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Leidy Julieth Cruz Morera

ID: 595245

Communicative language teaching (CLT), Role of grammar and teacher’s believes.

Critical comment

For many teachers the communication is the best option to students learn a second language

for that reason the article “Communicative language teaching (CLT), Role of grammar and

teacher’s believes” by Muhammad Yousaf, Hazrat Umar and Azhar Habib is very useful for

English teachers in training, it is also interesting because the authors give the importance of

how some teachers think that students learn a second language in the best way and the role of

activities in order to create communication. In the same order, students create a conversation

during classes, but is necessary to consider other aspects as environment, context, topics,

material, experiences, concentrate a language, collaboration, cooperation, grammatica,

concentration and performance outside the classroom with the reason of having a good fluency

and accuracy.

The main points of this article are about different teachers thoughts about what is the best

way to teach a second language, in this case English. Nevertheless, to teach English is necessary

that students practice the language and one possibility to practice the language is through

communication. However, conversation has a objective about to prepare the non-native

language learners, in other words, students have the fluency and accuracy at the moment to

speak with daily things, also to engage with possibilities of negotiation of meaning, while

teachers accept some mistakes, notwithstanding in the process to acquire the English language,

teachers must to know some aspects that are related with this topic as the environment that

students are, different real situation, context, experiences. When students talk about something,
they are in a process of collaboration and cooperation, for that reason communication integrates

the students and pay more attention about the topic or situation. Additionally, teachers have a

lot of variation of activities in order to develop the process of communication giving

instructions and using the natural approach, also using wide range of materials and strategies,

students can use their language performance outside of the class. On the other hand, teachers

will have problems about how the students express the ideas or things like that, maybe because

they do not know the situation or they are not comfortable about that. Other question that

teachers do is about if communication will be related to teach grammar because for some

teacher communication is the most important thing in order to teach english that student are

communicating all the time, but other teachers think that grammar has a relationship with the

communication, it depends on the beliefs of teachers about the best way of teach English.

Most of the time, teachers aspire that their students communicate about different topics in

different context and develop the different competences that mention the authors in the page

119: discourse, linguistic, strategic and sociolinguistic competences but teachers need to create

strategies, methodologies and organize some material in order to students have the interest to

learn, also to have the concentration of each student with wide range of activities that it can

change the objective and the way that students develop it, as students can talk about their

experiences, their knowledge, imagine, suppose about any real situation or imagine situation.

All the same teacher need to organize a process with the objective that students need get a good

communication and to develop their way to express the things or about situations. For that

reason grammar and communication need their own space to study and with the time both are

a tool to practice the language.

On the other hand, if teacher want to students have a good communication, students need to

have a base of how construct the communication, how to create sentences and what rules will

need depend on the situation, context, vocabulary and try to evit mistakes with the reason that

conversations can be understood and sentences are coherent, further students will have a idea

about the topic and can speak about it. For instance, If a teacher wants to explain the topic of

routines, maybe teacher will start with a simple explication about what are the structures that

students need to use, also teacher is going to give some vocabulary, some writing activities or

listening activities in order to students repeat and memorize what are the structures for that

topic. Then teacher organize a communicative activity, when students are going to speak about

their experiences, their knowledge, students also share information and they can help each

other. In this activities students can practice the competences and the language, also to take

into account the mistakes that they do and maybe correct them.

In conclusion, the communication and the grammar have a relationship because if you do not

have grammar is very difficult to communicate and communication is useful to practice the

language in order that students can express their opinions, ideas, experiences, so on. For that

reason is important that teachers give a necessary time to explain grammar and a space to

develop communication and that space are important to improve the level of English and try to

understand each part of the language as uses of some words, vocabulary, grammar, rules,

pronunciation, listening, in this way to avoid or learn from the errors, also students are related

with real situation and things that students are related with their environment.

Yousaf. M, Umar. H, Habib. A. (2017)Communicative language teaching (CLT), Role of

grammar and teacher’s believes. From:


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