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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,268,159 B2

Balagopal et al. (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 18, 2012
2,636,852 A 4, 1953 Juda et al.
(75) Inventors: Shekar Balagopal, Sandy, UT (US); 3,197,392 A 7, 1965 SilverSmith et al.
Vinod Malhotra, Cedar City, UT (US); 3,730,857 A 5/1973 Tripp
Justin Pendleton, Salt Lake City, UT 3,925, 174 A 12/1975 Eng et al.
(US); Kathy Jo Reid, Cedar City, UT (Continued)
(73) Assignee: Ceramatec,
Inc., Salt Lake City, UT DE 19603181 4f1997
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
U.S.C. 154(b) by 1013 days. Phasge, Arun “Final Office Action for U.S. Appl. No. 1 1/449.953”.
(21) Appl. No.: 11/613,857 (Nov. 17, 2009).
(22) Filed: Dec. 20, 2006 (Continued)
(65) Prior Publication Data Primary Examiner — Bruce Bell
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — David Fonda
US 2007/O138O2O A1 Jun. 21, 2007
Related U.S. Application Data
An electrochemical process for the production of sodium
(60) Provisional application No. 60/753,191, filed on Dec. hypochlorite is disclosed. The process may potentially be
20, 2005. used to produce Sodium hypochlorite from seawater or low
purity un-softened or NaCl-based salt solutions. The process
(51) Int. Cl. utilizes a sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane, such as
C25B I/46 (2006.01) membranes based on NASICON-type materials, in an elec
C25B I/34 (2006.01) trolytic cell. In the process, water is reduced at a cathode to
C25B I/26 (2006.01) form hydroxyl ions and hydrogen gas. Chloride ions from a
C25B I/24 (2006.01) Sodium chloride solution are oxidized in the anolyte compart
C25B I/I6 (2006.01) ment to produce chlorine gas which reacts with water to
C25B I/4 (2006.01) produce hypochlorous and hydrochloric acid. Sodium ions
C25C I/02 (2006.01) are transported from the anolyte compartment to the catholyte
(52) U.S. Cl. ........ 205/500; 205/508; 205/510; 205/473; compartment across the Sodium ion conductive ceramic
205/620: 205/621 membrane. Sodium hydroxide is transported from the
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 205/620, catholyte compartment to the anolyte compartment to pro
205/621,473, 508,510,500; 204/252,263, duce Sodium hypochlorite within the anolyte compartment.
See application file for complete search history. 41 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets
32 H2

10 N 3.O H 30

, --
e -er
26 : 28
22 &
H2Of Nat % H2Of
NaC 3 NaOH
14 %3
18 2 2O

US 8,268,159 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 1 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2



H2O/ H2O/


Fig. 1
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 2 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

| O 50

Time (min)
150 200

Fig. 2

1400 cc
12.00 8 k


8.00 e

600 &
200 0
000 bood
O 0.5 1 15 2 2.5 3
Time (hrs)

Fig. 3
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 3 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2


Time (hrs)

Fig. 4
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 4 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

Performance of Ceramic membrane Cell for

NaOCl production
(synthetic salt solution feed)
emperature = 20°C
= ~ 10
aCl = 30 g/L

Fig. 5

Performance of Ceramic membrane Cell

for NaOCl production
(Seawater feed)
Temperature = 20°C
pH = ~6
NaCl = 30 g/L

Fig. 6
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 5 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

Comparison of Cells performance: Ceramic

membrane Cell VS Standard undivided cell
Temperature = 20°C
1OOO pH = ~10
es NaCl = 30 g/L
s 8.OO
5 6.OO
2 4.00

OOO 7.20 14.40
-- Ceramic Membrane -----Typical of an Undivided cell
Fig. 7

Efficiency Comparison of Ceramic membrane

Cell VS Undivided Cell

9 :
S 20
O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O
NaOCl (g/L)
a-Nas. Undivided Cell -- Ceramic Membrane Cell

Fig. 8
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 6 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

Effect of Temperature on Current efficiency of Ceramic

membrane Cell

100 -

; 95
NaC = 60 g/L
pH = 11
90 : Current density = 1.16 amp/

2O 25 30
Temperature C

Fig. 9

Effect of Current density on Current efficiency of

Ceramic membrane cell

O39 O.77 1.16
Current density (amp/sq. in.)

Fig. 10
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 7 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

Effect of pH on Current efficiency of the Ceramic

membrane Cell


NaC = 60 g/L
emperature = -20°C
Current density = 0.77 ampfsd in.


Effect of current density on achievable NaOCl


Temperature = 20°C

O4 0.7 1.16
Current density (ampisq. in.)

Fig. 12
U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2012 Sheet 8 of 8 US 8,268,159 B2

Optimized Test Results

a 12
2Z 10 1OO
s ce
is 4, 8 80 E
Nal E d
S Ys

9. E 6 60
9 Operating Temperature = 20°C E
E S Operating pH = 10.5 9.
2 O 4 : werage Current Density = 0.74 amp/sdin. 40 s
3 O
2- 20

O 11 22 29 36 43 50 54 58 61 65
& KWH/Lb so Current in amps e Cur. Eff.
Fig. 13
US 8,268,159 B2
1. 2
ELECTROLYTIC PROCESS TO PRODUCE in some cases causing formation of hydroxide precipitates
SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE USING SODIUM and scale in process equipment, including within the cells
ON CONDUCTIVE CERAMIC MEMBRANES themselves. This creates a requirement of timely and frequent
cleaning of the cells to remove the scale and precipitate, thus
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED adding servicing downtime as a practical limit to the produc
APPLICATION tion of sodium hypochlorite and adding further costs in the
form of expenditures of resources and time in effecting Such
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional servicing. The cleaning processes used generally involve the
Patent Application No. 60/753,191, filed Dec. 20, 2005, use of hydrochloric acid which then generates additional
which is incorporated by reference. 10 chemical waste for disposal, thus incurring still further cost. If
the cells are not cleaned in a timely fashion, however, the solid
GOVERNMENT RIGHTS scale may penetrate between the electrodes and then poten
tially lead to short-circuiting of the electrodes, thus compro
This invention was made in part with government Support mising the safety of the cell.
under grant number DE-FG02-05ER84221 awarded by the 15 In addition to the above, it should be noted that the bi-polar
United States Department of Energy. The Government has orundivided cell process generates H gas mixed with Cland
certain rights in the invention. other gases in combination. He gas is a highly valued energy
resource, but it is impractical to recover it from the complex
gas mixture output by currently-used hypochlorite cells, and
it is, therefore, simply released, thereby wasting it.
The present invention relates in general to electrochemical One available alternative to the currently-used processes is
processes for the production of sodium hypochlorite an electrolytic membrane process using an organic mem
(NaOCl). More particularly, the present invention provides an brane (such as Nafion). Such organic membrane-based pro
electrochemical process for producing sodium hypochlorite cesses often suffer from short membrane lifetime because
using a sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane. 25 calcium and magnesium ions originally present in the feed
Solution precipitate within the membranes, fouling them and
reducing their efficiency and performance.
Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical compound having the Thus, it would be an improvement in the art to provide a
general chemical formula NaOCl. Sodium hypochlorite is novel electrochemical process for generating sodium
used in a wide variety of applications, including uses as a
30 hypochlorite from a variety of sodium chloride input solu
disinfectant and/or a bleaching agent. In one application, tions, including seawater, that may be more efficient than
Sodium hypochlorite is marketed as a 3-6 weight percent
currently-used processes, and which may generate less waste.
It would be a further benefit in the art to provide a process for
Solution for use as household bleach. Stronger solutions are producing Sodium hypochlorite that is resistant to fouling
marketed for use in the chlorination of water at water treat
ment plants, as a disinfectant in medical applications, and
35 from the calcium and magnesium ions commonly found in
such feed streams. It would be a further benefit in the art to
even stronger solutions are produced for chlorination of provide a process for producing Sodium hypochlorite that
Swimming pools. Sodium hypochlorite has been used for the enables hydrogen gas to be practically recovered as a product.
disinfection of drinking water, at a concentration equivalent Such processes and devices for conducting Such processes
to about 1 liter of household bleach per 4000 liters of water. 40 are disclosed herein.
The exact amount required depends on the water chemistry,
temperature, contact time, and presence or absence of sedi BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
In some methods, sodium hypochlorite is prepared by The present invention provides processes and apparatus for
absorbing chlorine gas into cold sodium hydroxide Solution 45 the electrochemical production of sodium hypochlorite using
to induce the following reaction: a sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane. One presently
preferred type of sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane
includes sodium super ionic conductor (hereinafter “NaSI
The Sodium hydroxide and chlorine reagents input into this CON) membrane technologies. The processes and apparatus
process may be commercially produced by the chloralkali 50 of the present invention may provide the capability of con
process. For use in this reaction, there is generally no need to tinually generating Sodium hypochlorite from a feed contain
isolate the reagents, thus, NaOCl may be prepared in an ing aqueous sodium chloride. The aqueous Sodium chloride
industrial setting by electrolyzing sodium chloride Solution feed may be pure or impure, such as seawater or brine.
without any separation or barrier between the anode and the In the electrochemical processes within the scope of the
cathode. In this process, the reaction Solution is generally 55 present invention, the sodium chloride feed is introduced into
maintained at a temperature below about 40°C. in order to the anolyte compartment of an electrolytic cell. A sodium ion
prevent the formation of Sodium chlorate. As a result, com conductive ceramic membrane separates the anolyte com
mercially-prepared sodium hypochlorite solutions generally partment from the catholyte compartment. Water or a low
contain amounts of sodium chloride as a primary byproduct. concentration sodium hydroxide solution is fed to the
Current methods for the production of sodium hypochlo 60 catholyte compartment of the electrolytic cell. In some
rite such as that described above are subject to several prac embodiments of the electrolytic cells and processes within
tical limitations. First, the current bi-polar or undivided cell the scope of the present invention, the anode may be titanium
technologies that are used to produce sodium hypochlorite coated with advanced metal films referred to in the art as a
cannot effectively handle the calcium and magnesium ions “dimensionally stable anode' (hereinafter "DSA), and the
often contained in the salt solutions fed into the hypochlorite 65 cathode may be a nickel/stainless Steel alloy.
cells. As a result, without being limited to any one theory, it is Under the influence of electric potential, electrochemical
believed that these ions begin to detrimentally effect the cells, conversion occurs through simultaneous reactions at both
US 8,268,159 B2
3 4
electrodes: the oxidation of chloride ions present in the FIG. 9 shows a graph of current efficiency for the produc
anolyte solution at the anode to form chlorine gas, and the tion of sodium hypochlorite as a function oftemperature in an
reduction of water at the cathode to form hydroxyl ions. As electrolytic cell as described in Example 7.
the electrode reactions occur, Sodium ions are transported FIG. 10 shows a graph of current efficiency as a function of
from the anolyte compartment across the sodium ion conduc- 5 current density in an electrolytic cell as described in Example
tive ceramic membrane into the catholyte compartment. 8.
Some sodium hydroxide produced in the catholyte compart FIG. 11 shows a graph of the effect of pH on the current
ment is transported to the anolyte compartment. The various efficiency for the production of sodium hypochlorite in an
reactions occurring within the electrolytic cell to produce electrolytic cell as described in Example 9.
sodium hypochlorite are presented below. 10 FIG. 12 shows a graph of the production of sodium
hypochlorite as a function of current density in an electrolytic
cell as described in Example 9.
FIG. 13 shows a graph of the power consumption, current,
At the anode? and current efficiency as a function of Amp-Hours in the
anolyte compartment: 15 electrolytic cell as described in Example 10


catholyte compartment:
Overall reaction: The presently preferred embodiments of the present inven
tion will be best understood by reference to the drawings,
Other advantages and aspects of the present invention will wherein like parts are designated by like numerals through
become apparent upon reading the following description of out. It will be readily understood that the components of the
the drawings and detailed description of the invention. These present invention, as generally described and illustrated in the
and other features and advantages of the present invention figures herein, could be arranged and designed in a wide
will become more fully apparent from the following figures, variety of different configurations. Thus, the following more
description, and appended claims, or may be learned by the detailed description of the embodiments of the electrolytic
processes for producing sodium hypochlorite using sodium
practice of the invention as set forth hereinafter. ion conductive ceramic membrane, as represented in FIGS. 1
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SEVERAL 30 through 13, is not intended to limit the scope of the invention,
as claimed, but is merely representative of presently preferred
embodiments of the invention.
In order that the manner in which the above-recited and
The phrase “substantially impermeable to water,” when
used in the instant application to refer to a membrane, means
other features and advantages of the invention are obtained that a small amount of water may pass through the membrane,
will be readily understood, a more particular description of 35 but that the amount that passes through is not of a quantity to
the invention briefly described above will be rendered by diminish the usefulness of the present invention. The phrase
reference to specific embodiments thereof that are illustrated “essentially impermeable to water, as used herein in refer
in the appended drawings. Understanding that these drawings ence to a membrane, means that no water passes through the
depict only typical embodiments of the invention and are not membrane, or that if water passes through the membrane, its
therefore to be considered to be limiting of its scope, the 40 passage is so limited so as to be undetectable by conventional
invention will be described and explained with additional means. The words “substantially' and “essentially are used
specificity and detail through the use of the accompanying similarly as intensifiers in other places within this specifica
drawings in which: tion.
FIG. 1 is a schematic view of an embodiment of an elec Electrode materials useful in the methods and apparatus of
trolytic cell for producing sodium hypochlorite within the 45 the present invention are electrical conductors and are gener
Scope of the present invention; ally substantially stable in the media to which they are
FIG. 2 shows a graph of the operation of a sodium exposed. Any suitable electrode material, or combination of
hypochlorite production cell of Example 1: electrode materials, known to one of ordinary skill in the art
FIG. 3 shows a graph of the rate of sodium hypochlorite 50 may
be used within the scope of the present invention. In
specific embodiments, the anode material may include
production of the cell of Example 2: at least one of the following: dimensionally stable anode
FIG. 4 shows a graph of the energy required for Sodium (DSA, generally comprising ruthenium oxide-coated-tita
hypochlorite produced in the cell of Example 3. nium or RuO/Ti), nickel, cobalt, nickel tungstate, nickel
FIG. 5 shows a graph of the production of sodium titanate, platinum and other noble metals, noble metals plated
hypochlorite as a function of Amp Hours in the electrolytic 55 on a Substrate Such as platinum-plated titanium, metal oxides
cell as described in Example 4. based on titanium, stainless steel, lead, lead dioxides, graph
FIG. 6 shows a graph of the production of sodium ite, tungsten carbide and titanium diboride. In some specific
hypochlorite as a function of Amp Hours in the electrolytic embodiments, the cathode material may include at least one
cell as described in Example 5. of the following: nickel, cobalt, platinum, silver, alloys Such
FIG. 7 shows a graph comparing the production of sodium 60 as titanium carbide with Small amounts (in Some instances up
hypochlorite as a function of Amp Hours in an undivided to about 3 weight%) of nickel, FeAli, NiAl, stainless steel,
electrolytic cell and in an electrolytic cell with a sodium ion perovskite ceramics, and graphite. In some embodiments, the
conductive ceramic membrane as described in Example 6. electrodes may be chosen to maximize cost effectiveness by
FIG. 8 shows a graph comparing current efficiency for the balancing the electrical efficiency of the electrodes against
production of sodium hypochlorite in an undivided electro- 65 their cost.
lytic cell and in an electrolytic cell with a sodium ion con The electrode material may be in any suitable form within
ductive ceramic membrane as described in Example 6. the scope of the present invention, as would be understood by
US 8,268,159 B2
5 6
one of ordinary skill in the art. In some specific embodiments, Sodium ion conductive ceramic materials. Such co-joined
the form of the electrode materials may include at least one of ceramic membrane layers could include NaSICON-type
the following: a dense orporous Solid-form, a dense orporous materials joined to other ceramics, such as, but not limited to,
layer plated onto a substrate, a perforated form, an expanded beta-alumina. Such layers could be joined to each other using
form including a mesh, or any combination thereof. a method such as, but not limited to, co-firing, joining follow
In some embodiments of the present invention, the elec ing sintering, etc. Other Suitable joining methods are known
trode materials may be composites of electrode materials by one of ordinary skill in the art and are included herein.
with non-electrode materials, where non-electrode materials In some embodiments of the Sodium ion conductive
are poor electrical conductors under the conditions of use. A ceramic materials of the present invention, the Sodium ion
variety of insulative non-electrode materials are also known 10 conductive ceramic materials may be NaSICON-type mate
in the art, as would be understood by one of ordinary skill in rials. In some specific embodiments, the NaSICON-type
the art. In some specific embodiments, the non-electrode materials may include at least one of the following: materials
materials may include at least one of the following: ceramic of general formula Na. M'SiPO2 where 0sxs3, and
materials, polymers, and/or plastics. These non-electrode where M is selected from the group consisting of Zr, Ge. Ti,
materials may also be selected to be stable in the media to 15 Sn, or Hf, or mixtures thereof materials of general formula
which they are intended to be exposed. Na LZr-PO where 0s Zs2.0, and where L is selected
The ceramic membranes utilized in the processes and from the group consisting of Cr, Yb, Er, Dy, Sc, Fe, In, orY. or
apparatus of the present invention are sodium ion-conductive, mixtures thereof materials of general formula NasRESiO2,
and physically separate the anolyte Solution from the and where RE is Y or any rare earth element.
catholyte solution (by means of the dense-layer of the In some specific embodiments, the NaSICON-type mate
ceramic membrane). In one embodiment, it may be advanta rials may include at least one of the following: materials of
geous to employ ceramic membranes with low or even neg general formula NasRESiO2 and non-stoichiometric
ligible electronic conductivity, in order to minimize any gal Sodium-deficient materials of general formula
Vanic reactions that may occur when an applied potential or (NasRESiO2) (REO.2SiO), where RE is Nd, Dy, or
current is removed from the cell containing the ceramic mem 25 Sm, or any mixture thereof and where 8 is the measure of
brane. In some embodiments of the present invention it may deviation from stoichiometry, as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No.
be advantageous to employ ceramic membranes that are Sub 5,580,430, and as explicitly incorporated herein by this ref
stantially impermeable to at least the solvent components of erence in its entirety. In some specific embodiments, the
both the catholyte and anolyte solutions. NaSICON-type materials may include at least one of the
In some specific embodiments, the Sodium ion conductive 30 following: non-stoichiometric materials, Zirconium-deficient
ceramic membrane may include at least one of the following (or sodium rich) materials of general formula Na Zr
features and use characteristics, as would be understood by SiPO where 1.55sXs3.
one of ordinary skill in the art: a Solid form; a sodium ion In some specific embodiments, the NaSICON-type mate
conductivity attemperatures below about 100° C.; low elec rials may include at least one of the following: non-stoichio
tronic conductivity; a sodium ion transfer efficiency (i.e. high 35 metric materials, Sodium-deficient materials of general for
transference number) greater than about 90%; a high selec mula Na (AZr)(SiP)O12s where A is selected from
tivity for sodium cations (e.g. Na') in relation to other alkali the group consisting of Yb, Er, Dy, Sc, In, or Y, or mixtures
or non-alkali cations; stability in solutions of Sodium ion thereof, 1.8sxs2.6, Osys0.2, Xsz, and 8 is selected to
containing salts and chemicals of weak or strong organic or maintain charge neutrality. In some specific embodiments,
inorganic acids; a density greater than about 95% of theoreti 40 the NaSICON-type materials may include sodium-deficient
cal density value; Substantially impermeable to water trans materials of formula Nasi Zr2Si2. Po,OI2.
port; resistant to acid, alkaline, caustic and/or corrosive Other exemplary NaSICON-type materials are described
chemicals. by H. Y-P. Hong in “Crystal structures and crystal chemistry
In some embodiments of the ceramic membrane of the in the system Na Zr SiPO. Materials Research Bul
present invention, the ceramic membrane may not be substan 45 letin, Vol. 11, pp. 173-182, 1976; J. B. Goodenough et al., in
tially influenced by Scaling, fouling or precipitation of species “Fast Na'-ion transport skeleton structures.” Materials
incorporating divalent cations, trivalent cations, and tetrava Research Bulletin, Vol. 11, pp. 203-220, 1976;J.J. Bentzenet
lent cations; or by dissolved solids present in the Solutions. al., in “The preparation and characterization of dense, highly
A variety of Sodium ion conductive ceramic materials are conductive NaGdSiO, nasicon (NGS). Materials
known in the art and would be suitable for constructing the 50 Research Bulletin, Vol. 15, pp. 1737-1745, 1980: C. Delmas
ceramic membrane of the present invention, as would be et al., in “Crystal chemistry of the NaZr-L (PO) (L-Cr,
understood by one of ordinary skill in the art. In an embodi In, Yb) solid solutions.” Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 16,
ment of the present invention, a sodium ion conductive pp. 285-290, 1981; V. von Alpen et al., in “Compositional
ceramic material may be a solid electrolyte material that is an dependence of the electrochemical and structural parameters
electronic insulator and an ionic conductor. In many embodi 55 in the NASICON system (Na Si, ZrPO).” Solid State
ments, the sodium ion conductive ceramic materials are Sub Ionics, Vol. 3/4, pp. 215-218, 1981; S. Fujitsu et al., in “Con
stantially stable in the media to which they are exposed. Other duction paths in sintered ionic conductive material Na
suitable materials are known to one of ordinary skill in the art YZr(PO).” Materials Research Bulletin, Vol. 16, pp.
and would be suitable for practice of the present invention. In 1299-1309, 1981; Y. Saito et al., in “Ionic conductivity of
Some embodiments of the Sodium ion conductive ceramic 60 NASICON-type conductors Nas MosZrs (PO) (M: Al",
materials of the present invention, the Sodium ion conductive Ga", Cr", Sc", Fe", In, Yb",Y), Solid State Ionics,
ceramic materials may have a sodium ion conductivity rang Vol. 58, pp. 327-331, 1992; J. Alamo in “Chemistry and
ing from about 1x10 S/cm to about 1x10 S/cm measured properties of solids with the NZP skeleton. Solid State
from ambient temperature to about 85°C. and sodium trans Ionics, Vol. 63-65, pp. 547-561, 1993; K. Shimazu in “Elec
fer efficiency greater than about 90%. 65 trical conductivity and Ti" ion substitution range in NASI
In some specific embodiments, the ceramic membrane CON system.” Solid State Ionics, Vol. 79, pp. 106-110, 1995:
may comprise two or more co-joined layers of different Y. Miyajima in “Ionic conductivity of NASICON-type
US 8,268,159 B2
7 8
NaMZr-PO (M:Yb, Er, Dy).” Solid State Ionics, Vol. of ordinary skill in the art. In some specific embodiments, the
84, pp. 61-64, 1996. These references are incorporated in non-conductive materials may include at least one of the
their entirety herein by this reference. following: ceramic materials, polymers, and/or plastics that
The ceramic membranes may be used or produced for use are substantially stable in the media to which they are
in the processes and apparatus of the present invention in any exposed.
suitable form, as would be understood by one of ordinary skill Layered ceramic-polymer composite membranes are also
in the art. In some specific embodiments, the form of the particularly suitable for use as ceramic membranes in the
ceramic membranes may include at least one of the following: present invention, such as, but not limited to, those disclosed
monolithic flat plate geometries, Supported structures in flat in U.S. Pat. No. 5,290,405, which is incorporated herein in its
plate geometries, monolithic tubular geometries, Supported 10 entirety by this reference. Layered ceramic-polymer compos
structures in tubular geometries, monolithic honeycomb ite membranes generally comprise ionic-selective polymers
geometries, or Supported structures in honeycomb geom layered on Sodium ion conductive ceramic materials. In some
etries. Supported structures may comprise dense layers of specific embodiments, the Sodium ion conductive ceramic
Sodium ion conductive ceramic materials supported on materials of the layered ceramic-polymer composite mem
porous Supports. A variety of forms for the porous Supports 15 branes may include at least one of the following: NaSICON
are known in the art and would be suitable for providing the type materials or beta-alumina. Ion-selective polymer mate
porous Supports for ceramic membranes with Supported rials have the disadvantage of having poor selectively to
structures, including: ceramic layers sintered to below full Sodium ions, yet they demonstrate the advantage of high
density with resultant continuous open porosity, slotted-form chemical stability. Therefore, layered ceramic-polymer com
layers, perforated-form layers, expanded-form layers includ posite membranes of sodium ion conductive ceramic materi
ing a mesh, or combinations thereof. In some embodiments, als with chemically stable ionic-selective polymer layers may
the porosity of the porous Supports is substantially continuous be suitable for use in the present invention. In some specific
open-porosity so that the liquid solutions on either side of the embodiments, the types of ion-selective polymer materials
ceramic membrane may be in intimate contact with a large which may be used in the layered ceramic-polymer compos
area of the dense-layers of sodium ion conductive ceramic 25 ite structure may include at least one of the following: poly
materials, and in Some, the continuous open-porosity ranges electrolyte perfluorinated sulfonic polymers, polyelectrolyte
from about 30 volume 96 to about 90 volume 96. In some carboxylic acid polymers, NafionTM materials (from DuPont
embodiments of the present invention, the porous Supports for Fluoroproducts, Fayetteville, N.C.) and polyvinyl chloride
the Supported structures may be present on one side of the (PVC), matrix-based polymers, co-polymers or block-co
dense layer of Sodium ion conductive ceramic material. In 30 polymers.
Some embodiments of the present invention, the porous Sup In some specific embodiments, the polymers for the lay
ports for the supported structures may be present on both ered ceramic-polymer composite membranes may include at
sides of the dense layer of sodium ion conductive ceramic least one of the following features and use characteristics, as
material. would be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art: high
A variety of materials for the porous Supports are known in 35 chemical stability; high ionic conductivity; good adhesion to
the art and would be suitable for providing the porous Sup ceramic materials; and/or insensitivity to impurity contami
ports for ceramic membranes with Supported-structures, nation.
including: electrode materials, NaSICON-type materials, B It is not necessary for either the cathode oranode to contact
alumina, B'-alumina, other cation-conductive materials, and the ceramic membrane in the processes or apparatus of the
non-conductive materials such as plastics or ceramic materi 40 present invention. Both the catholyte and anolyte solutions
als, metals, and metal alloys. The thickness of the dense layer are ion-conductive so that from an electrical standpoint the
of Sodium ion conductive ceramic material in monolithic electrodes may be remote from the sodium ion conductive
structures is generally from about 0.3 mm to about 5 mm, and ceramic membrane. In such an event, a thin-film dense
in some instances from about 0.1 mm to about 1.5 mm. The ceramic membrane may be deposited on a porous Substrate
thickness of the dense layer of sodium ion conductive ceramic 45 which does not have to be an electrode.
material in Supported structures is generally from about 25 One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that a
um to about 2 mm, and often from about 0.5 mm to about 1.5 number of ceramic powderprocessing methods are known for
mm. Layers as thin as about 25um to about 0.5 mm are readily processing of the sodium ion conductive ceramic materials
producible, as would be understood by one of ordinary skill in Such as high temperature Solid-state reaction processes, co
the art. In some specific embodiments, the ceramic mem 50 precipitation processes, hydrothermal processes, or sol-gel
branes are structurally supported by the cathode and the processes. In some embodiments of the present invention it
anode, each of which is porous. This may dictate character may be advantageous to synthesize the Sodium ion conduc
istics of both the form of the membranes, and/or of the cath tive ceramic materials by high temperature Solid-state reac
ode and/or anode. In some specific embodiments, the porous tion processes. Specifically, for NaSICON-type materials, a
Substrate must have similar thermal expansion and good 55 mixture of starting precursors such as simple oxides and/or
bonding with the membrane as well as good mechanical carbonates of the individual components may be mixed at the
strength. One of ordinary skill in the art would understand desired proportions in methanol in polyethylene vessels, and
that the number and configuration of the layers used to con dried at approximately 60°C. to evolve the solvent; the dried
struct the ceramic membrane as Supported-structures could mixture of starting precursors may be calcined in the range of
be widely varied within the scope of the invention. 60 from about 800° C. to about 1200° C. dependent on the
In some embodiments of the ceramic membranes of the composition, followed by milling of the calcined powder with
present invention, the ceramic membranes may be compos media Such as Stabilized-zirconia or alumina or another
ites of sodium ion conductive ceramic materials with non media known to one of ordinary skill in the art to achieve the
conductive materials, where the non-conductive materials are prerequisite particle size distribution. To achieve the prereq
poor ionic and electronic electrical conductors under the con 65 uisite particle size distribution, the calcined powder may be
ditions of use. A variety of insulative non-conductive mate milled using a technique Such as vibratory milling, attrition
rials are also known in the art, as would be understood by one milling, jet milling, ball milling, or another technique known
US 8,268,159 B2
to one of ordinary skill in the art, using media (as appropriate) sodium ions 22 from the anolyte compartment 14 to the
Such as stabilized-zirconia or alumina or another media catholyte compartment 16 under the influence of an electrical
known to one of ordinary skill in the art. potential 24 while preventing water transportation from either
One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that a compartment to the other side.
number of polymers are known for processing with ceramic The electrolytic cell 10 is operated by feeding an aqueous
powders such as those set forth above as prerequisite for sodium chloride solution 26 into the anolyte compartment 14.
preparing a green-form. Such polymers include, but are not
limited to, polyacrylates, polyvinyl butyral, polyvinyl alco The sodium chloride solution 26 may come from any source,
hol, poly(alkylene carbonate), Polyethylene glycols, DURA including naturally occurring seawater or brine sources. The
MAXTM binders (Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, 10 Sodium chloride solution may be prepared by dissolving salt
Pa.), and POLYOXTM Resins (Dow Chemical Company, Mid containing sodium chloride in water. The water need not be
land, Mich.). pure de-ionized water, but it can be tap water or unpurified
One of ordinary skill in the art would understand that a water from any source. The concentration of sodium chloride
number of conventional ceramic fabrication processing meth in the aqueous Solution should be below its saturation limit in
ods are known for processing ceramic membranes such as 15 water. The concentration of Sodium chloride in the aqueous
those set forth above in a green-form. Such methods include, solution is between about 0.1% by weight and about 26% by
but are not limited to, tape casting, calendaring, embossing, weight of the solution, and more preferably between about
punching, laser-cutting, solvent bonding, lamination, heat 3% by weight and 26% by weight of the solution.
lamination, extrusion, co-extrusion, centrifugal casting, slip Water 28 is fed into the catholyte compartment 16. At least
casting, gel casting, die casting, pressing, isostatic pressing. initially, the water 28 preferably includes sodium ions, which
hot isostatic pressing, uniaxial pressing, and Solgel process may be in the form of an unsaturated Sodium hydroxide
ing. The resulting greenform ceramic membrane may then be
sintered to form a ceramic membrane using a technique solution. The concentration of sodium hydroxide is between
known to one of ordinary skill in the art, such as conventional about 0.1% by weight and about 50% by weight of the solu
thermal processing in air, or controlled atmospheres to mini 25 tion. In one embodiment, the water 28 includes a dilute solu
mize loss of individual components of the ceramic mem tion of sodium hydroxide. During operation, the source of
branes. Sodium ions may be provided by Sodium ions 22 transporting
In some embodiments of the present invention it may be across the sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane 12 from
advantageous to fabricate the ceramic membrane in a green the anolyte compartment 14 to the catholyte compartment 16.
form by die-pressing, optionally followed by isostatic press 30
The anode 18 may be fabricated of various materials,
ing. In other embodiments of the present invention it may including those discussed above. In one embodiment, the
potentially be advantageous to fabricate the ceramic mem anode 18 is fabricated of titanium coated with advanced metal
brane as a multi-channel device in a green form using a oxides. The cathode 20 may also be fabricated of various
combination of techniques such as tape casting, punching, materials, including those discussed above. In one embodi
laser-cutting, Solvent bonding, heat lamination, or other tech 35
ment, the cathode 20 is fabricated of nickel/stainless steel.
niques known to one of ordinary skill in the art. Specifically,
for NaSICON-type materials, a ceramic membrane in a Under the influence of electric potential 24, electrochemical
green-form may be green-formed by pressing in a die, fol reactions take place at the anode 18 and cathode 20. Oxida
lowed by isostatic pressing and then sintering in air in the tion of chloride ions to chlorine gas occurs at the anode 18,
range of from about 925° C. to about 1300° C. for up to about 40 and reduction of water to form hydrogen gas 30 and hydroxyl
8 hours to make sintered ceramic membrane structures with ions occurs at the cathode 20.
dense layers of alkali cation-conductive ceramic materials. As the reactions occurat the electrodes, sodium ions 22 are
Standard X-ray diffraction analysis techniques may be per transported from the anolyte compartment 14 across the
formed to identify the crystal structure and phase purity of the Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane 12 into the
alkali cation-conductive ceramic materials in the sintered 45 catholyte compartment 16. If non-sodium ions, such as pro
ceramic membrane. tons, calcium, magnesium, etc. are also present in the anolyte
In some specific embodiments, ceramic membranes for use compartment 14, they are prevented from moving to the
in the processes and apparatus of the present invention may be catholyte compartment 16 by the solid electrolyte 12 due to
fabricated by a vapor deposition method onto a porous Sup ionic size differences and electroneutrality constraints when
port, including at least one of the following methods: physical 50
compared with the Sodium ions. Due to this reason, the cur
vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, sputtering, ther rent efficiency is expected to be between from about 95 to
mal spraying, or plasma spraying. The thickness of the
ceramic membrane formed by a vapor deposition method about 100% in some embodiments. The transported sodium
onto a porous Support is generally from about 1 um to about ions 22 combine with the hydroxyl ions produced by the
100m, but may be varied as is known to one of ordinary skill 55 reduction of water at the cathode 20 to form a sodium hydrox
in the art. ide solution. Part of this sodium hydroxide solution 32 is
One embodiment of an electrolytic cell that may be used in transported to the anolyte compartment 14 of the cell to
the electrochemical process to made sodium hypochlorite is control anolyte pH and produce sodium hypochlorite solu
illustrated in FIG.1. The electrolytic cell 10 uses a sodium ion tion. Sodium hypochlorite solution 34 may be removed from
conductive ceramic membrane 12 that divides the electro 60 the anolyte compartment 14. In some embodiments, the solu
chemical cell 10 into two compartments: an anolyte compart tion comprising Sodium hypochlorite is removed from the
ment 14 and a catholyte compartment 16. An electrochemi anolyte compartment 14 for on-site use. As used herein, the
cally active anode 18 is housed in the anolyte compartment 14 term on-site use refers to use of the produced sodium
where oxidation reactions take place, and an electrochemi hypochlorite in a personal, commercial or industrial process
cally active cathode 20 is housed in the catholyte compart 65 located proximate to the electrolytic cell, so that expensive
ment 16 where reduction reactions take place. The sodium ion storage or transportation facilities for the sodium hypochlo
conductive ceramic membrane 12 selectively transfers rite are not required.
US 8,268,159 B2
11 12
The chemical reactions in the electrochemical cell 10 are Such as by one or more human operators, and automated
summarized below: operation, Such as by using sensors, electronic valves, labo
ratory robots, etc. operating under computer or analog con
trol. In automated operation, a valve or stopcock may be
At the anode?
opened or closed according to a signal received from a com
anolyte compartment: puter or electronic controller on the basis of a timer, the output
of a sensor, or other means. Examples of automated systems
are well known in the art. Some combination of manual and
At the cathode? automated operation may also be used. Alternatively, the
catholyte compartment:
Overall reaction: 10 amount of each solution that is to be added or removed per
unit time to maintain a steady state may be experimentally
The pH control of the anolyte solution is especially impor determined for a given cell, and the flow of solutions into and
out of the system set accordingly to achieve the steady state
tant when feed to the anolyte solution is an impure sodium flow conditions. The concentration of the produced sodium
chloride Solution containing calcium, magnesium, or other 15 hypochlorite will typically range between 1% and 20% by
precipitable cations. Such sodium chloride solutions include, weight of Solution, or more.
but are not limited to, Seawater, brine, industrial process In another embodiment, the system is operated in batch
streams, or salt Solutions containing sodium chloride. Such mode. In batch mode, the anolyte and catholyte solutions are
salt Solutions may be prepared with pure or impure salt or
with pure or impure water. The pH of the solution within the fed into the electrolytic cell 10 and the cell is operated until
anolyte compartment 14 is preferably maintained at a pH less the desired concentration of product is produced in the
than 14, usually in preferred pH in the range from 7 to 12. anolyte compartment 14 and catholyte compartment 16. The
Because calcium and magnesium precipitate at a pH greater electrolytic cell 10 is then emptied, the product collected, and
than about 8, it is preferred to maintain the pH less than about the cell refilled to start the process again. Alternatively, com
8 when operating with impure sodium chloride solutions. For binations of continuous mode and batch mode production
pure Sodium chloride solutions, the anolyte solution may 25 may be used. Also, in either mode, the feeding of Solutions
have higher pH. With pH control, precipitation reactions at may be done using a pre-prepared solution or using compo
the anode, formation of calcium and magnesium hydroxides, nents that form the Solution in situ.
may be avoided, thereby producing a clear Solution of sodium It should be noted that both continuous and batch mode
hypochlorite. have dynamic flow of Solutions. In continuous mode, the
The sodium conductive ceramic membrane 12 preferably 30 anolyte make up Solution is added so the sodium concentra
blocks diffusion of calcium or magnesium ions to the tion is maintained at a certain concentration or concentration
catholyte compartment 16 during electrolysis. Thus, precipi range. The operation is stopped when the appropriate product
tation of calcium and magnesium is avoided in the catholyte concentration is reached in the catholyte.
compartment. In contrast, precipitation is unpreventable with The hydrogen gas 30 generated at the cathode 20 is pure
organic membranes, such as Nafion(R) membranes, as they 35 unlike gas generated in the undivided cell, which is a mixture
are, unlike NaSICON membranes, not able to completely of various gases: hydrogen, oxygen, and oxides of chlorine.
prevent the diffusion of calcium and magnesium ions to the Availability of the uncontaminated hydrogen gas 30 is a sig
catholyte compartment 16, causing precipitation of calcium
and magnesium not only in the catholyte compartment 16 but nificant advantage of the electrolytic cell 10 within the scope
also in the interstices of membrane, gradually eroding the of the present invention, not provided by the undivided cell.
membrane's effectiveness. This drawback of the organic 40 The hydrogen gas 30 may provide fuel to an alternative
membranes limits their use in Sodium hypochlorite genera energy generating process. Such as a PEM fuel cell or other
tion to only salt solution feeds containing just sodium chlo device known to one of ordinary skill in the art for energy
ride. generation. This may help offset the energy requirements to
The voltage required by the electrolytic cell 10, at constant operate the electrolytic process. The hydrogen gas 30 col
current, is dependant on factors such as concentration of 45 lected from the cathode 16 may be used for chemical process
anolyte (sodium chloride Solution), concentration of ing operations known to one of ordinary skill in the art.
catholyte (sodium hydroxide solution), membrane thickness, The transfer of sodium hydroxide 32 from the catholyte
conductivity of the membrane, and local mass transfer con compartment 16 to the anolyte compartment 14 may be auto
ditions which dictate the electrolytic cell's power consump matically controlled using any of the available means known
tion for a given production rate of sodium hypochlorite. 50 to one of ordinary skill in the art to maintain solution pH in the
The cell can be operated in a continuous or batch mode. In anolyte below the levels at which precipitation of calcium and
one embodiment of the processes and apparatus of the present magnesium usually occurs, consequently avoiding their pre
invention, the electrolytic cell 10 may be operated in a con cipitation in the cell. The substantial impermeability of the
tinuous mode. In a continuous mode, the cell is initially filled ceramic membrane 12 to the diffusion of calcium and mag
with anolyte and catholyte solutions and then, during opera 55 nesium ions will prevent their precipitating out of Solution as
tion, additional Solutions are fed into the cell and products, hydroxides on the catholyte side of the membrane. Precipita
by-products, and/or diluted solutions are removed from the tion is unpreventable when organic membranes are used
cell without ceasing operation of the cell. The reactant solu because they are not completely impervious to the calcium
tions may be fed into the anolyte and catholyte compartments
continuously or they may be fed intermittently, meaning that and magnesium diffusion.
the flow of a given solution is initiated or stopped according to 60 In one embodiment, the electrolytic process utilizing a
the need for the Solution and/or to maintain desired concen NaSICON-type material based ceramic membrane may over
trations of solutions in the cell, without emptying one or both come shortcomings of currently-used open cell bipolar pro
compartments. Similarly, the removal of solutions from the cess. By using the NaSICON-type materials in the ceramic
anolyte compartment 14 and the catholyte compartment 16 membrane cell, it is thought that in Some embodiments, one
may also be continuous or intermittent. Control of the addi 65 may achieve high current efficiencies, including, in some
tion and/or removal of solutions from the cell may be done by cases, but not limited to, over 90%, since such systems sub
any suitable means. Such means include manual operation, stantially do not allow back-migration of hydroxyl ions from
US 8,268,159 B2
13 14
the catholyte side of the cell to the anolyte side. It may offer EXAMPLE 3
the advantage of membrane longevity since the NaSICON
type materials based ceramic membranes taught in the Production of sodium hypochlorite with 26 wt % NaCl
present invention may be substantially immune to the corro aqueous Solution.
sive nature of the seawater or sodium chlorite.
Several examples are provided below which discuss the A test to demonstrate the production of sodium hypochlo
construction, use, and testing of specific embodiments of the rite with 26 wt % aqueous NaCl anolyte solution in a two
present invention. These embodiments are exemplary in compartment electrochemical cell assembly was performed.
nature and should not be construed to limit the scope of the
A 14 cm ceramic membrane of the NaSICON-type material
invention in any way. 10 composition Na Zr SiPO was assembled in a two
compartment electrochemical cell. Aqueous NaOH was
dripped into the anolyte compartment from the catholyte
compartment of the cell operating in steady state mode to
promote the secondary reaction to form sodium hypochlorite
Production of sodium hypochlorite with 4 weight percent 15 in the anolyte compartment.
NaCl acqueous solution. The cell was operated at steady state current density of 0.16
A short term test to demonstrate the production of sodium ampS/sq.inch (25 mA/cm) at ambient conditions in a closed
hypochlorite with 4 wt.% NaCl anolyte solution in a two cell system. Operational conditions are presented in Table 2,
compartment electrochemical cell assembly was performed. and the cell performance is presented in FIG. 4.
A 14 cm ceramic membrane of the NaSICON-type material
composition Na Zr SiPO was assembled in a two TABLE 2
compartment electrochemical cell.
The anolyte feed was 4 wt.% aqueous NaCl solution and Anolyte initial concentration 26 wt.% NaCl, O wt.% NaOCl
aqueous NaOH dripped into the anolyte compartment from Catholyte initial concentration 1982 wt.%
Operating temperature 22°C.
the catholyte compartment of the cell operating insteady state 25 Current density 0.16 amps/sq.inch (25 mA/cm)
mode to promote the secondary reaction. The anolyte and Final Ainolyte concentration 1.79 g/l of NaOCl = 0.15 wt.%
catholyte feed operated at 23°C. The operation characteris Final Catholyte concentration 22.02 wt.%
Test duration 74 hours
tics are presented in Table 1, and the cell operation is pre Anolyte pH 7 to 9
sented in FIG. 2 Ceramic Membrane Na3Zr2Si2.4PogO12 (1.42 mm
30 thickness and 51.26 mm Diameter
Anolyte initial concentration Anolyte: 4 wt.% NaCl solution
Catholyte initial concentration Catholyte: 15 wt.% NaOH EXAMPLE 4
Operating temperature 22° C.
Current density 0.77 35
Sodium Hypochlorite concentration 15.29 g/l of NaOCl Production of sodium hypochlorite with synthesized
Sodium Hypochlorite production rate 1.37 g. hr. A of NaOCl Sodium chloride solution.
Anolyte pH Anolyte pH maintained at 7.5
Ceramic Membrane Na3Zr2Si2 PogC)12 A test to demonstrate the production of sodium hypochlo
rite was performed with a synthetic salt solution. The salt
Solution was prepared with high quality Sodium chloride Salt
EXAMPLE 2 and de-ionized water and introduced into the anolyte com
partment of a two compartment electrochemical cell assem
Production of sodium hypochlorite with seawater. bly as illustrated in FIG.1. The sodium hydroxide solution for
the catholyte compartment was prepared using reagent grade
A short term test to demonstrate the production of sodium 45
sodium hydroxide (50 wt % strength) diluted to the required
hypochlorite with seawater anolyte feed in a two compart concentration using de-ionized water. Operating parameters
ment electrochemical cell assembly was performed. A 14 cm and results are presented in Table 3, below. The performance
ceramic membrane of the NaSICON-type material composi results are shown in FIG. 5, which indicate that the sodium
tion Na Zr-Si Po, Os was first assembled in a two com ion conductive ceramic membrane-based cell is capable of
partment electrochemical cell. 50
making Sodium hypochlorite efficiently.
The sodium chloride solution introduced into the anolyte
compartment was seawater. A low concentration of aqueous TABLE 3
NaOH was dripped into the anolyte compartment of the cell
operating in steady state mode to promote the secondary Performance of Ceramic Membrane Cell for NaOCl Production
reaction formation of sodium hypochlorite. The catholyte 55 (synthetic seawater solution feed)
feed was 0.25 M NaOH. The anolyte feed and the anolyte Cell Parameters: Operating Parameters:
compartment were held at 15°C., and the catholyte feed and
the catholyte compartment were held at 25°C. The cell was Amps 7.2 Temperature 2O.O. C.
operated at constant current density of 1.48 ampS/sq. inch Anode RuO2 on Ti pH 1O.O
Cathode SS Anolyte 30.0 g/L NaCl
conditions (230 mA/cm). The production rate of NaOCl is 60
Area (cm) 60 Catholyte 15.0% NaOH
presented in FIG. 3. Membrane 1.3
At the operating current density, about 12 grams/liter of Thickness (mm)
sodium hypochlorite were generated. Titration of the NaOCl Results:
chemical formed in the anolyte compartment was performed Anode 96 CE 100.0%
with sodium thiosulfate using potassium iodide and starch as 65 Final NaOCl (g/L) 102
indicators to determine the concentration of NaOCl gener
US 8,268,159 B2
15 16
TABLE 3-continued TABLE 4-continued
Performance of Ceramic Membrane Cell for NaOCl Production Performance of Ceramic membrane cell for NaOCl production
(synthetic seawater solution feed) (seawater feed)
Theoretical Actual
Mass Balance: Volume Total wit NaOCl NaOCl
End (ml) S.G. (g) amount (g) amount (g)
Start Volume (ml) S.G. Total wt (g)
Anolyte 2OOOOO 1.003 2006.OO 2O20 13.60
Anolyte 2OOO.OO 1.010 2O2O.OO Catholyte 2000.00 1.175 23SO.OO
Catholyte 4000.00 1.135 454.O.OO 10
totals: 4000.00 4356.OO
totals: 6OOOOO 656O.OO recovery: 100.51%
Data: Anolyte Catholyte
Theoretical Actual
Volume Total wt NaOCl NaOCl Operation time (hrs) Wolts Amphrs temp C. temp C.
End (ml) S.G. (g) amount (g) amount (g)
Start O 6.4 O.OO 19.0 28.0
Anolyte 2OOO.OO 1.OO2 2004.OO 20.02 20.48 End 4.OO 9.1 14.56 2O.O 29.0
Catholyte 39SO.OO 1.139 4499. OS

totals: S950.OO 6SO3.05

recovery: 99.13%
Data: Anolyte Catholyte Comparison of performance of an undivided cell and a
Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane based cell in pro
Operation time (hrs) Wolts Amphrs temp C. temp C.
25 ducing sodium hypochlorite.
Start O 10.2 O.OO 21.0 28.0
This test compares the performance of a sodium ion con
End 2.OO 11.8 14.40 2O.O 29.0
ductive ceramic membrane based cell with an undivided cell
used for producing Sodium hypochlorite. The comparison
results are shown in FIGS. 7 and 8. The ceramic membrane
30 based cell, FIG. 1, is more efficient in making sodium
EXAMPLE 5 hypochlorite as compared to the undivided cell. In an undi
vided cell (bi-polar electrode cell, without a separator
between the electrodes) part of the sodium hypochlorite pro
Production of sodium hypochlorite with seawater. duced by the cell is reduced back to chloride at the cathode
A test to demonstrate the production of sodium hypochlo 35 since the electrodes in the cell are not separated from each
rite was performed with actual seawater introduced into the other. The ceramic membrane based electrolytic cell is
anolyte compartment of a two compartment electrochemical capable of producing sodium hypochlorite at a higher con
cell assembly as illustrated in FIG. 1. The operating param centration than the undivided cell under similar operating
eters of the test and results are presented in Table 4. The conditions.
results are also shown in FIG. 6, which shows that the ceramic
membrane based cell is capable of making sodium hypochlo EXAMPLE 7
rite from seawater.
Comparison of the effect of temperature on the efficiency
TABLE 4 of sodium hypochlorite generation in an electrolytic cell con
45 taining a sodium ion conductive membrane.
Performance of Ceramic membrane cell for NaOCl production These tests compare the effect oftemperature on efficiency
(seawater feed) of sodium hypochlorite generation with ceramic membrane
Cell Parameters: Operating Parameters: cell. The results are presented in FIG.9. The results show that
as the operating temperature of the cell increases the current
Amps 3.6 Temperature 19.0° C. 50 efficiency of the process decreases since the stability of
Anode RuO2 on Ti pH 6.0 Sodium hypochlorite decreases as a function of temperature.
Cathode SS Anolyte 30.0 g/L NaCl
Area (cm) 60 Catholyte 15.0% NaOH The optimum operating temperature for the electrolytic cell
Membrane 1.3 to produce sodium hypochlorite was found to be about 20°C.
Thickness (mm)
The electrolytic cell may be effectively operated at room
55 temperature, and preferably less than about 30° C.
Anode 67.0%
Final NaOCl (g/L) 6.8
Mass Balance:
Effect of electrolytic cell operating current density on cur
60 rent efficiency in production of sodium hypochlorite.
Start Volume (ml) S.G. Total wt (g) A test was conducted to measure the effect of cell operating
current density on current efficiency in the process of produc
Anolyte 2OOO.OO 101S 2O3O.OO ing sodium hypochlorite using an apparatus as shown in FIG.
Catholyte 2OOO.OO 1.152 2304.00
1. The current efficiency of the ceramic membrane based cell
totals: 4000.00 4334.00 65 as a function of current density is shown in FIG. 10. The
current efficiency of the electrolytic cell increases as a func
tion of operating current density. The current density is pref
US 8,268,159 B2
17 18
erably in the range from about 0.03 to about 1.47 amps/sq. in invention, and the scope of protection is only limited by the
(5 mA/cm to about 150 mA/cm). Scope of the accompanying claims.
EXAMPLE 9 The invention claimed is:
5 1. A method for producing a sodium hypochlorite solution,
Effect of electrolytic cell anolyte pH on current efficiency comprising:
in production of Sodium hypochlorite. (a) obtaining an electrolytic cell comprising a sodium ion
A test was conducted to measure the effect of anolyte pH on conductive ceramic membrane configured to selectively
current efficiency in the process of producing sodium transport sodium ions, the ceramic membrane separat
hypochlorite using an apparatus as shown in FIG. 1. The 10 ing an anolyte compartment configured with an anode
results are shown in FIG. 11. The optimum pH range to and a catholyte compartment configured with a cathode:
operate the electrolytic cell was measured to be between 10 (b) providing an impure Sodium chloride solution contain
and 11. FIG. 12 shows a test performed at pH 11. This pH ing calcium, magnesium, or other precipitable cations in
range for the anolyte can be maintained in the ceramic mem the anolyte compartment of the cell;
brane cell by controlled addition of sodium hydroxide from 15 (c) providing water and sodium ions in the catholyte com
the catholyte compartment of the electrolytic cell. It is not partment of the electrolytic cell;
practical or possible, however, to control the pH in an undi (d) applying an electric current to the electrolytic cell
vided electrolytic cell, which allows mixing of anolyte and thereby:
catholyte solutions within the cell, giving rise to a solution i. oxidizing chlorine anions in the anolyte compartment
which normally ranges from 8 to 9 in pH. 2O according to the following reaction: 2C1->Cl+2e.
and forming hypochlorous acid according to the fol
EXAMPLE 10 lowing reaction: Cl-HO->HOCl+HCl;
ii. causing Sodium ions to pass through the Sodium ion
Effect of high sodium chloride concentration on the pro conductive ceramic membrane from the anolyte com
cess of producing sodium hypochlorite. 25 partment to the catholyte compartment; and
This test was conducted to measure the performance of the iii. decomposing water in the presence of sodium ions in
process of producing sodium hypochlorite using an apparatus the catholyte compartment according to the following
as shown in FIG. 1 at optimized temperature and pH condi reaction: Na+HO+e->NaOH+/2H:
tions, and high salt concentration. The results are shown in (e) withdrawing and transporting Sodium hydroxide solu
FIG. 13. The starting sodium chloride concentration in this 30 tion from the catholyte compartment to the anolyte com
test was about 200 grams/liter, instead of the customary 30 partment in a controlled fashion to produce Sodium
grams/liter, which is the optimized salt concentration used hypochlorite in the anolyte compartment according to
with the undivided cell method to get maximum benefits from the following reaction: HOC1+HC1+2NaOH->NaOCl+
the process to make sodium hypochlorite. The electrolytic NaCl-2HO:
cell containing a sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane, 35 (f) maintaining a pH of the impure sodium chloride solu
unlike undivided cell operation, is flexible enough to accom tion within the anolyte compartment at a pH less than 8,
modate salt concentration changes during its operation, both wherein the pH of the impure sodium chloride solution
salt and current density parameters in this test were adjusted within the anolyte compartment is also maintained at
during the test to minimize both power and salt consump about 6 or greater; and
tions. 40 (g) removing a solution comprising sodium hypochlorite
From the foregoing, it will be appreciated that the present from the anolyte compartment.
invention provides an efficient process to produce Sodium 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the impure
hypochlorite using an electrolytic cell with a sodium ion sodium chloride solution is intermittently fed into the anolyte
conductive ceramic membrane. Higher concentration of compartment and the Sodium hypochlorite Solution is inter
Sodium hypochlorite may be produced according to process- 45 mittently removed from the anolyte compartment.
ing within the scope of the present invention compared to 3. The method according to claim 2, wherein water is
current industrial processes. Processes within the scope of the intermittently fed into the catholyte compartment and the
present invention may be used to produce Sodium hypochlo sodium hydroxide solution is intermittently withdrawn from
rite from a variety of different input sodium chloride solu the catholyte compartment and added to the anolyte compart
tions, including impure salt solutions, such as seawater, brine 50 ment to produce Sodium hypochlorite.
Solutions, or industrial salt solutions. The processes may be 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein the impure
used with wide variation of sodium chloride solution concen Sodium chloride Solution is continuously fed into the anolyte
trations. The Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane, compartment and the Sodium hypochlorite Solution is or con
combined with the ability to control pH in the anolyte com tinuously removed from the anolyte compartment.
partment, greatly minimizes problems associated with elec- 55 5. The method according to claim 4, wherein water is
trode fouling and precipitation of unwanted cations. Separat continuously fed into the catholyte compartment and the
ing the catholyte compartment from the anolyte compartment sodium hydroxide solution is continuously withdrawn from
enables hydrogen gas to be collected and used to produce the catholyte compartment and added to the anolyte compart
energy and to offset the process's energy requirements. The ment to produce Sodium hypochlorite.
electrolytic process within the scope of the present invention 60 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein the impure
may provide on-site generation of Sodium hypochlorite. sodium chloride solution is seawater or brine.
Finally, the processes within the scope of the present inven 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein the impure
tion use a closed system electrolytic cell with no waste sodium chloride solution is prepared by dissolving NaCl in
StreamS. unpurified water.
While specific embodiments of the present invention have 65 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the concen
been illustrated and described, numerous modifications come tration of sodium chloride in the impure sodium chloride
to mind without significantly departing from the spirit of the solution is below its saturation limit in water.
US 8,268,159 B2
19 20
9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the concen 26. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium
tration of sodium chloride in the impure sodium chloride ion conductive ceramic membrane has a flatplate geometry in
solution is between about 0.1% by weight and about 26% by the form of thin sheets Supported on porous ceramic Sub
weight of the solution. strates or thicker plates.
10. The method according to claim 1, wherein the concen 27. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium
tration of sodium chloride in the impure sodium chloride ion conductive ceramic membrane has a tubular geometry in
solution is between about 2 grams/liter and about 200grams/ the form of thin sheets Supported on porous ceramic Sub
liter. strates or thicker tubes.
11. The method according to claim 1, wherein the water 10
28. The method according to claim 1, further comprising
and Sodium ions provided to the catholyte compartment com the step of collecting and removing hydrogen gas from the
prise an unsaturated Sodium hydroxide solution. catholyte compartment.
12. The method according to claim 1, wherein the water 29. The method according to claim 28, wherein the hydro
and Sodium ions provided to the catholyte compartment com gen gas provide fuel to an alternative energy generating pro
prise a sodium hydroxide Solution wherein the concentration 15
of sodium hydroxide is less than or equal to 50% by weight of 30. The method according to claim 1, wherein the solution
the solution. comprising Sodium hypochlorite is made for on-site use
13. The method of claim 1, wherein the solution compris applications.
ing Sodium hypochlorite removed from anolyte compartment 31. An electrolytic cell for producing sodium hypochlorite
has a concentration of Sodium hypochlorite between about (NaOCl) comprising:
0.1% and about 25% by weight. an anolyte compartment comprising an electrochemically
14. The method of claim 1, wherein the solution compris active anode having a source of impure Sodium chloride
ing Sodium hypochlorite removed from anolyte compartment Solution containing calcium, magnesium, or other pre
has a concentration of Sodium hypochlorite between about cipitable cations in which chloride anions are oxidized
2% and about 20% by weight. 25 according to the following reaction: 2C1->Cl+2e.
15. The method of claim 1, wherein the solution compris and the chlorine reacts with water according to the fol
ing Sodium hypochlorite removed from anolyte compartment lowing reaction: C14-HO->HOC1+HCl;
has between about 0.1 g/liter of sodium hypochlorite and a catholyte compartment comprising an electrochemically
about 20 g/liter sodium hypochlorite. active cathode separated from the anolyte compartment
16. The method according to claim 1, further comprising 30 by a sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane config
the step of maintaining an electrolytic cell operating tempera ured to selectively transport sodium ions (Na) into the
ture less than 40° C. catholyte compartment, wherein the catholyte compart
17. The method according to claim 1, wherein the electric ment has a source of water and Nations, in which the
water is decomposed according to the following reac
current is applied to the electrolytic cell at a current density 35 tion: Na+HO+e->NaOH+ /2H:
greater than 0.1 ampS/sq., inch. a vent for collecting and removing H2 from the catholyte
18. The method according to claim 1, wherein the electric compartment;
current is applied to the electrolytic cell at a current density a fluid path for removing a portion of the NaOH from the
between about 0.01 and 1.16 amp/sq., inch. catholyte compartment and introducing the NaOH into
19. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium 40 the anolyte compartment to enable the following reac
ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a NaSICON tion: HOC1+HC1+2NaOH->NaOCl-NaCl-HO:
material. means for maintaining a pH of the impure sodium chloride
20. The method according to claim 19, wherein the NaSI Solution within the anolyte compartment at a pH less
CON material has the formula Na Zr SiPO where than 8, wherein the pH of the impure sodium chloride
OsXs3. 45 Solution within the anolyte compartment is also main
21. The method according to claim 19, wherein the NaSI tained at about 6 or greater; and
CON material has the formula NasRESiO, where RE is Y, a fluid path for removing sodium hypochlorite produced in
Nd, Dy, or Sm, or any mixture thereof. the anolyte compartment.
22. The method according to claim 19, wherein the NaSI 32. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the
CON material comprises a non-stoichiometric sodium-defi 50 Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a NaSI
cient NaSICON material having the formula (NasRESia CON material.
O) (REO.2SiO), where RE is Nd, Dy, or Sm, or any 33. The electrolytic cell according to claim 32, wherein the
mixture thereof and where 6 is the measure of deviation from NaSICON material has the formula Na Zr SiPO
Stoichiometry. where OsXs3.
23. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium 55 34. The electrolytic cell according to claim 32, wherein the
ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a monolithic NaSICON material has the formula NaRESiO, where RE
flat plate, a monolithic tube, a monolithic honeycomb, or is Y. Nd, Dy, or Sm, or any mixture thereof.
Supported Structures of the foregoing. 35. The electrolytic cell according to claim 32, wherein the
24. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium NaSICON material comprises a non-stoichiometric sodium
ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a layered 60 deficient NaSICON material having the formula
Sodium ion conducting ceramic-polymer composite mem (NasRESiO) (REO2SiO), where RE is Nd, Dy, or
brane, comprising sodium ion selective polymers layered on Sm, or any mixture thereof and where 8 is the measure of
Sodium ion conducting ceramic solid electrolyte materials. deviation from stoichiometry.
25. The method according to claim 1, wherein the sodium 36. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the
ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a plurality of 65 Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a
co-joined layers of two or more different sodium-ion con monolithic flat plate, a monolithic tube, a monolithic honey
ducting ceramic materials. comb, or Supported structures of the foregoing.
US 8,268,159 B2
21 22
37. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the (c) providing water and sodium ions in the catholyte com
Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a lay partment of the electrolytic cell;
ered sodium ion conducting ceramic-polymer composite (d) applying an electric current to the electrolytic cell
membrane, comprising Sodium ion selective polymers lay thereby:
ered on Sodium ion conducting ceramic solid electrolyte i. oxidizing chlorine anions in the anolyte compartment
materials. according to the following reaction: 2C1->Cl+2e.
and forming hypochlorous acid according to the fol
38. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the lowing reaction: Cl+HO->HOCl+HCl;
Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane comprises a plu ii. causing Sodium ions to pass through the Sodium ion
rality of co-joined layers of two or more different sodium-ion 10 conductive ceramic membrane from the anolyte com
conducting ceramic materials. partment to the catholyte compartment; and
39. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the iii. decomposing water in the presence of sodium ions in
Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane has a flat plate the catholyte compartment according to the following
geometry in the form of thin sheets Supported on porous reaction: Na"+HO+e->NaOH+/2H:
ceramic Substrates or thicker plates. 15 (e) withdrawing and transporting Sodium hydroxide solu
40. The electrolytic cell according to claim 31, wherein the tion from the catholyte compartment to the anolyte com
Sodium ion conductive ceramic membrane has a tubular partment in a controlled fashion to produce Sodium
geometry in the form of thin sheets Supported on porous hypochlorite in the anolyte compartment according to
ceramic substrates or thicker tubes. the following reaction: HOC1+HC1+2NaOH->NaOCl+
41. A method for producing a sodium hypochlorite solu NaCl-2HO:
tion, comprising: (f) maintaining a pH of the impure sodium chloride solu
(a) obtaining an electrolytic cell comprising a sodium ion tion within the anolyte compartment at a pH less than a
conductive ceramic membrane configured to selectively pH at which calcium ions and magnesium ions precipi
transport sodium ions, the ceramic membrane separat tate, wherein the pH of the impure sodium chloride
ing an anolyte compartment configured with an anode 25 Solution within the anolyte compartment is also main
and a catholyte compartment configured with a cathode: tained at about 6 or greater; and
(b) providing an impure Sodium chloride solution contain (g) removing a solution comprising sodium hypochlorite
ing calcium, magnesium, or other precipitable cations in from the anolyte compartment.
the anolyte compartment of the cell; k k k k k

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