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US 2011 0129409A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0129409 A1
Bakkenes et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jun. 2, 2011
54). SODIUM CHILORIDE PRODUCTION 3O oreign Application Priority Data
Foreign D
Jul. 22, 2008 (EP) .................................. O8160910.9
(75) Inventors: Hendrikus Wilhelmus Bakkenes,
Apeldoorn (NL); Johannes Publication Classification
Albertus Maria Meijer, (51) Int. Cl.
(52) U.S. Cl. ..................................................... 423/499.5
(73) Assignee: Akzo Nobel N.V., Arnhem (NL) (57) ABSTRACT
(21) Appl. No.: 13/055,185 The present invention pertains to a process for producing
Sodium chloride comprising the steps of (i) preparing a brine
(22) PCT Filed: May 22, 2009 comprising at least 150 g/l of sodium chloride by dissolving
a sodium chloride Source in water, (ii) Subjecting the resulting
(86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2009/056472 brine to a eutectic freeze crystallization step by indirect cool
371 1 ing of said brine, resulting in the formation of ice, Sodium
. S. t Jan. 21, 2011 chloride dihydrate, and a mother liquor, (iii) separating the
(2), (4) Date: al. Al sodium chloride dihydrate formed in step (ii) from the ice and
O O optionally mother liquor at the eutectic temperature, such that
Related U.S. Application Data a sodium chloride dihydrate-rich stream is formed, and (iv)
(60) Provisional application No. 61/083,443, filed on Jul. feeding said sodium chloride dihydrate-rich stream to a
24, 2008. recrystallizer to form sodium chloride and a mother liquor.

O. NaC 28.285 28.395 100% NaC

100% HO 73.715 73.605 0% H2O

Unsaturated Brine

| Saturated

Solubility curve
for Dihydrate

9. Freezing point
g 0° curve force 0.10°
H Dihydrate
lice and
and Saturated
Brine Brine
-21.12 Dihydrate

Dihydrate and
| Eutectic

O. NaC 23.31 61863 100% NaC

100% HO 76.69 38.137 O% H2O

The system sodium chloride-water (Not to scale)

Patent Application Publication Jun. 2, 2011 US 2011/0129409 A1

O% NaCl 26.285 26.395 100% NaC

100% HO 73.715 73,605 0% HO

Unsaturated Brine |

| Saturated

Solubility Curve
for Dihydrate
Freezing point
O Curve for Ice 0.10°

-2112 Dihydrate
Ce and Dihydrate and
Eutectic Eutectic

O% NaC 23.31 61863 100% NaC

100% HO 76.69 38.137 O% HO

Figure 1. The system sodium chloride-water (Not to scale)

US 2011/0129409 A1 Jun. 2, 2011

SODIUM CHLORIDE PRODUCTION bed heat exchanger. Chemical Engineering and Processing,
PROCESS Vol. 45, 2006, pp. 698-710 disclose a freeze concentration
process wherein liquids are concentrated by freezing out
water. More particularly, they disclose subjecting an aqueous
0001. The present invention relates to a novel sodium solution comprising 8 wt % of NaCl or less to a cooling step
chloride production process. inside a single tube fluidized bed heat exchanger to form ice.
0002 Sodium chloride is made industrially from aqueous Via this process a concentrate rich in its solutes is prepared.
solutions produced by dissolving a natural source of the 0009 U.S. Pat. No. 3,779,030 relates to a method of mak
sodium chloride in water. The sodium chloride is usually ing a sodium chloride concentrate from seawater. In col. 1,
obtained by crystallizing it from the aqueous sodium chloride lines 59-67, the principle of eutectic freezing is explained.
solution by evaporation of the water, which is generally However, ice crystals are produced to provide a supply of
accomplished using multiple-effect or vapour recompression fresh water and seawater is only being concentrated via this
evaporators. Multiple-effect systems typically contain three method.
or more forced-circulation evaporating vessels connected in 0010. The salt solutions mentioned in these documents are
series. The steam produced in each evaporator is fed to the suitable for the formation of ice, which would for example be
next one in the multiple-effect system to increase energy valuable in areas with a shortage of potable water. However,
efficiency. Mechanical vapour recompression forced-circula these solutions are not suitable for the large-scale production
tion evaporators consist of a crystallizer, a compressor, and a of sodium chloride. Large volumes of ice will be formed and
vapour scrubber. The aqueous sodium chloride solution concentration of these salt solutions by evaporation is too
(brine) enters the crystallizer vessel, where salt is crystal expensive.
lized. Vapour is withdrawn, scrubbed, and compressed for I0011 Stepakoff et al. in Desalination, Vol. 14, 1974, pp.
reuse in the heater. 25-38 discloses a process involving continuously freezing
0003. Both recompression evaporators and multiple-ef brine in a stirred tank freezer by direct contact with an immis
fect evaporators are energy-intensive because of the water cible refrigerant until the eutectic temperature is reached.
evaporation step involved. Furthermore, brine produced by More particularly, the brine is cooled by direct cooling with
dissolving a natural sodium chloride source in water normally Freon R-114 so that at -6° F. five phases coexist: viz. ice,
contains a quantity of major contaminations. Said contami brine, dihydrate, liquid Freon, and Freon vapour. It mentions
nations in brine obtained from a natural source comprise inal. that such a eutectic freezing process will make a major con
potassium, bromide, magnesium, calcium, strontium, and tribution to the problem of waste disposal, be it for industrial
Sulphate ions. For many applications, such as in the chemical effluents or brackish waters. However, the feed streams used
transformation industry (e.g. the chlorine and chlorate indus by Stepakoffetal. as well as the described method of eutectic
try), where the used equipment is extremely sensitive, these freezing are not suitable for application in a large-scale pro
contaminations have to be removed to a large extent. duction of sodium chloride.
0004. The most common procedure for dealing with the I0012. The objective of the present invention is to provide a
problems mentioned above is to purify the raw brine before it Sodium chloride production process which can be performed
is fed to the evaporation plant. Typically, however, brine on an industrial scale and which is less energy-consuming
purification does not remove or diminish the contamination of than the conventional evaporation salt production processes,
K and Br. while still resulting in the desired sodium chloride purity.
0005. Furthermore, as a result of brine purification carbon I0013 Surprisingly, it was found that this objective was
dioxide, bicarbonate, and carbonate will be present in the realized by producing sodium chloride via a specific eutectic
purified brine. During evaporative crystallization in conven freeze crystallization process. In more detail, the sodium
tional evaporators (multiple-effect or vapour recompression chloride production process according to the present inven
units, usually operated at elevated temperature) CaSOXHO, tion comprises the steps of
SrCOs, and CaCO scaling can be formed, especially at the 0014 (i) preparing a brine comprising at least 150 g/l of
Surface of the heat exchangers. As a result of this scaling, the Sodium chloride by dissolving a sodium chloride source
production capacity of the salt plant decreases with time, as in water,
does the energy efficiency of the process. After a production 10015 (ii) subjecting the resulting brine to a eutectic
period that is typical for the quantity of contaminations in the freeze crystallization step by indirect cooling of said
aqueous solution and for the set-up of the conventional pro brine resulting in the formation of ice, sodium chloride
cess, the evaporation unit needs to be cleaned, so the avail dihydrate, and a mother liquor, and
ability of the salt plant is also reduced. 0016 (iii) separating the sodium chloride dihydrate
0006. As the current technology needs substantial formed in step (ii) from the ice and optionally mother
amounts of energy and the energy prices have increased sig liquor at the eutectic temperature, such that a sodium
nificantly over time, there is need for a sodium chloride pro chloride dihydrate-rich stream is formed, and
duction process where less energy is used. 0017 (iv) feeding the sodium chloride dihydrate to a
0007 Avram et al. in “Technologies for eutectic freeze recrystallizer to form sodium chloride and a mother
crystallization”, Rev. Chim. Vol. 55 (10), 2004, pp. 769-772 liquor.
disclose eutectic freeze crystallization as a technique to sepa 10018. The process according to the present invention is
rate an aqueous solution into ice and a solidified solution. It is less energy-consuming than the conventional evaporation
mentioned that eutectic freeze crystallization is mainly appli processes. The main reduction in energy comes from the
cable in the treatment of waste water containing inorganic difference in heat of crystallization compared to heat of
salts. evaporation even when multiple use of steam is applied. Fur
0008 Habib and Farid in “Heat transfer and operating thermore, with the present process it is no longer necessary to
conditions for freeze concentration in a liquid-solid fluidized purify the raw brine prior to the crystallization step. More
US 2011/0129409 A1 Jun. 2, 2011

particularly, in conventional production methods where cooled by indirect cooling, resulting in the formation of ice,
sodium chloride is produced from a brine via evaporation of Sodium chloride dihydrate, and a mother liquor.
water, slightly soluble solid waste products like Mg(OH), 0025. A “eutectic mixture' or “eutectic' is defined as a
CaSOXHO, SrCO, and CaCO have to be crystallized mixture of certain components in Such proportions that the
from the raw brine first and subsequently discarded. If this melting point is as low as possible and that, furthermore, these
purification treatment were not performed, the Sodium chlo components will crystallize from Solution simultaneously at
ride produced in the crystallization step by evaporation of this temperature. The temperature and the composition at
water would be severely contaminated with Mg, Ca, and Sr in which crystallization of a eutectic mixture takes place is
Some form. This purification treatment is Superfluous in the called the “eutectic point. A pure aqueous sodium chloride
process according to this invention. After Subjecting an unpu solution has a eutectic point at -21.12° C. and 23.31 wt %
rified raw brine to a crystallization step to produce sodium sodium chloride (Dale W. Kaufmann, Sodium Chloride, The
chloride dihydrate, followed by a recrystallization step, a Production and Properties of Salt and Brine, Hafner Publish
similar or even higher Sodium chloride purity is obtained as ing Company, New York, 1968, p. 547). In this respect refer
compared to the salt purity of sodium chloride that would be ence is also made to FIG.1. It is noted that impurities in brine
obtained from the same brine but using a conventional evapo will influence the temperature and/or the composition at
ration process including said brine purification step. Further which crystallization of a eutectic mixture takes place (also
more, particularly the contamination of K and Br in the final Sometimes denoted as the eutectic point).
sodium chloride product produced via the process of the 0026. By the term “eutectic freeze crystallization” as used
present invention is strongly reduced, since the concentration throughout this description is meant Subjecting a brine to a
of K and Br is not affected by the conventional brine purifi temperature lowering step until the eutectic temperature is
cation processes. Advantages of the new process are therefore reached and ice and sodium chloride dihydrate are formed.
that the produced sodium chloride contains lower K and Br Starting from an unsaturated pure NaCl brine, three compo
levels and that the purge of sludges of Mg(OH), sition areas can be distinguished:
CaSOXHO, SrCO, and CaCO is avoided. 0027 1.0-23.31 wt % of sodium chloride
0019. With the process according to the present invention, 0028 2. 23.31-26.29 wt % of sodium chloride
all impurities present in raw brine can be restored in the 0029. 3. 226.29 wt % of sodium chloride a saturated
caverns, and investment nor maintenance, nor costs of puri sodium chloride solution
fying chemicals, nor manpower for brine purification is 0030 Cooling 0-23.31 wt % of unsaturated brine yields
required. Moreover, as the new eutectic freeze crystallization ice at some temperature between 0°C. and -21.12°C. As pure
process is a low-temperature process, less corrosion is to be water in the form of ice is removed from the system, the
expected and cheaper construction materials can be applied. remaining brine will become more concentrated. Further
0020. The process will now be explained in more detail. In cooling will yield more ice and brine that is more concen
a first step, a brine is prepared by dissolving a sodium chloride trated still. Finally, at -21.12 C., the eutectic point is
Source in waterina dissolver or in a Subterraneous salt deposit reached; besides ice, Sodium dihydrate is formed, and, even
(cavern). tually, the entire brine becomes solid if sufficient heat is
0021. It is noted that the term “sodium chloride source' as withdrawn. Cooling 23.31-26.29 wt % of unsaturated brine
used throughout this document is meant to denominate all salt yields dihydrate at some temperature between 0.10° C. and
sources of which more than 50 wt % is NaCl. Preferably, such -21.12°C. As pure dihydrate (that contains more (-62 wt %)
salt contains more than 75 wt % NaCl. More preferably, the NaCl than the brine) is formed in the system, the remaining
salt contains more than 85 wt % NaCl, while a salt containing brine will become less concentrated. Further cooling will
more than 90 wt % NaCl is most preferred. The salt may be yield more dihydrate and, consequently, the brine becomes
Solar salt (salt obtained by evaporating water from brine using even less concentrated. Finally, at -21.12°C., the eutectic is
solar heat), rock salt, or a subterraneous salt deposit. Prefer reached again; besides Sodium chloride dihydrate, ice is
ably, the salt source is a Subterraneous salt deposit exploited formed, and, eventually, the entire brine becomes solid if
by means of solution mining. sufficient heat is withdrawn.
0022. For the water in the present process, any water Sup 0031 Cooling saturated brine with a sodium chloride con
ply normally used in conventional salt crystallization pro centration greater than or equal to 26.29 wt %, depending on
cesses can be employed, for instance water from Surface the temperature, first yields some anhydrous NaCl (the nor
water sources, groundwater, or potable water. mal salt) and a slightly less concentrated brine until 0.10°C.
0023 The brine prepared in the first step of the process of is reached. At this temperature the anhydrate (NaCl) just
the present invention comprises at least 150 g/l of sodium crystallized will convert to dihydrate. Subsequently, the pro
chloride, preferably at least 200 g/l, more preferably at least cess as described above for cooling a 23.31-26.29 wt %
250 g/l, and even more preferably at least 300 g/l. Most aqueous Sodium chloride Solution will take place. It is noted
preferred is an almost saturated Sodium chloride solution, that the above temperatures are for pure brine. If impurities
which generally comprises approximately 310 g/l of sodium are present in the brine, these temperatures may be slightly
chloride. An almost saturated sodium chloride solution is different.
meant to denote a sodium chloride Solution which can be 0032. Cooling brine according to the present invention
prepared from a saturated Sodium chloride Solution by adding until ice, Sodium chloride dihydrate, and a mother liquor are
just enough water for undesired incrustations on the equip obtained, is effected by indirect cooling. The term “cooling
ment during the process to be avoided. Usually, it is sufficient is meant to denote not only a lowering of the temperature until
to add between 0.5-1.5 wt % of water to a saturated brine the eutectic temperature is reached, but also the withdrawal of
Solution. heat at the eutectic temperature. By the term “indirect cool
0024. In a second step, the thus obtained brine is subjected ing is meant that use is made of cooling means where a
to a eutectic freeze crystallization step where the brine is cooling medium (e.g. one or more refrigerants, such as
US 2011/0129409 A1 Jun. 2, 2011

ammonia, butane, carbon dioxide or Freon, or other cooling 0037 Subsequently, the cooled raw brine may be mixed
media Such as an ethylene glycol/water mixture, a calcium with recycled crystal slurry (i.e. sodium dihydrate and/or ice
chloride/water mixture, a potassium formate/water mixture, crystals) or clear mother liquor obtained from step (ii), typi
Alkyl Substituted Aromatics (e.g. Dowtherm J. ex Dow cally of about -21°C., to control the slurry density and/or the
Chemical Company)) is not in direct contact with the brine. degree of concentration of the mother liquor. The cooled
More specifically, the cooling medium is contained in a brine, optionally comprising sodium dihydrate and/or ice
closed circuit and the brine to be cooled is physically totally crystals, will subsequently be cooled further in a fluidizedbed
separated from the cooling medium by a Solid (e.g. tube) wall. heat exchanger/crystallizer to the eutectic temperature, typi
0033 Indirect cooling is used because in that case con cally about -21°C. (vide infra), while crystallizing sodium
tamination of the produced sodium chloride with traces of the chloride dihydrate (if the initial raw brine contains more
cooling medium is completely prevented. Indirect cooling of Sodium chloride than is present in the eutectic mixture) or ice
the brine is achieved either via an evaporating falling film (i.e. (if the initial raw brine contains less sodium chloride than is
a refrigerant) or via a closed circuit with a cooling medium present in the eutectic mixture). Next, at the eutectic tempera
(i.e. a liquid without phase change at heat exchanging). If ture Sodium chloride dihydrate and ice are simultaneously
indirect cooling is achieved with a cooling medium, said crystallized at a fixed ratio, at a rate wholly determined by the
cooling medium is cooled using a refrigerant. It Subsequently
releases its cold to the brine via a solid wall, and it is recycled amount of heat that can be transferred through the heat
to be cooled again using said refrigerant. exchanger wall. Heat exchange conditions are preferably
0034. When using indirect cooling, ice and/or sodium chosen Such that the slurry density generated by Sodium chlo
dihydrate have a strong tendency to deposit on the heat ride dihydrate and ice does not disturb the correct functioning
exchanging Surfaces. Furthermore, any other components of the fluidized bed heat exchanger/crystallizer.
present in the brine may form incrustations on these Surfaces. 0038. In a step (iii), the sodium chloride dihydrate formed
Said cooling step is therefore preferably performed in a vessel in step (ii) of the process according to the present invention is
equipped with means to prevent Scaling of ice, sodium chlo separated from formed ice and optionally mother liquor at the
ride dihydrate and/or any other components on the heat eutectic temperature (typically about -21°C.), using conven
exchanging Surfaces. For this purpose any conventional ves tional means. Typically a sodium chloride dihydrate-rich
sel known in the art to prevent Scaling can be used. A Suitable stream is thus formed. This separation step takes place during
example is a vessel equipped with a wiper or scraper to keep and/or after the eutectic freeze crystallization step. It is noted
these surfaces sufficiently free of deposits (i.e. a scraped that unlike sodium chloride dihydrate, ice floats in brine.
cooled wall crystallizer). Most preferably, the cooling step is Hence, preferably ice and sodium chloride dihydrate are
performed in a self-cleaning fluidized bed heat exchanger/ separated by any separation method known in the art based on
crystallizer. By the term “self-cleaning fluidized bed heat gravity or centrifugal forces. Typically in Such a separation
exchanger/crystallizer” is meant a vertical shell-and-tube process a dihydrate-rich stream is formed, and preferably also
heat exchanger. In the tubes of the heat exchanger a fluidized an ice-rich stream is formed. By the term “dihydrate-rich
bed of steel particles (in the process stream) is maintained. A stream' is meant a stream containing more than 50 wt % of all
clear advantage of a fluidized bed heat exchanger/crystallizer the Sodium dihydrate present in the stream prior to its being
is that it comprises considerably fewer mechanical parts than Subjected to said separation step. An ice-rich stream contains
a scraped cooled wall crystallizer, thus making it less expen more than 50 wt % of all the ice present in the stream prior to
sive than a scraped cooled wall crystallizer. Especially for separation.
large-scale production this represents a considerable saving
in costs. Further, a fluidized bed heat exchanger/crystallizer 0039 Separation of the formed ice, mother liquor, and
has increased operational reliability compared to scraped sodium chloride dihydrate is preferably performed using one
cooled wall crystallizers. Also, the significantly higher heat or more cyclones, one or more decanters, or one or more
transfer rates routinely obtained in a fluidized bed heat separation vessels in which ice will float to the top and sodium
exchanger compared to conventional heat transfer equipment chloride dihydrate will sink to the bottom, optionally com
lead to Substantial size reduction of the heat transfer equip bined with one or more centrifuges or filters.
ment at a given duty. Also, the start-up and control are com 004.0 Ice formed in the process of the present invention
paratively easy. Said fluidized bed crystallizer may be may be purified. This can be done by any conventional means
equipped with additional means to keep the walls free of but preferably by a wash column in which water (melted ice)
deposits. is used countercurrently as wash liquid. The ice may Subse
0035. The cooling step is preferably carried out at a pres quently be melted. Preferably, a part is recycled as wash
sure of at least 0.3 bar, preferably at least 0.5 bar, and most liquid to the wash column. The cold generated by the melting
preferably at least 0.7 bar. Preferably, the pressure is not step can be used to precool fresh raw brine and/or refrigerants.
higher than 7 bar and more preferably not higher than 5 bar. 0041 An additional energy saving option is not to separate
Most preferably, the process is carried out at atmospheric the ice from the mother liquor. By melting the ice in the
pressure only increased with static pressure and dynamic mother liquor at Sub-Zero temperatures, the cold generated
pressure imposed by a circulation pump. can be used to cool fresh raw brine and/or to condensate
0036. In one embodiment of the present invention, a first refrigerants to/at Sub-Zero temperatures.
cooling step of the raw brine to about 0°C. is performed in a 0042. The sodium chloride dihydrate-rich stream obtained
conventional way. More particularly, cooling to about 0°C. by separation of the mixture resulting from eutectic freeze
can be performed in a fluidized bed heat exchanger/crystal crystallization step (ii), comprising ice, Sodium chloride
lizer, but it is more preferred to perform this step in a conven dihydrate, and mother liquor, may be purified before it is
tional heat exchanger Such as a shell-and-tube heat exchanger subjected to recrystallization step (iv). It may be purified by
or a plate heat exchanger. any conventional means, but preferably it is purified using a
US 2011/0129409 A1 Jun. 2, 2011

wash column in which, preferably, mother liquor obtained solid NaSO.1OHO, hereinafter also denoted as Glauber
from the recrystallization step is used countercurrently as salt, will beformed. The solubility of Glauber salt diminishes
wash liquid. rapidly with decreasing temperature. As a result, at the eutec
0043. In a next step optionally purified sodium chloride tic, Glauber salt will have crystallized out of the solution, just
dihydrate is fed to a recrystallizer to form sodium chloride like sodium chloride dihydrate. Hence, if more than 0.08 wit
and mother liquor (step (iv) of the present process). Prefer % of sulphate ions are present in the brine prepared by dis
ably, the recrystallization conditions are chosen Such that the Solving a sodium chloride Solution in water Such that the
standard particle size distribution of standard unsieved concentration of NaCl is at least 150 g/l, said brine is prefer
vacuum salt is produced (i.e. the crystals have such a particle ably cooled to a temperature between 0 and -15° C. prior to
size distribution that they will be retained on a sieve of about the eutectic freeze crystallization step. This cooling step will
100 um but will pass a sieve of 1,000 um). Limited agitation result in the formation of Glauber salt, some ice or some
and small temperature differences with respect to the transi sodium chloride dihydrate, and a mother liquor. Any Glauber
tion of sodium chloride dihydrate to sodium chloride (0.1° C.) salt and other solids that have precipitated with these treat
will produce the desired particle size distribution. Preferably, ments are preferably removed from the brine by a conven
recrystallization is executed in plug flow to have the recrys tional Solid/liquid separation step. Such as filtration or, more
tallization completely finished at the exit of the recrystalliza preferably, using a hydrocyclone. Subsequently, the resulting
tion section. brine is subjected to the eutectic freeze crystallization step by
0044 Plug flow may also be mimicked by a number of indirect cooling of said brine, resulting in the formation of ice,
recrystallizers in series, e.g. continuous mixed-Suspension, Sodium chloride dihydrate, and a mother liquor, and the
mixed-product removal (CMSMPR) recrystallizers. More sodium chloride dihydrate is fed to a recrystallizer to form
preferred is a combination of a wash column and a crystallizer sodium chloride and a mother liquor as described above. This
in one wash/recrystallization step. The salt resulting from the additional process step is even more preferred if more than
recrystallization is separated from the mother liquor by any 0.82 wt % of sulphate ions are present in the brine prepared in
conventional means, preferably hydrocyclones and centri step (i), and is most preferred if more than 1.2 wt % of
fuges, and optionally processed further. As mentioned, the Sulphate ions are present in the brine prepared in step (i) of the
mother liquor may subsequently be partly recycled as wash present process.
liquid to the wash column. 0047. The process according to the present invention is
further illustrated by the following examples.
0045. In the preferred embodiment where brine is pre
pared by dissolving a sodium chloride source in water in a EXAMPLE 1.
subterraneous salt deposit (cavern), mother liquor obtained in
the cooling step and/or mother liquor obtained in the recrys 0048. In a stirred jacketed glass vessel, about 1,800 g of a
tallization step of the sodium chloride dihydrate are recycled 25 wt % NaCl solution (i.e. a NaCl solution containing 300 g
at least in part to the first step, i.e. to the step where raw brine of NaCl per liter, prepared by dissolving salt of pharma grade
is prepared by dissolving a salt source in water. Preferably, in demineralized water at ambient temperature) were cooled
either at least 50% of the mother liquor obtained in the cool down to -20°C. The solution was indirectly cooled via a
ing step, more preferably, at least 75% of this mother liquor, coolant (Syltherm 800, i.e. dimethyl polysiloxane) through
is recycled to the first step, or at least 50% of the mother liquor the jacket of the glass vessel. During the cooling down
obtained in the recrystallization step of the sodium chloride sodium chloride dihydrate crystallized. The thus formed crys
dihydrate, more preferably, at least 75% of this mother liquor, tal slurry was cooled down further to -21.8° C., which is
is recycled to the first step. Even more preferably, at least slightly below the eutectic temperature (-21.3°C.) of a pure
50%, and most preferably, at least 75% of both the mother aqueous Sodium chloride solution. Subsequently ice started
liquor obtained in the cooling step and the mother liquor to crystallize and the temperature rapidly increased to the
obtained in the recrystallization step is recycled to the first eutectic temperature. At this constant temperature, heat was
step. Total recycling of both the mother liquor from the cool extracted and both ice and sodium chloride dihydrate were
ing step and the mother liquor from the recrystallization to the formed.
subterraneous salt deposit will return all impurities to their 0049. After 15 minutes, the stirring element was switched
origin without discharge to the environment. Of course, as a off. A separation step was executed at the eutectic point. Due
consequence the quality of the raw brine will be substantially to gravity the process slurry separated into three phases:
worse than without Such recycle. Surprisingly, however, it sodium chloride dihydrate on the bottom of the vessel and ice
was found that the quality of said raw brine remains sufficient floating in Saturated brine.
to produce high-quality salt, as the crystallization of sodium 0050. In the same experiment, before switching off the
chloride dihydrate functions as an additional and sufficient stirring element, a homogeneous sample of the process slurry
purification step. This is in contrast to the present evaporation was separated into the above-mentioned three phases as fol
processes where, for quality reasons, recycling of mother lows. The sample was subjected to a centrifuge treatment
liquors to raw brine production caverns is avoided as much as using a laboratory centrifuge (type: Hermle Z300) (tubes
possible to keep the impurity concentrations in raw brine at without filtrate discharge) at 2,700 rpm for about 10 seconds.
the lowest possible concentration. This operation resulted in fast and clear-cut separation of
0046 Contaminations in raw aqueous sodium chloride Sodium dihydrate and ice crystals.
Solutions prepared from a natural source almost always
include Sulphate ions. The presence of sulphate ions may have EXAMPLE 2
an adverse effect on the eutectic freeze crystallization step or
on the recrystallization step. Therefore, it is preferred that if 0051. In order to be able to estimate the purity of sodium
more than 0.08 wt % of sulphate ions are present in the brine chloride produced from raw brine via the novel sodium chlo
prepared by dissolving a sodium chloride source in water, ride production process, distribution ratios of impurities
measures are taken to avoid sodium chloride with a too high present in raw brine (source: Hengelo, The Netherlands) were
Sulphate concentration being produced. More particularly, determined for the sodium chloride dihydrate formation (step
when cooling a brine comprising Sulphate ions, eventually ii) and for the sodium chloride formation (step iv). The
US 2011/0129409 A1 Jun. 2, 2011

amounts of calcium, magnesium, strontium, and bromide 0056. These distribution ratios show that a purification
present in the raw brine are shown in Table 1. treatment of the raw brine is superfluous. After subjecting the
0052 Distribution ratios of impurities for the sodium unpurified raw brine to a crystallization step to produce
chloride dihydrate formation (step ii) were determined sodium chloride dihydrate, followed by a recrystallization
according to the following procedure. A jar with raw brine step, Sodium chloride with high purity is obtained.
was cooled down in a freezer to a temperature of -21°C. The 1. A process for producing sodium chloride comprising the
sodium chloride dihydrate crystals formed were separated steps of
from the mother liquor by filtration at a temperature of -21 (i) preparing a brine comprising at least 150 g/l of sodium
C. Subsequently the sodium chloride dihydrate crystals were chloride by dissolving a sodium chloride source in
washed amply with demineralized water of 0° C. Wash water (ii) Subjecting the resulting brine to a eutectic freeze crys
was collected separately from mother liquor. Finally, part of tallization step by indirect cooling of said brine, result
the sodium chloride dihydrate crystals were dissolved in ing in the formation of ice, sodium chloride dihydrate,
demineralized water. The mass and the composition of rel and a mother liquor,
evant phases were determined accurately to check the mass (iii) separating the Sodium chloride dihydrate formed in
balance and to calculate distribution ratios. step (ii) from the ice at the eutectic temperature. Such
0053. The distribution ratios of Ca, Mg, Sr. and Br were that a sodium chloride dihydrate-rich stream is formed,
determined according to this procedure (unit: mg of compo and
nentxper kg Sodium chloride dihydrate crystal/mg of compo (iv) feeding said sodium chloride dihydrate-rich stream to
nentxper kg mother liquor). Ca, Mg and Sr were determined a recrystallizer to form sodium chloride and a mother
via Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP), while Br was deter liquor.
mined via Ion Chromatography (IC). 2. The process according to claim 1 wherein the brine
prepared in step (i) has a NaCl concentration of at least 300
TABLE 1. g/l.
3. The process according to claim 1 wherein mother liquor
Raw Brine Mother Liquor Crystal Distribution ratio obtained in step (ii) and step (iv) is recycled to step (i).
Component (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (—) 4. The process according to claim 1 wherein step (ii) is
Ca 1,254 1,330 41.7 O.O31 carried out in a fluidized bed heat exchanger/crystallizer.
Mg 39.4 42.O 140 O.O33 5. The process according to claim 1 wherein step (iii) takes
Sir 16.3 17.1 O.S6 O.O33 place during the eutectic freeze crystallization step.
Br 16.O 15.6 5.35 O.343
6. The process according to claim 1 wherein in step (iii) the
ice, sodium dihydrate, and mother liquor are separated so that
0054 Distribution ratios of impurities for the sodium a dihydrate-rich stream and an ice-rich stream are formed.
chloride formation (step iv) were determined according to the 7. The process according to claim 6 wherein the ice in the
following procedure. Water was evaporated from raw brine at ice-rich stream is separated from the mother liquor, washed,
30° C. and reduced pressure until a concentration factor of 1.3 melted, and at least in part used as wash liquid.
was reached. The sodium chloride crystals formed were sepa 8. The process according to claim 6 wherein the ice in the
rated from the mother liquor by filtration at ambient tempera ice-rich stream is not separated from the mother liquor but
ture. Sodium chloride crystals were washed amply with a melted at Sub-Zero temperatures, and the cold generated is
saturated, ultra-pure Sodium chloride Solution (i.e. pharma used to cool the brine prepared in step (i) and/or to condensate
grade sodium chloride dissolved in demineralized water) to refrigerants to/at Sub-Zero temperatures.
prevent crystals from dissolving. This solution was collected 9. The process according to claim 1 wherein brine prepared
separately from mother liquor. The mass and the composition in step (i) is cooled to a temperature of between 0° C. and -15°
of relevant phases were determined accurately to check the C. and Subsequently subjected to a separation step to remove
mass balance and to calculate distribution ratios. any crystallized Glauber salt prior to step (ii).
0055 According to this procedure, the following distribu 10. The process according to claim 1 wherein the sodium
tion ratios were determined via ICP (unit: mg of componentx chloride dihydrate formed in step (ii) is separated from the ice
per kg Sodium chloride crystal/mg of componentxper kg and mother liquor.
mother liquor): 11. The process according to claim 1 wherein mother
liquor obtained in step (ii) is recycled to step (i).
12. The process according to claim 1 wherein mother
liquor obtained in step (iv) is recycled to step (i).
Raw Brine Mother Liquor Crystal Distribution ratio 13. The process according to claim 1 wherein step (iii)
Component (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (—) takes place during and after the eutectic freeze crystallization
Ca 1,149 1,555 18.0 O.O116
Mg 61.2 80.2 O.60 0.0075 14. The process according to claim 1 wherein step (iii)
Sir 16.3 21.3 O.25 O.O117 takes place after the eutectic freeze crystallization step.
c c c c c

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