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Q1. Do you pick up those pieces of papers in your sorroundings?

Respondent Response Key words Similarities

1 Sometimes if there’s Sometimes
watching on me and
commanding on me.
2 Sometimes if there’s Sometimes
watching on me and
commmanding on me.
3 Sometimes if there’s Sometimes
watching on me
4 Sometimes if there is Sometimes
watching on me or
asking on me to pick up
the pieces of papers.
5 Always because our Always
teacher get mad.
6 Sometimes I pick up Sometimes Sometimes
garbages in my
sorroundings in order
to be clean.
7 Always, even if my Always
teacher is not arround I
pick up those pieces,
even if it is out of our
room I will pick up
those peaces of papers
an etc.
8 Sometimes if the Sometimes
teacher asked us to
clean the room.
9 Never because I am not Never
fond in listening in my
10 Sometimes because I’m Sometimes
busy so I don’t have
time to pick up those
Table 1 shows that most of the respondents response sometimes, it means that sometimes they pick up
those pieces of paper in their sorroundings. So in this kind of actions and behavior they cannot achieve
the cleanliness that they wanted to.

Question 2: In segregating your wastes, do you apply the 3r’s?

Respondents Response Key words Similarities

1 Sometimes i throw my Sometimes
garbages but I didn’t
use 3r’s.
2 Always, because if I saw Always
a plastics I put it in the
trash can.
3 Never, because I didn’t Never
throw my garbages in a
proper can.
4 Sometimes, if we need Sometimes
to recycle the garbages.
5 Sometimes, if our Sometimes
activities needed this
6 Sometimes, if I realize Sometimes Sometimes
that garbages is
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and
7 Always, I will put the Always
garbages if there is a
right trash can.
8 Sometimes, if there is a Sometimes
can namely:
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable, and
9 Sometimes, if I realize Sometimes
that this is
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and
10 Always, because our Always
teacher will get mad.

Table 2 shows that most of the respondents response sometimes, it means that in segregating thier
waste sometimes they apply the 3r’s. So, those respondents didn’t have enough knowledge, skills and
practices in segreating thier waste properly and also there is a pssibilty that those garbages will be
scattered everywhere and the sorroundings wiil be dirty.

Question 3: Do you dispose your wastes in a proper bin/s?

Respondents Response Key word Similarities

1 Sometimes, I dispose Sometimes
my waste in a proper
2 Sometimes, I dispose Sometimes
my wastes in a proper
3 Sometimes, I dispose Sometimes
my garbages in a proper
4 Never, because I throw Never
my wastes everywhere.
5 Sometimes, because I Sometimes
throw my wastes
everywhere. Sometimes
6 Sometimes, because I Sometimes
throw my garbages not
in a proper way.
7 Sometimes, because Sometimes
there is only one trash
can in our classroom.
8 Sometimes, because I Sometimes
throw my wastes
9 Sometimes, when it’s Sometimes
10 Not all the time, Not all the time
because I throw my
wastes anywhere.

Table 3 shows that most of the respondents response sometimes, it means that sometimes they dispose
thier waste in a proper bin/s. So, probably their wastes will be mixed up and those waste that can be
recycled will never have a value anymore. Which it can lead to a serious problem in their environment,
sorroundings, and also it can affect our health especially the children.
Question 4: Do you recycle those cans and bottles?

Respondent Response Key word Similarities

1 Sometimes, I recycle Sometimes
those bottles if it is
needed in my project.
2 Never, because I just Never
put it everywhere.
3 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
needed in my project.
4 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
5 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes

needed in our activity.
Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
7 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
8 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
9 Sometimes, if it is Sometimes
needed in our project.
10 Sometimes, just like Sometimes
those cans I use it as a
flower pot.

Table 4 shows that most of the respondents response sometimes, it means that sometimes they recycle
those cans and bottles. So, those cans and bottles that can be use again will be scattered anywhere and
it will no longer have a value. Also it can destroy our mother nature for some of the wastes has a toxic
chemical and the garbages will not be lessen.
Question 5: Do you clean your classroom after your class?

Respondent Response Key words Similarities

1 Always, because it is Always
nice to see.
2 Always, because Always
everytime our class
ends I will clean
3 Sometimes, I clean our Sometimes
classroom if I am the
4 Sometimes, I clean our Sometimes
5 Sometimes, if I am not Sometimes Sometimes
6 Yes, so that our Yes
classroom will be nice
and clean.
7 Sometimes, if I am the Sometimes
8 Yes, so that our Yes
classroom will be nice.
9 Sometimes, if someone Sometimes
told me to clean.
10 Sometimes, if my Sometimes
teacher told me.

Table 5 shows that most of the respondents response sometimes, it means that sometimes they clean
thier classroom after the class. So in this kind of action of the students there is a possibility that thier
classroom is not cleaned and the students shows that they are irresponsible in the task that thier
teacher given to them.
Statement Yes No
1.Sticks,plastics and wrappers
are place in the proper trash
2.The garbages are properly
3.Pieces of paper was pick up
and throw in the trash bin/s.
4.Garbages are rightly separated.
5.Trash bin/s are not fully-
6.Their bin/s are color-coded.
7.There are three trash cans;
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and recyclable.

As we observe in Grade-8 Pearl, the students didn’t have enough knowledge, skills and practices
regarding proper waste segregation. It is not the students fault but it’s the teachers for they didn’t take
their resposibility as a role model in their students and they don’t have enough facilities regarding in
proper waste segregation. Teachers must take some actions about the said problem in order to secure
the reputation of the sorruondings in their classroom.

Grade 7 Dahlia

Statement Yes No
1.Sticks,plastics and wrappers
are place in the proper trash
2.The garbages are properly
3.Pieces of paper was pick up
and throw in the trash bin/s.
4.Garbages are rightly separated.
5.Trash bin/s are not fully-
6.Their bin/s are color-coded.
7.There are three trash cans;
biodegradable, non-
biodegradable and recyclable.

As we observe in Grade-7 Dahlia, the students also didn’t have enough knowledge, skills, practices and
also they are lack of self-desciplne and irresponsible in throwing thier garbage properly. Yes, they have
the three bin/s that are color-coded but they didn’t know how to segregate thier waste properly
because as we can see in thier bin/s the garbages was mixed up. So in this kind of action of the students
the teachers must teach thier students on how to segregate those garbages properly and also they must
be a role model so that the students will follow them.

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