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FORCE MAJEURE – In case any obligation herein is not performed, in whole or in part, due to
force majeure or fortuitous event as the same are defined by law, there shall be no claim for Commented [LMGF1]: is

damages by any party against the other party/parties. In such case, the period of performing the
obligation shall be extended corresponding to the period of force majeure provided that this
Agreement will be terminated should the period of force majeure exceed thirty (30) days.
PROVIDED further, the party invoking fortuitous event shall start the performance of its affected
obligations as soon as practicable. For purposes of this Agreement, the term “fortuitous events” Commented [LMGF2]: the phrase “as soon as practicable”
should be changed to “as soon as determined by the parties.”
shall include acts of public authority, labor/transport strikes, epidemics, accidents and natural
calamities as would render it impossible for the parties to perform their respective obligations
hereunder without risk of danger to themselves or their property.

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