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The Computer is a man-made electronic programmable machine designed to sequentially and automatically

carry out a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations. Here, we are giving summary on the Computer
Science and Information Technology which has covered all the fundamentals of computers.

Summary on Computer Science and Information Technology

1. The abacus is the first known calculating device. It was invented by the Chinese and is still widely
used in the Far East for commercial calculations. Blaise Pascal invented the second mechanical calculator
called Pascaline.
2. Charles Babbage is considered as the father of computer because he invented the difference engine
and analytical engine. Alan Turing is regarded as the father of modern computer science.
3. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes to store information. Magnetic drums were used for
memory. Vacuum tubes were invented by Lee De Forest.
4. Computers Artificial intelligence is being used and Japanese call them 'Knowledge Processors'. John
McCarthy is considered as the father of artificial intelligence.
5. ENIAC electronic Numerical Integrator and computer was the world's first successful electronic
computer, which was developed by two scientists namely JP Eckert and JW Mauchy. It was the
beginning of first generation computer.
vvThe Computer is a man-made electronic programmable machine designed to sequentially and
automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations. Here, we are giving summary on the
Computer Science and Information Technology which has covered all the fundamentals of computers.

Summary on Computer Science and Information Technology

1. The abacus is the first known calculating device. It was invented by the Chinese and is still widely
used in the Far East for commercial calculations. Blaise Pascal invented the second mechanical calculator
called Pascaline.
2. Charles Babbage is considered as the father of computer because he invented the difference engine
and analytical engine. Alan Turing is regarded as the father of modern computer science.
3. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes to store information. Magnetic drums were used for
memory. Vacuum tubes were invented by Lee De Forest.
4. Computers Artificial intelligence is being used and Japanese call them 'Knowledge Processors'. John
McCarthy is considered as the father of artificial intelligence.
5. ENIAC electronic Numerical Integrator and computer was the world's first successful electronic
computer, which was developed by two scientists namely JP Eckert and JW Mauchy. It was the
beginning of first generation computer.
vvvThe Computer is a man-made electronic programmable machine designed to sequentially and
automatically carry out a sequence of arithmetic and logical operations. Here, we are giving summary on the
Computer Science and Information Technology which has covered all the fundamentals of computers.

Summary on Computer Science and Information Technology

1. The abacus is the first known calculating device. It was invented by the Chinese and is still widely
used in the Far East for commercial calculations. Blaise Pascal invented the second mechanical calculator
called Pascaline.
2. Charles Babbage is considered as the father of computer because he invented the difference engine
and analytical engine. Alan Turing is regarded as the father of modern computer science.
3. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes to store information. Magnetic drums were used for
memory. Vacuum tubes were invented by Lee De Forest.
4. Computers Artificial intelligence is being used and Japanese call them 'Knowledge Processors'. John
McCarthy is considered as the father of artificial intelligence.
5. ENIAC electronic Numerical Integrator and computer was the world's first successful electronic
computer, which was developed by two scientists namely JP Eckert and JW Mauchy. It was the
beginning of first generation computer.

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