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BY: MARICEL SANICO-EDNILAN • testicular lobules
• seminiferous tubules

• external spermatic fascia analogous to external oblique
• cremasteric muscle is analogous to internal oblique and
transversus abdominis
• internal spermatic fascia is analogous to transversalis fascia
• the visceral and parietal layers of the tunica vaginalis testis
represent peritoneum that surrounded the testicle during its
descent into the scrotum
• in the scrotum, the temperature of the testis is about 2-3 oC
lower than normal body temperature
• perspiration and evaporation of sweat from the scrotal
surface and the arrangement of the blood vessels that supply
the testis maintain the testis in a cooler environment
• relaxation or contraction of the dartos muscle of the scrotum
and the cremaster muscle of the spermatic cords move the
testes away, or closer to, the body respectively, allowing
further control on testicular temperature

• approximately 50 cm long (range, 30 to 80 cm) and 150-250
m in diameter
• lined with straitified epitheliumcalled germinal
• 2 basic cell population:
1. spermatogenic cells
2. sertoli cells/ sustentacular cells


• develops retroperitoneally in the dorsal wall of the embryonic • the part of sperm production that includes cell division
cavity through mitosis and meiosis is called spermatogenesis
• volume of average testis is approximately 20 ml • the final differentiation of the haploid male germ cells is called
• tunica vaginalis spermiogenesis
• 2 impt. functions: androgen and sperm production • normal spermatogenesis is dependent on the action of LH and
• cryptorchidism FSH produced by the gonadotrophs in the adenohypophysis
- failure of descent of the testes into the scrotum of the pituitary gland
• tunica albugenia SPERMATOGENESIS
- dense CT capsule surrounding the testis • spematogenesis involves the following processes:
• tunica vasculosa 1. mitotic divisions of spermatogonia to form the stem cells
- inner part of the capsule 2. formation of primary and secondary spermatocytes from
- loose CT layer that contains BV spermatogenic cells
• mediastinum testis 3. Meiotic divisions of primary and secondary spermatocyte
- thickened portion of the tunica albuginea at the posterior to reduce the somatic chromosome numbers by 1/2 and
part of the testis
formation of spermatids, which are germ cells with only 23
chromosomes (22+X or 22+Y)
4. Morphologic transformation of spermatids into mature
sperm by a process called spermiogenesis

Sertoli Cells
- Constitute the true epithelium of the seminiferous epithelium.
- Tall, columnar, nonreplicating epithelial cells
- Nucleus is ovoid or triangular and may have one or more deep
- In man, characteristic inclusion bodies (of Charcot-Bottcher)
are found in the basal cytoplasm
- Supporting cells for the developing sperm
- Contain an extensive, sER, a well-developed rER, and stacks
of annulate lamellae.
- Numerous spherical and elongated mitochondria, a
well-developed golgi apparatus.
a. Physical support, protection and nutrition of the developing
b. Phagocytosis of the excess cytoplasm (residual bodies) from
the developing spermatids
c. Release of mature sperm, called spermiation, into the lumen
of the seminiferous tubules
d. Secretion of fructose rich testicular fluid for nourishment and
transport of sperm to the excurrent ducts
e. Production and release of androgen binding protein (ABP)
that binds to and increase the concentration of testosterone in
the lumen of the seminiferous tubules. ABP secretion is under
the influence of FSH.
f. Secretion of the hormone inhibin, which suppresses the
release of FSH from the pituitary gland.
g. Production and release of anti-Mullerian hormone, also called
Mullerian hormone, that suppresses the development of
Mullerian ducts in the male and inhibits the development of
female reproductive organs.
Blood-testes barrier - In preppubertal males, this leads to sexual precocity
- Tight junctions (unexpected pubertal changes in early age), whereas in
- Subdivides each seminiferous tubules into a basal adults it may be observed as feminization (development of
compartment and an adluminal compartment female sexual characteristics) and gynecomastia
- Segregates the spermatogonia from all successive stages of (development of breat in females)
spermatogenesis in the adluminal compartment that excludes
the plasma proteins and blood borne antibodies from the Cryptorchidism
lumen of the seminiferous tubules
- It also keeps harmful substances in the blood from entering
the developing germinal epithelium

Semeniferous tubules
- Basement membrane of this epithelium is covered by fibrous
CT, with an innermost layer containing flattened, smooth
muscle-like myoid cells, which allow weak contraction of the
Intratesticular ducts
- straight tubules, rete testis and the efferent ductules
- carry spermatozoa and liquid from the seminiferous tubules to
the duct of epididymis

Leydig cells
- Large, polygonal, eosinophilic cells that typically contain lipid
- Crystals of Reinke – appears refractile in routine histologic
sections. Their exact. (wa nay sumpay lol)
- Have an elaborate smooth ER
- The enzymes necessary for the synthesis of testosterone from Straight Tubules/tubuli recti
cholesterol are associated with the sER - joins the seminiferous tubules to the rete testis
- Secretion of testosterone is required during embryonic - lined only by sertoli cells and near their termination, it
development, sexual maturation, and reproductive function narrows and their lining changes to a simple cuboidal
- empty into the rete testis

Rete Testis
- complex series of interconnecting channels within highly
vascular CT of the mediastinum
- a simple cuboidal or low columnar epithelium lines the
- cells have a single apical cilium and relatively few short apical

Leydig cell tumors

- Represents predominantly benign tumors
- It occurs during two distinct periods (in childhood and in
adults between 20 and 60 years old)
- They are hormonally active and secrete androgens or
combination of androgens and estrogens
- Commonly, they are composed of uniform cells with all
characteristics of steroid hormone secreting cells containing
Reinke crystals
- The first symptom of theses benign tumors, besides testicular
enlargement, usually is related to abnormal level of hormone

Efferent Ductules
• Epithelium shows groups of tall columnar cells alternate with
groups of cuboidal cells
• Shorter cells – exhibit a brush border like apical surface
because of the microvilli
• The tall collumnar cells possess cilia
• Most of the fluid secreted in the seminiferous tubules is
reabsorbed in the efferent ductules
• The muscular coat characteristic of the excurrent duct system
first appears at the beginning of the efferent ductules

• lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with stereocilia
• Mucosa
• Muscularis Mucosa
o Inner and outer layers of longitudinal smooth muscle
and an intervening layer of circular smooth muscle
• External adventitia


• epididymis
• ductus/vas deferens
• urethra
• develops from the mesonephric (Wolffian) duct and
mesonephric tubules

• head, body and tail
• lies along the posterior and superior sides of each testis ACCESSORY GLANDS
• storage and site of sperm maturation
• single, highly coiled tube about 4-5 m in length
• the epididymal duct is line with pseudostratified columnar
epithelium composed of rounded basal cells and columnar
cells with long branched, irregular microvilli called stereocilia
• principal cells and basal cells
• Exocrine glands
• Produce a viscid, yellowish
secretion containing:
ü Fructose
ü Citrate
ü Inositol
ü Prostaglandins
ü Fibrinogen
ü Enzymes and other
• Highly tortuous tubes about
15 cm in length
• The height of the seminal
vesicle epithelial cells and
their degree of secretory
activity are dependent on
adequate levels of testosterone
• Mucosa – thin layer of smooth muscle cell, fibrous coat
• Pseudostratified columnar epithelium, non ciliated

- Secretes pre-seminal fluid
- Compound tubuloalveolar glands
- Fibroelastic capsule
- CT septa divides the gland into several lobules
PROSTATE - Epithelium consists of columnar mucus secreting cells
• it is approximately 2 cm x 3cm x 4cm in size - Nuclei are displaced to the base of the cells
• weight = 20 g
• secrete a clear, alkaline fluid – pH 7.29
• collection of 30-50 branched tubuloalveolar glands, all
surrounded by a dense fibromuscular stroma covered by a
• 3 zones:
1. transition zone
2. periurethral zone
3. central zone
4. peripheral zone
• Granular epithelium – simple columnar

- Composed of 3 cylindrical masses of erectile tissue, plus the
penile urethra
- Corpora cavernosa – placed dorsally
- Corpora spongiosum – ventral and surrounds the urethra

- Erectile tissue:
a. Corpora cavernosa
b. Corpora spongiosum

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