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TIIKM Achievers

High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly….

Make big decisions quickly…….
Move into action immediately……..

Award and recognition of ‘Achievers’

Best Overall Presenter

 Registration waive off for next year same conference.
 30% Discount for any of TIIKM conference in next 12 months.
 Special Discount on registration fee for 10 nominated people from his/her network for any ONE
conference from TIIKM during next 12 months.
 15% off for any Globeenjoy Tour.
 Can publish any number of academic articles through TIIKM blog.

Best Overall Student

 50% registration free for next year same conference.
 30% Discount for any of TIIKM conference in next 12 months.
 Special Discount on registration fee for 05 nominated people from his/her network for any ONE
conference from TIIKM during next 12 months.
 10% discount on any Globeenjoy Tour.
 Can publish any academic article through TIIKM blog.

Sessions Best Presenter

 Sessions best certificate
 Medal for the achievement

 Practical application of the research to the community.
 Tangible and Intangible benefits/ outcomes of the research.
 Value addition from the perspectives of economic and societal aspects etc.
(By addressing issues in the society or relevant discipline)
 Overall Best Student should possess minimum a bachelor degree and Overall Best
Presenter should reading for doctorate.
 Discount Rate will decide and inform by the organization.
 Globeenjoy Tour is valid only for One Day Package
 Conference Chair has the authority to make the final decision.
 Presentations skills, time management, good communication
skills, handling Q and A session properly.

“Every great achiever knows the power of motivation.”

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