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MEMBERS: Denyse Constante – Alexander Hidalgo – Steven Laverde

1. English and teaching learning process
Brown (2000:7) states that teaching means guiding and facilitating learning, enabling
the learner to learn, setting the conditions of learning.
The teaching process is constructed day by day because the professor must adequate the
best conditions to learn according to student’s level. The students learn consecutively
through the teacher’s guide.
Uzer (1990: 1) in Suryosubroto (1997: 19) the learning process is a process containing a
course which conducted by teachers and students on the basis of reciprocal relationships
that takes place in an educational situation in order to achieve certain goals.
There are four principal skills in English language there are listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. A professor should focused in develop each ability using a suitable method.
Using the specific method the teacher prepares the class employing the correspondent
material. There is a main objective to accomplish in the academic process according to
the each school. The relationship must be respectful, affable, cordial, etc.
1.1. Importance of linguistic in language teaching
As Halliday (1981), writes:
“A child doesn’t need to know any linguistics to use language to learn; but a
teacher needs to know some linguistics if he wants to understand how the
process takes place—or what is going wrong when it doesn’t” (p. 9).
In educational process the teacher fulfills an essential role because he/she must guides
the way of students. A principal aspect that teacher needs to know is understood about
the features of the language structures, processes and application. There are several
characteristics to analyze the importance of linguistic in language teaching such as:
1. The teacher must study how works the language in this case the foreign
language for its subsequent application.
2. When a class starts students and teacher are involved in the same environment.
Thus, the teacher can teach the language, its pronunciation, grammar, spelling,
3. If the teachers understand the language, they can aid their students to develop
their abilities in the foreign language.
4. The teacher and students can practice new vocabulary day by day for using
5. The oral interaction is presented in each class, the mother tongue or in this case
foreign language is necessary to communicate.
1.2. Schools of linguistics: Functionalism
Hymes (2007) says:
This first school of thought focuses on how language is actually used in
everyday life. Those who abide by functionalism look at language as just another
tool for humans to use, and thus tend to focus on the function language and its
different parts have in our lives. The theories of functionalism focus on
phonological, semantic, syntactic, as well as the pragmatic functions of
language. Functionalism emphasizes the importance of social context, usage,
and the communicative function of the grammar, phonology, orthography, and
more, of a language.
It refers to the characteristics of a language and its use in any situation or context. The
language is like a tool used by humans. There are a billion of plights where the people
need to employ the language such as: jobs, shops, restaurants, schools, etc.
Nevertheless, there are many languages with its rules, features, etc. It reviewed the
foreign language its features and how is taught the language. The English classes are
essentiality based in each part of a language, one of them is lexical that talks about
vocabulary. Thus, the students can learn inductively to express their personal ideas, the
vocabulary can be teach with real situations or based on government book, when they
learn their abilities improving constantly and absorbed new awareness.
1.3. Phonology and Phonetics in English teaching
It is the study of the physical sounds of human discourse; it is the branch of linguistics
that studies the production and perception of the sounds of a language with respect to its
physical manifestations.
In this case the professor needs a good level in English skills to transmit and produce
the language. It influence in English teaching is how the teachers articulate each word to
communicate a message. There are some rules to produce each letter correctly. Apart
from that, how the students and teachers perceive the speech sounds.
Phonology is “the study or description of the distinctive sound units (phonemes) of a
language and their relationship to one another” Richards & Schmidt (2010: 433).
There are two languages that reviewed: the mother tongue is Spanish, the students use
this language every day for each situation in their life. The foreign language is English;
the students are in touch with the idiom, each one has its personal characteristics. The
teachers should study all phonemes of a language because there are many differences
between two languages or more specific phonemes.
2. Teaching English to teenagers.
Teaching English is a complicated task, teaching it to teenagers further complicates the
matter. Karolina L., (2015) express that “Teenage learners differ from other learners as
they are thought to be the most disobedient in behavior and most discouraged to learn.
Adolescence is a difficult time in a child's life when a lot of psychological and physical
transformations take place. Therefore, it is significant for teachers to become familiar
with these changes in order to work effectively”.
Providing a class in the right way is essential for teachers, so professors must be in a
constant search for techniques, materials and everything that is necessary to capture the
attention of students, in the case of teaching children the responsibility is even greater
because of the fact that these are a little more difficult to deal with, so it is important to
know how to apply the best methods to achieve a correct teaching that meets the needs
of the students.
3. Communicative approach
One of the best methods to teach teenagers in the direct method, and next to this is the
communicative approach, for Shamsudin D., (2013) “CLT was developed to provide
language learners with the ability to use the target language in real life conditions. In
other words, it would enable the learners to satisfy the needs they have to handle a
communicative situation effectively. Situations can be exemplified as when a learner
needs to buy a ticket, do shopping, invite a friend to a party or make an appointment
with the doctor”. 
Teaching English using the communicative approach helps both teachers and students in
the teaching-learning process, in the way in which a teacher can teach classes focusing
on speaking and listening skills, activities that are communicative can be carried out, a
very important aspect is that everything that should be taught must be related to real-life
situations, this serves to allow students to apply the knowledge acquired in daily
situations, which will allow learners to apply communication skills to express
themselves in a good way .
4. Framework PPP
The form to develop a class in using a PPP (presentation practice and production) “The
theory of the PPP method includes three main parts and I intend to give a brief
explanation of these parts in the following section. The first one, presentation, involves
presenting the grammar item, which can be in the form of a rule, function, pattern etc. It
is important to bear in mind that this method is constructed to teach language
explicitly”, the PPP works in a correct way for the application of the communicative
approach since, it has a presentation which introduces and prepares the students about
the subject to be treated, the practice part is designed so that the teacher "fulfilling Its
guiding function "provides students with instructions and materials with which they can
practice, in the case of the use of communication should focus on developing speaking
and listening skills focused on real life situations, at this stage it is necessary that the
teacher of clear instructions processes and cut so as not to cause confusion in his
apprentices, finally, it has the part of the production, it is when the students finally
demonstrate everything they have learned to put it into practice, the teacher must ensure
that their Ayan students learned correctly, for which it is necessary to ask questions
related to the class taught reflects In this way the effectiveness of the class.
5. Direct method
According to Rhalmi, M. (2009). “The Direct Method, also called Natural Method, was
established in Germany and France around 1900. It appeared as an answer to the
shortcomings of the Grammar Translation Method.”
The Direct Method is focuses on student participation when speaking and listening to
the foreign language in real situations. Therefore, it is based on the importance of
sounds, simple sentences and the direct relationship of language with the object and the
person in the immediate environment.
This method emphasizes the use of target language in teaching avoiding the use of
mother tongue during the classroom. The objective is to teach students to learn the
foreign language in the same way children learn their first language.
 Characteristics

 Teacher uses the target language to communicate in the classroom

without translating,
 The student is shown something so that they understand the word. For
example, they might be shown visual aids such as pictures or flash cards.
The teacher might use gestures to explain verbs, and so on.
 The vocabulary is taught through flashcards, real objects and pictures for
capture attention of students. Also, the teacher can use gestures to
explain any topic.
 Oral interaction is organized through question and answer activities that
develop communicative skills.
 Teacher corrects the pronunciation and tries to make the students
pronounce the words correctly.
 Speaking and listening are the most essential skills since students need to
make dialogues or conversations.
 Benefits
This method is very useful for teaching students since it achieves to reforce the
linguistic skills that are speaking and listening, which focus on oral practice causing
students to improve their pronunciation. This is very beneficial when interacting in real
situations since it requires a lot of resources to make the situations more life-like
achieving that students are involved with the language for that they practice it in and out
of the classroom.
 Difficulties
During the application of this method there are several problems in which it is found
that it ignores systematic written work and reading activities causing students don’t
practice reading and writing skills since it focused a lot on the speech.
Another problem is that the direct method completely ignores the translation, damaging
when explaining difficult ideas causing the students don’t understand the instruction of
any activity that they want to perform. This method may also not work well in the upper
classes since the translation method is considered adequate.
 Procedure
This method sets several steps as:
1. The instructions should be based only on the foreign language.
2. Speaking and listening skills are taught in a successive manner since, at this
stage, the teacher will be able to exchange questions and answers between
3. A certain number of phrases and vocabulary are taught every day.
4. Grammar are taught in an inductive way.
5. The concrete vocabulary is taught through flashcards, real objects and pictures,
as for the abstract vocabulary is learned through association of ideas.
6. It focuses on improving pronunciation and grammar.
The materials are organized according real situations such as: eating a restaurant,
shopping and the topic such as: family, food, clothes, weather, etc. This method used
flashcards, pictures, videos and real objects.
The activities used in this method are the following:
Dictation: Teachers have to read aloud to students in the target language. At this stage,
the teacher read an episode three times that is appropriate for the level of language of
student. The first time, the students only listen. The second time, the teacher read the
episode phrase by phrase since in this way the students can write what they hear. The
third time, the teacher read the episode normally and the students check what they have
written the words well.
Questions and answers: This method emphasizes speech, to accomplish this, the
teacher will ask simple questions since who know that students will have the ability to
respond to their level.
Out loud reading: The teacher wants students to speak as much as possible in the
target language. So, the teacher chooses magazines or other sources and make students
take turns reading aloud. Also, applying this method, students are exposed to new words
and receive practice with pronunciation and oral expression.
Self-correction: The teacher directs students to reflect on their own mistakes when
speaking so that they correct themselves.
6. Technological tools in teaching English with Direct Method
Technological tools influences satisfactorily in the educational field since it can support
the teacher to facilitate the teaching-learning process, apart from that the teacher can
make his work more creative and efficient, in this way, it motivates students to acquire
foreign language in a more dynamic and participative way getting them to understand
the contents of the class.
And so, it is very convenient since by combine the technological tools with the method
worked, it can help to enhance the methodology of the teacher, in the case of Direct
Method focuses on the development of oral skills in real situations where the teacher
creates didactic activities using technological resources such as videos which help when
inserting a short conversation about any topic of real situations for that the students can
acquire new vocabulary and they can hear correct pronunciation of each word. On the
other hand, music is also a good tool to interact with students since it strengthens the
relationship between student and teacher getting that the students improve their
However, the technology is helpful, it provides great opportunities for the development
and enhancement of listening, writing, reading and Speaking in English.
6.1. TPACK
Technological tools are a way to develop a dynamic class, focused on improving
students engagement to learn a foreign language through its beneficial, innovative and
interesting usage, that will also lead learners to success, teacher can draw students
attention giving activities that they do individually or in groups to encourage a
cooperative learning. Otherwise, direct method consist in developing the ability of
speaking in oral interactions organized with questions and answers activities, the
vocabulary is taught inductively by giving examples of real-life situations. We can use
some technological tools to show pictures or videos focused in real-life situations that
can help direct method and teachers in explain a class to improve pronunciation and
grammar. The pictures presented can introduce grammar and vocabulary project the
correct structure of the words that are teaching, and the videos show the best
pronunciation to the students can listen and produce the language.
Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Fourth
Edition. New York: Addison Wesley Longman.
Suryosubroto. 1997. Proses Belajar Mengajar di Sekolah. Cetakan Pertama. Jakarta:
Rineka Cipta.
David E. Freeman & Yvonne S. Freeman. Essential linguistic.

Rondon. L. February 2017. The Prague school of thought. Retrieved:
Richards, J., & Schmidt, R. (2010). Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and
Applied Linguistics. Edinburgh: Pearson Education.
Karolina L., (2015). Teaching English to adolescents. Recovered by:
Shamsudin D., (2013). Communicative Approach to Language Teaching and Learning
and EFL Context. Recovered by
Rasmus H., (2015). Task Based Language Teaching versus Presentation Practice
Production. Recovered by:
Rhalmi, M. (2009). My English Pages about Direct Method. Recovered by:

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