the bulk of fighting is over, physical insecurity is often pervasive throughout
society from politically motivated violence, rampant gunfire, and retaliation by former
enemies, gender-based violence, landmines, and emerging armed criminal elements.
State authority and security institutions, meanwhile, are likely to be politicized, part of
the problem, and severely impaired or nonexistent, creating a security vacuum that
insurgents, terrorists, extremists, or criminals will seek to fill. The security threats in
transitional environments call for a dual capability to subdue large-scale threats to the
peace process while also maintaining public order.

This concept provides the researcher to profoundly study the relevance of safety
among communities and the level of their understanding on the functions of National
security on their places. It is a common endeavor of every Filipinos to be a victim of
crimes and disturbance or scandals which according to Maslow people needs a safe and
comfortable environment which free of hazards and they can live freely according to their
will. This entails that
A country’s recovery from violent conflict depends first and foremost on the
establishment of security. Without security, parties to the conflict will not lay down their
arms, and a country will never progress beyond a state of siege and will remain stagnant
in its economic, political, and social development. People will refrain from resuming
normal activities that are fundamental to a healthy and vibrant society, like sending their
children to school, opening shops for business, or traveling to the market. Civilian
agencies will be unable to begin laying the critical foundation for promoting the rule of
law, good governance, economic growth, and healthy social development.

For the past administrations in the Philippines, there are different curfews
imposed by the legislative and even local ordinance which promotes anti-hazards, anti-
crimes and anti-violence program. It is indeed an ideal proposition of providing a safe
and sound environment among Filipinos who are weak on the disadvantageous effects of
changing generations from a more liberated one. In connection to crimes, adult are not
just prone of it even children. The manifestations of curfew in the country were based on
rampant news of killings which involves minors. Another indexes of it is the habitual
activities of Filipinos that causes disturbance in the community such as singing using
Karaoke until dawn, drinking or having party on the streets and gang-war participated by
different fraternities or street children.

In the advent of changing society, people are vulnerable of adapting on changes.

However, in proper guidance of the state, it is possible that people acquire what is due to
surpass endeavors. It is the utmost purpose of the study to evaluate the effects of curfew
among our chosen community, in the town of Dauis that imposed various local
ordinances for curfews on habitual activities, minor welfare, safety and security measures
to empower the law of the country. It is the role of the researchers to gather appropriate
data of responses from the respondents and deliver public information on the perceptions
of local government officials and concern citizens with regards to the effectiveness on the
imposed curfews in the community.


2.1 Theoretical Framework

This study will use theories to explicate the foundation of the research. It will
serve as evidence of the deterrent effects of curfew in the community as major objective
of the research. The following theory was anchored according to the major variables of
the study.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs – Safety need

In the study of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as cited in the study of psychological

science of Schaller (2010), Safety needs in Maslow's hierarchy refer to the need for
security and protection. When people have their physiological needs for food and water
met, their safety needs dominate their behavior. These needs have to do with their natural
desire for a predictable, orderly world that is somewhat within man’s control. Safety
needs in today's world can manifest themselves as job security, savings accounts,
insurance policies, financial security, and health and well-being. Taking the account to
consider the satges of needs of human person safety is included.

The original hierarchy of needs five-stage model includes:

1. Biological and Physiological needs - air, food, drink, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep.

2. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law, stability, freedom
from fear.

3. Love and belongingness needs - friendship, intimacy, trust and acceptance,

receiving and giving affection and love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family,
friends, work).

4. Esteem needs - achievement, mastery, independence, status, dominance, prestige,

self-respect, and respect from others.

5. Self-Actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking

personal growth and peak experiences

This premise provides a certain ideas among researcher in understanding how

important safety among people and how they view the society’s law implemented in the
community. The proponents will evaluate how they perceive the level of safety that they
get from the government and how functional the ordinances or laws that the country has.

Identity theory

In the study of mental science by Feigl (2012), a number of objections to Mind-

Brain Type Identity, some a great deal stronger than others, began circulating soon after
the publication of Smart's 1959 article. Perhaps the weakest were those of the
epistemological variety. It has been claimed, for example, that because people have had
(and still do have) knowledge of specific mental states while remaining ignorant as to the
physical states with which they are correlated, the former could not possibly be identical
with the latter. The obvious response to this type of objection is to call attention to the
contingent nature of the proposed identities—of course we have different conceptions of
mental states and their correlated brain states, or no conception of the latter at all, but that
is just because (as Feigl made perfectly clear) the language we use to describe them have
different meanings. The contingency of mind-brain identity relations also serves to
answer the objection that since presently accepted correlations may very well be
empirically invalidated in the future, mental states and brain states should not be viewed
as identical.

This concept of Feigl is about helping the proponents in understanding the reasons
behind weaker minds that do not intentionally violate the law but it only provide certain
idea that they have a vulnerable mental ability to stop from any habitual activities that
they went through. The study will also seek on logical reasoning on what specific
problems does respondents encounter despite of running implementation of the law.

Deterrence theory

In connection to the theory on the study of street crimes by Lundman (2012),

Research on deterrence has shown a lot of interest on street crimes. There is a significant
correlation between curfew laws and the reduction or deflection of deviant criminal
activities. In other words, “strict curfew enforcement follows deterrence theory, which
argues that certain, swift, and severe punishments will cause juveniles to rationally weigh
consequences and commit fewer criminal acts”

In connection to the premise, the researcher correspond questions to ask among

respondents if the law has a direct impact in imposing safety environment which is free
from hazards and destructions. The proponents will evaluate the effectiveness of certain
intervention provided by the government or law enforcers.

This literature has reviewed and evaluated the legal issues associated
with various court cases challenging teen curfew laws. These lawsuits have essentially
argued that curfews violate the constitutional rights of juveniles and negate the child
rearing rights and responsibilities of parents. Constitutional questions concerning
violations of the Equal Protection Clause, First Amendment rights, and 14th Amendment
guarantees of due process have been raised most often. Legal challenges have prompted
lawmakers to rethink and reshape curfew laws to address and protect essential juvenile
rights. Comprehensive and precise language defining the key terms in these laws is
intended to provide clear definitions of prohibited behavior (Marketos, 1995, Seibert,
1995). "Exceptions" to the restrictions that the law places upon various juvenile
behaviors have been added to prevent curfews from violating First Amendment rights of
free speech, association and assembly, religious expression, and unrestricted travel
(Johnson, 1995; Horowitz, 1991; Marketos, 1995). Consistent standards of enforcement,
including a mandatory enforcement requirement, have been appended to some curfew
laws to forestall claims that they involve arbitrary and discriminatory application
(Marketos, 1995, Seibert, 1995).

Courts have generally upheld as constitutional the government's claim of

having a compelling interest in passing teen curfew laws in response to rising juvenile
crime (Hananel, 1994; Qutb v. Strauss, 11 £ 3d 488 1993). However, cities have not been
required to present evidence to the courts indicating that curfews have actually been
instituted in response to the juvenile crime problem. There has also been no requirement
to provide evidence that curfews have curtailed crime or reduced juvenile victimization in
cities where they have been adopted (DeLucia, 1995; Johnson, 1995; Marketos, 1995;
Seibert, 1995; Lester, 1996). Indeed, the research literature is nearly bereft of studies
examining the effects of curfews on crime, the community, or youth offenders (Ruefle
and Reynolds, 1995). The claims in several high profile cities such as Denver, San Antonio,
and New Orleans that serious juvenile crime decreased 30 to 60 percent in their areas
following the adoption of curfew laws have been based on anecdotal evidence, rather
than systematic data collection and analysis (Siebert, 1995).
The national rates of violent juvenile crime that had climbed so steeply
from the mid-1980's to 1993 and were instrumental in the reemergence of teen curfew
laws have declined rather sharply since 1995 (Sickmund et al., 1997). There are only two
studies that have examined the link between curfews and changes in rates of juvenile
arrests. A dated curfew outcome study (Hunt and Weiner, 1977) examined the effects of
a summertime curfew law in a large Midwestem city. Rates of serious crimes (rape,
robbery, burglary, etc.) committed by juveniles during the month of August were
calculated for the four years prior to adoption of the summer curfew and compared with
rates after the curfew took effect. The findings suggested that crime rates were reduced
during curfew hours. However, there was also some evidence of "crime
displacement",that is, an observable increase in criminal activities during the afternoon
hours when the curfew was not in effect.

The effectiveness of juvenile curfews at crime prevention. Kenneth

AdamsThe ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 587 (1), 136-
159, 2003 .Juvenile curfew laws have become a pervasive and popular strategy for
controlling juvenile crime. Public opinion is solidly behind the use of curfews, and the
primary basis for this support is the notion that curfews make streets safer. This article
provides preliminary results from a systematic review of empirical research on juvenile
curfews, concluding that the evidence does not support the argument that curfews
prevent crime and victimization. Juvenile crime and victimization are most likely to
remain unchanged after implementation of curfew laws. Other aspects of curfew
research, such as efficiency at detecting criminal activity, costs of enforcement, crime
displacement, counterintuitive findings, and characteristics of curfew violators also are
discussed. Finally, suggestions for future research are offered.

An Analysis of Curfew Enforcement and Juvenile Crime in California.Mike

A Males, Dan Macallair.Western Criminology Review 1 (2), 1999.In recent years cities and
localities across the country have expanded the use of youth curfews to address growing
public concern about juvenile crime and violence. By reducing the number of youth on
the street during certain hours, curfews are assumed to lower the risk factors associated
with youth crime. Curfews have been widely cited by policy makers as an effective tool
for reducing youth crime. However, no comprehensive analysis of the effects of these
laws has been completed. This study analyzes arrest, reported crime, and mortality
data .View at

The effectiveness and enforcement of a teen curfew law.Richard D

Sutphen, Janet Ford. J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 28, 55, 2001.This article examines the effect
of a teen curfew on juvenile arrest rates and reviews the first year of the curfew's
implementation in a city of over 200,000 population. Juvenile arrest rates were
compared for three years prior to the curfew's enactment and three years of curfew
enforcement. Data related to 377 curfew violations and 83 parent citations issued in 22
police beats during the first year of implementation were analyzed to determine
whether the curfew was primarily enforced in areas with serious juvenile crime or
targeted low income, minority neighborhoods. Results indicate that the curfew had no
effect on total juvenile arrests, felonies, misdemeanors, violent (serious) crimes, or
property crimes. More curfew violations were issued in areas with higher rates of
juvenile arrests, higher levels of police presence, and lower family incomes. Parental
citations were highest in areas with lower family income and greater proportions of
African American populations.


The following are the main concerns of the respondents and will seek
appropriate response on the given statement of the problem.

1. What are the profile of the respondents as defined as following

1.1 age;
1.2 gender;
1.3 years of residency in the commnunity
2. How does curfew affects the community of Poblacion, Dauis?
3. What are the perceptions of the respondents about having a curfew?
4. What are the benefits of curfew? Is there a significant degree of difference in the perception
of the respondents about curfew?
5. What are the recommendations of the researchers on the implementation of curfew in the


This research uses "Casual-Comparative Survey Research Design" that aims to know the
information that gives us knowledge or learning about curfew and how it affects a certain
community. This design allows the researchers to draw conclusions about cause-effect equation
between two or more variables, where one is dependent on the other independent variable,
with the help of survey questionnaires.

The respondents are people living in Poblacion, Dauis, Bohol. Getting respondents are
not based on their age and gender.
On choosing the respondents, they must be living in Poblacion, Dauis. Respondents can
either be teenagers, senior citizens or at middle age. The respondents of this research can rely
information by the given questionnaires prepared by the researchers.

This research will be conducted in Poblacion, Dauis. The said place has more than
______ people. The survey will be conducted during the free time or any time where the
researchers can not disturb the respondents in what they are doing. Answering of questions will
take place just in Poblacion, Dauis.

The instrument used in gathering data is questionnaires that will be provided by the
researchers to the respondents. The respondents will be answering the given questionnaires
and their answers will be used by the researchers for the interpreting of results for their
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment


This study entitled "The Effect of Curfew to the Safety and Order of the Residents of
Poblacion, Dauis." is significant to the following:
To residents that are at minor ages of Poblacion, Dauis. This study provides enough
knowledge to the minors to the effect of curfew and on how curfew is necessary to them.
Which they will obey the ordinance for their safety and well-being.
To residents that are at middle age. This study provides enough knowledge to the
minors to the effect of curfew and on how curfew is necessary to them. Which they will obey
the ordinance for their safety and well-being and for the sake of the peace and order in their
To the elders or the senior citizens in Poblacion, Dauis. This study provides enough
knowledge to the minors to the effect of curfew and on how curfew is necessary to them.
Which they will obey the ordinance for their safety and well-being and for the sake of the peace
and order in their community.
To the municipality of Dauis. This study provides enough knowledge to the legislators of
their municipality on how important implementing curfew to their community is. And for them
to know if the ordinanced they've implemented was effective in ways where it has acquired
their expected result for implementing it. This study also helps them to identify the strengths
and weaknesses of their implementations for them to know which part they need to
strengthen. And for them to know if there was a significant change after implementing the
ordinance regarding to curfew.
To the upcoming researchers who has similar study that is about curfew. This study
provides them enough knowledge and information about the significance and effectiveness of
curfew to a certain place or community. Which this study can provide them enough information
that they will need for their similar study.



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