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Contemporary Global Governance- Group 2

Albania, Lee Ann Nicole Tanchangco, Alyssa

Tropicales, Kristine Cae Paigan, Kristine
BACKGROUND OF THE REPORT: This report answers two main topics:
1. What part does globalization play in global governance and how UN responds to it?
2. How global governance affects the future of every state?
1. Effective global governance cannot be achieved without effective internal cooperation.
2. UN, though not for all, is the central clearing house for action and information.
3. Global governance creates losers as well as winners and entails risks as well as provides opportunities.
4. Every states’ problems lie NOT in globalization but in the deficiencies in its governance.
4.1 Steps in Identifying gaps and filling it in
a. Managing Knowledge
b. Developing Norms
c. Promulgating Recommendations
d. Institutionalizing Ideas
5. Global Governance is not a supplement, but rather, a kind of surrogate for authority and enforcement for the
contemporary world.
6. Global Governance invades Territorial State
6.1 Different Characteristics of territorial state
a. Separated from other states
b. Territory is sovereign
c. Has the monopoly of law and power of coercion
d. National state rules its citizen
e. Has direct governance of its inhabitants
f. Can be turned into citizen states
6.2 Forces that weaken the states
a. Infranational and supranational forces
b. Withrawal of citizens
c. The indespensable redistributive function
6.3 Alternative solutions to the problems of the states
a. Laissez Faire
b. “Small is Beautiful”
1. The world doesn’t have a single government due to people’s different beliefs, norms, national politics and
sovereignty, but through global governance, multiple countries make an authoritative government of imagined and
constructed community.
2. UN is a continuous evolution of a governance seeking for a unified and prospered states.
3.Globalization creates interdependence between countries in which global governance takes place through
multilateral organizations by solving problems which cannot be solved by one state.
4.Globalization can also be abused by interdependence and create wide gaps between industrialized and developing
5.Through global governance, the strength and capacity of a nation-state to deal with challenges can be measured.
6. Transnational and multinational corporations, if not governed, can undermine and makes states lose control of
their territory

1. Globalization and global governance are intimately connected. As Globalization occurs, states lose controls over their
destinies, problems become “bigger” than the capacities of individual governments, and the states must delegate
political authority from authorities with powers that can solve those issues. This is when global governance takes place.
UN is considered as the central authority of the countries all over the world which provides a better and more effective
global governance.
2. Global governance gives rise to transnational entities operating within states and those entities can bring either
positive or negative effects to the future of the state: the state will no longer have sovereign control over its territory, or
the state can acquire an even better and powerful political force.

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