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Comprehensive report is intended to explore a topic or an idea in great detail. In business,

comprehensive reports are often used to evaluate and discuss a company's financial situation.
Comprehensive reports may be used for other purposes as well, such as summarizing a new business
trend or describing a new target market.

The contents of a comprehensive research report vary depending on the type of report you're writing,
they may include an executive summary, an introduction, a table of contents, several main body
paragraphs, a conclusion, an appendix and a references section.

1. Executive summary - This consists of several paragraphs that summarize the entire report. The
executive summary should give the reader a condensed preview of the comprehensive report so they
can pick out the highlights. This section of the paper is often useful for busy executives who want to
preview the report to get an understanding of what it’s about.

2. Introduction - it tells the readers what they are about to read and explain the main points that will be
made in the report.

3. Main body paragraphs - It is the part that contains all the conducted research, reasoning and
argumentation that you have to present. The body of every paper must be coherent, well-structured and
logically sound. So with that in mind, let’s delve into how to write a great body paragraph for your
research paper.

4. Conclusion - it summarizes the report. The conclusion should consolidate all the main points you
made in the report. It may include your recommendations or opinions on the topic at hand.

5. Appendix it compiles extra information related to the content of a paper. The appendix does not
contain the main thesis or major points of a paper; rather, it presents resources for the reader for further
reading or further elaborates on related but nonessential topics. It may include list of source of charts,
tables or graphics you used in the report

6. References - The reference page is a crucial element of your research paper; it helps you prevent
plagiarism, and it proves you did your research. By providing publication information about the sources
that helped you write your paper, the reference page both grants proper credit to other researchers and
demonstrates your own scholarly diligence, thereby inducting you into the world of academia.

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