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Chapter 1

The problem and its background

The Philippines’ passion for sports is immense. Whether as an athlete
or just mere spectators, Filipinos crave for sports entertainment and
sports achievements. The whole country supports when a Filipino
athlete or team is in conquest for success. It only shows that success in
sports creates many opportunities, extracts an extensive range of fame
for the country, and also displays the heart of an athlete coming from
that nation which integrates the heart of people from that nation. A
huge amount of the Government’s budget is allotted for Philippine
Sports’ development, which tells how much the country is involved in
Sports have mirrored and became a great part of our society since their
existence was first recorded. Popularization of physical culture, sports
and healthy lifestyle plays an important role in society in any country.
As the impact and influence extend in many areas of people’s lifestyle,
it is now viewed as one of the most important contributors to tourism
and a potential tool for urban development.
Speaking about the role of sport in modern society, it can be argued
that sport is a continuous social experiment, in which mankind shows
it’s potential, accumulating and improving human capital, expanding its
potential. Sports, by performing developmental, educational, patriotic,
communicative function, integrates and coordinates individuals and
social groups, helps the nation to develop.
The sport system is directly connected with the subsystems of health,
science, culture, upbringing and education. Sports has a significant
impact on the socio-economic and political processes of any modern
society. Sports and games are means of mental and physical growth.
During sports we come to learn many things. We learn how to maintain
mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair.
The C. U. S. O. G project offers the client a variety of outdoor facilities
and adventure courses that will improve not only their physical growth
but also mental growth. The project will also cater non-athletes, aiming
to inspire them to be active in their leisure time.

The motivation for this project began after seeing the

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