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Bibliography Sample

Everest, H. (2003). Paper and Rock: Living the American

Dream. New York: HH and Company.
In this book, the author presents a so-defined
experiential research, attempting to determine whether
it is highly possible for an individual to live as a
minimum wage earner in the USA.

Peters, R. (2005). The Cost of Living in America- Expensive or

Not? California: AA Publishing.

As an experienced journalist, Peters is completely

aware of all the limitations in her experiment, including
ethical implications involved. As such, she presents a
clear debate in identifying whether the cost of living in
America is considered as expensive or not.

Diethers, 0. (2004). Why More People Want to Enter America.

Ohio: Stem Press.

The author is forthcoming when it comes to explaining

her methods, supplementing all of her experiences with
scholarly and experimental research on her workplace,
the economy, as well as the documented increasing
cost of living in the USA.

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