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Students: Ernesto Bayardo Romero Cano.

Jenniffer Adriana Sarria Jarquin

General Topic: Strategies to improve speaking skills

Specific topic: Strategies to improve speaking skills in high school students.

Problem: Inadequate methodologies and lack of didactic resources for the teaching of
speaking in high school students.

General Objective: Know the different strategies to improve the ability to speak.

Specific Objectives: 1) Know the importance of strategies in speaking.

2) Mention the different strategies to improve the ability to speak.

3) Known how to use technology tools to improve speak


The learning processes involve several factors so that the student can develop different

capacities, When difficulties arise in the teaching-learning process, it manifests itself in the

students, in their progress and in the unachieved objectives which were raised in the class,

for that reason it is necessary to develop an adequate methodology looking for different

techniques and teaching strategies. In conjunction with its didactic resources appropriate to

the subject, in this case to develop speaking in the English class in high school students to

counteract these difficulties.

Since developing the appropriate methodology together with its didactic resources that

always have to go hand in hand, so that students do not get distracted or bored with

obsolete methods, it is the teacher's task to use methodologies and resources such as the use

of tics, which is a methodological tool that students like, since in this new era globalization

goes hand in hand with technology and tics gives educators and students a great advantage

in the teaching-learning processes, developing great potential in the possibility of

interaction, communication in new environments and learning environments in terms of

accessibility, flexibility of time, space and rhythm, although carrying out the use of tics is a

challenge, since they may not have technological materials some students neither schools

nor Internet access, that is why teachers also have to put into practice all the didactic

resources that are available. And can obtain and that facilitate the teaching process for

example: we have books, textbook etc. and that helps us to motivate the student to be

concentrated in class and achieve the objectives set.


Strategies to improve the ability to speak in high school students is of the utmost

importance, since it is the fundamental basis for new paths in English, since it is a living

language that continues to evolve, introducing many technological terms to everyday life,

Thus, today's society is very demanding in the communicative part of studies, because the

development of English speech corresponds to the social, cultural part, being of great

importance that students can express themselves correctly, providing information about

them and requiring the ability to understand, phrases and frequent expressions of their

environment such as: greetings, names of objects, etc. as well as understand the main ideas

of texts and other things. For all these reasons and because of the unstoppable advance of

globalization, it is extremely important to improve speaking English.

Speaking is one of language skill that people use in communication to others. The purpose

of the teachers of speaking is to enable the student to speak and interpret the message that

occurs in the communication process. Speaking ability is an ability to express, to convey

the idea and suggestion. Talking is about how to express, it is related to the language

problem and the pronunciation of speech sound. Therefore, the ability of speaking is very

Important in the life. Currently the students have the problem to the moment of speak in

public or include in the classroom.

.1)) (Martinez Agudo, 2003) Today is society demands efficient communication skills. The

possibilities of work, study, social relationships and improvement depend, in large part, on

our ability to interact with others, having oral expression as a fundamental tool. the

learning of a universal language must fundamentally be aimed at the development of

communicative interaction” because interaction and communication constitute essential

functions of the language To achieve a good communication in the English language we

need students who can express themselves fluently and clearly, with optimal

pronunciation, who use verbal resources appropriately and naturally.

English is a living language and has not stopped evolving to this day. New terms are

constantly being incorporated into the language. The technological revolution, scientific,

advances and the need for new words mean that Lating and Greek continue to be valid as

a reference source. The migratory flows and the mixture of cultures also suppose a

contribution of new words that enrich the language more and more.

2) (Zambano, 2017) The methodology strategy based on music and movies to develop the

oral comprehension in English, is a current topic since the importance of communication is

of such magnitude that the history of human life would not have occurred without

language; would not have existed possibility of memory, of relationships, of societies,

there would be no humanity, like the as we know, it is vitally necessary to study

individuals in their role as speakers of a language.

At the global level, learning English “is a priority from primary levels of education,

reaching the peak of education superior, where his knowledge and qualities in the

different aspects of hearing, expression and interpretation must be elevated.

3) (North, 2020) All people feel some physiological reactions like pounding hearts and

trembling hands. Do not associate these feelings with the sense that you will perform
poorly or make a fool of yourself. Some nerves are good. The adrenaline rush that makes

you sweat also makes you more alert and ready to give your best performance.

The best way to overcome anxiety is to prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. Take the

time to go over your notes several times. Once you have become comfortable with the

material, practice a lot. Videotape yourself, or get a friend to critique your performance.

4 ) (Urrutia Leon) There are several classroom techniques used by the teacher and each

classroom technique has purpose. Discussion technique is to improve fluency of the

students and to improve grammar of the students. Role play technique is to improve

vocabulary of the students and to make the students more concentrate. Game technique is to

encourage student to think and express their ideas, to make student pay attention to the

teacher and the material, and to make the student enjoy on teaching learning process. The

teacher has roles as explainer, facilitator, inquiry controller, and empowered.

The students have some roles such as subject learning, the learner is member of a group and

learn by interacting with others, the learner is the planner of his or her own learning

program, the learner is a tutor for others learners, the learner is monitor and evaluator of his

or her own progress, and the learners learn from the teacher, from the other students and

other teaching sources. There are some materials used by English teacher, such as: book,

textbook, and another source from internet as supplementary material. The roles of

instructional materials are as a resource for presentation materials (spoken or written), as a

reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and so on, and a

source of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities.

5) (Macias Mendoza, 2017) Oral expression plays an important role in the development of

oral language. Besides contemplates a set of techniques that determine the general

guidelines that must be followed to communicate orally effectively, that is, it is the way to

express without obstacles what is thought, because it is used on a daily basis, most people

do not give the language the importance it has in all senses, so many times, it is used

incorrectly. Sometimes they do not realize that it is susceptible to improvement

continuous, using systematic, oriented and conscious practice.

Therefore, it is essential for educators to develop the expression oral in students because we

live talking, requesting and giving information, giving opinions, discussing, commenting,

conversing. Through oral communication they satisfy the elementary needs of the human

being, both material and spiritual. For students learning a language, oral expression is one

of the more difficult skills. Students in generally present always different deficiencies such

as organizing and structuring the discourse in a coherent way (in order chronological), State

clearly which are the main ideas and which are secondary.

6) (Wallence, 2004) Students improve formal speech when teachers provide elements to

organize your ideas when preparing a presentation. Oral presentations by students can

improve when they organize their display in different ways, for example in sequences, or

chronologically or thematically. They need to practice ordering their speech around

problems and solutions, causes and results, similarities and differences. After deciding on

the best means of organizing, will be able to practice their presentations with other

classmates or with all the group.

Teachers will also be able to help students tailor their presentations and informal talks to

match with the intended interlocutors, the information that must be communicated and the
circumstances of the occasion in which they will speak. The Teachers can illustrate how

famous speakers have appropriate their exposures to different circumstances.

Teachers can give students tools to Present ideas to peers individually, to groups of peers

or to entire groups of students. They can learn to talk about a topic they have chosen

themselves or a topic assigned by the teacher. Preparing for and participating in debates

helps students see both perspectives on different topics. Students also benefit from the

interviews they conduct and their participation in Theater displays.

They can enjoy talking about their personal experiences, and when given this opportunity

they can take advantage of the teaching about the elements of a good oral narration.

Teachers and students can contribute suggestions for the oral presentations of the latter. By

constructively criticizing others, students can learn to apply criteria for optimal oral

expression and employ social skills with touch. With this, they can increase and improve

their own skills oral. Students can also learn oral skills and social media by suggesting

possible improvements to other people's presentations. Positive experiences can lead to

higher acquisition Skills and confidence when speaking in front of larger groups.

7) (Gonzalez , 2015) The belief in basic education is that in the traditional school students

are taught to read and write and it is taken for seated that they already know how to speak.

Therefore, the ability of production or oral expression has been somewhat forgotten. The

only way that correct speaking is valued and remember that it is an essential and basic skill

in the training of students, it is when one of them has a very marked deficiency, example

problems when pronounce the r, the d or the letter s.

The absurdity of this matter is that in the globalized world in which we live, the oral

production is put on the highest rung of the ladder to success. Now the difference between a

person's failure or achievement can be made by how well they do in a job interview, a

person's innocence or guilt could largely depend measure of how it performs before a jury

or oral trial; marriage with loved person may depend on how the declaration or proposal of

love turns out, etc.

8 ) (Peña Garcia, 2013) It seems clear that the introduction of new technologies in our

lives is revolutionizing the world of education and, with all certainty, in the near future,

language teaching will be different from what we have today day. The incorporation of the

digital whiteboard, computers or tablets for each student seems to be a reality, although the

current crisis situation is delaying its implementation.

In the Secondary Classrooms the exercises that are generally carried out in class in terms

of oral skills are those that involve face-to-face interaction, that is, those that involve the

students, the teacher and the context is the class. However, the new technologies provide

the teacher the opportunity to innovate when teaching their classes.

9 ) (Thornbury, 2005)These quotes identify some key factors that can contribute to a lack

of L2 fluency , and in particular how a lack of automaticity can inhibit face to - face

interaction , quite independently of how much grammatical and lexical knowledge a

speaker has . Shortage of opportunities for practice is identified as an important

contributing factor to speaking failure . And by practice is meant , not practice of grammar

and vocabulary , but practice of interactive speaking itself . The combined effect of these

deficiencies is a lack of confidence and often an acute sense of anxiety when it comes to

speaking ( ' my heart is in my boots ' ) . What can be done about this ? The comment that '
this skill [ i.e. speaking ] is always forgotten when someone teaches English ' is astute . All

language teaching methods ( apart from the most bookish ) prioritize speaking , but less as

a skill in its own right than as a means of practicing grammar . Even in relatively

communication - oriented methodologies , speaking activities are often simply ways of

rehearsing preselected grammar items or functional expressions . If speaking as kill is dealt

with , it is often dealt with only at the level of pronunciation . Frequently , training and

practice in the skill of interactive real - time talk , with all its attendant discourse features ,

is relegated to the chat stage at the beginning and end of lessons . It is this lack of genuine

speaking opportunities which accounts for many students ' feeling that , however much

grammar and vocabulary they know , they are insufficiently prepared for speaking in the

world beyond the classroom .

How then does L2 speaking differ from L1 speaking ? In terms of the stages of mental

processing involved , there is probably not much difference at all . Like L1 speakers , L2

speakers also produce speech through a process of conceptualizing , then formulating , and

finally articulating , during which time they are also self - monitoring . At the same time ,

they will be attending to their interlocutors , adjusting their message accordingly , and

negotiating the management of conversational turns . The skills of speaking , therefore , are

essentially the same and should , in theory , be transferable from the speaker’s first

language into the second.

10 ) (Aleksandrzak, 2011)The position of speaking in the hierarchy of language skills has

evolved over the centuries. Rather ignored in the Grammar – Translation Method, it

became a primary skill in the Direct Method. Audiolingualism brought even more focus on

speaking, although the linguistic principle it was based on viewed oral discourse as
imitative routine behavior in typical and predict able situations. The grammatical syllabus

of the Cognitive Method incorporated activities in all language skills, attaching equal

importance to each of them. Finally, Communicative Language Teaching added a more

realistic dimension to teaching oral discourse by introducing numerous forms of interaction

to the classroom and practicing the language in natural or probable situations which

demanded defining of the discourse genre and the roles of participants.

Nowadays, in spite of the inevitable criticism of available methods, techniques or

resources, speaking is generally perceived as the most fundamental skill to acquire. Since

the onset of the communicative era it has been treated as the ultimate goal of language

training and its proper development has become the focus of attention of both teachers and

learners. However, it is also a commonly recognized fact that achieving proficiency in

foreign language speaking in classroom conditions is not an easy task. Even advanced

learners often finish a language course with the conviction that they are not sufficiently

prepared for speaking beyond the classroom. This difficulty results basically from the

character and inadequate frequency of speaking opportunities in the classroom in

comparison to the abundance of natural varieties and genres of oral communication. In fact,

selecting the most appropriate types of spoken discourse for classroom practice in a

particular language course is a very hard decision which, unfortunately, hardly ever reflects

the natural occurrence and distribution of communicative situations.

11) (Hobz, 2018) Identifies a number of features that come into play to make speaking

challenging. The first reason why it is difficult for learners to learn how to speak a foreign

or second language is that they are not familiar with reduced speech or have not had enough

practice with reduced forms, such as contractions, vowel reduction weak form, and elision,
etc. Thus, students need to be exposed to natural speech through listening; otherwise, they

will retain their formal-sounding full forms. Students need not only have listening

integrated, but also should practice orally through role plays, class discussions, simulations,

and debates, etc. Similarly, the official contend that students need to have enough practice

with what is called ‘clustering’ (i.e. fluent speech organized in chunks/phrases rather than

in words), as well as with proper use of idiomatic expressions. Another aspect of difficulty

relates to pronunciation. Students need to learn about stress, intonation and rhythm. A third

aspect of difficulty is the fact that speaking often presupposes more than one speaker.

Interaction needs to be accomplished with at least one other speaker, thus requiring the

learner, as contended to make use of a number of strategies, such as monitoring, receiving

and interpreting feedback, sending messages and adapting them accordingly, avoiding

topics, clarifying, questioning, restating, listening, seeking information, seeking help,

evaluating one’s contribution to the communication act, modifying that contribution to

enhance comprehensibility, and monitoring its effect. Therefore, learners need to be trained

to deal with the instantaneous demands of spontaneous communication.


Among the fundamental means of human communication is oral language. In the

development of oral language, oral expression plays an important role, which contemplates

a set of techniques that determine the general guidelines that must be followed to

communicate orally effectively, that is, it is the way to express what is thought without

obstacles. Because it is used daily, most people do not give language the importance it has

in every way, so many times, it is used incorrectly. Sometimes they do not realize that it is

susceptible to continuous improvement, using systematic, oriented and conscious practice.

So it is essential for educators the development of oral expression in students because we

live talking, requesting and giving information, reviewing, discussing, commenting,

talking. Through oral communication, the elementary needs of the human being are met,

both material and spiritual. For students who learn a language, oral expression is one of the

most difficult skills. Students generally always have different deficiencies such as

organizing and structuring the discourse in a coherent way (in chronological order), clearly

exposing which are the main ideas and which secondary ones transmit a message fluently

(without excessive hesitation, pauses, false beginnings, correction: phonetics, grammar and

lexical and precision: conceptual, lexical), adapt to the situation in which the discourse

develops (Tone, registration, theme, clarify, expand, summarize, value. Therefore, in

education you should use a very varied, motivating and participatory teaching, for this it is

very necessary, use different styles as a means of teaching the English language since it

plays an important role in the class process. The use of songs allows the student to relax, be

interested and familiarize with the language, at the same time stimulates the discrimination;

In the background while working, better results are achieved in his work and discipline, this

also serves to mark a change of activity and make the class more enjoyable and fun. The

methodological strategy based on music and films to develop oral comprehension in

English is a current topic since the importance of communication is of such magnitude that

the history of human life would not have occurred without language; There would have

been no possibility of memory, relationships, societies, there would be no humanity, as we

know it, it is vitally necessary to study individuals in their role as speakers of a language.

Among the different skills that are handled in the learning of the English language is that of

“speaking” which in Spanish is translated as “oral comprehension”, which is a very

important part of the communication process in which we are constantly involved in our
society. It is worth mentioning that this ability cannot be separated from the other skills

involved in the teaching of languages such as listening, which is a very good skill that it

does when listening is effective, writing, which makes us enhance our writing, reading,

makes our reading more effective and understandable since there is always a close

relationship between them. David Nunan (1995) in his book "New Ways of Teaching

English" refers to the importance of communicative ability in language teaching, saying

that ´´Oral comprehension is vital in the classroom because it provides input to students.

Access to native language speakers is essential since students must interact to understand

what is expressed. In addition, the failure of students to understand the language they study

is an incentive, not an obstacle, to interaction and learning, authentic spoken language

presents a challenge for students to try to understand the language that native speakers

really use. Oral comprehension exercises that provide teachers with the means to attract the

attention of their students to new forms (vocabulary, grammar, new interaction patterns) of

the language. Oral communicative quality is essential for the best relationship of people

who speak the English language. In English language schools in the world, emphasis is

placed. Therefore, the quality of oral communication skills, the same ones that do not

become alone, but on the basis of increasingly precise and appropriate techniques. In that

context, the success in learning the English language depends not only on having

specialized teachers, in constant improvement, but on the application of appropriate

methodological strategic strategies, together with the management of material resources for

the implementation of state-of-the-art laboratories. If the application of appropriate

techniques, which are varied and adaptable to many cases, do not work or simply do not

apply, there will be no good management of oral communication skills and teaching will be

done halfway. The new methodological strategies give opportunities for them to even adapt
them to favor the student as he learns best. The different social situations, the ages and the

environment in which the learning of young students develops, the innovative forms of self-

learning, are the opportunities that the student has, this indicates that it is a weakness to

continue with the traditionalist teaching of the classroom, the board and the book, processes

that for today's youth have been left behind. The application of appropriate techniques leads

to the implementation of adequate learning styles, in which the student has the opportunity

to develop their intellectual abilities in an inclusive way, depending on their own

characteristics, to achieve effective instruction. There is no pure or unique style, the need of

each person is different therefore the interest in learning is also different, the styles are

several but there is always one predominant. The strategies are linked to the learning style

that is used, for this reason each style needs a different strategy. One of the most exciting

and best founded theories that have appeared in recent years is the Theory of Multiple

Intelligence of Howard Gardner, which defines intelligence as the set of capabilities that

allows us to solve problems or manufacture valuable products in our culture.

Secondary school is that stage where learning challenges are greater for young people;

many adolescents have difficulties learning English, especially in one of the skills of great

importance such as speaking in secondary school, as well as mathematics among those that

stand out the most.

Among the main deficiencies are finding: not having specialized or high-level teachers,

developing inadequate methodologies for teaching the speaking of this language, using


Outdated and alien to the culture of the students in addition to taking English as a Content

of the curriculum and not as a means of communication and the ineffectiveness in the
investment of resources by the State together with the erroneous idea that only with

increasing the hourly intensity of the classes is sufficient to achieve the development of

speaking, this without counting the number of students per group and the tension emotional

life inside the classroom. as well as the obsolete practices in the classroom, the lack of

transversality with the other subjects and not using technological resources appropriately.

It would be very useful for teachers to let you know how important the English language is

today in this new globalization. Since when a person sees new knowledge useful for his

practical life In addition to receiving adequate pedagogical education, having an

environment of learning and appropriate context is more likely to achieve a successful

learning than when it is, from their perspective, uninteresting or that the way in which it is

taught ineffective or insufficient. If so, it can be deduced In general, there are many factors

that affect a low level or a minimum or non-learning, among the most discussed

methodologies can be found

obsolete, lack of adequate resources, classes with groups too numerous and/or with unequal

levels of knowledge of the language, which can produce apathy, boredom, loss of interest,

insecurity among others, The important thing is to propose strategies based mainly on the

training of teachers of English with training, both with the implementation of pedagogical

models, study plans and adequate materials, such as the effectiveness of the hours/class

among others, The important thing is to propose strategies based mainly on the training of

teachers of English with training, both with the implementation of pedagogical models,

study plans and adequate materials, such as the effectiveness of the hours/class among

An article by the teacher Gloria García Galindo entitled “The anxiety before learning a

foreign language” in which he assures that the effectiveness in learning a language is

directly related to the emotional aspects that surround said learning and not only with

cognitive or pedagogical. An imbalance in this aspect can generate high levels of anxiety,

which poorly worked, directly affect the acquisition of a foreign language, especially in the

communicative processes that develop speaking skills. The expert mentions that the

teacher, as one of the main promoters of motivation or anxiety in the classroom, it is up to

you to work to create an adequate pedagogical sphere, minimize stress factors and promote

a communicative teaching environment; must also create an environment in which high

self-esteem is raised, low general anxiety level, emphasizing the intrinsic value of learning

a foreign language; positively value cooperative learning, promote a high willingness to

communicate in the second language, and promote a level of decision-making risks that

contribute to domain satisfaction, among others.

In which is one of the points that we raise in our work, we have the problem of the

methodology used in secondary schools that one of the important points to be implemented

are tics.

The presence of Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) in the Education of

the 21st century is a reality that brings with it a series of challenges for both educators and

learners; However, the advantages and the benefits of exploiting TIC in the teaching

process- learning are incalculable and, faced with such a perspective, teachers and

pedagogues we cannot remain indifferent. Since its inception, TIC have opened new ways

for teaching and learning, evidencing its great potential in the possibility of interaction,

communication and access to information.

TICS currently enable the creation of new environments or learning environments,

providing teachers with the opportunity to transform the educational process and improve

the quality of education. In this context, virtual education appears as a modality of flexible

training that allows the student not only to access the information, but also to transmit and

produce knowledge based on data obtained through modern communication networks,

without matter when or where people are involved, which adds richness to the educational


In higher education these systems present great opportunities for teachers and, above all,

for students in terms of accessibility, flexibility of time, space, rhythm, schedules, etc. and

in some cost cases (Salinas, 2005). These environments every day acquire more

importance, because to be active in the new social space require new knowledge and skills

to be learned in educational processes. The Network has progressively gone from being a

repository of information to become a social instrument for the elaboration of knowledge

(Cabero, 2006).

As Salinas (2005) points out, ICTs offer a range of possibilities through computer-mediated

communication and Introduction virtual training environments for both distance education

and for the face-to-face mode. Both modalities can benefit from communication

possibilities offered by networks and the possibilities of multimedia systems, without

forgetting that these new environments of learning require new approaches to understand

them, design them and manage them, because their use affects all the elements of the

teaching process (teachers, students, content, media, etc.).

In the methodology we have to take into account the use of a diversity of resources and

tools that allow the student to relate the information with his previous knowledge and thus

generate new knowledge, thus assuming an active role throughout the learning process.

With regard to mining, they must promote innovative experiences in teaching-learning

processes, supported by ICT, making emphasis on teaching, on changes in teaching

strategies of teachers, in communication systems and distribution of materials of learning,

that is, in the processes of teaching innovation instead of emphasize the potential of


Undoubtedly, the integration of ICTs also involves costs and problems, but the change is

absolutely essential, since we are in a new era in which ICTs become a powerful instrument

and versatile that allow the development of new skills and ways of construction of


A methodology that develops an organized pedagogical system, mediated by different

resources didactic and technological in which the student can strengthen the self-learning,

cooperative learning, interpersonal communication, initiative, personal responsibility, self-

esteem and motivation, in a environment in which family, work and study interact. this due

to the new pedagogical and didactic paradigms that promote the use of Information and

Communication Technologies in teaching.

The methodological part is as important as the use of didactic materials to be able to

develop speaking in secondary school students. In this idea Otto(2000) advierte que en la

era de la globalización, el inglés es la gran lengua internacional, una “lingua franca” que

cada día se emplea más en casi todas las áreas del conocimiento y desarrollo humano. El
80% de toda la información en las computadoras del mundo está en inglés y el 60% de los

artículos en revistas científicas están también en inglés.

The English language teaching advantages of having the ability to understand, speak and

write the English language are innumerable, among which the following stand out: increase

cooperation between countries and universities through scholarships, access to research and

development projects, international events, development of companies, the rise of tourism,

having access to the information that find in this language such as: articles, magazines,

books, videos, courses, among others. Its possession can no longer be treated as a luxury,

but rather is a obvious need. Moreover, it is even said that whoever does not master this

language would be at a clear disadvantage.

Speaking English is, today, an essential part of comprehensive training of a person inserted

in a world whose borders are crossed continually. Current academic and personal training

requires that a individual can relate to other societies to have access to the knowledge

development and discussion of ideas; this way, you can confront their positions and define

their insertion in the world. It is the task of the English teacher communicate it to their

students in this way, so that in the difference of cultures are enhanced and appreciate the

advantages of their own over the external one. In addition, it is important that as teachers

we motivate the student letting you know the usefulness of learning English for your future

education or employment, since the students' perception of the usefulness of a language is a

motivating factor for learning (Eurydice Spain-REDIE, 2014).

All this is developed by addressing two essential points for the speaking of the students,

The two basic oral skills are:

• Listening comprehension

It is an interactive process that consists of perceiving and constructing messages through a

number of cognitive and affective mechanisms. Is essential understand what others say in

order to answer or respond to another person. Despite its importance, in the past listening

comprehension was normally neglected in foreign language teaching until that the

communicative approach made the teachers understand the importance of this basic

language skill.

 Oral expression

English language teaching From a Communicative Approach, "auditory" and "oral" skills

are closely related. The acquisition of oral skills is a gradual and directed process, in which

the student practices the language in a through discussions, conversations, or other

strategies that motivate you to express themselves orally. The communicative approach has

put the ability oral as the most important objective in the process of teaching- learning a

foreign language to be able to communicate as well as possible with the native and the non-

native of the English language. However, the acquisition of This skill is very difficult and

demanding, so many apprentices feel discouraged after some time of studying the language.


The meaning of didactic educational resources has been called in various ways, such as:

didactic aids, didactic resources, and educational means. According to Morales (2012), a

didactic resource is understood as the set of material means that intervene and facilitate the

teaching-learning process. These materials can be both physical and virtual, assumed as a

condition, arouse the interest of students, adapt to their physical and mental characteristics,
in addition to facilitating the teaching activity by serving as a guide; As they have the great

virtue of adapting to any type of content.

The importance of the didactic material lies in the influence that the stimuli to the sensory

organs exert on the learner, that is, it puts them in contact with the object of learning, either

directly or indirectly stimulating the sensation.

The functions that the didactic resources have must take into account the group to which it

is directed, with the purpose that this resource is really useful. Among the functions of

teaching resources are: a) provide information, b) meet an objective, c) guide the teaching

and learning process, d) contextualize students, e) facilitate communication between

teachers and students, f ) bring ideas closer to the senses, g) motivate students.

The didactic material is usually used as a link or element of union between the teacher

and/or student and reality. Ideally, all teaching and learning should be carried out in contact

with real life, but it is not always possible or advisable and therefore we resort to a series of

means, resources or materials that serve as a bridge between what what is taught and

learned and the real world. For this reason, the didactic material replaces the reality and

tries to represent it in the best possible way, facilitating its objectification (Nerici, 1973).

Specialists in this field use a variety of terminology to referred to the materials. There are

those who speak of "means" or "teaching resources", "aids didactics”, “educational means”,

“didactic material” or “curricular material”.

It can be seen that some of these means are purely visual or auditory, but others integrate

images and sound. There are media that, by their nature, require a passive attitude on the

part of the students, but others are interactive and require more activity and participation.

And, finally, there are other means that put the student in contact with the reality as it

happens when they travel and interact with native English speakers. Edgard Dale (1964)

elaborated many years ago a "cone of experience" to illustrate the sequence from the most

abstract means of teaching and learning to the more direct and experiential. At the vertex of

the cone Dale places the oral symbols, which it would be the purely verbal teaching. Visual

symbols follow; still images, radio and recordings; filming and TV; the exhibitions; visits

and excursions; the demonstrations; dramatizations and simulations, and finally, direct

experience with the reality. It is obvious that, in Dale's cone, as means and resources move

away from the apex and closer to the base, they are more intuitive, real and effective for



According to Thornbury (2007: 40), the process of developing speaking skills consists of

three stages:

awareness – learners are made aware of features of target language knowledge,

appropriation – these features are integrated into their existing knowledge-base,

• autonomy – learners develop the capacity to mobilize these features under real-time

conditions without assistance.

It seems that at the advanced level of foreign language proficiency students and teachers’

efforts should be focused on the stage of appropriation and its effective movement towards

autonomy in target language use. For that purpose they need a range of speaking tasks that

encourage a considerable degree of independence by relying on extensive oral practice

(treated as a source of meaningful input and feedback) mainly in the form of student

interactions. The speaking activities presented below take into account the above


Conversations in foreign language classrooms are considered to be not the result of

language learning but rather the context in which learning actually occurs (Thornbury

2007). On the other hand, it is not easy to incorporate meaningful conversational

interactions into a planned lesson as casual conversation is, by its very nature, spontaneous

and unstructured. It becomes easier when conversation activities are based on a set of

selected themes which are previously negotiated with learners. Useful conversational

routines (opening and closing formulas, interrupting, asking for clarification) and helpful

communication strategies (paraphrasing and reformulating, using vague language and

hesitation fillers) should be taught and practiced beforehand to give students the appropriate

devices for successful communication but elements of personalization should be given an

equally important status.

Conversation activities may proceed from more controlled ones, in which the language is

limited by instructions, through awareness activities which make use of audiovisual

materials, fluency practice, to feedback sessions during which students analyse their own

interactions (Nolasco and Arthur 1987). Interviews are demanding tasks in the sense that

they require from the interviewer some preparation in the form of research, the selection of
relevant questions and the prior analysis of native speaker interviews so as to properly

evaluate both the questions and the elicited information (Dakowska 2005: 245).

A class survey is a version of a collaborative interview which, if properly carried out, may

engage a large group of students in a communicative taskbased activity. Learners prepare a

set of survey-type questions connected with a particular topic and they mill around in the

classroom, asking the questions and noting the answers. Next, they return to their original

groups to analyse the findings which are later reported to the class by a group

spokesperson. Finally, the class decides whether the original claim put forward by the

group is justified or not (Thornbury 2007: 83).

The ability to speak has been very difficult for students. Currently, high school does not

share authentic materials implemented the ability to speak. Teachers do not apply

technology as a necessary tool to achieve this macro ability. Therefore this problem

continues in the students.

It seems clear that the introduction of new technologies in our lives is revolutionizing the

world of education and, with all certainty, in the near future the teaching of languages will

be different from what we have today. The incorporation of the digital whiteboard,

computers or tablets for each student seems to be a reality, although the current crisis

situation is delaying its implementation. In the secondary classrooms, the exercises that are

generally performed in class as far as oral skills are concerned are those that involve Face-

Toface Interaction, that is, those that involve students, the teacher and the context is the

class. However, the "new" technologies give the teacher the opportunity to innovate when

teaching, as Mark Levy (2009) points out in his article "Technologies in Use for Second

Language Learning"
Skype since the use of the Internet was introduced on a daily basis. Exchanges with

speakers from other countries became common. What was done before by letter (Penfriend)

is now done through email or social networks such as the one that until now is the best

known worldwide such as Facebook. The use of programs that allow oral communication in

real time is already a reality. There are several programs whose main function is to make

video calls. Of all of them the best known is the Skype. This software was designed in 2003

by Janus Friis and Niklas Zennström. The program allows you to make calls or video calls

in real time to any part of the world for free. This tool gives foreign language teachers an

opportunity to bring students a more real communication than they normally have in class.

In addition, it is a way of making the class "more real", to bring the real world to class.

Although, in general, in the secondary classrooms, oral skills are still working with the

exercises that involve only the students of the class and the teacher. However, teachers have

at their fingertips this tool that would allow students to expand their knowledge differently.

In addition to real-time exchanges, it provides us with other tools that we can use in class.

One of them is the "videoblogs". These are made up of videos that are arranged

chronologically. Students are used to these types of tools. . In the event that the students

were not familiar with it. If it were not so, that would not represent an obstacle, then, its use

is very simple, there are numerous tutorials on the Internet. The management of the same

should not be a problem for their use in the classroom. This program allows you to upload

videos that students have recorded. When students recorded themselves and listening they

should realize the mistakes they make and thus be able to correct them. The recording

technique has already been used since the use of language laboratories began. However,

with the recording of a video and the use of a videoblog this becomes much more dynamic
and current, instead of being limited to the laboratory. In addition, these exercises can be

used to develop self-criticism, since they themselves can be judged and thus be able to


Digital Posters have been used in foreign language classrooms for a long time. Recall that

one of the main elements of the Suggestopedia method that emerged in 1978 from the hand

of Bulgarian psychiatrist Georgi Lozanov are posters. There are several programs that are

on the Internet for the design of posters, see the Glogster or Wizard, the first one being the

one that allows designing posters that integrate both text and audio or audio. There are

numerous tutorials that are hosted on the Internet where the use of this program appears

step by step. These are in both video format and text document. However, the program is

simple to use and quite intuitive. This tool integrates not only oral skills, but also includes

written skills.

With the audio forums, both oral comprehension and oral production are worked on. The

teacher creates a topic of conversation and the students participate in it by sending their

own opinions and comments. Students can also open their own topic of debate. However,

students do not have exclusive access to those issues that the teacher raises, but can access

and participate in anyone who is already open, being able to interact with people from

different parts of the world. With the Audio Forum students are subjected to less pressure

than with Skype since it is not a synchronous interaction but diachronic: the task is to

record a message and send it so that other people can hear their comment. The student can

record the message as many times as he deems appropriate until obtaining satisfactory

results. Thus, he can prepare his message in advance, both in the grammatical, phonetic and
vocabulary aspect and make the message correct in these three levels. In addition, stress

reduction is evident, since messages can be heard as many times as necessary.


The acquisition of a second language is an expensive process that, due to its

characteristics, does not follow the same process as the acquisition of L1. The student of a

second language has already passed the "critical period" when we talk about secondary

school students (remember that academics place this period in adolescence) making this

task more expensive. In addition, the student already has a knowledge of their own

language that interferes with the acquisition of L2. As we have seen throughout this work,

it is not easy to learn a second language and even more complicated is to learn and develop

oral skills such as oral compression, oral expression and interaction. As J. Scott Payne and

Paul J. Whitney (2002) points out in their article “Developing L2 Oral Proficiency Through

Synchronous CMC: Output, Working Memory, and Interlanguage Development”:

Conversational Exchange in a Second Language Requires Interlocutors to Perform a

Complex set of cognitive tasks as they attempt to comprehend language input, relate it to

what they know about the target language and the world, and then make decisions about

where the new information should be incorporated into their existing knowledge base in

some manner. The listening exercise should not only consist of listening to a recording or

viewing a video and answering a series of questions, but, as many academics say, it is

advisable to perform exercises before and after it (pre-listening, listening, post-listening)

for this activity to be effective. In addition, it is convenient to make students aware of their

own learning process in order to obtain better results. One of the main tools that secondary

school teachers have to introduce in secondary school classrooms are information and
communication technologies (ICT). In this work we have mentioned four in particular that

are the Skype, the video blog, the digital poster and the audio forums, aware that this is

only a small representation of all the opportunities that the Internet offers us. As we have

seen you can work oral skills in a different way from what has been done in recent years. A

more current way, closer to the students and that with certainty they will enjoy more. Of

course, these tools should not be substitutes for those that were used and were effective, but

a complement. The learning of a language must be continuous, not only should you work in

the classroom. The student must be aware that their work was going to be what really

makes him learn that language. Teachers should be considered as mere material facilitators,

as guides that mark the path by which the student should therefore go, with only a few

hours a week that are dedicated to this subject in the secondary curriculum is not enough to

learn a language. Make it attractive so that the student ends up enjoying the pleasure of

learning and using a language that is not his own is the teacher's job. With an adequate

approach and with the right activities they can get their students to keep in touch with

foreign languages outside the classroom, such as watching movies or using Skype to be in

contact with an English-speaking person. Finally, it is important to highlight the need to

work oral skills in the secondary school classroom since they are an essential part of

language and today they are essential both for studying and for working. It is the time of

teaching foreign languages where teachers have more resources, therefore, sticking to the

textbook is not an appropriate methodology for the times in which we live. High school

teachers must end grammar classes to give way to a more communicative, more real, fuller

of life learning.

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