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A subsidiary of MSU-IIT NMPC, an education Cooperative

Zone 8, Miguel Sheker Ave., Bagong Silang
9200 Iligan City
School ID 463009
Educational Service Contracting (ESC) ID 1004028
Tel. Nos. (063) 222-0916 / (063) 221-4036
1st Summative Examination
(July 18-19, 2019)
English 7
Name: _________________________________________ Section: _______________
General Directions: 1. Read the instructions carefully. 2. Avoid any erasures. 3. Cellular phones and other gadgets are not allowed. 4. Use of calculator may be
allowed when instructed. 5.Ask your proctor for clarifications. 6. Cheating may result to expulsion.

I. A. Circle the slang word/phrase expression used in each sentence below.

1. My aunt from Canada gave me some bucks. 4. John brought his new black wheels.

2. I love my little brother, yet sometimes he is a pain in the neck. 5. Gotta go! I have an appointment.

3. He didn’t like the concert. He said it sucks! 6. Howdy? Our friends want us to join the year-end party.

B. Match the meaning of the slang word/phrase expression in Column A to Column B. Write the letter on
the blank.
Column A Column B
_______7. “hot young men” a. got caught
_______8. “Awesome!” b. handsome
_______9. “busted” c. shocked
_______10. “Shookt!” d. great!

II. A. Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.

11. Scientists (search, searches) for information about how animals communicate.
12. A police officer (work, works) with the Crime Watch program to keep our neighborhood safe.
13. Your friend (talk, talks) too much.
14. The man with the roses (look, looks) like your brother.
15. The women in the pool (swim, swims) well.
16. The weather on the coast (appear, appears) to be good this weekend.
17. One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France
18. The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
19. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
20. The principal as well as the teachers (visit, visits) the sick student
11. One of my friends (work, works) in the hospital.
12. The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.

B. Cross out each incorrect verb and write the correct form above it in the following paragraph. 23- 30

The students plans to have an amazing vacation in Hawaii. One of them ask his parents to come.

Unfortunately, his parents is busy. His sister, together with their cousins want to join the students. The vacation will

happen next year. The students are now very excited.

III. A. Circle every colloquial word or expression used in the sentence below.

31. The little kid has been running to and fro today. 34. The Math problems are hard and fast.
32. She ain’t interested in movies. 35. I need to learn the ins and outs of this business.
33. I gotta go now. 36. He’s sick and tired of his new job.
B. Choose in the box the correct colloquial pair to complete each sentence below. Write the letter on the
a. safe and sound b. pros and cons c. prim and proper d. odds and ends

37. Kean is _____. He likes everything to be in order.

38. I’m glad my parents were ______ when they arrived home after the storm.

39. You have to know the ______ before you decide on something.

40. My grandparents just had ____ for dinner.

IV. Circle the verb that agrees with the subject.

41. Neither Matt nor his brothers (was-were) at the party.
42. Either the workers or the boss (deliver-delivers) the merchandise.
43. Either Joyce or Ellen (was-were) here.
44. A magazine and a book (was-were) lying on the floor.
45. The value of cars and motorcycles (has-have) increased.
46. The principal and her husband (is-are) honored guests.
47. Either the pitcher or the base runners (was-were) caught napping.
48. Either Luis or Horace (pay-pays) the bills in our house.
49. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
50. Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
51. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
52. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
53. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to see that movie.
54. Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
55. Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject.
56. All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (is, are) in this case.
57. A boy and a girl (were-was) here to see you.
58. All of the workers (is-are) receiving their bonus.
59. In a marathon, few of the starters (finishes-finish) the race.
60. (Doesn’t-Don’t) they know when to quit?

“Honest zero is better than a stolen one.”


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