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Walkthrough [MNO]

Before I start, I can't give a list of the items that

is available for sales in each bait shops, and the
recipe(s) available in each shops, nor can I list the
price of each of it. But I don't think it's necessary
because the game is straight forward, so you just have
to collect as much money as possible by catching and
selling as many fish as possible in each area.


A.STREAM AREA (Shizuka Village) [NOP]

(baits: Worm, Shrimp, Frog, Insect, Bee Larva)

After choosing and naming the character of your choice,

you will be taken to a short cut-screen and dialog in a
family of 4 consisting of a father, mother, bro and sis.
After the dialog, you will be outside the house.
I suggest you first go to the Inn infront of your
character's house. Enter to read the Notice Board.
There will be three messages to read. The first one
mention about a fishing tournament, the second about
cooking contest, while the third mention about a stream

Next, go to the far south to meet Mamoon, he will

talk about curry. Next go to the sign board infront
of the shop, to read the name of your village.
Go into the shop, it's an equipment shop that
also sells a medium basket. Don't buy it yet.
Walk out of the shop and talk to the woman next
to the well and your house. She will ask you
to do an errand for her. She wants you to catch
for her a river trout. Open your "equipment,
you will find that you have 1 worm, bamboo pole,
float A (Round), and a small basket.

Go to the next shop, it's an bait shop that

sell lures, rods, and baits, as well as other
fishing equipment. Buy a shovel there, if you
have enough money, go ahead and buy the insect
net also. Without the items like insect net,
shovel, landing net, etc. You will have
trouble finding the baits that are available in the
areas I've mentioned, if you don't have all the
equipments for bait hunting.

Next, walk to the fish shop, use the "examine"

option on the dark green patch next to it and
the cooking contest stand. You will get
"worm bait", keep pressing x button to fill
up you bait box. Next, go to the stream to start
fishing, once you catch a river trout, give
the fish to the woman. She will give you a
treasure map. You can choose to find the
treasure or continue fishing. I suggest you
continue fishing for more.

Once you have enough money, use it to buy the

Magnifying Glass and Medium Basket. You can
also choose to buy the recipes after buying
the equipments, including the rods and poles,
as well as the lures and baits. But I have to
say that the maggot and bee larva will not come
to play in this area. So why waste money buying
it now.

Now go to talk to Naoko on the first bridge,

she will ask you to catch an Ayu fish. She will
compare who's fish is longest. If you win, she
will give you a recipe. Before catching the fish,
take your time to talk to all of the characters
to learn more on where to catch fish and find
out about the area.

You can also choose to try answering the trivia

questions the animals ask. Also you can continue
to find out where to find the baits. The bee larva
can be found across the north bridge around the red
shrine and waterfall.

The insect can be found near Minoru and around Old

Smarty's house, also behind the fisherman next to
Minoru. The frog can be found south across the 1st
bridge before the young fisherman, near some trees.
The shrimp is south of the Ayu fisherman before the
river dam. The worm can be found next to the fish
shop and up further before the path to Takako.

Once you caught an Ayu fish, go to Naoko to trigger

another conversation and collect your reward if you
win. I won the first time round. So I don't know
what will happen if your fish is smaller than hers.
Go to the Jizo statue infront of the bait shop to
find the treasure.

Just follow the clue, you will end up infront of

the tree next to your house beside the woman who
looks more like a grandma to me. You will find
a treasure of some sort. Next, go to the fishing
tournament and join. Catch as many Ayu(s) as
possible within the time limit. I'm sure by now
you should have a general idea where to catch
the fish.

If you fail, don't worry, keep entering it.

You must get first place to trigger Old Smarty's
dialog. After winning you will get 500G. As I've
mentioned, now go to Old Smarty's house. Talk to
him to learn how to swim. Now go to where the Ayu
fisherman is. Swim across to meet the Blue Sprite.
He will give you a ??? seed. Return to Old Smarty
to talk about the boulder that is blocking the path
to Mntn area.

He will tell you to catch a Yamame for the Wood god.

Catch one for it. Place the fish by using the "examine"
option infront of the shrine. A cut screen will trigger
and the boulder will be removed. Time to head for the
next area.

%%% ? Love letter : Not sure what for and who's. ? %%%

B.MNTN (Minamo Pass and Minamo Peak) [OPQ]

(baits: Fish Egg, Insect, Shrimp, Frog, Pasta Bait)

Once you enter the next area, go to meet Shizu on the

right side behide the large mount before the bridge to
Minosa Pass. Now go to the bait shop to buy a landing
net and anything you feel you might need.

Personally the rest of the items are less important for

the moment. Next go to talk to Naoko near the boat dock,
a dialog will trigger about the great brown trout.

Go talk to the rest of the characters in Minosa Pass

and go across to Minosa Peak. Walk straight to the far
south passing Nussie while talking to all of the
characters there. You will end meeting Naoko again.
Start fishing for the trout mentioned.

I caught it after 2 tries. I believe you will also

especially since by now you should have an idea that
the larger the fish the larger it is visible to your
eye even before starting to fish, although you won't
be able to know what fish it is before it bites on your
lure. Once you caught the fish, talk to Naoko, she will
give you a reward. Return to Minosa Pass, to meet
Shizu again.

After that, go back to stream area to meet Minoru.

You will trigger a dialog about a floating bottle
containing a recipe that he tried and liked.
He will ask you to find the person who wrote the
recipe. Go back to Minosa Pass and talk to Shizu.
You will trigger another dialog, where Minoru
propose to Shizu to stay and marry him.
Shizu will give you a reward.

Go to Minosa Peak to talk to Daisuke and Nussie.

But before that, make sure you have at least 3
large fish. After giving the fish to Nussie,
it will give you a treasure map.

Now go back to where the green Jizo statue is.

Walk to the beach and press the zoom out button.
You will see partially an island. Swim across to
meet a fisherman who will talk about buying a boat.

Go to the only tree there and use the "examine" button, you
will get a fossil. Swim back. Now go to meet Sochico, the red
dress girl near the fisherman who talks about Wataka and
Honmoraka fish. She will talk about a Bass Festival.
Now go to find 6 of it. Take it back to her and get your
reward. Go to the equipment shop to buy a Large Basket.

Upon winning, go to meet Behei, he is the Ninja look alike g

uy on the bridge at the centre of Minosa Peak. He will talk
about his 99 fish and ask you to catch an Albino Rainbow

But this Island is further and deserted. Swim from where

Nussie is, you will end up on the island. Try catching it
from there. I don't guarentee anything. But, that's where
I found the fish Benhei mentioned. Do remember that on the
island you won't find any bait or lure. So make sure you
bring enough.

So if you run out of lure or bait, you must go buy more or

search for more. Go back to Benhei after catching it.
He will let you pass to the next island behind him.
He will also mention about a washtub hidden in the
statue on the island. Go to find the item mentioned.

After that, go to the fishing tournament to join

the Bass fishing tournament. Catch a large fish
to win before time up. Once you win you will get
500G. Next you can choose to catch more fish to
buy all the items available in the Mntn area.

Now go back to the stream area, talk to Yoko near

the shrine, she will give an errand, you must go
to meet Takako not behind the hill from the
Oshorokana fisherman. Talk to Takako to trigger
another errand. After knowing what the errand is,
go back to Minosa Peak, start fishing for the salmon.
Now go back to Yoko to start another dialog.
She will give you 2 recipes, Blacken Newt
and Boiled Prawn. A new area is now available.

C.Field (Asatsuya Village) [PQR]

(baits: Worm, Insect, Pasta Bait, Shrimp)

Go and explore the area. Now talk to the Member #1

infront of the fish shop. He will give you an
errand to meet Naoko and get for him her autograph
as well as give her a monster bass. Now go to where
the tall grass is near the 1st bridge. You will also
by now know that there are plenty of bass in the
centre of the pond. Equip the washtub, and row to
the centre of the pond. You can equip your rod
while in the tub. Catch a monster bass.

Take it to Naoko across the bridge behind the cooking

contest stand. She will give you her autograph.
Take it to Member #1, he will give you a Giant Baskett.

You will notice that there are 2 fishing tournaments

available. Choose the one you feel will give you the
best chance of winning. After collecting the reward
from the first contest, go and join the second contest.
I believe catching Tanago is easier than Hera.
Once you win in both contests, you can go to meet
Serika across the pond in the area.

She will talk about fossils.She then will offer to give

you her's if you catch for her an Eel, Iwana and Smelt.
You must catch all 3 before going back to give to her
the items in her errand list. By far this errand is
the toughest because catching the 3 fish are not easy
as it's not many and only can be found in certain spot
in each area that you must visit.

After doing the errand. Talk to Ms.Rumiko, she's the

teacher next to the equipment shop in the area. She will
ask for help to catch 6 Killifish for her biology class.
Do the errand to get a Loach Stew Recipe. After that,
you can choose to catch as much fish as possible and buy
all the recipe.

After doing so, go back to the stream area and

meet Mamoon at the far south lower stream area
near the equipment shop. He will talk about his
special curry known as "Mamoon curry".
He blocks the path to the next area, you must
get his 3 things.

But he will ask for 1 at a time. Get each one to

satisfy him. The errand is to catch Itou, Cherry
Salmon and Prawn. Once you get all three, he will
let you taste his curry. It will replenish your
HP. Also he will open the path and drop a
Raw King Carp Recipe. Now the rapids area
is open.

D.Rapids (Mizukiri Pass and Mizukiri Village) [QRS]

(baits: Maggot, Small Fish, Insect, Shrimp)

Now explore the area first. This area is by far

the most intresting of the areas I've explored.
The fish are more agressive than that of the
other areas. It's my favourite area. First,
go to the bridge, you will meet an old man
holding a round fish bowl.

He will talk to you about a missing guppy pet of

his, named Miya. His name is Old Beardy. You must
look for it. If you go to the lower right across
the bridge, far below the vegetable plot, you will
meet an old lady who will give you a clue to where
the fish maybe found.

It's near a water wheel. Not easy to find, but it's

around that place. Catch it, to get another errand.
This time from the fish it'self. It will ask for you
to catch 3 of it's guppy friends. Catch it, then take
"them" to Old Beardy. He will give you a
float D (Panda) as reward.

Next go and meet Yama the sloppy detective by the

brown well on the hill side by the Inn. He will
take you to a cutscreen about a possible murder.
The suspect is Akako, the red dress lady behind
the tree. But before you get to her, you must
talk to some of the rapids area residence.
First talk to Saburo the gardener next to Yama.
He will give you a clue to the witness.

Next go to the equipment shop. The equipment shop

is not easy to find. it's on an island downstream
from Old Beardy's location. Swim to the area.
You will notice there are 3 persons there besides
the equipment shop lady. Talk to Misako to get
another clue. She will tell you to go to a house
upstream just behind the Mizukiri Pass sign
post. Talk to Hironori.

He will tell you to find Suzuka upstream.

But before you find him at the downstream
across the bridge from the equipment shop.
Go upstream and swim to the island next to
the water wheel. Meet Norio, a friend of
Suzuka, he will tell you where the boy is.
Now go to meet him. He will tell you to go
meet Misako to find another possible witness.

Now go to meet Kaori, the girl in red standing next

to the well near the water wheel. She will later
tell you of another possible witness, Miyuki.
She is downstream, next to Misako. Meet her to
find more information. You will meet Yama, next
to the inn. You will later find that
Akako is the suspect.

There's not much to buy in the area, there's the work

gloves for your other fishing equipment needs,
float C(rabbit) and the wet fly to buy. Other than
that, there's no recipe or rod to buy. After that,
the turtle fishing tournament is open for play.
Now go to the mntn area to meet Kaoru, he will offer
an exchange for you ??? seed with a vegetable
set (The Straw Millionare:Part 2).

Now go to the field area, find the woman standing north

of Serika's house. Talk to her and trade the vegetable
set for a bracelet (The Straw Millionare:Part 3).

Next, meet another woman behind the water wheel in the

rapids area, to trade the bracelet with a pretty stone
(The Straw Millionare:Part 4).

If you talk to Tetsuo, you will find out that Akako ran
to the swamp area followed by Yama the detective, but Akako
is hiding in the island south of the equipment shop.

Find Naoko across south dam at Rapids area near Akako's

hiding spot. She will challenge you to a fishing showdown
to catch an Aouo of 40 Inches or larger. Catch one of the
required size and bring it to her. Once you win, the swamp
area is open. Then, go to meet Hiroshi near water wheel, he
will ask for help to find a fish that he need. Get him one
at a time, a Big Iwana, Big Rainbow Trout, and Big Catfish.
He will give a big catfish miso soup recipe and a treasure
map. Follow the clue to find the treasure in the rapids
area, a fossil.

Go to the field area, to meet Kazuki, he will ask for help

to find his brother Mizuki. Go to the swamp area to
find him, talk to him and he will ask for a boiled prawn
cooking. Get it for him.(also informed in part E.)

E.Swamp (Kisumi Village) [RST]

(baits: Worm, Shrimp, Bee larva, Frog)

To get to this area, there are two ways, the first

is to go from the east of the fish shop at the rapids
area, while the other is through the stream area
behind Tetsuo. The rapids area path is openned first,
later the stream area path will also available after
winning the showdown with Naoko at the rapids area.

Go to the fish shop to talk to the fishmonger.

He will ask an errand to catch a King Akane and a
Big Snakehead for him to cook for a customer,
he will give you a Stew Motsugo Recipe.

Find Mizuki further north from the fish shop, he's

wearing a blue shirt with a panda patern.
He will talk about his father. He is then willing
to return home if he can bring his father's
favourite food, a boiled prawn. Make one and give
it to him to complete the errand.

Talk to the apprentice, he will talk about his teacher

"the chef" and his problems. He will ask for help to
catch some fish. He will ask for a Big Itou of
63 Inches or larger size, Silver Buna of 7 Inches
or more, Oshorokoma of 9 Inches or more, and a
Big Grass Carp of 50 Inches or more.
Complete the errand to open a short cutscreen.
The chef will give a monster catfish miso soup.

Now, find Raiko, the old man near the field in the area,
talk to him to exchange the pretty stone for a master
lure rod (The Straw Millionare: Part 5).

The fishing tournament by now should be open, join it

and catch a monster size catfish within 5 minute.
After winning it, a long cutscreen will show a tv
reporter interviewing you from an "All Pro Fishing

Now head south to the hill, to find Naoko, Ayu and Ayu's
Manager debating. Ayu will propose a fishing showdown.
Go catch an electric ell of monster size. Upon winning,
you will get a grilled big eel recipe from Ayu.

Next, swim to the island next to the catfish contest.

Find Naoko behind some trees. She will ask for a final
showdown. This time, the is known as '7ups', where you
must get a fish from any area within the mentioned size
range. It cannot be smaller or larger than the ranged
size. Also you must empty your basket leaving only a
fish to contest for each range.

The first range is, 1-11 inches, the second is

16-22 inches, the third is 26-35 inches, and the last
is more than 40 inches. If you win, she will give
you a boss fly rod. And the rivalry between you and
Naoko is officially ended.

Now talk to Kazuma to get a treasure map. Find the

'piece of something' treasure near the woman who
talks about wild boar. Use the "examine" button
to find for it. It's quite tricky and more
difficult to find than the other treasure map.
On finding the fossil, there will be a cutscreen
showing an earthquack.

Go to the stream area to talk to Old Smarty.

He will inform you that the fossil actually is
a 'fish fossil', which is a River King's.
He will also give a Master's Pole. A new area
will open, after he mentioned about a mysterious
underground lake.

But before you leave for the next area, go to the

Mntn area to find Kai at the boat dock, standing
on a boat, talk to him several times until he ask
you about fishing and mention about pineapple.
He will give you a mineral rod if you answer
"fish" when he ask you about what you like. Now,
go back to the stream area and prepare yourself.

If you talk to Kazuko 'the fortune teller' at the

stream area, she will read your fortune, by
answering simple questions.
Make sure your fishing skill is 4 or higher to
proceed, and make sure you have made enough food
and full HP. Once ready, go to the far north to
the waterfall from Old Smarty's house. Swim or use
the tub to go into the waterfall to reveal a
new area.

F. Underground Lake [STU]

(baits: Maggot, Small Fish, Fish Egg)

This area is divided into 3 areas; B1, B2, and B3.

All are the same but with different fish in lake.
To get to each areas, you must either swim or use
the tub to the far end of the lake in each area.
As long as you have enough HP and your fishing
skill is at least 4, you should have no problem
in this area.

Go to the B3 area to find the River King, it's a

monster size coelacanth, with it's fin bearing a
red "Australia Continent" marking. Once you get
the fish, then a cutscreen will appear. End of game,
but it will take you back to the stream area where
you can save your game and continue searching for
other fish or items yet to find.

Having difficulties finding the river king? Well,

if you notice the fish in the centre, near the far
end of the lake in B3, which appear and disappear
quite quickly. Well....that's it. You may be
fooled a few times. But with sure luck, that fish
will bite.

Also, if you go back to your house at the stream area,

you will be informed that a new River King has appeared.
If you want to catch it, just go to the same spot
where you caught the fish.

This time, there will be plenty of river kings to catch.

All can be found at the centre lake of B3. Also, if you
talk to the charachters in the game after completing
the game and then continue, they're dialogs will
change. And Kazuko's fortune-telling will also require
more questions than the last time before completing the

You can also choose to change character and play

from beginner again but with all areas already
opened, from the loading screen.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF Walkthrough >>>>>>>

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