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Answers to the Question: Is Beer Good for


Holla Beer lovers! We have some really good news. While you chug those mugs, you wonder if
this has any good for you to do, correct? We are here to tell you, having your favorite beverage
might not be harmful if you have it in decent amounts. It is time we solve the mystery behind Is
beer good for health? Yes, it is. We will tell you in what amount and what are the reasons that
this heavily criticized drink is getting known for all wrong reasons. However, we still put a
disclaimer that excess of anything is bad!

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Is Beer Good for Health, Really?

All those raving parties have been a long lost craving? Then get them back, because it is not bad
to enjoy a little in life. We are here to give you a small surpris
Studies Say Beer Drinkers Live Longer:

One of the articles published by the Times of India read ” Moderate drinking is good for you,
and beer is good for moderate drinking. Everyone knows that if you drink too much, it’s not
good for you. Let’s not pull punches: If you’re a drunk, you run into things, you drive into
things, you get esophageal cancer, you get cirrhosis and other nasty conditions. But more and
more medical research indicates that if you don’t drink at all, that’s not good for you either.
According to numerous independent studies, moderate drinkers live longer and better than
drunks or teetotalers. Beer is perfect for moderate drinking because of its lower alcohol content
and larger volume compared with wine or spirits. ” Well, it gives us some confidence in living a
little longer than the usual and also enjoy as well.

Hop Flower Benefits:

Hop flowers are small green buds that are used in beer for the tangy taste. They have bitter acid
which helps fight the inflammation problems in the body. According to Molecular Nutrition and
Food Research ” Bitter acids are powerful inflammation fighters, according to a 2009 laboratory

Improve Your Digestion:

In a study published by the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, it was seen that some
German and Austrian beers were helpful for the stomach cells to produce the digestive enzymes
that cured the problems of indigestion and improved the digestive system.

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Say Bye to Cholesterol While You Chug The Mug!

It has been noticed that the beer has no cholesterol level at all. It has been observed that drinking
beer regularly and moderately will keep your HDL/LDL cholesterol ratios balanced in the right

Stay Away From Heart Attacks:

Most of you might be surprised but this might be true. One of the studies by the American Heart
Association said, “there is no clear evidence that wine is more beneficial than other forms of
alcoholic drink.” In a study composed by the British Medical Journal in 1999 mentions that the
moderate consumption of three drinks a day could reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by

Build Your Bones With Beer:

In 2013, a report in the International Journal of Endocrinology said that beer was a source of
silicon that helped to build stronger bones. Well, if that is true, is beer good for health or not?

We have mentioned a few of major research that helps you answer the most discussed and
debated question of “is beer good for health”. We do not promote any heavy usage and dosage of
such alcoholic beverages but brought some realities and broke some myth with this blog. For any
further discussion, you can contact us and also consult our health experts.

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